LTC 297-2020 COVID-19 Rent AssistanceD o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID : AD BB 4 B OF -12 6 E -4 F 6 D -9B 7 8 -9 CE F 4 F AD C C D 3
Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission
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Monday, August 31, 2020
COVID-19 Rent Assistance
The purpose of this Letter To Commission (L TC) is to provide the Mayor and Commission with an
update on the City's Rent, Mortgage and Utility Assistance Program serving residents adversely
impacted by COVID-19 and facing the risk of housing instability.
The City has weaved a variety of funding sources to create four distinct pools of assistance funds
that began serving residents in May with the use of Community Development Block Grant-
Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds and the reprogramming of HOME Investment Partnership (HOME)
funds. The first tranche yielded 159 processed files processed from 502 appointments. This
tranche provided $311,829 in direct assistance. These federal funds required that beneficiaries
meet specific income eligibility guidelines: CDBG beneficiaries cannot exceed 80 percent Area
Median Income (AMI) and HOME beneficiaries cannot exceed 60 percent AMI. In addition, federal
funds require that beneficiaries document direct impact by COVID as well as initially limiting
CDBG assistance to a maximum of three month's rent assistance.
The second tranche of funds provided $336,000 in housing and utility assistance that was
distributed utilizing a lottery process that yielded 562 applicants. While this tranche is still
underway, we are currently serving up to number 426 of the lottery. Since this tranche utilizes
federal funds, the income eligibility criteria also applies.
Tranche 3, which was approved by the Mayor and Commission at its July 29th meeting will provide
General Fund assistance to those households who were deemed ineligible (excluding income)
and those who were not served because funds in tranche 1 were exhausted. These funds will be
distributed by HOPE in Miami-Dade, Inc. to ensure the broadest range of residents are served.
Services will commence upon the execution of the services agreement.
Tranche 4 will utilize Coronavirus Relief Fund monies awarded to the City via Florida Housing
Finance Corporation and will provide mortgage and maintenance fees relief to homeowners as
well as rent and utility assistance. These funds will also enable the City to serve high-earning
households as the maximum allowed household income is up to 120 percent AMI. A lottery for
these funds opened on Wednesday, August 19th and closed on Wednesday, August 26th. The
lottery yielded 510 applicants. The randomized drawing conducted by the Internet Technology
Department this morning at 9am determined the order these applicants will be served by the
Housing and Community Services Department. Appointments will commence for this tranche this
week. Please note that the City will be processing three tranches simultaneously utilizing federal,
D o c u Sig n E n v el o p e ID : AD B B 4B OF -12 6E -4 F 6 D -9B 7 8 -9 CE F AF AD C CD 3
state pass-through and General Fund monies.
The following chart provides a summary of funds and expenditures by tranche:
I '
Community Development Community HOME Investment Emergency Food and HOME Investment Community Development General Funds- Corona Virus Relief Funds-
Block Grant through the CARES Development Block Partnership /HOME] Shelter Partnership /HOME] Block Grant through the Tranche3 Florida Housing Finance
At(CD8G-CV) Grant (DG) Tranche 1 Program(Er5P) Tranche 2 CARES At(CD8G-V) Corporation
Tranche 1 Tranche 2 Tranche 4
$247,5000 warded- $222,750.00
allocated for rent, utility and
Award Amount $ 214,635.00 $ 3,60000 $ 90,369.00 $ 3,225.00 $ 271,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $330,000.00 awarded mortgage assistance
lottery will take place on
August 31stat 9am. The lottery
Funds allocated to will determine the
Expended $ 214,635.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 90,369.00 $ 3,725.00 $ 126,62892 $ 35,212.58 Hope in Miami-Dade appointment order.
Households Assisted 82 1 64 3 43 13 Pending Pending
If you have any questions, please see me or contact Maria Ruiz, Department Director, Office of
Housing and Community Services, at