LTC 294-2020 Business Tax Receipt Process Improvement - UpdateM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 294-2020 TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members oft FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE August 25, 2020 SUBJECT: Business Tax Receipt Process Improvement - Update Background: On July 31, 2018 I issued a memo to Department Directors related to customer complaints regarding the complexity of the City's Business Tax Receipt (BTR) process and the impact it's had on businesses. Planning, Finance, Economic Development, Fire and Building Departments diligently worked alongside IT's EnerGov team, to resolve delays in issuance of BTRs. The BTR application, BLPL ("CU"- aka Certificate of Use), and Fire Permit ("Fire Annual Inspection" - FAI) once occurred simultaneously under one application in the Customer Service - Finance Department. When a new business applies for the BTR, they were simultaneously applying for a CU (BLPL). Upon application, Customer Service creates and links a BLPL (CU) for review. The Building, Planning/Zoning and Code Compliance departments process and approve the BLPL; once completed, Customer Service routes the FAI for inspection and approval. Upon the completion of the FAI approval a BTR can be issued. Update: To expedite the process of obtaining a license to do business in the City of Miami Beach, a streamlined approach for procuring such license, known as a business tax receipt (BTR) became effective Monday August 24, 2020. All new businesses in the City of Miami Beach will be required to obtain a certificate of use from the Planning department before requesting a business tax receipt. Applying for a Certificate of Use and BTR can easily be done online by visiting the city's Citizen Self Service portal at www.mbselfservice.com. This new review separates the need to obtain a Certificate of Use (CU), which requires inspections by a handful of departments including Building, Code Compliance, Fire, Planning and Public Works. Although all businesses are still required to obtain a certificate of use prior to opening, there is now an exception for home-based businesses -who can skip this much more involved CU process. Certificate of Use (CU): Applying for a Certificate of Use can be done online at home or from a smart phone. Applying online is as easy as visiting the city's Citizen Self Service (CSS) portal. Applicants need only describe the bu s in e s s , a n s w e r a fe w q u e s tio n s a n d p ro v id e a flo o r p la n to be g in th e re v ie w p ro c e s s . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , em ail CU@miamibeachfl_gov Business Tax Receipt (BTR): Once a Certificate of Use is issued and all other applicable regulatory approvals, including but not limited to the state of Florida and Miami Dade county, are obtained, documentation may be submitted to the Finance department for payment and issuance of a Business Tax Receipt. Applying for a BTR is a simple as visiting the city's CSS portal and providing all relevant documentation. More information is available at https://wwwy_miam ibeachfl. gov/city-ha li/customer-service-center/ CU Exemptions All establishments will be required to obtain a certificate of use prior to opening, except for home-based businesses. Licensed professionals are exempt from Certificates of Use but do require Business Tax Receipts; should questions arise speak with a Customer Service Representative at 305-673-7420 for more information. _! JL MFPIAM