LTC 261-2020 FIRST STREET PROJECT - DAYTIME PARKING UTILIZATION STUDYMIAM1BE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 261-2020 NO. LTC # LEWTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City 'ommission I FROM : Jimmy L. M or al e s, City Manager _- DATE: July 20, 2020 SUBJECT; FI R ST ST REET PR OJE C T - "D A YTIME " PARK I NG UTI LIZ ATION STUD Y This Letter to Commission (LTC) serves to provide the results of the First Street parking utilization study. On June 24, 2020, the Mayor and Commission held a discussion regarding Item No. R7J, regarding the First Street Project. As a result, the City Commission, among other directives, gave direction to the Administration to conduct a "daytime" parking utilization study (attached) to complemen t the nighttime utilization study that was conducted early this year. The following is a summary of the study. Study parameters: • The parking utilization (daytime) study took place over a ten (10) day period from Thursday, July 2, 2020 to Friday, July 10, 2020; and on Saturday, July 18, 2020. This included the "Fourth of July" holiday weekend. Please note that the data collection on Saturday, July 11, 2020, was missed and it was taken on Saturday, July 18, 2020. o The study area was 1°Street between Alton Road and Washington Avenue. Both nor th (re sid enti al) and south sides (metered/pay to park) were surveyed. • Data collection points were at 9:004M; 12 Noon; and 3:00 PM. Findings: • Overall parking utilization was 51%. o Parking utilization on the north side (residential) was 56%. • Parking utilization on the south side (metered/pay to park) was 44%. In conclusion, the results of the daytime parking utilization were comparable to the nighttime study (58%) conducted early this year. However, it must be noted that data collection was conducted during the midst of the COVID-19 (Corona virus) pandemic. The following conditions are footnoted: o Parking enforcement has been very lenient. • Municipal Parking Lot No. P1 (South Pointe Park) is closed. • Municipal Parking Lot No. P2 (Nikki Beach) is closed. Beaches closed from July 3' to July 7h o Restaurant dine-in proh ibited. July 20, 2020 Letter to Commission First Street Project- "Daytime" Parking Utilization Study Page 2 If you should have any questions, please contact Saul Frances, Parking Director via email at saulfrances@miamibeachfl.gov or at 305.673.7000, extension 6483. c: Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager Alina Hudak, Assistant City Manager Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager Marcia Monserrat, Chief of Staff/Office of the City Manager Roy Coley, Public Works Director David Martinez, CIP Director Jose Gonzalez, Transportation Director Saul Frances, Parking Director JLM/EC/AH/SF 700 BLOCK 16 900 BLOCK OF 1" STREET PARKING OCCUPANCY SURVEY RESIDENT SIDE METERED SIDE North (South) TOT AL # Spaces 38 25 63 Average Occupancy 56% 44% 51% 7/02/2020 -THU TOT AL 1 si - (9:00am) 14 15 29 2nd - (12:.00m) 15 13 28 3rd -(3.00m ] 15 13 28 44 39 % 4 l 55% 85 45% 7/03/2020 -FRI 1 si - (9:0 0a m ) 19 5 24 2nd - (12.0 0m) 24 Il 35 3rd -[3.0 0om ] 28 I4 42 71 62% 30 40% 10 1 53% 7/04/20 20 -S A T I si - (9:0 0a m ) 13 3 16 2nd - (12:0 0m) 18 13 31 3d -[3.0 0m ] 12 13 25 43 38% 29 39% 72 38% 7/05/2020 -S UN I si - (9:00a m ) 10 2 12 2nd - (12.0 0m) 15 15 30 3rd - [3_0 0m l 15 17 32 40 35% 34 45% 74 39% 7/06/20 20 -M ON I st -(9.0 0a m) 22 9 31 2 d - (12.0 0pm ) 23 9 32 3rd -[3-.0 0pm ) 25 12 37 70 61% 30 40% 100 53% 7/07/2020 - TUE 1st - (9:0 0a m ) 26 13 39 2nd - (12.0 0m) 34 14 48 38 - [3_0 0m ] 37 15 52 97 85% 42 56 % 13 9 74% 7/08/20 20 - W ED 1 si - (9:00a m ) 25 10 35 2nd - (12.00m) 36 15 51 3rd - [3.0 0pm ] 34 13 47 95 83% 38 51% 13 3 70% 7/09/2020 -TH U I si - (9:0 0a m ) 16 5 21 2n d - (12.0 0pm ) 25 9 34 3rd - (3.00pm ) 29 17 46 70 61% 31 4 1% 10 1 53% 7/10 /20 20 -FRI lst -(9.0 0am) 17 7 24 2nd -(12.0 0m) 25 9 34 3rd -[3.0 0pm ] 28 17 45 70 61% 33 44% 10 3 54% 7/18/20 20 -S A T I si - (9:00a m ) 13 5 18 2nd- (12.00pm ) 10 7 17 3d -(3.0 0pm ] 13 8 21 36 32% 20 27% 56 30% The follow ing conditions, m ost of w hich ar e related lo the pandem ic, should be noted: • Par ki ng enforcem ent has been very lenient. • M unicipal Pa rking Lol N o. Pl (South Pointe Par k) is closed. • M unicipa l Parking Lol N o. P2 (N ikki Beach) is closed. • Bea ches cl osed fro m July 3rd lo Jul y 74h . • Restaurant dine-in prohibited since July 8th. • The tenth da y of da ta collection w as m issed on Saturda y, July I It h and w a s taken on Saturda y, July 18t h. • 63 of 64 spaces surv eyed - l spa ce (800 bl ock residentia l side) no par king dum pster access