LTC 268-2020 Lincoln Rd Business Improvement District (LRBID) Annual Report & Budget for 2020-21OocuSign Envelope ID: A8118A0B-5C24-430F-A724-3F53BFB93640 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov LTC # 268-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission ao sort. woos cs ans»fi ..., L 28CA 18194070496.. DATE: July 27, 2020 SUBJECT: Lincoln Rd Business Improvement District (LRBID) Annual Report & Budget for 2020/21 The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to provide the Mayor and City Commission with the 2020 Lincoln Rd Business Improvement District (LRBID) annual report and fiscal year 2020/21 budget. On April 15, 2015, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach adopted resolution no. 2015-28992. This resolution created a special assessment district to be known as the Lincoln Rd Business Improvement District ("LRBID") for a period of ten (10) years, to stabilize and improve the Lincoln Rd retail business district. This past year was incredibly challenging for businesses on Lincoln Rd due to COVID- 19. The Lincoln Rd BID (LRBID) is committed to providing a safe pedestrian promenade by encouraging social distancing, distributing free artist-designed facemasks and disinfecting high touch surfaces throughout the day. When allowed, the LRBID will resume its arts and culture-based programming, recreating a town center for Miami Beach's residents and visitors, taking into account our 'new normal' while using creative approaches to surprise and delight our guests. Should you have any questions, please contact Adrian Morales at 305-673-7631. ovo] LIN COL N RD July 24, 2020 Honorable Mayor & City Commissioners City of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Honorable Mayor & City Commissioners, On April 15, 2015, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach (the City) adopted Resolution No. 2015-28992, creating a special assessment district to be known as the Lincoln Road Business Improvement Distri ct ("LRBID"), for a term of ten (10) years, to stabilize and improve the Lincoln Road retail business district. On November 2, 2105, the City and the LRBID entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"). Section 8 of the MOU requires the LRBID prepare and submit to the City Commission a budget accurately itemizing all estimated revenue and expenses for the succeeding fiscal year beginning October 1. Section 8 further states the City Commission's review of the LRBID budget shall limited solely to a determination of the legality of the expenditures. On July 16, 2020, LRB ID Board of Directors unanimously approved the LRBID budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021. Attached please find a copy for your review. Respectfully, cc: file enc. 30 5.600.0219 Office 30 5.517.1307 F a x 1620 Drexel Avenue, Suite 100 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Lincoln Road Business Improvement District, Inc. LincolnRd.com I LRBID.com RE S O L U T IO N 1 9 -2 0 -8 A R E S O L U TI O N O F T H E B O ARD O F D IR E C T O R S O F T H E LI N C O L N R O AD B U S I N E S S I M P R O VE M E N T D I S T RI C T , IN C. ("L R B I D") AD O P TI N G AN ANNU AL B U D G E T F O R T H E L RB I D F O R T H E F I S C AL YE AR B E G INN IN G O C T O B E R 1, 2 0 2 0 , AN D E N D I N G S E P T E M B E R 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 . WH E RE A S , on April 15, 2015, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach adopted Resolution No. 2015-28992, creating a special assessment district to be known as the Lincoln Road Business Improvement District ("LRBID"), for a term of ten (10) years, to stabilize and improve the Lincoln Road retail business district; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 8 of the Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU) entered into on November 2, 2015, by and betwveen the City of Miami Beach, Florida and the Lincoln Road Business Improvement District, Inc., the LRBID must prepare an d submit to the City Commission a budget accurately itemizing all estimated revenue and expenses for the succeeding fiscal year beginning October 1; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 8 of the M OU entered into by and between the City of Miami Beach and the LRBID, the City Commission's reviewv of the LRBID budget shall limited solely to a determination of the legality of the expenditures; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 189.016 (3) of the Florida Statutes, the LRBID must adopt a budget by resolution each fiscal year. WHEREAS, the LRBID, on July 16, 2020, at a duly noticed meeting of che LRBID Board of Directors, by an affirmative vote approved the LRBID budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021 for the City Commission's review; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LINCOLN ROAD BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, INC: SECTION 1. That the budget for the fiscal year October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021, which is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, is hereby approved. pproved and presented by the members of the Lincoln Road Business Improvement District on this 16th day of July of 2020. President Lincoln Road Business Improvement District, Inc. Lincoln Road Business Improvement District Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2020/2021 - 1 - Lincoln Road Business Im pro vement Di strict Operating Budget Fiscal Y ear 2020/2021 T able of Contents I. BID M em bers II. Intro duction Ill. Budget Sum m ary IV. Operating Budget VI. O rganizational Chart - 2 - B o a r d o f D ire c to rs Steven Gombinski, President Lyle Stern, Vice President Mindy Mcllroy, Treasurer Howard Herring, Secretary Ben Brody, Executive Committee Member at Large Glenn Boyer Albert Cohen Thelma Deutsch David Herzberg Melvyn Schlesser David Torne k Executive Director Timothy F. Schmand Legal Counsel Michael Llorente, Esq. Llorente & Heckler, P.A. City of Miami Beach Liaison Adrian Morales - 3 - Intro duction Jul y 16, 20 20 Our New Normal In this unprecedented moment for Miami Beach, Lincoln Road is essential element to returning our community to normalcy. Since the 1950s, when Lincoln Road was reimagined by Morris Lapidus as the town center for Miami Beach, Lincoln Road has played a critical role in the culture, economy and soul of Miami Beach. The Lincoln Road Business Improvement District (LRBID) is committed to having Lincoln Road lead in our community to a meaningful recovery both as an art and safe community destination. Since its creation in 1912, Lincoln Road has played a central role in the life of South Florida. It has joined with the community to help meet every challenge and provided the support necessary to overcome every disaster. Lincoln Road weathered the 1926 Hurricane, which devastated South Florida and plunged the community into the Great Depression three years prior to the rest of the nation. We served as a recreation destination for US troops training in Miami Beach during WWII. We survived the hurricanes of the nineteen fifties and sixties and the challenge of hosting both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions in the Miami Beach Convention Center in 1972. In the 1980s, in the aftermath of the of the Mariel boatlift, art sparked the renaissance of Lincoln Road when the South Florida Arts Center created a true creative community there. The 1990s, after Hurricane Andrew, Lincoln Road saw some of its most dynamic growth. A more recent challenge -- Zika - demonstrated that business and government collaboration work ed to provide a solution. It will be business/government collaboration that will bring Lincoln Road and our entire community to the other side of the Covid-19 Pandemic, hopefully stronger than ever. Miami Beach's premier 8-block pedestrian promenade will prioritize the health and safety of all visitors in Fiscal Year 2020/2021. We will maintain strict sanitation standards including a daily cleaning of the Road, including an ongoing pressure washing schedule of all pedestrian surfaces. The LRBID will deploy the Road's Ambassadors to assist the public, request that visitors observe social distancing guidelines and enhance the Road's established daily cleaning schedule by disinfecting surfaces and touch points throughout the day. The LRBID has commissioned a local artist to design fashionable face masks. Masks will be distributed by Ambassadors free of charge to pedestrians who will strongly encourage their use to make sure that all of our visitors feel safe. With those safeguards in place, the LRBID will resume programming and recreate the vibrant town center for Miami Beach. The BID will re-vision its arts & cultural and health and wellness activations, accounting for the 'new normal.' Social distancing for all participants, from performers and instructors to viewers and participants, will require new, creative approaches which we will employ to surprise and delight our residents and visitors as they begin to return. The LRBID will engage in marketing and public relations programs to create awareness of and support for our quality retailers, restaurants and cafes. This wi ll be done through social media, digital advertising and more traditional advertising methods, which will include, when appropriate, outdoor, direct mail, print and broadcast media. - 4 - T h e L R B ID The BID is a not-for-profit corporation, created by the City of Miami Beach pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 170 and approved by majority vote of affected property owners in a special election held from June 19, 2015 through July 24, 2015. On September 30, 2015, the Miami Beach Mayor and City Commission passed Resolution No. 2015-29145 approving the final assessment roll for the BID and confirming such assessments as legal, valid and binding first liens upon the property against which such assessments are made until paid. The BID commenced operations in October of 2015 with the purpose of stabilizing and improving the Lincoln Road retail business area, which is located in a nationally recognized historic district, through promotion, management, marketing and similar services by: (i) representing and advocating for property and business owners within the boundaries of the district; (ii) promoting and encouraging the continued development of a diverse, vibrant and pedestrian friendly Lincoln Road mixed-use neighborhood, thereby providing a dynamic setting for businesses, the visiting public, arts and entertainment, as well as area residents; (iii) serving as a cultural and civic hub for the community and fostering a spirit of cooperation and maintenance of high standards of quality among its members; and (iv) bringing transformative projects into the district. The Old Normal During FY 2019/20, until the mandatory March shut down, the LRBID focused programming and communications on the Miami Beach residential audience. Success was demonstrated in the City of Miami Beach's resident survey, conducted by the ETC Institute on the City's behalf, to assess City residents' satisfaction with the delivery of city services and gather input about City priorities. Lincoln Road ranked highest among all of the City's districts, with 60% of respondents identifying it as one of their top four destinations (the next highest attracted only 34%); 85% of respondents indicated that they visited Lincoln Road at least once a month. Combined with the statistics demonstrating that one out of every two visitors to Greater Miami visit Lincoln Road, this survey demonstrates the essential role Lincoln Road plays in the lives of both Miami Beach residents and our visitors, and its importance as an economic engine for the entire south Florida community. The LRBID's media relations and marketing agencies implemented a robust marketing/media relations campaign, including an enhanced website, which provided metrics allowing for better messaging; utilized targeted social media pushes; used outdoor advertising; and engaged with other agencies and organizations, targeting desirable markets for inclusion in the BID's message. The LRBID's Media Relations Team positioned Lincoln Road as an arts and culture destination, created awareness for the James Corner Master Plan and assisted with retail narrative. The Media Relations team attracted: • 157 pieces of earned media coverage • 19 interviews • 76 articles profiling the destination and • promoted 12 events. The LRBID's marketing agency's efforts resulted in: • 55,774,000 views in its transit campaign support the Botero installation, which included billboards, Miami Beach trolleys, and bus benches, as certified by OutFront Media; • 42,427 website visits with 61,140-page views, with a #3 Google ranking; • Social media growth to 32,854 connections, translating into 47.5% increase in followers, and • Number 2 ranking on TripAdvisor for Miami Beach, with 17,705 reviews (nearest in-market competitor has 4,527 reviews) and an 89% excellent rating. - 5 - W orking with the Gary Nader M useum , the LR BI D hosted 13 monum ental Fern ando Botero sculptures on Lincoln Road, from Novem ber 21, 2019, to M arch 30, 2020. Seen by approximately 6 m illion visitors, the Botero installation was augm ented by perform ances, maps and Q R codes, to comm unicate the im portance and relevance of the pieces to the daily lives of the Li ncoln Road visitor. It was a m onum ental success that redefined Li ncoln Road as once again being a significant art destinat ion . A dditionally, in the past year, the BID hosted: • F ive (5) New W orld Symphony orchestral performances, the schedule of which w as cut short by the mandatory shutdown; • F ive (5) Tango Milongas, w here the general public was given instructions and the opportunity to dance and w a tch Ta ngo; • A spectacular Holid ay Celebration , from Novem ber th ro ug h Janua ry, w hich featured: o A 3 0-foot Majestic M ountain Pine, D ouble Strung, Christm as T ree; o Lincoln Road's longstanding traditional shell Menorah, which the BID helped sponsor financially; o Santa's Cabana, an lnstagram mable m oment celebrating the best of the Miami Beach holiday spirit w ith a Tropical S anta and m ore than 17 ,000 photos assists taken by Lincoln Road Am bassadors; and o Lincoln Road's annual tree lighting cerem ony, com plete with carolers and a T ropical Santa, as well as other perform ances throughout the season. • H ealth and W ellness Pro gram m ing continued until the mandatory M arch shutdown, including free tw ice w e e kly free yoga on Sunda y s and W ednesdays, the Li ncoln R oad W alking C lub on T uesday morn ings, Z umba (sponsored by Baptist Health S outh Florida, w hich continued virtually throughout the shutdown} on Tuesday evenings, a once monthly mat Pilates on Saturday mornings, and the monthly Yappy Hour for Lincoln Road's fo ur legged visitors and the ir hum a n co m pa nion s. The LR BID also m anaged the Block by Block contract that pro vides 264 hours of A m bassador se rv ices wee k ly o n Linco ln R oa d , which incl ude cleaning, m aintenance and custom er service. Over the pa s t twe lve m onths The Am bassa dors h ave logge d ove r 66,213 con ta c ts w ith Lincoln Road 's visitors. The Plan Postponed O n July 3, 2 019, th e Li nco ln R oad B ID Board of D irectors passed Resolution 18-19-11, expressing its support fo r the C ity to im plement the full Jam es Corner Field Operations Li ncoln Road District Master P lan. That reso lutio n still reflects the w ill of the LR B ID boa rd of d irectors, but g iv e n the cu rren t situation, the b oard a lso recognizes the need to postpo n e the plan's full im ple m en ta tion for tw elve mo nths. It w a s, and co n tinue s to be, the LR B ID 's goal to pro tect the City 's significa n t in vestm ent in the Linco ln R oad D istrict and solidify Li nco ln R oad's reputation a s a significant a rts, culture , and pe rf o rm a nce district. FY 2020/2021 The FY 202 0/2021 L R B ID budget b uild s up o n the su ccess of Fiscal Y ear 2 019/20 20, increasing Li n c oln R oa d 's cu ltural c ontribu tions to our com m unity. Adaptin g to the challe nge s of the m om en t w ill mean adjustm ents to o ur tactics, b u t th e strategy re m ains the sa m e: BID funds will be used to support programming of the highest quality and the marketing of those programs to our - 6 - gr ea ter M iam i D ad e C o m m u n ity , as w e ll a s n a tio n a ll y an d in te rn ati o n a ll y through online and social media channels, traditional media and other advertising. The BID will continue its close and cooperative relationship with the City of Miami Beach, and will produce and promote outdoor activations of the highest quality to keep the excitement level high on Lincoln Road. In FY 2020/2021 the BID will: • Host a 90-foot Keith Haring's "Lady Liberty Banner," in partnership with City Kids New York, on the 1111Lincoln Road building, to coincide with Art Basel Miami Beach; • Identify and pursue innovative arts & culture opportunities; • Continue holiday traditions with an eye to social distancing; • Promote and celebrate new openings on Lincoln Road; • Identify and host celebrations of the highest caliber; • Continue marketing and advertising efforts focusing on the cultural assets of the Lincoln Road District, including: • The Miami Beach Convention Center; • The Fillmore at Jackie Gleason Theater; • The New World Symphony, America's Orchestral Academy; The historic Colony Theatre; ■Florida International University's Miami Beach Urban Studios; and • Oolite Arts a small collection of studios and gallery spaces for artists, whose arrival on Lincoln Road in the 1980s (as the South Florida Art Center) signaled the road's rebirth. • Continue efforts with the City of Miami Beach to implement the James Corner Field Projects Lincoln Road Renovation; • Continue the care and maintenance of the Lincoln Road brand; • Continue its wellness programs, which engage both residents and visitors. • Assist tenants and owners with activations on Lincoln Road; • Continue its cooperation with the City of Miami Beach, to the extent possible given our new normal, to plan, promote and coordinate Lincoln Road's annual Halloween celebration; • Continue providing free, community inclusive celebrations for Miami Beach's residents and visitors; and • Continue its work with Miami Beach Gay Pride and its sponsorship supporting the South Beach Jazz Fest and the Colony Theatre. As we did in the last century, Lincoln Road will continue to play the role of the vibrant town center for Miami Beach, helping the community to weather the current challenges, gather safely for joyful celebrations and thrilling arts events, and emerge stronger than ever as a united community. Questions about the Lincoln Road Business Improvement District and its programs may be directed to the Un coin Road Bf D at 1620 Drexel Avenue, Suite 100, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. - 7 - B U D G ET S U M M A R Y - 8 - Li n c o ln R o a d B ID B u d g e t S u m m a ry : 2 0 2 0 /2 0 2 1 O p e ra tin g B u d g e t Oct-20] Nov-20] Dec-20/ Jan-21/ Feb-21/ Mar-21/ Apr-21] May-21] Jun-21/ Jul-21] Aug-21/ Sep-21 Budget Revenue 2018-2019 Tax Assessments Asseessment Fees/ Taxes Assessments s 237.706 s 475,412 $ 237 706 s 237.706 s 236.707 $ s $ s $ $ s s 1,426.237 Sponsorship/Grants $ 5.000 $ 5.000 Deferred Revenue $ 2018-2019 Surplus $ MB Block by Block Support s 13.333 s 13.333 $ 13.333 s 13,334 $ 13,333 s 13.334 $ 13.333 $ 13,334 $ 13.333 s 13,334 s 13.333 $ 13,333 s 160,000 Total Revenues $ 251.039 /$ 488.745 I$ 256.039 l$ 251.040]$ 2s0.040 /$ 13.334/$ 13,333 /$ 13.334/$s 13333/s 13,334[$ 13.333 l$ 13,333 $ 1,590,237 $ 1.590,237 Expense Total Payroll s 17,763 $ 17,763 s 17 763 $ 17,763 s 17.,763 $ 17,763 s 17.763 $ 17,763 $ 17.763 s 17,763 $ 17.763 $ 17.763 $ 213,156 213,156 Total Office Expenses s 715 s 6.000 $ 775 $ s 775 s $ 77 5 $ s 775 s $ 775 s $ 10,650 10,650 Total Professional Services s 10.000 s 10.000 s 10.000 s 10 000 $ 10,000 s 10.000 s 10.000 $ 10.000 s 10.000 s 10.000 $ 10,000 s 10.000 $ 120,000 120,000 Total Professional Accountina Feesl S 550 s 550 s 550 s 14.300 $ 550 s 550 s 550 $ 550 s 550 s 550 $ 550 $ 550 $ 20,350 20,350 BID Serv ices & Pro aram s s o Total Bid Services & Programs s 57,865 $ 164,717 s 32.862 s 46.152 s 48.756 $ 49.652 $ 45.952 $ 36,362 s 37.262 s 62.262 $ 82.262 $ 37.062 $ 701,166 701,166 Total Director Updates $ o Total Travel & Entertanment s 2.500 s $ s s $ 2.000 s $ s s $ s 2,000 $ 6.500 6,500 Total Com munications s 260 s 260 s 260 s 260 s 260 $ 260 s 260 $ 260 s 260 s 260 $ 260 $ 260 $ 3,120 3.120 Ttal Postaae and Deliveries s 120 $ 120 $ 120 $ 120 s 120 $ 120 s 120 $ 120 s 120 s 120 $ 120 s 120 $ 1440 1,440 Tolal Rentals s 3.530 s 3,530 s 3.530 s 3.530 s 3.530 s 3,530 $ 3,530 $ 3.530 s 3.530 s 3.530 s 3.530 $ 3,530 $ 42,360 42,360 Total Insurance Expenses s 6.000 s s s s $ s $ $ $ $ 1,000 $ 1000 7,000 Total Repairs and Maintenance s s s $ s s s s s s $ $s $ o Total Printing and Reproductions s 70 s 70 $ 70 s 70 $ 70 $ T0 5 70 $ 70 $ 70 s 70 $ 7o $ 60 $ 830 830 Total Marketina & Advertisina s 36.004 s 28.791 s 77.791 s 54.791 s 28.792 $ 48.791 s 45,004 $ 24.291 s 24.291 s 31.491 s 24,291 s 24.291 $ 448.620 448,620 Total Office Supplies $ 145 s 145 $ 145 $ 145 s 145 $ 145 s 145 $ 145 $ 145 s 145 $ 145 $ 145 $ 1,740 1,740 Total Other Exp enses s 3.670 s 345 s 345 s 345 s 345 s 1,065 s 1,090 $ 340 s 2.340 s 340 s 2.340 s 740 $ 13.305 13,305 Total Exp enses $139,252 /$232,291]s 144,211 /$147,476/s111,106 /s133,946 /$125,259 [s 93,431 /$ 97,106 /$126,531 ]$ 142,106 ]s 97,521 $ 1,590,237 $ 1,590,237 LINCOLN ROAD BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTR ICT 9 OPERATING BUDGET - 10 - Lincoln R oad BID: Notes to P roposed 2020/2021 Operating Budget LINCOLN ROAD BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET DETAIL - 2020/2021 Oct-20/ Nov-20] Dec-20] Jan-21] Feb-21] Mar-21] Apr-21] May-21] Jun-21] Jul-21/ Aug-21/ Sep-21 Budget Revenue (_ ··- '. .. _ --+-- -·- -+-· .. ·---i·----.·- .1 ···- 2018-2019 TaxAssossmonts] } :. 1 ' ] j Asseessment Foes/ Taxes [2l@O [8s08sm@07'8 y$23,706 $ 475412 $ 237,706 $237,706 $ 236,707 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1426237 3160.01 [Sponsorshlps/Grants $ 5,000 .'. •.. $ ,00O l##± #g@i#@hg... , - ·». .so»rei».v ara,o.fa= Total Revenues $ 251,039 /$ 48a,74s[s 2s6,039 ]$251,040 ]$ 2s0,04o }$ 13,334]$ 13,333 ]$ 13,334]$ 13,333 /$ 13,334/$ 13,333 [$ 13,333 $1,600,237 - 11 - R evenu e 31 6 0 A ss es s m en ts : $1,425,237. Th e am ount approved pursuant to Chapter 170, Florida Statutes, and approved by majority vote of affected pro pert y owners in the special m ail ballot election held pursuant to C ity of Miami Beach Resolution No. 2015-29026. 3160.01 Sponsorships/Grants: $5,000. These funds represe nt projected am ount of Baptist Health South Florida's annual Zumba sponsorship. 3160.02 Deferred Revenue: proposed $0. 3160.03 FY 2018/2019 Surplus: pro posed $0. 3160.04 Miami Beach Block by Block: prop o sed $160,000. Th e annual am ount the C ity of Miami Beach contributes for the Bl ock by Block Am bassador servi ces on Lincoln R oad. - 12 - Li ncoln R oa d BID : Notes to Pro po sed 2020/2021 Budg et ··· •• BUDGET DETAIL - Z020/2021 LINCOLN ROAD BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BUDGET pee Expense 9110 pgyro Expenses $110.01 Payr Foes & Expensas 5111 Executivo Dir ector 5112 $tatf Assistant 5116 Camponsated bsgnco9 121 Pyr64 Tax0s 5123 Hoa/th #suranco 5124 Workers Com Tota) Payroll 55G- OIflce Expenses 5130.01 M etina Expenses 5130.2 nual Meatina Total 0/\e Exp0nsos 0ct·20] Nov-20l Do c-z0] Jan-2 ] Feb-z1] M r-z1] Apr-21] May·2] tun·2/ Jul·2 ] Aug·21/ Sa-2f{ Budget $ 7163 $ 47,73 $ 17,763 $ 1763 $ t7763 $ 17763 $ 776 $ t7701]$ $7,763 $ +7743 $ 17763 $ 17,783 $ 213,15¢ 213,44 I $ 775 $ 715 $ 775 $ 775 $ 773 77 4,850 4,000 $. $ $ .s 6,p000 $ 776Is 8.000 $ 76 $ $ 27$ $ $ 77s $ i$ 776 $ 775 $ $0,$50 10,6%0 513 1 Profasslo nal Se rvices $131.01 /Consutira Feos 5131.02 [Logel Fees & Govt Altalrs T6tal Professlonat ervica $ $s $ $ $ $ $ '$s $ t0,000 $ 10,00 $ 10,000 $ 1000 $ 10,00.$ 10,000 $ 10000 .$ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ t0,$00 $ 10,00 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10000 $ t0,600}$ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 120,000 110,00 ES3Ge [prof»sons! Accoun tina Fros $132.01 ¡Annual Report 5132.02 ABd4 A Tax Pro Fa0s 6$132.03 ccounlia/Consultina Feos 0ta! Professional Accounting Fees 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ +3,750 $ $. $ $ $ s $ $ 13.750 $ $$0 $ 56$0 $ 5s0 $ ·580 $ 550.$ $50 $ 60 $ 650 $ $0 $ 6$0 $ . $50 $ 650 6,600 ; 1 s5 [s so [ 850 [$ 14200 { $$0 [$ 6$o [$ 650 I$ $so [ sso [s sso [s «se Is $50 s 10,350 20,9 tii 5134 [BID arylces & Programs 513402 [Lantscapi g a04 Grounds Lz...-. 5134.03 [nibiássador S rco s $ [l2.l [b2hot}foi120445 $ 20445 $ 29,462 $ 20,4462 $24,442 $ 24462 $ 20462 $ 79462 $ 29402 $ 20402 $ 29462 $ 29402 s y53,50 51$413 [Jr/omms $.s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ [.-I $5134.4 /Gr0u s Decoratuvo 5134.05 Grounds Event 5134.06 {Grounds Sign0age/Bannet $ 30,000 914.07 [Grounds H0kday $00,000 s134 .08 (Gro und s Hollday Llgh ting $ 5134.09 'Vacant Storefronts $ }%,5;;¡, ¡pp?„„;""?"„$„„; /au+os su s 1«o ++ms ++iaw +« +«os + «os ·ms + os +a»Ms • s%[ 3n@ms] $134.15 [Contingency $ 2000 $ 200 $.2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ z000 $ 200 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 00,000 30,000 24,000 Total Bid Servé4$ 3 Progrims $ 47,485 4164,717 $ $2462 $ 44,4$2 $ 44.7$6 $ 498$2 $ 45952 $ 14,042 $ 37,262 $ 42,242 $ 02,282 $ 37,042 $ ~14 Toll\l DINclorv UndatH E · .. I:_ ... ·. . ., ' $ $140.02 INADO $ .00 ,±......9099 Là.--l $ 5140.03 IIA ' $ 500 Tot a) Travel & Entertana nt $ 2,500 $ $ 2,000 $ 8,500 5\41 'Communication Bervice 10ta Comunicatlòns so $ 260 $ 26o]s 60 $ 26o $ 26o $ 260 $ 260 $ 2o $ 2sois t s .. „S....u $ , $ 20 $ 280 $ 3,120 260 $ 260 s 3,120 3,1to jl [rot1Poutge and Dettvertee 4440 1Ml0 144 [Rantals and Leases Tota! Rentals $ 3,$10 $ 3,930 $ 3,520 $ 3420 $ 3,530 $ 3,9$30 $ 950 $ 3,$30 $ 3,530 $ 3,53[$ 3,5$0 $ 3,$0 $ 42,960 insurance Expense Ra ! '$ $. . $•'•' . · • ···: $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - ' $ 1.000..$ s .· $ 1.000 Total Insurance Expenses s 6,00» $ $ 4000 $ 1,400 7,000 Total Repairs and Minten»nee Total Printing and Roproductions ò $3 B148 HM ark@ting Advertising 5148.01 [6bite/M3intonanco 5148.02 [Sponsorships 5143.05 Prod uctio n & De&kn [os_ [Priig_ 12t3 5148.07 [Mse. Pr}ct Expense E- nol3 A3GE [±....-- • $ $ $.000 $ $ 7200 $ 5148.08 Evont Productlon 5148.09 [Agency Retainer $ 500 $ $,000 $ $,00 $/3,000 $ $,000 '$ $,000 $ $.00 $ $,009 $ 6,000 $ $000 5,000 $ 6,000$ 69,09 5j4s1 [tvor+sing Outdoor or Qhr..y 10000 $ 10,00 $ 1000 $10,000.$ 100 $ 10000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 40,00 $ 10.00 $ 30000 $ (0,p000 $_129oy 5t4.n [Ad vorustg O no g-'. 14s.12_ [dvortusngPrnt At0dl 1.091$ 109 1.$ 1091 $ 109i $ 1091 $ 1,091 $ 1091 $1091 $ 1091 $ 10 i$ 1091 1091s_ 13,095 $t48.13 [GraphicDesign L? l [!%1é._[o!alModia.--r----.[$ 1200 $ 1200 $1200 i200$ 1200 1200 $ 1200 $ 1200 120 $ 1200-$ 1,200 s 1200¡$.1±2 5148.15 [Photography „gs $148.16 IVideo Productlona L9-I $14.17 [Podstrian Counters -$ 100o 5!!%.].['!o!l! SYphoY..---------../8 40s 40 $ 13.600$ 4.500 $ 4500$ 4.500 $13500 $ $ $ $. s [5It8-l9 [South Beach hozzFos-? $ $z0.0o $$ $ $ $ $ s s $ [5i%%? [Co'nymhoatma 1+ $ $20.00 s$$ '$ $ $ - $ $ $ 5148.21 [GyPr6de $ $ $ .$. $ $t0,00 $ $ $$ss $ $ 20,526 2....-- $ 20,000 20.,000 Tota! Markotlng & Advertising $10,04 $ 26,791/s r7791{$ $54.7914$ 2479t]$ 4s79t /$ 44l$ 24291/$ 24291 $ 31491 $ 24291 $ 24291 «4$,020 $ 44ro l 13 Li n co ln Road BID : No te s to Pro p ose d 202 0/202 1 O peratin g B u d get (continued) .- ... BUDGET DETAIL - 2020/2021 .- LI NCOLN ROAD BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BUDGET Expense Oct-19] Nov-19] Dec.19] Jan-20l Feb-20] Mar-20) Apr-20] May-20] Jun-20] Jul-20/ Aug-20] Sep-20/ Budget 5151 Total Offlco Supplles 1,500 5152 5152.01 5152.02 5152.13 5152.03 5152.05 5152.06 5152.07 5152.14 5152.15 5152.08 5152.09 5152.1 [5152.11 [Sfo $ 6so s [5la.1 [Gay 8Lesbian Ghambo! s «oo s [5159 [Deprecalon $ s 5172 [Interest Expense ,$. +. $ Othar Expon s0s } [ Parklng &Auto Expense $ 300 $ 300'$ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ Buslnoss Llcenses and Permlts $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Flortda Dept. of Slat0 Annual Report,$ $ $$ - $ $ 75 $ $ Cert of Use $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ Mamborahlps & Subscrlptlons $ $ $ $ S $ $. 750 $ Equi pm ent Rental $ -$ $ $ $ $ $ $ Ban k Sorlco Charges $ 25 $ 25 $ 25 $ 25$ 25 $. 25 $ 25 $ Assessmment Managemonl Feo WItH]$ 5 $ 6·$. 5 $5 $ 5 $$ .$ Wtre tranfer testo City $ 15 $: 15 $. 45 $ 15 $ ts$. 15 $· 15 $ MB Chamber of Commerce $ $ $ $ $ $ 650 $ $ GMB8HA $ 1,500 $ $ $ $ $ $. $ GMCV $ 676 $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ •• $ $ $ l I 300 300$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,000 $ $ $ 2s $ 2s5 $ $ $ 15 $ 15 $ $ $ s's $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ E .. !t-- 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 3,600, $ $ 400 $ 400 s· s . TY ... _ $ s • Lê- $ 2,00o $ • $ 4,760 $ s.[ - 2s s s s sl so s s .l s ss «al io' $ $.-. $ 650 s s L8 1400 $ $ -· $ 575 s l cc s s l as s s Lé $ $ $ . ·---¡ .... i -···j Total Other Expenses $ 3,870]$ 345 ]$ 345 $ 345 $ 345 $ 1,066 1,0 90 $ 340 $ 2,340 $ 340 $ 2,340 $ 740 $ 13,305 13,305 Tot al ... ~;···-·-·-···I··-- ..•.• ¡ .. ··-· .... ~. ·--·--·· + ··-· .. _J ·-·. --f · .. ·····---··--i-·-·---···--• Ir,., _,__...,_1,5_9....:0,_23-!7 - 14 - E x p e n s e s 5 130 P a yr o ll (s e e b e lo w ) 5 110 .0 1 P a y ro ll Fe ss & Expenses: proposed $6,000. These funds will be used for the services of TriNet, the LRBID's payroll company. 5111 Executive Director: proposed $120,000. The Executive Director provides overall management for the LRBID. 5112 BID Administrator: proposed $57,756. The BID Administrator works at the direction of the Executive Director and provides operational and organizational management for discreet portion of the BID's activities and projects. 5116 Compensated Absences: proposed $0. The funds would be used in the event of an employee who is owed hours leaving the BID 5121 Payroll Taxes: proposed $14,400. These funds will be used for the payroll taxes of the LRBID employees. 5123 Health Insurance: proposed $15,000. These funds will be used to pay a portion of the health insurance costs of the LRBID employees, including the Executive Director's allowance for health, dental and vision insurance of $7,200 annually. 5123 Workers Comp: proposed $0. This expense is covered through TriNet the LRBID's payrolling company. 5130 Office Expenses (see below) 5130.1 Meeting Expenses: proposed $4,650. These funds will be used for expenses associated with LRBID Board and Executive Committee meetings, as well as other meetings as needed. 5130.1 Meeting Expenses: proposed $6,000. These funds will be used for expenses associated with the annual meeting of the LRBID. - 15 - 5131 P rofess io nal Se rv ices (s ee b elow ) 51 31 .0 1 C o n s ulting Fees: proposed $0. 5131.02 Legal Fees & Government Affairs: p roposed $120,000. These funds will be used fo r retaining le gal coun s e l fo r the LR B ID. 5132 Professional Accounting Fees (see below) 5132.01 Annual Report: pro p ose d $0. The se fund s wou ld be used fo r th e de velopm e n t of an a nnua l repo rt. 5132.02 Audit & Tax Preparation Fees: propo sed $13,750. T h ese fu nd s w ill be used fo r prep aration of th e annual a u dit and the LR BID 's tax return . 5132.03 Accounting Consulting Fees: proposed $6 ,60 0 . These funds will b e used fo r mo n thly sup p ort from an accou nting pro fe ssion a l fo r m an ag em ent of the L R B ID's finances. 5134 BID Services& Programs (see below) 5134.01 Janitorial Services: pro p ose d $0 . These funds would be use d fo r a ja nitorial se rv ice pro v id er if required by the LRBID. 5134.02 Landscaping and Grounds: propos ed $0. These fu nds w ill be used for a land scaping and grounds m aintena nce pro v ider if req u ired by th e LR BID . 5134.03 Ambassador Services 5134.12 Block by Block: proposed $353,550. Th ese fund s will be use d to pro vid e 2 64 hour s of weekly A m bassado r serv ices on Li ncoln R oad, half of w h ich is funded by the C ity o f M iam i B each. Servi ces in cl ude cl ean ing, mai nt enan ce an d custom er services. 5134.13 Uniforms: proposed $0. Pursuant to the contract with Block by Block, that firm is responsible for the unifo rm expense for the Li ncoln Road BID A m bassadors. 5134.04 Grounds Decorative: proposed $0. T hese funds w ill be used for a decorative landscaping should it be required by the LRBID. 5134.05 Grounds Event: proposed $0. These funds w ill be used for a gro unds event prepara tion should it be required by the LRB ID. - 16 - 51 3 4 .0 6 G ro u n d s S ig n a g e /B a n n e r: proposed $60,000. T hese funds w ill be used for to m aintain art on Jersey Ba rrica des at W a s hing to n Aven ue, E uclid Avenue and Alton R oad Entrances to Lincoln R oad . 5134.07 Grounds Holiday: pro po se d $30 ,00 0 . These fu n ds w ill be use d fo r th e storage, installatio n a nd rem o v al of th e LR BID 's holid ay tre e ($7,000 ann u ally ), purcha se d in 2018, as w ell as ligh ti ng and other holiday activations. 5134.08 Grounds Holiday Lighting: propo se d $0. These funds w ill be used when necessary fo r a dditiona l holiday ligh ting in th e District. 5134.09 Vacant Storefront: prop ose d $0. These Boa rd of Di recto rs vo ted to elim inate this pro gram . 5134.10 Event Production: prop o se d $233,6 16 . Th ese funds will be used fo r art installations, activatio n s and perform ance s in th e LRB I D , w ei gh t ed to ward H allow ee n and the "s eason," with less pro gra m m ing in the wa rmer m onths . 5134.11 Rentals & Talent: proposed $0 . T hese fu nd s will be use d fo r e quip m ent ren ta l a nd talen t fees a s needed. 5134.15 Contingency: pro po sed $24 ,000. These fund s will be use d fo r u n fo reseen exp enses. 5140 Travel and Entertainment (see below) 5140.01 Travel: propose d $6,000. These funds w ould be used for busine ss related trave l by the L RB ID. 5140.02 NADO: propose d $0 . These funds would be us ed fo r a jan itorial serv ice pro vider sho uld it be require d by th e LR B ID. 5140.03 IDA: pro po s e d $500. T hese funds w ou ld be use d for th e an nu al due s for m em b ership in the Inte rn ational Downtow n Asso ci atio n (iD A). 5141 Communication Services (see below) 5141.01 Email Fax Services: pro posed $0. These funds w ould be used fo r an em ail fa x service provider sho uld it be re quired by the LR BID . - 17 - 51 4 1 .0 3 C e ll P h o n e : proposed $0. These funds will be used for cell phone services should it be required by the LRBID . 5141.04 Telephone/Internet Services: proposed $3,120. These funds will be used for internet and landline services to the LRBI D's offices. 5142 Postage and Deliveries {see below) 5142.01 Postage & Deliveries: proposed $1,4 40: The funds will be used for the LRB ID's postage and delivery needs. 5144 Rentals and Leases (see below) 5144.01 Equipment Leases: proposed $4,200. These funds would be used for lease of the LRBID's copier, printer and fax m achine. 5144.02 Rent Expenses: proposed $34,800. Th ese funds will be used for office leasing. 5144.03 Equipment and Software: proposed $3,360. These funds will be used for annual fees associated wi th QuickB ooks , G oogle G Suite, iîunes Storage, Go Daddy, Constant Contact, Drop Box, Zoom, Later and Apple Storage. 5145 Insurance Expense (see below) 5145.01 Insurance/Officers & Directors: proposed $1,000. These funds would be to acquire O fficers & Directors Liability Insurance for the LRBID. 5145.02 Liability Insurance: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used to acquire Liability Insurance for the LRBID, which includes premises. 5145.03 Event Liability Insurance: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to acquire event liability insurance for Lincoln Road activations supported or sponsored by the LRBID. 5146 Repairs and Maintenance (see below) 5146.01 Repairs and Maintenance: proposed $0. These funds would be used for equipment repairs in the event the LRBID acquires equipment. 5147 Printing and Reproduction 5147.01Printing and Reproduction; prop osed $830. Th ese funds would be used for the LRB ID's - 18 - p rintin g a nd re pro d u cti on c os ts o f bus ines s card s an d inv itations . 5148 Marketing & Advertising (see below) 5148.01 Website Maintenance: proposed $0. These expenses are included in line item 5148.09. 5148.02 Sponsorship: proposed $0. These funds will be used for future sponsorships subject to the approval of the LRBID. 5148.03 Public Relations: proposed $84,000. These funds will be used for public relations and related services for the LRBID. 5148.04 Promotions: proposed $0. These funds will be used for promotional activity for the LRBID's offices. 5148.05 Production & Design: proposed $0. These expenses are included in line item 5148.09. 5148.06 Printing: proposed $29,625. These funds will be used to print brochures, flyers and other materials for the LRBID. 5148.07Misc. Project Expenses: proposed $0. These funds will be used for project expenses. 5148.08 Event Production: proposed $0. These funds will be used for event production in the future. 5148.09 Agency Retainer: proposed $60,000. These funds will be used for website maintenance, advertising, design and creative services from a creative agency serving the LRBID. 5148.1 Advertising Outdoor and Other: proposed $120,000. These funds will be used for advertising expenses, whether billboards, bus-wraps, promotional materials, or other, to promote Lincoln Road as a destination. 5148.11 Advertising Online: proposed $0. These funds will be used for online advertising 5148.12 Advertising Print Media: proposed $13,095. These funds will be used for print advertising to promote Lincoln Road as a destination, in GMCVB Hotel & Pocket Guide, as well as the SOMA Guide. 5148.13 Graphic Design: proposed $0. These expenses are included in line item 5148.09. 5148.14 Social Media: proposed $14,000. These funds will be used to boost social media posts, - 19 - p ro m oting Li n c oln R oad a s a d e s tinatio n . 5148.15 Photography: proposed $0. These expenses are included in line item 5148.09. 5148.16 Video Production: proposed $0. These expenses are included in line item 5148.09. 5148.17 Pedestrian Counters: proposed $18,000. These funds will be used for the annual cost of the Eco-Counters pedestrian counters located on Lincoln Road. 5148.18 New World Symphony: proposed $49,500. These funds will be used for NW S Concerts on Lincoln Road, with payments going to NWS Fellows and sound and light crew. 5148.19 South Beach Jazz Fest: proposed $20,000. These funds will be used to support the South Beach Jazz Fest. 5148.2 Colony Theatre: proposed $20,000. These funds wíll be used to support the LRBID's annual sponsorship of the Colony Theater on Lincoln Road. 5148.21 Gay Pride: proposed $20,000. These funds will be used to support the LRBID's annual sponsorship of the Gay Pride activities. 5151 Office Supplies (see below) 5151.01 Office Supplies: proposed $1,740. These funds would be used for office supplies required by the LRBID, incl uding but not limited to water service, paper, paperclips, pens, coffee, tea and cleaning materials. 5152 Other Expenses (see below) 5152.01Parking & Auto Expense: proposed $3,600. These funds would be used for parking expenses for LRBID employees. 5152.02 Business Licenses & Permits: proposed $400. These funds will be used for annual business permits and licenses required by the LRBID. 51452.13 Florida Dept of State Annual Report: proposed $75. These funds will be used for the firing costs of the LRBID's annual report to the State of Florida. 5152.03 Certificate of Use: proposed $0. These funds will be used for a certificate of use, should it become necessary for the LR B ID's offices. -- 20 - 51 5 2.0 5 M e m b ers h ip s a nd S u b scriptio ns : proposed $4,750. These funds will be used for additional memberships and subscriptions. 5152.06 Equipment Rental: proposed $0. These funds will be used for equipment rental. 5152.07 Bank Service Charges: proposed $300. These funds will be used bank service. 5152.14 Assessment Management Fee to City: proposed $25. These funds will be used for City of Miami Beach assessment management process. 5152.15 Wire Transfer Fees to City: proposed $180. These funds will be used for to pay assessment transfer fees the City of Miami Beach charges the LRBID. 5152.08 MB Chamber of Commerce: proposed $650. These funds will be used for annual membership in the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. 5152.09 Greater Miami Beach Hotel Association: proposed $1,500. These funds will be used for annual membership in the Greater Miami Beach Hotel Association. 5152.1 Greater Miami Visitor and Convention Bureau: proposed $575. These funds will be used for annual membership in the Greater Miami Visitor and Convention Bureau. 5152.11 South Florida Concierge Association: proposed $650. These funds will be used for annual membership in the South Florida Concierge Association. 5152.12 Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce: proposed $600. These funds will be used for annual membership in the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. 5159 Depreciation nia 5172 Interest Expenses nia - 21 - O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L C H A R T - 22 - L R B ID O R G A N IZ AT IO N A L C H A R T STEVEN GOMBINSKI President LYLE STE RN Vi ce Presi d ent MIND Y MCILROY Treasurer HOWARD HERRING Secretary BEN BRODY Member at large DAVID TORN EK Board Member DAVID HERZBERG Board Member ALBERT COHEN Board Member GLENN OYER Board Member THELM A DEU TSCH Board Member TIM OTH Y SCHMAND Executive Director NATALIE MEJIA BID Administrator - 23 -