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LTC 263-2020 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 10
G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 10 July 21, 2020 Page 2 of 7 Approximately $25.4 million dollars have been expended and another $18.8 million are encumbered for a total of $44.2 million. Chart 2 below shows the full breakdown of the expenditures broken down by Category. Chart 2 Tranche 1 Progress Most of the 38 projects in Tranche 1 have different components which are considered distinct projects or “subprojects” that are tracked separately and have separate budgets, procurement, and implementation schedules. The Tranche 1 Subproject Activity Summary of the Progress Report summarizes the subproject activity into Status, Category and Funding amount. This information is distributed monthly to the Committee and presented at every G.O. Bond Committee meeting. Subproject Tracking Summary by Phase The tracking summary indicates that 28 (39%) of the 71 total Tranche 1 subprojects have been completed, 8 (11%) are under construction, 11 (15%) are in a design phase, 19 (27%) are in a planning phase, and 5 (7%) are pending to become active. Chart 3 shows the status of all subprojects broken down by Phase and Category. G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 10 July 21, 2020 Page 3 of 7 Chart 3 The expenditures summary indicates that the 28 completed subprojects equate to $16.7 million of the budget (11%), $29.4 million (20%) equate to subprojects under construction, $53.2 million (35%) equate to subprojects that are in the design phase, $28.7 million (19%) equate to subprojects that are in the planning phase, and a total equating to $23 million (15%) are for subprojects which are pending to become active. The total funding expenditures for each of the sub-project categories is indicated on Chart 4 below. For a full breakdown, by project, refer to Exhibit B. Chart 4 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 10 July 21, 2020 Page 4 of 7 Project Savings Also presented at the July meeting was a projection of the total amount of savings which will be realized over the next 30-day period on projects which have been completed. Chart 5 below summarizes the savings. A total of almost $3 million will be saved in total for 28 completed subprojects with total budgets of $16.7 million. This depicts a current savings of approximately 18% of the budget so far. A total of $2 million have been saved in the Parks category and $955K have been saved in the Public Safety category. For a full breakdown of all savings by project, refer to Exhibit B1 attached. Chart 5 Also presented every month is the Program General Status chart, attached as Exhibit B2, which compares the status of projects from the previous month to the current month. The chart indicates the monthly variances of all projects and subprojects and goes back to October 2019. “Quick Wins” A total of 37 subprojects are being tracked as part of the original 20 quick win projects listed below. Of those, 32 are Completed and or Closed out. A total of 4 public safety projects are remaining and are targeted for completion by October. The Middle Beach Beachwalk will be completed in early 2021. All Quick Win projects remain on or below budget. The overall status is summarized in Schedule 1 below: Schedule 1 Quick Win Projects Status as of July 16, 2020 Item No. GOB Project No. / Name Pre- Planning Design/ Permitting Procurement Construction or Execution Completed / Closeout 1 #24 Mid Beach Beachwalk1 X 2 #32 Palm & Hibiscus X 3 #33 Street Tree Plan X 4 #17 Polo Park X 5 #52 LED Lighting in Parks X 6 #2 Collins Park X 7 #3 Crespi Park X 8 #21 Stillwater Park X 9 #47 License Plate Readers2 X X 10 #57 Cameras in Ent. District2 X 11 #49 P. Safety Radio System2 X 12 #56 Cameras on Beachwalk3 X 13 #53 Security for Pub. Spaces X 14 #26 Roof Replacement X 15 #18 Scott Rakow X 16 #13 North Shore Park X G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 10 July 21, 2020 Page 5 of 7 17 #38 Street Pavement X 18 #37 Sidewalk Improvement X 19 #19 Soundscape Tech Core X 20 #42 Traffic Calming X Legend 1Middle Beach Beachwalk fully underway. Target date for completion is early 2021. 2Remaining Quick Win projects are Life Safety projects projected to be completed by September 30. 3Cameras on the Beachwalk construction scheduled for Construction commencement on July 30 with completion targeted for Nov. 1. Red signifies the updated phase from last report. For the implementation timeline of the Quick Win projects, refer to Exhibit C dated July 16, 2020. Only the 4 remaining active Public Safety projects are shown in color on the timeline. The remaining subprojects on the Gantt chart have all been completed. Other Tranche 1 Projects The following other Tranche 1 project updates were discussed at the June 18 and July 16 meetings. Refer to Exhibit D for further details and information for each of the following: • #01 - 72nd Street Community Complex • #08 – Lummus Park • #15 – PAR 3 / Bayshore Park • #23 - Pedestrian Bridge • #24 – Middle Beach Beachwalk • #40 - 41st Street Revitalization • #42 – Traffic Calming • #45 – Fire Station #1 Fire Station No. 1 The Administration spent time at the July 16 meeting refreshing the Committee on the previous steps and decision process for the selection of the current site of the new Fire Station for the South Beach district. A presentation from April 2019 showing 6 potential sites was revisited showing the pros and cons of each. Also, a presentation to the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) from October 2019 indicating the Administration’s desire to pursue the site where the South Shore Community Center (SSCC) is currently located was also presented to the Committee. There was discussion and input from the public. The Committee was advised that the first submittal to the HPB is scheduled for mid-August, followed by a community meeting, and a presentation to the City Commission in either September or October. The final presentation for approval to the HPB is on track for November 2020. GOB PROJECT FUNDS TRANSFER & SCOPE CHANGE PROTOCOLS (PROTOCOLS) At the request of the Oversight Committee during the April meeting, a Protocols chart was created which clarifies and provides the Administration and Committee a guide to recommend current and future revisions under the G.O. Bond program. The chart was presented as a draft on June 18 and the Committee provided feedback. The final version was presented at the July 16 meeting and accepted by the Committee as a path forward. The final version is attached as Exhibit E. COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND OUTREACH As the COVID-19 crisis continues, communication and outreach activities continue to rely on remote engagements. The G.O. Bond Program team has taken this challenge as an opportunity to reach new and larger audiences than ever before. See some statistics: • In the last 28 days, the website www.GOMBInfo.com recorded a 136 percent increase in the number of sessions. G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 10 July 21, 2020 Page 6 of 7 • In the last 28 days, 88.6 percent of all website users were recorded to be “new visitors”. • On the dates a “GO Blog” post is published and shared, the number of total website sessions tend to increase by 500 to 1000 percent. • The most recent “GO Blog” post generated nearly 25,000 social media impressions. • The most recent G.O. Bond Constant Contact email was delivered to approximately 2,200 email addresses. To add, the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee meetings have experienced some increased participation rates from Miami Beach residents who wish to speak up during public comment. This is seen as a positive change and the Program team continues to encourage even more participation. Once it is safe to do so, the Program team intends to resume groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting ceremonies as milestone celebrations. For now, please visit the new and improved “Photos and Renderings” page at https://www.gombinfo.com/photos/ to view all available before & after photos of completed G.O. Bond-funded projects and subprojects. Below are some recently taken “After Photos”. GO#2: Collins Park: G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 10 July 21, 2020 Page 7 of 7 GO#18: Scott Rakow Youth Center (Pool): GO#26: Roofs for Cultural Facilities (The Fillmore) Recent construction advisories, meeting records, project photos and updates are always available to view at www.GOMBInfo.com. Please see the attached Exhibit F for more. For more information, please contact Maria Hernandez at mariahernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or via cellphone at (786) 371-3168. Attachments: Exhibit A – GOB Oversight Committee Agenda for June 18, 2020 Exhibit A1 – GOB Oversight Committee Agenda for July 16, 2020 Exhibit B – Subproject and Project List by Phase 7-20-20 Exhibit B1 – Savings Breakdown by Project and Category Exhibit B2 – Program General Status_Comparison to Previous Month Exhibit C – Quick Wins Implementation Plan Gantt Chart dated 7-16-20 Exhibit D – Tranche 1 Other Projects_Dashboard Sheets dated 7-16-20 Exhibit E – GOB Project Funds Transfer & Scope Change Protocols - Final Exhibit F – Community Outreach Report for June 2020 through July 2020 JLM / MH F:\cmgr\$ALL\GO Bond Program\Commission\LTCs\2020\4 June & July 2020\LTC - June & July 2020 GO Bond Program Implementation Update No. 10.docx • • • EXHIBIT A • • • • EXHIBIT A1 G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Active Phase Project Name Category Department Quick Win Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count % Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent % Spent $ Available Closed #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS Public Safety Police QW 1 07-31-2019 1 1%600,000 - 599,915 2.36%84 Closed #17 POLO PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 08-11-2019 1 1%499,998 - 493,673 1.94%6,325 Closed #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY Parks Tourism & Culture QW 1 09-30-2019 1 1%3,799,999 - 3,748,495 14.75%51,503 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT Parks Property Management QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%130,300 - 130,210 0.51%89 Closed #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%151,999 - 52,758 0.21%99,240 Closed #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-21-2019 1 1%86,999 - 41,780 0.16%45,218 Closed #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-21-2019 1 1%86,999 - 41,780 0.16%45,218 Closed #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 10-24-2019 1 1%300,000 - 299,650 1.18%350 Closed #21 STILLWATER PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 11-08-2019 1 1%144,999 - 142,440 0.56%2,559 Closed #3 CRESPI PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 11-09-2019 1 1%210,998 - 184,919 0.73%26,079 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT Parks Property Management QW 1 11-12-2019 1 1%130,000 - 116,776 0.46%13,224 Closed #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 11-28-2019 1 1%120,000 - 64,904 0.26%55,095 Closed #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 12-02-2019 1 1%715,000 - 212,593 0.84%502,405 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC Parks Property Management QW 1 12-06-2019 1 1%150,000 - 137,302 0.54%12,697 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 12-16-2019 1 1%375,000 - 374,722 1.47%276 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 01-05-2020 1 1%1,124,000 - 390,311 1.54%733,688 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS Parks Property Management QW 1 02-04-2020 1 1%205,699 - 60,858 0.24%144,841 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS Parks Property Management QW 1 02-05-2020 1 1%250,000 - 110,659 0.44%139,340 Closed #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects QW 1 03-25-2020 1 1%1,000,000 - 1,000,000 3.93%- Closed Sum 19 27%10,081,990 - 8,203,745 32%1,878,231 Closed Count 19 27%19 19 19 0.00%19 Complete #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 01-15-2020 1 1%760,000 9,440 749,384 2.95%1,175 Complete #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS Parks Property Management QW 1 04-16-2020 1 1%700,000 6,297 106,328 0.42%587,373 Complete #26 FILLMORE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 05-15-2020 1 1%1,920,000 66,773 1,807,380 7.11%45,845 Complete #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION Parks Parks & Recreation 1 05-15-2020 1 1%50,000 - 35,044 0.14%14,955 Complete #2 COLLINS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 05-28-2020 1 1%640,000 - 557,286 2.19%82,713 Complete #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR Parks Property Management QW 1 06-30-2020 1 1%524,999 20,964 482,820 1.90%21,215 Complete #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR Parks Property Management QW 1 06-30-2020 1 1%816,000 12,262 716,083 2.82%87,653 Complete #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 07-06-2020 1 1%977,998 191,822 731,759 2.88%54,417 Complete #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 07-12-2020 1 1%240,000 22,348 9,234 0.04%208,418 Complete Sum 18 25%6,628,997 329,906 5,195,318 20%1,103,764 Complete Count 9 13%9 9 9 0.00%9 Construction #42 NAUTILUS TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation QW a 1 09-01-2020 1 1%739,499 188,746 532,405 2.09%18,347 Construction #47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 09-30-2020 1 1%200,000 34,458 54,119 0.21%111,422 Construction #49 PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM Public Safety Police QW 1 09-30-2020 1 1%9,700,000 4,031,622 5,603,263 22.04%65,114 Construction #57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 09-30-2020 1 1%815,000 622,032 125,794 0.49%67,172 Construction #24 MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-16-2021 1 1%4,500,000 3,315,758 673,748 2.65%510,492 Construction #33 PART 1 TREE PLANTING Infrastructure Environmental QW a 1 04-01-2022 1 1%2,500,000 346,733 316,674 1.25%1,836,592 Construction #37 PART 1 SIDEWALKS Infrastructure Public Works Department QW a 1 04-01-2022 1 1%3,500,000 1,498,086 1,622,125 6.38%379,787 Construction #38 PART 1 STREETS Infrastructure Public Works Department QW a 1 04-01-2022 1 1%7,500,000 4,916,415 1,868,141 7.35%715,442 Construction Sum 32 45%$29,454,499 $14,953,850 $10,796,269 42%$3,704,368 Construction Count 8 11%8 8 8 0.00%8 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 7/20/2020 - 7:50 PM EXHIBIT B QW QW QW b = Indicates the anticipated end date of the phase, not of the entire project. G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Design #56 CAMERAS- BEACHWALK Public Safety Police 1 10-31-2020 1 1%700,000 346,944 44,155 0.17%308,899 Design #43 ALTON ROAD SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Transportation 1 02-27-2021 b 1 1%170,000 - - 0.00%170,000 Design #48 PART 1 POLICE HQ Public Safety Property Management 1 06-01-2021 b 1 1%4,000,000 903,610 200,532 0.79%2,895,857 Design #43 CHASE AVE/34 ST SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Transportation 1 09-01-2021 1 1%830,000 - - 0.00%830,000 Design #43 23 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 1 09-08-2021 1 1%1,500,000 - - 0.00%1,500,000 Design #12 N. BEACH OCEANSIDE BEACHWALK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 02-02-2022 1 1%2,000,000 129,893 3,250 0.01%1,866,857 Design #39 PART 1 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES Infrastructure Public Works Department 1 04-29-2022 1 1%8,000,000 305,300 16,172 0.06%7,678,527 Design #10 MAURICE GIBB PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 08-23-2022 1 1%3,300,000 - 19,305 0.08%3,280,692 Design #15 PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 09-24-2022 1 1%15,700,000 - 31,739 0.12%15,668,260 Design #45 FIRE STATION #1 Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 03-31-2023 1 1%7,000,000 1,070,895 43,146 0.17%5,885,958 Design #23 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-28-2023 1 1%10,000,000 12,509 173,803 0.68%9,813,687 Design Sum 55 77%$53,200,000 $2,769,151 $532,102 2%$49,898,737 Design Count 11 15%11 11 11 0.00%11 Planning #53 CONVENTION CENTER BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 07-30-2020 b 1 1%775,000 - - 0.00%775,000 Planning #53 SOUNDSCAPE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 07-30-2020 b 1 1%375,000 - - 0.00%375,000 Planning #53 SOUTH POINTE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 07-30-2020 b 1 1%250,000 - - 0.00%250,000 Planning #42 BAYSHORE SOUTH TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 08-07-2020 b 1 1%560,148 - - 0.00%560,148 Planning #42 NORMANDY ISLE TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 08-07-2020 b 1 1%113,999 - - 0.00%113,999 Planning #42 PALM VIEW TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 08-07-2020 b 1 1%86,349 - - 0.00%86,349 Planning #19 SOUNDSCAPE RESTROOMS/STORAGE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%699,999 - - 0.00%699,999 Planning #50 71 STREET CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%211,999 - 15,999 0.06%195,999 Planning #50 DADE BLVD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%165,674 - -0.00%165,674 Planning #55 PART 1 STREET LIGHTS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%5,000,000 - 10,108 0.04%4,989,892 Planning #57 COLLINS AVE/WASH AVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%675,000 56,569 41,363 0.16%577,066 Planning #40 PART 1 REVITALIZE 41 STREET Infrastructure Economic Development 1 12-31-2020 b 1 1%1,500,000 75,443 - 0.00%1,424,557 Planning #50 41 ST. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 12-31-2020 b 1 1%235,324 - 17,999 0.07%217,324 Planning #18 SCOTT RAKOW GYM FLOORS Parks Parks & Recreation 1 01-29-2021 1 1%300,000 14,120 - 0.00%285,880 Planning #50 ALTON RD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-02-2021 b 1 1%211,999 - 15,999 0.06%195,999 Planning #47 OTHER READERS CITYWIDE Public Safety Police 1 04-01-2022 1 1%1,390,000 30,547 37,259 0.15%1,322,193 Planning #9 MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 09-30-2022 1 1%681,999 13,084 - 0.00%668,915 Planning #8 LUMMUS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 10-31-2022 1 1%4,737,000 - 9,576 0.04%4,727,423 Planning #1 72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1, 2 09-30-2023 1 1%10,800,000 497,962 546,080 2.15%9,755,957 Planning Sum 114 161%$28,769,490 $687,725 $694,383 3%$27,387,374 Planning Count 19 27%19 19 19 0.00%19 Pending #29 PART 1 WEST LOTS Parks Economic Development 1 04-01-2022 b 1 1%1,000,000 - - 0.00%1,000,000 Pending #4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 04-01-2022 b 1 1%210,000 - - 0.00%210,000 Pending #5 FLAMINGO YOUTH CENTER FACILITY Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 (blank)1 1%15,400,000 - - 0.00%15,400,000 Pending #54 MARINE PATROL FACILITY Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1 (blank)1 1%2,700,000 - - 0.00%2,700,000 Pending #13 NORTH SHORE PATH & FIELDS Parks Parks & Recreation 2 (blank)1 1%3,694,000 - - 0.00%3,693,999 Pending Sum 35 49%$23,004,000 $0 $0 0%$23,003,999 Pending Count 5 7%5 5 5 0.00%5 71 100%$151,138,976 $18,740,632 $25,421,817 100%$106,976,473 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 7/20/2020 - 7:50 PM b = Indicates the anticipated end date of the phase, not of the entire project. QW G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST - SAVINGS Active Phase Category Project Name Department Quick Win Tranche Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent $ Available Closed Infrastructure #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING Capital Improvement Projects QW 1 1 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - Infrastructure Sum 1 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - Closed Parks #17 POLO PARK Parks & Recreation QW 1 1 499,998 - 493,673 6,325 Closed Parks #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY Tourism & Culture QW 1 1 3,799,999 - 3,748,495 51,503 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT Property Management QW 1 1 130,300 - 130,210 89 Closed Parks #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF Property Management QW 1 1 300,000 - 299,650 350 Closed Parks #21 STILLWATER PARK Parks & Recreation QW 1 1 144,999 - 142,440 2,559 Closed Parks #3 CRESPI PARK Parks & Recreation QW 1 1 210,998 - 184,919 26,079 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT Property Management QW 1 1 130,000 - 116,776 13,224 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC Property Management QW 1 1 150,000 - 137,302 12,697 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF Property Management QW 1 1 375,000 - 374,722 276 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF Property Management QW 1 1 1,124,000 - 390,311 733,688 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS Property Management QW 1 1 205,699 - 60,858 144,841 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS Property Management QW 1 250,000 - 110,659 139,340 Complete Parks #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF Property Management QW 1 760,000 10,687 748,137 1,175 Complete Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS Property Management QW 1 700,000 6,297 105,264 587,373 Complete Parks #26 FILLMORE ROOF Property Management QW 1 1,920,000 66,773 1,807,380 45,845 Complete Parks #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION Parks & Recreation 1 50,000 31,092 3,952 14,956 Complete Parks #2 COLLINS PARK Parks & Recreation QW 1 640,000 - 548,852 71,713 Complete Parks #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR Property Management QW 1 524,999 160,264 343,520 21,215 Complete Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR Property Management QW 1 816,000 300,262 428,083 82,653 Complete Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL Parks & Recreation QW 1 977,998 398,272 522,967 55,123 Parks Sum 20 13,709,990 973,647 10,698,170 2,011,024 Closed Public Safety #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS Police QW 1 1 600,000 - 599,915 84 Closed Public Safety #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING Parks & Recreation QW 1 1 151,999 - 52,758 99,240 Closed Public Safety #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING Parks & Recreation QW 1 1 86,999 - 41,780 45,218 Closed Public Safety #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING Parks & Recreation QW 1 1 86,999 - 41,780 45,218 Closed Public Safety #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS Police QW 1 1 120,000 - 64,904 55,095 Closed Public Safety #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING Parks & Recreation QW 1 1 715,000 - 212,593 502,405 Complete Public Safety #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS Police QW 1 240,000 22,348 8,504 208,417 Public Safety Sum 7 2,000,997 22,348 1,022,234 955,677 Total Sum 28 16,710,987 995,995 12,720,404 2,966,701 Note: Red figures are projected project savings from Completed projects. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 7/15/20206:17 PM EXHIBIT B1 SUMMARY SUB-PROJECTS 10/17/19 11/21/19 12/19/19 1/23/20 2/20/20 3/17/20 4/16/20 5/21/20 6/18/20 7/16/20 VARIANCE No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % % ACTIVE/COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION PLANNING / DESIGN CLOSED / COMPLETE REMAINING TOTAL SUB-PROJECTS 109 109 109 115 114 114 114 114 115 * 115 Notes: *Scott Rakow Flooring Sub-Project Brought into Tranche 1 through Project Savings SUMMARY - ALL PROJECTS 10/17/19 11/21/19 12/19/19 1/23/20 2/20/20 3/17/20 4/16/20 5/21/20 6/18/20 7/16/20 VARIANCE COMPLETE ACTIVE PENDING FUTURE ALL Note: *#29 West Lots moved back to Pending. EXHIBIT B2 G. O . B o n d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n P l a n - Q u i c k W i n s - Page 1 of 2 Ex p o r t e d o n J u l y 9 , 2 0 2 0 4 : 2 0 : 4 2 P M E D T J ul y 1 6 , 2 0 2 0 EX H I B I T C Page 2 of 2 Ex p o r t e d o n J u l y 9 , 2 0 2 0 4 : 2 0 : 4 2 P M E D T EXHIBIT D Project Details #15 PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK Scope Active Phase Design Contact Develop a brand new 19 • acre park space with environmental remediation and resiliency components: construct an outdoor amphitheater, walking trail with lake overlooks, tennis courts and restroom facility, a pavilion shade structure. dog park. vita course. playground. and butterfly garden. Department Capital Improvement Projects G.O. Bond Funding Budget $15.700,000 Encumbered: $0 Spent: $31.739 Spent%: 0% Project Timeline 1.Planning 2.Design 3.Contractor Selection 5.Construction Name: Email: Phone: m!lRI Vanessa Vazquez mailto:VanessaVazguez@miamibeachfl.gQY (786)599-6543 • .----....-------r--------.--➔1f-- 2016 .... Start Date Original End Date 08/12/2015 07/28/2021 Update DERM Environmental Division has issued the conditional approval for the project design including the sustainable and resilient components. Presented amendment to the consultant contract at the June 24th meeting. which includes the scope associated with the DERM's condition in to the project. Proceeding towards 90% design and permitting. Anticipating start of the procurement process in Fall 2020. -This project has additional sources of funding -For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website 2018 2020 2022 Anticipated End Date 09/24/2022 Terms b Bin@ll2 02�if�mifl3W �?:ll�ttERE, © 20 2091 Microsoft Corporation Item Type of Change Recommendation*Next Action*Final Action Final Approval Examples / Notes Example 1: Fillmore Roof Savings to Ballet Roof Example 2: Scott Rakow Roof Savings for Pool Change Order 2 Transfer of Scope between Tranches within the same Project Using Savings - No Funding Transfers GOB Committee or Administrative Motion or Advise Letter to Commission Administrative Example: Scott Rakow Roof for T2 Rakow Flooring Moving any Tranch 1 Project to a future Tranche Example: North Shore Parks & Fields 4 Scope Swapping of Sub-Projects to different Tranches with the Same Funding GOB Committee or Administrative Motion or Advise Commission Memo Commission Example: PAL Building with Flamingo Park 5 Transfer of Funds between different Projects within the same GOB Category and Tranche**GOB Committee or Administrative Motion or Advise Commission Memo / Budget Amendment Commission Example: Police Radio System to Police Camera Projects Requires Savings in Order to Swap or Postponement of a Project Example: Moving Skate Park from T3 to T1 using Budget from #13 North Shore Park & Fields Funding 7 Adding of Scope and Funding for any Project with No GOB Funds used Administrative Advise Committee Commission Memo / Budget Amendment Commission Example: Fire Station 1 - Adding Code to the Project 8 Additonal Funding Request Outside of GOB funds for any Project Administrative Advise Committee Commission Memo / Budget Amendment Commission Example: 72nd Street Aquatic Center 9 Transfer of Savings or Funds for Projects to different GOB Category N/A N/A N/A N/A Not allowed due to Referendum Questions **GOB Categories are: Parks, Inftrastructure, and Public Safety. ***Tranche Fund cannot be Exceeded. Red: Updates from June 18, 20 Draft Commission or Administrative Commission *Adminstration will use best efforts to bring item to GO Bond Committee. Future meeting timelines may make this difficult or impossible to achieve. The Committee will be notified of any changes made at the following scheduled Committee meeting. GOB Project Funds Transfer & Scope Change - FINAL 1 Transfer of Funds between sub-projects within the same Project and Tranche Administrative Administrative AdministrativeAdminstrative Protocols 3 Advancement of a Future Tranche Project to an Active Tranche***GOB Committee or Administrative Motion or Advise Commission Memo / Budget Amendment6 Movement of an Earlier Tranche 1 Project to a Future Tranche (No Funding Change to Tranche 1)GOB Committee or Administrative Motion or Advise Commission Memo or Letter to Commision F:\cmgr\$ALL\GO Bond Program\Committee, Oversight\Meetings - Oversight Committee\2020 Oversight Committee Meetings\19 Binder_07-16-20_Meeting - VIRTUAL\ July 16, 2020 EXHIBIT E BLOG 2 EXHIBIT F SOCIAL 1 PHOTOS AND RENDERINGS 1 MEETINGS 1