LTC 292-2020 Virtual Fall Program OfferingsDocuSign Envelope ID: 3E2B780A-9AD3-41C6-ABAA-FFBAB 69A455C M l MIBEACH O FFI CE OF THE ITV MANAGED NO. LTC # 292-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FRO M : DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Œ DocuSigned by: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager'[ b August 21, 2020 ·2cAsro«oro«os SUBJECT: Virtual Fall Program Offerings VIRTUAL AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Location: Weekly Fee: Virtual After-School Program Kindergarten - 1°' Monday - Friday, September 8- October 2%% 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Virtual - Zoom Platform $75.00 The Parks and Recreation Department will be offering virtual homework assistance for children in grades K-1. Additional activities will include fitness classes, yoga, cooking, science and more. Participants have the choice to attend the entire 2.5-hour program or choose which classes to attend. Pro-rated pricing is not available. Supplies for this program will be provided on the Friday before the class begins. Registration begins August 31 at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.reqister.miamibeachparks.com. Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Location: Weekly Fee: Virtual After-School Program 2n4- 5W Monday - Friday, September 8- October 2d 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Virtual - Zoom Platform $75.00 The Parks and Recreation Department will be offering homework assistance for children in grades 2-5. Additional activities will include fitness classes, yoga, cooking, science and more. Participants have the choice to attend the entire 2.5-hour program or choose which classes to attend. Pro- rated pricing is not available. Supplies for this program will be provided on the Friday before the class begins. Registration begins August 31 at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.reqister.miamibeachparks.com. Page 1 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3E2B780A-9AD3-41C6-ABAA-FFBAB69A455C Event: Virtual Teen Club Grades: 6"- 12 Dates: Monday - Friday, September 8""- October 2" Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Location: Virtual - Zoom Platform Weekly Fee: Free for students enrolled in a Miami Beach school In partnership with All Stars and AYUDA, the City of Miami Beach will offer virtual teen club with the following programming: tutoring/homework assistance, STEM, dance, social emotional learning, entrepreneurship, sports fitness, hobby projects and more. Registration begins August 31%at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: yww.register.miamibeachparks.com. VIRTUAL SPECIALTY PROGRAMMING Event: Ages: Dates: Time: Location: Weekly Fee: Krafty Kids 2-4 years old Monday -- Friday, September 8"-- October 2d 10:00 a.m.-11 :00 a.m. Virtual -Zoom Platform $30.00 Programming for toddlers will feature interactive virtual story time, sing along, and arts & crafts. Supplies for this program will be provided on the Friday before the class begins. Registration begins August 31 at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.register.miamibeachparks.com. Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Locations: Weekly Fee: Fitness Fun! K-1st Monday - Friday, September 8"- October 2d 2:30 p.m. -3:15 p.m. Virtual -Zoom Platform $25.00 Participants will enjoy a variety of aerobic activities to get the heart pumping. Registration begins August 31 at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.register.miamibeachparks.com. Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Locations: Fee: Dance Pre-K - 5U Saturdays, September 5" - September 25"" (5 classes) 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Virtual - Zoom Platform $40.00 This program will give participants in Pre-K - 5" grade the opportunity to learn several styles of dance and a variety of choreography. Dancers will need comfortable and flexible active wear such as leggings and a tank top. Space is limited. Registration begins August 31% at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.register.miamibeachparks.com. Page 2 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3E2 B780A-9AD 3-41C6-AB AA-FFBAB 69A455C Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Locations: Weekly Fee: Culinary Kids 3d-8" Monday - Friday, September 14" September 18" 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Virtual - Zoom Platform $75.00 Learn the fundamentals of cooking and create fun recipes. Supplies for this program will be provided on the Friday before the class begins. Required supplies that are not included are: basic cooking supplies, hot plate or stove, oven. Adult supervision is required. Registration begins August 31 at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.reqister.miamibeachparks.com. Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Location: Weekly Fee: Science Stars 34-6" Monday -- Friday, September 8 - September 25"" 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Virtual - Zoom Platform $60.00 Engage in fun experiments while learning about inertia, energy, matter and more. Participants will conduct two experiments a day. Supplies for this program will be provided on the Friday before the class begins. Registration begins August 31° at 10:.00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.reqister.miamibeachparks.com. Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Locations: Weekly Fee: Delicious Desserts 34- 8" Monday - Friday, September 21"- September 25" 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Virtual -- Zoom Platform $75.00 Learn the fundamentals of baking and create delicious treats such as cheesecakes, flans and more. Supplies for this program will be provided on the Friday before the class begins. Required supplies that are not included are: basic baking supplies, hot plate or stove, and oven. Adult supervision is required. Space is limited. Registration begins August 31° at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www .reqister.miamibeachparks.com. Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Locations: Weekly Fee: Edible Explosions (Fun with Food Science) 3"-6" Monday -- Friday, September 28"- October 2d 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Virtual - Zoom Platform $50.00 Engage in fun edible science experiments while learning about viscosity, density and more. Supplies for this program will be provided on the Friday before the class begins. Registration begins August 31° at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.reqister.miamibeachparks.com. Page 3 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3E 2B780A-9AD 3-41C6-ABAA -FF BAB 69A455C Event: Grades: Dates: Time: Locations: Weekly Fee: DIV: Hands-On Projects for Kids 5- 8" Monday - Friday, September 8"- September 1¡" 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Virtual -Zoom Platform $65.00 Participants will create handmade projects and learn new skills to be able to DIY on their own. Supplies for this program will be provided on the Friday before the class begins. Registration begins August 31% at 10:00 a.m. Program subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. Register and pay online by visiting: www.reqister.miamibeachparks.com. Event: Ages: Dates: Time: Location: Fee: Event: Ages: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Event: Location: Youth Athletics - Fitness, Skills and Drills K- 8" Saturdays, September 8 -- October 3" 11 :00 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m. Virtual - YouTube Free The program will provide participants from Kindergarten - 8" grade the opportunity to get up, get out and stay active. Participants will work on skills and drills in basketball and soccer, engage in fitness activities that develop hand eye coordination, and be able to join at their leisure or take classes as often they like. New videos will be released every Saturday morning via the City's YouTube Channel. Adult Fitness Classes 18+ Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, September 8"" October 3"% 10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Virtual - YouTube Free Yoga, Dance Fusion and Chair Aerobics classes will be hosted by Parks and Recreation team members. Participants will be able to join at their leisure and take classes as often as they like. New videos will be released every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning via the City's YouTube Channel. Virtual Private Piano & Guitar Lessons Virtual - Zoom Platform Contact Alan Andai at alan@aamusicians.com or call (305) 989-0117 for pricing, dates, times and more information. Should you have additional questions, please contact Cindy Casanova at (305) 673-7730. Attachments 1il Page 4 of 4 seno.s° uSign Envelope ID: 3E2B780A-9AD3-41 C6-ABAA-FFBAB69 I L R S C L PR M o n d a y - Frid a y (September 8- October 2) 2 :3 0 P M -- 5 P M [Kl" grade) • 3 :3 0 P M - 6P M (2--5 grade) W eek ly Fee: $75 The Parks & Recreation Department will be offering homework assistance for children in grades Kindergarten through 5 , Additional activities will include fitness classes, yoga, cooking, science and more. Participants have the choice to attend the entire 2.5-hour program or choose which classes to attend. Pro-rating is not available. Supplies for this program will be provided every Friday before class. Virtual tutoring through Zoom platform. Space is limited. Program may be canceled due to low enrollment. R e g istra tio n sta rts: A u g u st 3 1, 1 OA M register.miamibeachparks.com aama sa DocuSign Envelope ID: 3E2B780A-9AD3-41C6-ABAA-FFBAB69A455C mers#t9% VIRTUAL TEEN CLUB September 8- October 2 M o n da y - Frida y 4 P M - 5:3 0 P M (6"-12 grade] Fre e for all teens enrolled in a Miami Beach school. Program includes: Tutoring/homework assistance, STEM, dance, social emotional learning, entrepreneurship, sports fitness, hobby projects and more. Virtual tutoring through Zoom platform. Space is limited. Program may be canceled due to low enrollment. • Nautilus Teen Club • Scott Rakow Youth Center • Normandy Isle Park Registration starts: August 31, 1 OAM register.miamibeachparks.com In partnership with MB All Stars and Ayuda. D o c u Si gn En v el op e ID : 3 E 2 8 7 8 0 A -9 A D 3 -4 1 C 6 -A B AA -FF B A B 6 9 A 4 5 5 C VIRTUAL SPECIAL PROG RAMMING • Krafty Kids • Dance • Culinary Kids • Delicious Desserts • Edible Explosions • Youth Athletics (Fitness, Skills and Drills) • Adult Fitness Classes and more •••