LTC 295-2020 City of Hallandale Resos 049, 051, 058, 059M IA M I BEACH O F F IC E O F TH E C IT Y C LE R K No. 295-2020 LE TTE R TO COMMISSION T O : M ayor D an G elbe r and M e m bers of the C ity C om m ission F R O M : R afae l E. G ranado , C ity C le rk D A T E : A ug ust 27, 2020 S U B JE C T: CITY OF HALLANDALE RESOLUTIONS NO. 2020-049, 2020-051, 2020-058, AND 2020-059 Attached fo r your info rm atio n are R esolutions No . 2020-049, 2020-051, 2020-058, and 2020- ad o pted by the M ayor and C ity C om m issio n of C ity of Hallandale on A ugust 5, 2020. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-049 A R E S O LU T IO N O F TH E C IT Y C O M M IS S IO N O F TH E C IT Y OF HA LLA N D A LE BEACH, FL O R ID A , C A LLI N G FO R SA FE TY FO R BR O W A R D C O UN TY ST UDEN TS, TEA CHER S A N D S C H O O L EM P LO Y EES A N D SA V IN G TAX PA Y ER D O LLA RS ON BU LK PURCH A SING OF PP E (P ER S O N A L PR O TEC T IV E EQ U IP M EN T ) BE FO R E BROW A RD CO UN TY SC H OO LS R E O P E N F O R FA C E-TO -FA C E LE A R N IN G ; FU R TH E R D IR ECT IN G TH E C IT Y C LERK TO T RA N S M IT A C O PY O F TH IS R ES O LU T IO N TO THE O FFIC IA LS NA M ED HE R EIN ; A N D PR O V IDI N G FO RA N EFFEC T IV E DA TE . RESOLUTION NO. 2020-051 A R E S O LU T IO N O F TH E C IT Y C O M M IS S IO N O F THE C IT Y OF HA LLA N D A LE BEACH, F L O R ID A , IN S U P PO R T O F SEN A TE B IL L S.3471 R EFER RE D TO AS TO "U Y GHUR FO RCED LA B O R 5 P R E V E N T IO N A C T," A B ILL TO EN S U R E TH A T GO O DS M A D E W ITH FO R CED LA B O R IN TH E X IN JIA N G UY G H U R A U T O N O M O U S R EG IO N O F TH E PEO PLE'S R EPUBLI C O F C H IN A D O N O T E N T ER TH E UN IT ED STA TES M A R K ET , A N D C O N D EM N ING THE G O V E R N M EN T O F TH E PEO P LE'S R E P U BLI C O F C H INA 'S TA R G ET ED CA M PAIG N OF R E P R E S S IO N O F M U S LI M ET H N IC M IN O R IT IE S ; FU RTHER DI R ECT IN G TH E C IT Y C LERK T O T RA N S M IT A C O PY O F TH IS R E S O LU T IO N TO TH E O FFIC IA LS NA M ED HER EIN; A N D PR O V ID IN G FO R A N EFFEC TIV E DA TE . RESOLUTION NO. 2020-058 A R E S O L U T IO N O F TH E C IT Y C O M M IS S IO N O F TH E C IT Y O F HA LLA N D A LE BEACH, FL O R ID A EX PR E S S IN G IT S O P P O S IT IO N TO O FFS HO R E D R ILLI N G AC TIV ITIE S, IN C LU D IN G S E IS M IC A IR G U N BLA ST IN G ; A U T H O R IZ IN G A N D DIR ECTING THE C ITY C LE R K T O TRA N S M IT A C O PY O F TH IS R ESO LU T IO N TO TH E A PPROPR IA TE OFFIC IA LS ; A N D PR O V ID IN G FO R A N EFFEC TIV E DA TE. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-059 A R E S O L U T IO N O F TH E C IT Y C O M M IS S IO N O F TH E C IT Y O F HA LLA N D A LE BEACH , FL O R ID A , C O N D E M N IN G TH E A N T I-S E M IT IC SO C IA L M ED IA PO STS M A D E BY THE F L O R ID A STA TE U N IV ER S IT Y S E N A TE PR ES ID E N T A N D R EQ U EST IN G THAT TH E FL O R ID A STA TE U N IV E R S IT Y PR E S ID E N T R EM O V E THE IN DI V ID UA L FR OM TH E FL O R ID A STA TE U N IV E R S IT Y SE N A TE ; FU R T H E R D IR EC TING THE C ITY C LERK TO T RA N S M IT A C O PY O F TH IS R E S O LU T IO N TO THE O FFIC IA LS NA M ED HER EIN ; A N D PR O V ID IN G FO R A N E FFE C T IV E D A TE . T h e C ity o f H a lla n d a le C le rk ha s re q u e s te d th a t a c o p y o f th e s e R e s o lu tio n s b e p ro v id e d to th e M ia m i B e a c h M a y o r, C o m m is s io n e rs a n d th e C ity M a n a g e r. If y o u h a v e a n y q u e s tio n s , p le a s e c o n ta c t th e O ff ic e o f th e C ity C le rk a t 3 0 5 .6 7 3 . 7 4 1 1 . R E G /le Att a c h m e n ts F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\Hallandale Beach\Resolution 2020-049, 2020-051, 2020-058 and 2020-059 City of Hallandale.docx 1 RE SOL UTI ON NO. 2020 - 049 2 3 A RESO LU TIO N O F THE CITY COM M ISSION O F THE CIT Y OF HALLA NDALE 4 B EA CH , FLO R ID A , CA LLI N G FOR SAFETY FO R BRO WARD COUNTY 5 STUDENTS, TEA C HERS AND SCHO O L EMPLOYEES AND SAVING 6 TAXPA YER DO LLA RS O N BULK PURCHASING OF PPE (PERSONAL 7 PRO TECTIVE EQ UIPM ENT) BEFO RE BRO W ARD CO UNTY SCHO OLS 8 R EO PEN FO R FAC E-TO -FACE LEA RNING; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY 9 CLER K TO TRA NSM IT A CO PY O F THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS 10 NA M ED H ER EIN; AN D PR O VIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11 12 13 W HEREA S, the City of Hallandale Beach (the "City"), its Mayor, City Commission, hereby 14 express concern for the health and wellbeing of all Broward County students (transitional 15 kindergarten through 12th grade) as well as all Broward County teachers, school bus drivers and 16 support staff (including custodians); and 17 18 W HER EA S, the City supports the safety for all school employees and students as well as 19 saving taxpayer dollars via bulk purchasing; and 20 21 W HE R EA S, public schools in Broward County play an essential role in the educational 22 and social development of children and in the functioning of the economy; and 23 24 W HER EAS, the need to reopen schools this fall is essential, but should be done with 25 careful consideration, prioritizing the safety of students and their families, teachers and school 26 support staff, school bus drivers, and the broader community, but not without implementing and 27 procuring supplemental resources such as hygiene products and PPE (personal protective 28 equipment); and 29 FILE NO. 20-265 RESO 2020-049 30 WHEREAS, personal protective equipment is essential to reduce the risk of infection 31 including wearing a mask or face shield, using gloves when appropriate, washing hands, using 32 hand sanitizer (when age appropriate), sanitizing common surfaces and cleaning schools; and 33 34 WHEREAS, personal protective equipment is especially important for staff and students 35 with special health care needs; and 36 WHEREAS, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that 37 schools support healthy hygiene behaviors by providing adequate supplies, including soap, hand 38 sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol (for staff and older children who can safely use hand 39 sanitizer), paper towels, tissues, disinfectant wipes, cloth face coverings (as feasible) and no- 40 touch/foot pedal trash cans, and 41 WHEREAS, the CDC recommends that schools clean and disinfect frequently touched 42 surfaces (e.g., playground equipment, door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) within the 43 school and on school buses at least daily or between use as much as possible; and 44 WHEREAS, Broward County School leaders must develop cleaning and disinfection 45 safety protocols, and procure a series of supplemental resources to support districts and schools 46 as they implement these protocols; and 47 WHEREAS, buying PPE in bulk reduces the cost per unit and can reduce how much 48 Broward County pays in the long run on supplies and products; and 49 FILE NO. 20-265 RESO 2020-049 50 WHEREAS, family budgets have already been strained as many have been without work 51 or had a decrease in income because of the virus, making childcare essential for many families 52 to be able to return to work; and 53 54 WHEREAS, most notably, inequities exist within our health system as COVID-19 data 55 shows that our Black and Brown communities are more likely to be infected and die from the virus 56 due to underlying health conditions, social structures, and access to resources. 57 58 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 59 HALLANDALE BEACH , FLORIDA: 60 61 Section 1. Recitals. That the recitals and findings contained above are hereby 62 confirmed, adopted and incorporated herein 63 64 65 Section 2. This City Commission calls on Broward County education leaders to provide 66 Broward County students, teachers and school employees with PPE (personal protective 67 equipment) which is essential to reduce the risk of infection including wearing a mask or face 68 shield, using gloves when appropriate, washing hands, using hand sanitizer (when age 69 appropriate), sanitizing common surfaces and cleaning schools, and doing so by buying PPE in 70 bulk which reduces the cost per unit and can reduce how much Broward County pays. 71 72 Section 3. Transmittal. The City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to 73 the Board of Broward County Public Schools, Broward County Mayor Dale Holness, the Board of 74 Broward County Commissioners, the Executive Director of the Florida League of Cities, and the 75 Broward County League of Cities. 76 77 Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 5th day of FILE NO. 20-265 RESO 2020-049 N,SORED BY: COMMISSIONER ANABELLE LIMA-TAUB L, "·, o,'.. % ,1 <«0 "·u ,%%± \ O AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY 2 FINAL VOTE ON ADOPTION Mayor Cooper Vice Mayor Javellana Commissioner Butler Commissioner Lazarow Commissioner Lima-Taub YES YES YES YES YES JENNIFER MERINO CITY ATTORNEY 91 92 93 94 FILE NO. 20-265 RESO 2020-049 1 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 4 HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, IN SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 5 S.3471 REFERRED TO AS TO "UYGHUR FORCED LABOR 5 6 PREVENTION ACT." A BILL TO ENSURE THAT GOODS MADE WITH 7 FORCED LABOR IN THE XINJIANG UYGHUR AUTONOMOUS REGION 8 OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA DO NOT ENTER THE 9 UNITED STATES MARKET, AND CONDEMNING THE GOVERNMENT 10 OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA'S TARGETED CAMPAIGN 11 OF REPRESSION OF MUSLIM ETHNIC MINORITIES; FURTHER 12 DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS 13 RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAMED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING 14 FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 15 16 WHEREAS, the City of Hallandale Beach (the "City"), its Mayor and City RESOLUTION NO. 2020 - 051 17 Commission, publicly denounce human trafficking and forced labor known to be a horrific 18 assault on human dignity and condemn this form of human rights violation via persecution 19 targeting any identifiable ethnic or religious group and deem this to be modern day slavery; 20 and 21 WHEREAS, the phrase "Never again" is associated with the Holocaust and other 22 genocides, and should also be coined when addressing the gross violations of human 23 rights in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region; and 24 25 WHEREAS, the City actively promotes the acceptance of every race, ethnicity and 26 religion; and 27 28 WHEREAS, in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the Government of the 29 People's Republic of China has established a system of extrajudicial mass internment 30 camps arbitrarily detaining as many as 1,800,000 Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and 31 members of other Muslim minority groups who have been subjected to forced labor, 32 torture, political indoctrination, and severe human rights abuses; and 33 34 WHEREAS, the forced labor experienced by Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and 35 members of other Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of 36 the People's Republic of China is systematic and widespread and therefore constitutes an 37 atrocity within the meaning of section 6 of the Elie Wiesel Genocide and 9 Atrocities 38 Prevention Act of 2018 (Public Law 115 441; 10 22 U.S.C. 2656 note); and 1 RESO 2020 -051 FILE NO. 20-266 39 40 WHEREAS, there is a very high risk that many factories and other suppliers in the 41 Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region are exploiting forced labor, according to reports from 42 researchers, media, and civil society groups. Audits to vet products and supply chains in 43 the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region are not possible because of the extent to which 44 forced labor has contaminated the regional economy, the mixing of involuntary labor with 45 voluntary labor, and the inability of witnesses to speak freely about working conditions 46 given heavy government surveillance and coercion, and the strong incentive of 47 government officials to conceal government-sponsored forced labor; and 48 49 WHEREAS, the City hereby denounces the forced labor, torture, political 50 indoctrination, and severe human rights abuses and religious persecution of minority 51 Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China; 52 and 53 54 WHEREAS, the City supports ensuring that goods made with forced labor in the SS Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region do not enter the United States. 56 57 58 59 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 60 OF HALL ANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA: 61 62 Section 1. Recitals. That the recitals and findings contained above are hereby 63 confirmed, adopted and incorporated herein. 64 65 Section 2. Condemnation. That the City Commission hereby condemns the 66 forced labor within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region's system of mass internment 67 camps, and throughout the region, as is confirmed by the testimony of former camp 68 detainees, satellite imagery, and official leaked documents from the Government of the 69 People's Republic of China as part of a targeted campaign of repression of Muslim ethnic 70 minorities. 71 72 Section 3. Transmittal. The City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this 73 Resolution to Senator Marco Rubio's Broward District Manager Ms. Gina Alonso, the 74 Office of Governor Ron Desantis, Broward County Mayor Dale Holness, the Board of 75 Broward County Commissioners, the Executive Director of the Florida league of Cities, 76 and the Broward County League of Cities. 77 2 RESO 2020-051 FILE NO. 20-266 78 Section 4, Effective Date. That this Resolution shall become effective 79 immediately upon its adoption. 80 81 82 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 5th day of August, 2020 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 SPONSORED BY: COMMISSIONER ANABELLE LIMA-TAUB 91 92 ATTEST: FINAL VOTE ON ADOPTION Mayor Cooper Vice Mayor Javellana Commissioner Butler Commissioner Lazarow Commissioner Lima- Taub YES YES YES YES YES 93 3 RESO 2020 -051 FILE NO. 20-266 1 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 4 HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA EXPRESSING ITS OPPOSITION TO 5 OFFSHORE DRILLING ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING SEISMIC AIRGUN 6 BLASTING; ÀUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO 7 TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE APPROPRIATE 8 OFFICIALS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 9 10 WHEREAS, the federal government has expressed interest in opening the waters RESOLUTION NO. 2020 - 058 11 off the coast of Florida to offshore oil and gas development and exploration, including risky 12 methods such as seismic airgun blasting; and 13 14 WHEREAS, in January 2018, the Department of the Interior released its draft 15 2019-2024 national Outer Continental Shelf (CS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program which 16 governs when and where the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management can offer offshore 17 drilling leases to the oil and gas industry; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the Program proposes to open over 90% of total OCS acreage to dirty 20 and dangerous offshore drilling which would open the Atlantic and Pacific to drilling for the 21 first time in three decades and outlines the largest number of potential offshore leases 22 ever offered by any president; and 23 24 WHEREAS, exploratory and commercial drilling, extraction, and transportation of 25 offshore oil and gas resources pose a significant risk of an oil spill and leakage: and 26 27 WHEREAS, eventual offshore drilling may require significant onshore 28 infrastructure such as pipelines or refineries, which would harm the character of the coast; 29 and 30 31 WHEREAS, offshore drilling proposals threaten the continued prosperity of coastal 32 communities and states whose economies are inextricably linked to clean, oil-free 33 shorelines; and. 34 35 WHEREAS, communities along the Atlantic Coast rely on healthy ocean 36 ecosystems to support jobs in fishing, recreation and tourism; and 1 RESO 2020 -058 FILE NO 20-253 37 38 W H E R E A S , offshore drilling activities pose threats to treasured vacation 39 destinations on Florida's coasts which are of intrinsic economic value for numerous 40 industries and serve as essential nursery habitats for recreational commercially important 41 fisheries; and 42 43 W H E R EA S , the City of Hallandale Beach recognizes that the tourism and fishing 44 industries, which depend on a healthy and vibrant coastal environment, both serve as 45 major economic drivers benefiting the current and future residents, property owners, and 46 visitors to Florida; and 47 48 W H E R EA S , the City of Hallandale Beach endeavors to be a good steward of the 49 state and region' environment and its resources; and so 51 W H E R EA S , exploration and development of oil and gas resources off the coast of 52 Florida will not effectively address the long-term energy needs of our country; and 53 54 W H E R E A S , the City of Hallandale Beach finds it more economically and SS ecologically responsible to pursue non-polluting sources of renewable energy, such as 56 solar and wind, which pose less risk to the coastal environment and economic health 5 7 before using uncertain methods of seismic airgun blasting for offshore oil and gas 58 deposits; and 59 60 W H E R EA S , the Mayor and City Commission find that expressing its opposition to 61 offshore drilling activities, including seismic airgun blasting, is in the best interests of its 62 citizens; and 63 64 N O W , T H E R E F O R E , B E IT R E S O LV E D B Y TH E M A Y O R A N D T H E CIT Y 65 C O M M IS S IO N O F T H E C ITY O F H A L LA N D A L E B E A C H , FL O R ID A : 66 67 68 69 SE C T ION 2. The Mayor and City Commission hereby expresses its opposition S E C TI O N 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are incorporated herein. 70 to offshore drilling activities, including seismic airgun blasting. 2 RESO 2020 -058 FILE NO. 20-253 71 72 SECTION 3. The Mayor and City Com m ission hereby fu rther direct s the City 73 Clerk to transm it a copy of th is Resolut ion to the Florida Govern or, the President of the 74 Fl orida Senate, the Spe aker of the Florida House of Representatives, the Brow ard County 75 League of C ities, the Florida League of Cities, the Broward County Legislative De leg ation, 76 the Florida Association of Counties, the Florida City County M anagem ent Association, the 77 Board of County Com m issioners for Broward County , and each of the municipalities in 78 Broward County . 79 80 SECTION4._ Effective Date. This R esol ution shal l take effect im m ediatel y upon 81 its passage and adoption. 82 83 APPR O VED AN D AD OP TE D this 5 day of August, 2020. 84 85 86 87 ,#5y ' „.· O,' ."" "o$j0y6oreo s. i.'í,zit. ö f.npe8T: . ,, i'.,_,. . • •. !.!J.' . \) ~: .- : "C l,.è; » : O :, -'a .5-· 'at"p' t @° fi,ré?° g%_ ''{o¢}<„S,,, ,l,IP„h},,,, ,,,,,,,= », ' y y"te "»f¡y9d w'a.a ' „ "sa·«' AP PRO VED AS TO LEG AL SUFF ICIENC Y AND FO RM ..%te?2 CITY ATTO R NEY FINAL VOTE ON ADOPTION M ayor Coope r Vice Mayor Javellana Comm issioner Butler Com m issioner Laz arow Com m issioner Lim a-Taub YES YES YES YES YES 91 92 3 RESO 2020 -058 FILE NO. 20-253 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2020 - 059 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE 4 BEACH, FLORIDA, CONDEMNING THE ANTI-SEMITIC SOCIAL MEDIA 5 POSTS MADE BY THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY SENATE PRESIDENT 6 AND REQUESTING THAT THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT 7 REMOVE THE INDIVIDUAL FROM THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY 8 SENATE; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY 9 OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAMED HEREIN; AND 10 PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11 12 WHEREAS, the City of Hallandale Beach (the "City"), its Mayor and City Commission find 13 that anti-Semitism and religious bias have no place in our city and we are committed to working 14 actively against all forms of discrimination; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the City actively promotes the acceptance of every race, ethnicity and 17 religion; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the City asserts that everyone should be safe and not fear harm where they 20 live, work and play; and 21 22 WHEREAS, the City denounces anti-Semitism, discrimination and bias against any race, 23 ethnicity or religion; and 24 25 WHEREAS, the City became aware of social media posts made by the Florida State 26 University Senate President wh ich falsely compared the great State of Israel to evil Nazi Germany 27 on his personal website, and included the statement "stupid jew thinks he is cool," in reference to 28 a staged photograph of an Israeli soldier with his foot on a Palestinian child, as well as an 29 Instagram post in which he wrote, "f Israel," posts he defended in a video circulated to the FSU 30 student body on June 9th, 2020, and 31 32 WHERAS, the City denounces the anti-Semitic social medía posts made by the Florida 33 State University Senate President; and 34 35 WHEREAS, the City encourages citizens to stand up against anti-Semitism in all its forms, 36 and to speak out against anti- Semitism through peaceful speech and action; and 37 FILE NO. 20-263 RESO 2020 - 059 38 WHEREAS, FSU researchers received $233.6 million in funding for fiscal year 39 2019, $7 million dollars more than 2018. Funds came from federal, state and private 40 sources; and 41 42 WHEREAS, the City Commission encourages state and federal tax dollars to be awarded 43 to public universities committed to fostering an all inclusive student body while taking a strong 44 stance against anti-Semitism as well as all forms of bigotry and discrimination; and 45 46 WHEREAS, on July 15th, 2020, Florida State University Senate President attempted to 47 stop two members of the Florida Jewish Legislative Caucus from speaking at a student senate 48 meeting there in support of the 72nd Student Senate Resolution #59; and 49 50 WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby formally supports the adoption of FSU's Student 51 Senate Resolution #59: Committing to the following: 1. Immediately appointing a senate liaison 52 for Hillel FSU to increase Jewish communication and representation within Student Government 53 2 Holding all members of the Student Government Association accountable to being educated 54 on Jewish culture and anti-Semitism through communication with the Jewish community on 55 campus 3. Supporting the creation of a task force with Florida State University's administration 56 and Alumni Association to advise on policies that impact Florida State University's Jewish 57 community and engage Jewish students at Florida State University; and 58 59 WHEREAS, the City is committed to safeguarding our community against the dangers of 60 anti-Semitism, and to ensuring that the Constitutional rights of every person who lives, works, and 61 visits our great City are protected. 62 63 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 64 HALLA NDALE BEACH, FLORIDA: 65 66 Section 1. Recitals. That the recitals and findings contained above are hereby 67 confirmed, adopted and incorporated herein. 68 69 Section 2. Condemnation. That the City Commission hereby condemns the social media 70 posts made by the Florida State University Senate President that is deemed to be anti-Semitic, 71 and declares its stance against anti-Semitism, racial, ethnic and religious bias and discrimination. 72 In addition, the City Commission strongly urges the Florida State University President to 73 demonstrate Florida State University' s intolerance for such anti-Semitic social media posts by FILE NO. 20-263 RESO 2020 - 059 74 ta king actio n, including the co ndem nation of the social m edia posts, and the rem oval of the Florida 75 State U nive rsity Senate P resident. 76 77 Section 3. T ransm ittal . That the C ity C lerk is direct ed to transm it a copy of this R esolution 78 to Fl orida State U nivers ity P resident John E. Thrasher, B ro ward C ounty Mayor D ale H olness, the 79 B o ard of C ounty C om m issioners, the E xecutive Direc tor of the Florida League of Cities, and the 80 B row ard C o unty League of C ities. 81 82 Section 4. Effective Date. That this R esolution shall beco m e effect ive im m ed iately upo n 83 its ado ptio n . 84 85 86 87 88 89 A P P R O V E D A N O A DO P TE D TH IS 5th day of A ugust, 2020. FINAL VOTE ON ADOPTION M ayor C oope r Vi ce M ayor Javellana C om m issioner But ler Com m issioner Lazarow C om m iss ioner Li m a-Taub YES YES YES YES YES C ITY A TT O R N E Y 94 95 FILE N O. 20-263 RE SO 2020 - 059