LTC 229-2020 Florida Department of Transportation I-395 Signature Bridge Project StatusMIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF TBr 0.......-- 229-2020 NO. LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members ommission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: June 29, 2020 SUBJECT: F L O R ID A D E P A R T M E N T O F TRA N S P O R TA TI O N 1-3 95 SI G N A T U R E B R ID G E P R O JE C T S TA T U S The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to transmit the attached presentation from the Florida Department of Transportation on the current status of the 1-395 Signature Bridge project. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Attachment JL M /A T H /JR G /JFD AIRE2 ,«r3., 4 - .. ·..:. This PowerPoint presentation was prepared by the Florida Department of Transportation {FOOT} staff and has been made available to the public as part of public records access. Any dissemination of this presentation by anyone or entity other than FOOT staff is not official. Any questions can be sent to FDOT- D6PIO@dot.state.f/.us. This presentation may not be altered. HERE± z3 @e UPCOMING & ONGOING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES • Ongoing nighttime closure on 1-95 from NW 8 Street to NW 29 Street for concrete replacement activities • Concrete replacement ongoing on the northbound lanes • Saw cutting of existing pavement ongoing in the southbound lanes •·_18 ·,.>. ~;·,. ;;¡.-1'l.,,- =r i±,e -T..'i /Me - vyi g""e :" u:j .al e es .e I - • = z = a me '. • • • . •' -, e t 7 , >'7 _g_..e.] 1~-- ... ~- ·.-l. ~ ;~ . s ).,,.,..._ ..,,,. C,,º<:~-=. ...... 1- I I e r- ·: . e ' . == li ■,:· -"' .. I I FI . L • COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 3 ,M4,%3$9£.¿$'9i201s$53.8, uf ? s%'&,5,$@1,," ALI1ta E (O) ONGOING LANE / CLOSURES +--t ••••• I •••• THREE MONTH LOOK AHEAD ANTICIPATED LANE CLOSURES ON THE I-95 CORRIDOR: • Nighttime lane/ramp closure along 1-95 between NW 8 Street and NW 29 Street • Closure hours have been adjusted based on current traffic conditions from 6:30 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 4 Lu2 E o? I LLI . " .O o- a-. coo l 0:= 5a , " Luo o 2 o n I LLI • Ò >- k- w » M' ◄LL << u n w - o' z? . O0 0 <4 zz 0o $ - l- o2 z - 0 5E- On 0z 6.O 0 UPCOMING & ONGOING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES • Demolition of median area on SR 836 is ongoing and continues moving to the west • Auger Cast Pile operations are scheduled to begin in July for the foundations that will support the new double decked section of SR 836 · e ~ t:· ~.., 2 9 à 'g i_ y if 5zj i e , - e l' £ , I il· ' · .s t l s z es i a ·[ t lia'; I # #% e , i I @ 8 COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 6 g (O) ONGOING LAN E Ff,: THREE MONTH LOOK / cLosuREs [:::; AHEAD ANTICIPATED LANE CLOSURES ON SR 836 CORRIDOR: • Single and double lane/ramp closures along eastbound and westbound SR 836 • Arterial roads under SR 836 • Closure hours have been adjusted based on current traffic conditions from 8 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. • Single daytime lane closures on westbound SR 836 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 7 is UPCOMING & ONGOING @EU coNsrucno Acres • Ongoing sheet pile installation for signature bridge arch # 4 foundation t • Construction of the center signature bridge foundations (O ngoing) ~-- 3 > Ma , ... í\'-' .--·- ~\ r.va.dà! ,,_ .e E ah he- Me-- l a 4 te COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 8 n w - o! z - I- O0 0 <4 2z O6 si; o 2 z2 - 0 i- On 0z 6.O 0 D ..e t- o e 0 e ·- º 0 e o c o ..... O =, • l (/) e o O o E 0 5 09 - I O - ö 5 KHARE EIE is»e UPCOMING & ON GOING EU covsrRucno AcrwmEes Erection of bridge segments west of NE 2 Aven ue a n d nort h of 1-395 is sc he du led to beg in Ju ne 18 t .-~·:· · Mat. . -.-- '.4 "4o' ±±7 2 % =s: - <st ··tedt" Z EE ~:~\ .. RR, fil.T ·, # a» {ll<aes Le L' o ,E [ hl _EiE gs@## tg %! ...{_ hi@2 - T [!-.se' ' l ti f' mg'y. -- w e? $,- 5 I-j; i 7 43$. -} - - ----.,.._.,_.:·'. / t ,,,.,..., 1,11t-._~t" ':.îL ~•t:'- . "" 1 :- 1 1 -. t.'l _ _.~-;:,'\ ··•1 • -· -·-~-:-r, 'fl ., - - -- . .:., - - - - --- . - .... L =s 4»Me ~--_ ·--·- i#e B ridg e se gm ents for 1-395 weigh between 50 a nd 93 to n s eac h Installing falsework for segment erection COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 10 gg= UPCOMING & ONGOING E@ coksrucro AcTimes IgE 1//,,p2e. E i q /~ l. ¡11~ii{::"i.{/~f t. KI „cdii$ i, ls g@±$$ ngggL. I WEE±e ±, {' ly ·9he.' Q ,_; .. ,, I , ... ·.~::., 9; % nt l 9/ I ". 180i „2% k.' (}>-:, ~·. t~;::._.·:::f .. " : ·, /!""•.,"-• ,; ~ ' f&gs.$,, #ld E. 'Jg¡Jg i ü.aj : E.+3. 'g g) gr" ¡ .,if t_ ---- - \~\ L~: l {l li li/ le!!"Lill iji " H j aj -} e #l #'à,"s] l '_.e i "1 E'u· 1 a-. JE, ]s RJ #EiEel-ii it4 ? • e %$, · 7 - -. !" A C P C o m p le te d : 33 5 /1 9 4 8 • 1-395 Segmental ACP - 320/857 • 1-395 Signature ACP - 102/520 • SR 836 Viaduct ACP - 0/571 • m..q 7%$, « .ts COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 11 EIER is±e UPCOMING & ONGOING EU»' co»vsrR ucnoN Acrvr es gse wtoreo « -,,, r • "- -~,' à9g ±J : .2""ka.ahM »». P?& ç 1 l 3. ,.._. z± ■Traffic shift on Biscayne Boulevard from NE 13 Street to NE 11 Terra ce. There will be three NB Lanes (two through lanes and one left turn lane onto NE 13 Street) and three SB Lanes (two through lanes and one left turn lane onto EB MacArthur Causeway). ■Close Bayshore loop ram p to EB MacArthur Causeway (August 2020) COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 12 #H IRE or) ,bx @ (Ô) ONGOING LANE / CL O SURE S ■■• • ••••• ••••• • • ■• THREE MONTH LOOK AHEAD A NT IC IPAT ED NIGHTTIME LANE CLOSURES ON 1-395 CORRIDOR: • Lane closures along eastbound and westbound 1-395 • Lane closures along Biscayne Boulevard and other arterial roadways adjacent to 1-395 • 1-395 to 1-95 ramp closures • Closure hours have been adjusted based on current traffic conditions from 8 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 13 EEIRER or) ,bx COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROJECT WEBSITE • www.i-395miami.com • Sign-up for project alerts/updates Lane closure information Upcoming construction activities Presentations Dei«an da ore e 9 • Calendar of events OUTREACH OFFICE IN THE OVERTOWN COMMUNITY • 1035 NW 3 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33136 (CLOSED AT THIS TIME) ~ jí\,,çoNec ruwG [\/ \MIAMI I STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS • Stakeholder meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, June 24 at 9 a.m. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 14 IEEIEA ,3$f33%9231/8%%,9,2129%838%% ri'if@$4il 3¿e,E: g FD i] y,ríy 'ph') "4L i i ll gr ag$ '' ,4,fa 2%.9 4ts3# THANK YOU! www.i-395miami.com 8 Contact: Oscar Gonzalez 7 86-280-0983 [] 0Gonzalez@mrgmiami.com COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 15