LTC 227-2020 South Of Fifth Neighborhood Identification Signstv\iAMI B ACH OF FI CE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager June 29, 2020 LETTE R TO COMMI SSI ON SUBJECT: SOUTH OF FIFTH NEIGHBORHOOD IDENTIFICATION SIGNS The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the status of the project which includes the installation of two (2) new neighborhood identification signs within the medians just south of 5th Street, at Alton Road and Washington Avenue, at the entrance of the South of Fifth Neighborhood. The project includes the fabrication of two masonry signs with travertine cladding and brushed stainless steel lettering (Attachment A). Each sign will be fitted with LED lights. The scope of work also includes the removal and restoration of existing landscaping to accommodate the installation of the signs. At the Alton Road sign, a directional bore will be conducted from the proposed sign location, south on Alton Road, terminating at 4th street, in order to provide the electrical power for the lighting. The contract with Team Contracting, Inc. was executed on October 17, 2019 for the construction and installation of the signs. All necessary permits for construction have been obtained. The assembly of the signage started on March 6th , 2020 at an offsite location. The mobilization to deliver the signs to the sites, and commence their installation is scheduled to begin in early July 2020. Intermittent partial lane closures adjacent to the sign locations on Alton Road and Washington Avenue, will take place during the delivery and installation of the signs. The contractor will have a Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plan in place during the process (Attachment B). Installation is scheduled to take approximately two weeks, achieving Substantial Completion in mid to late July 2020. The project has been approved and coordinated with the South of Fifth Neighborhood Association. Should you have any questions, please contact David Martinez at 305-673-7071. Attachments: Attachment A -Signs Attachment b-Maintenance of Traffic plan JLM/AH/DM 227-2020 ,• ,. STONE VENEER TRAVERTINE SOLID SLAB TUSCANY STANDARD HONED-FILLED SLAB SIZE: 110 IN. X 51 IN. (3 SLABS NEEDED) SLAB THICKNESS: 0.78 IN. LETTERING : 316 STAINLESS STEEL LETTERS POLISHED (SEE LETTERING DETA IL S) MIAMI BEACH NEIGHBORHOOD SOUTH OF FIFTH NEIGHBORHOOD SlGNAGE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH SIGN MATERIALS 1IIICON¥[NIIONC0!UOll!Y[,OIIA!OllUCllfllllll AOVCOLEY II CHNGCl1VENCINEEA lUISSOTO PE. 7 so l-l~F ~\ l=l -l-4·,\ I 1El<3l H P· \ \ \ ATTACHMENT A Fd•N ■mt ,,n,aa_SIC,,'AG[ s~r••v Rt!tr.,.,c, Fot108000 .JL., P191 ~ w ... oc,aer -.lili1- APP'08Y 0.i1 Date: 01-22-2020 Author: E. Lugo Location: Miam i Beach, FL. Customer: Edison Power Designer: T. Howard A.II IVlc::>T s h all co,n~c:>rm with the IVIUTC:.C> & FDC>I Stanc:larc:ls lnc:lecx: 613 Proposed Start Dato: February 3, 2019 Proposed End Dato: February 21 , 2019 Proposed Start Timo(s): 9:00AM-4:00PM Legend A Cone 18;81 workArea -ADA PEIJESTRLIN BARRICADE * Flagger ATTACHMENT B: MOT Tabl e I D evice S o aclna :JO !u ◄s .?!:, I 50 •v I 1,CJ !,Q io 10 9vffer (n,ph l /Ga <.n.:,cc-.:,nrl ~e.!:..._.~ ,.. ... ,,or I..UltUlfl (I .I' L•t•r•I .,,,,.,..,,,,,,.., 6C.O SPEED LIMIT 30 MPH O I S TAN <:;_E SET'tt.JI,!-N S I G N S !,v•c.,,r,, f/1.J ,, C NOTES · THIS M .O.T IS BASED ON THE MUTCD & THE FLORID DA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROADVVAY & DESIGN STANDARDS. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE SET & PLACED BY PERSONS CERTIFIED IN TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE PLACEMENT AND PLANNING. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MAY NEED TO BE ADJUSTED TO FIT FIELD CONDITIONS. COMMENTS. Typo of' Road. Artorlol Traffic Volume. M odoroto t o Hoovy SCOPE O F VVORK : -MAINTANANCE OF FACILITIES Tnts eemn cs. 1ha1 Theodo,.• A _ ._.&w..,.ct J r 0•'9 ~IOI .. &.: OTl7 I 0023 C• .. 11-• • ~3777 ,,_.,. _ _, "TlonG.lf"P' o,..,_.._, .. DOT --e ■2.- All algntio & dovicor. aha ll bo placed In aeeordonco with tho lotolliot provlslontio 01' FDOT Doslgn Sto ndords Index 600 ond or tho Manual on Unlt'orn, Traffic Control Dovieos (MUTCD) with ro.spoct to any appllcablo provluionu t'rom tho City of Miami Boa ch. FL. Acco.s.s to ro.sidontiol and commorcio l drlvowoys to bo maintolnod at all timos. 11' it is not possiblo to mointa,in occos&. thon closures sha ll bo coordinated with the property ownor ond or usor. Sign placement is approximate and n,oy bo adju s ted to occornn,odato t'iold conditions. PLAN S ARE NOT TO SCALE. Date: O 1-22-2020 Author: E. Lugo Location: Miami Beach, FL. Customer: Edison Power Designer: T. Howard All IVIC>T shall conform vvith the rv'IUTCD & FDC>T Standards Index: 613 Proposed Start Date: February 3, 2019 Proposed End Date: February 21 , 2019 Proposed Start Time(s): 9:00AM-4:00PM Legend A Cone ~WorkArea -I.DAPEDESTR~N BARP.~ADE 'ft' F lagger z Ta b le I Device S o acino t,f,l )t Dl~l,lft(e 8elwef'n Dw!Ct"S t fr.J Sp.o"d Cones Gr fy,x: I QI ryp.: fl (,npnJ TuOulM M d tk~ff R;r,rr,'r-:id•r or V•rt1r;,I t>a~i s or u rurns T.111or T.1nno11t T~nor T;:1nn11nr lj l5 I ID }\ I 50 10 ltJ d'i 7 ' SD ,v ' >O 10 IIJ .,, I ,u ,u I 100 T a ble {{ Buf1 er Space and Ta p er L e nqtll 70 ,.,., -r.,,,~, '-"'''"''' ,,,,.. l tttrrlW r, ,.••~•l oon} ,,,, 600 7 80 SPEED LIMIT 30 MPH D I S TANCE B ETWEE N S I G N S ~a m(Jfl 'iOO 500 :,oo ••,i;. .,1pt, tor Qr-t:".'ltt>r ~f'i./0 I 16.fO l 1000 NOTES: TH IS M.O.T IS BASED ON THE MUTCD & THE FLORIDDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROADWAY & DESIGN STANDARDS . ALL TRAFFIC CONTRO L DEVICES MUST BE SET & PLACED BY PERSONS CERTIFIED IN TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE PLACEMENT AND PLANNING. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MAY NEED TO BE ADJUSTED TO FIT FIELD CONDITIONS. COMM E NTS: Type of Road: Arterial Traffic Volume: Moderate to Heavy www.invarion.com SCOPE OF WORK: -MAINTANANCE OF FACILITI ES Th6e Ce.<ti ne& l t'Mllt Theodor• R.. HOw-d Jrr M-C::IQ,n'lp-• J:10...,._ °"fl..,_...,, -T •An&.~Oft App,.-nv- T .,...-•? Tr"""'"c Co•-• 1-rrc1 _.,_""'_ {_,.__r, c;:...,,,.. •. Dttte £.,....i-. 07121'2023 Con .HW...i. • ~ffT .... ,,.-..:or Tllf>w.M~ OQ.,.:wiot)Qf'I l"()01",P,oo-,,toci,, .. 22• All signs & devices shall be placed in accordance with the l atest provisions of FOOT Design Standards Index 600 and or the Manual on Uniform Traffic Contro l Devices (MUTCD) with respect to any applicable provisions from the City of Miami Beach, FL. Acce ss to residential and con,mercial drive ways to be maintained at a ll times. If it is not possi ble to maintain access, then c l osures sha ll b e coordinated with the property owner and o r user. Sign placement is approximate and may be adjusted to accommodate field conditions. PLANS ARE NOT TO SCALE.