LTC 327-2020 Florida Department of Transportation I-395 Signature Bridge Project PresentationDocuSign Envelope ID: F774A386-890E-4D94-AE19-BA17C2B229BF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER O. Lrc# 327-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of,[e,Q!SY, Commission Foe Jimmy L. Morales, ciy Manaa#} } l!:2acA1s194010495 __ . DATE: September 17, 2020 SUBJECT: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FOOT) 1-395 SIGNATURE BRIDGE PROJECT PRESENTATION The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to transmit the attached presentation from the Florida Department of Transportation on the current status of the 1-395 Signature Bridge project. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Attachment word#áeo E -- OocuSign Envelope ID: F7744386-890E-4D94-AE19-BA17C2B229BF j\4,çQNNEcTnNG /\ \MIAM I ° 1-395/SR 836/1-95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT Financial Project Numbers: 251688-1-52-01, 423126-1-52-01, 423126-2-52-01, 429300-2-52-01 City of M iam i B each Com m ission Update Septem ber 16, 2020 ron) bx #te#i#ieri#ti 1-.195/SR 836/1-95 ['\kiii:in bEsiGii-üi Roscr For) ,bx This PowerPoint presentation was prepared by the Florida Department of Transportation {FOOT} staff and has been made available to the public as part of public records access. Any dissemination of this presentation by anyone or entity other than FOOT staff is not official. Any questions can be sent to FDOT- D6PIO@dot.state. f/. us. This presentation may not be altered . 74 r,es#iie5ia 1-.19 5/SR 8 3 6 /1 -9 5 \ \MIAMI: I' DESIGN -BUILD PROJE CT Dor) ,bx IN TERSTATE ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Ongoing nighttime closures on 1-95 from NW 8 Street to NW 29 Street for concrete replacement on northbound and southbound lanes • ta - • vs, .. -~,.,..,.. • • £ s a e s .± #_lonzazà I I COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 3 j9#@oEcr@ 1-.195/SR 836/1-95 \MIAM I. I DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT - .. - . ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES • Total plan quantity of new concrete pavement is: 118,720 Square Yards • Total new concrete pavement placed to date is: 65,105 Square Yards #! udo COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 4 #r e6ki#iei te 1-.1 9 5/SR 83 6/1 -95 [\ii iií i bEsiGií-üi PRöJÉcr INTE RSTATE ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONTINUOUS NB 1-95 LANE CLOSURE One outside NB 1-95 traffic lane was closed on Wednesday, September 9 from NW 14 Street to north of NW 17 Street for a period of appro ximately three weeks to allow for the widening of the EB SR 836 ramp to NB 1-95. Exit 4A can be used to continue north. To view a video of the closure, click HERE z a u 5 Nr 102 S1p 29 rt. á NW 2th St I23ud t M# 224 5 - 3za4 s: a ~ . OJ ! v26th St 1 21s : S1 s i e ¿ ± no • ""o D 10h $1 WVNWOOD ran- 5 g 8 ..., NW 29th St 2 Ee te B COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 5 (Ö) ONGOING LANE / CLOSURES THREE MONTH LOOK .•.. AHEAD ANTICIPATED LANE CLOSURES ON THE I-95 CORRIDOR: • Nighttime lane/ramp closure along 1-95 between NW 8 Street and NW 29 Street. Full closures will be implemented as needed. • Closure hours have been adjusted based on current traffic conditions from 8 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 6 j\, çQN NEcTING ft \MIAMI 95/SR 836/1-95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT 2EI FEN ONGOING AN D UPCOMING @6)/ CON STRUCTION ACTIVITIES I E - Ongoing widening of the eastbound SR 836 ramp to northbound 1-95 (Bridge 107) for an additional lane. Anticipated completion: Summer 2021. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 7 - .. - . j)%,çQNNEcTING / \MIMM I 95/SR 836/1-95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES I. l Bridge widening on SR 836 near NW 10Avenue Eil7 llIflli SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY FEE ONGOING AND UPCOMING @36)/ CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AUGER CAST PILE (ACP) FOUNDATIONS • ACP installation ongoing at SR 836, west of NW 12 Avenue. • ACP operation will move to west of NW 17 Avenue the week of September 14. • Total of 492 ACP will be used for viaduct foundations. 72 installed to date. ! l nt _; Jg ¡-.:'.:,· ,- --:-- COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY D@ @ 2@ I 's' {ii¿e{) p[±t ·' z' z e; j9#@@Ecru@ 1-.195/SR 836/1-95 [ \MIAMI. DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT Dolphin • ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Demolition of median area on SR 836 is ongoing west of the Miami River COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 10 j), ç oN NEcrI NG /\t \MIMAMI 95/SR 836/1-95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT -$ • giga; ° - !y« -« 5 9y f. as « COMMUNITY #ir e 6k ik i#es###4 -195/SR 836/1-95 #pggg ['\íiíiiiü i bEsici-üiL PRösEcr Fr) bx ~ g (GO) ONGOING LAN E [:...y THRE E MON TH LOOK / CLO SURES [:::l AHEAD ANTICIPATED LANE CLOSURES ON SR 836 CORRIDOR: • Single and double lane/ramp closures along eastbound and westbound SR 836 • Arterial roads under SR 836 • Closure hours have been adjusted based on current traffic conditions from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m. • Single daytime lane closures on westbound SR 836 from 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. and on eastbound SR 836 between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 12 j8#pii#i5#lita 1-1 95/SR 836/1-95 \MIAM I:. I DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT eggs ONGOING AND UPCOMING EE» cosrRucno AcTvmnes • ACP installation for signature bridge Arch # 4 foundation starting week of Monday, September 14. Contractor preparing for Arch# 5 sheet pile. • Signature bridge center pier ACP completed - Total 128/128. excavation of foundation underway • ACP foundations for Arches # 1, # 2 and bridge pier 1L- Total: 81/81 COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 13 73 i#es#i#ie¿#ia 1-195/SR 836/1-95 \MIAMI. I DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES • Excavation of center pier foundation • Pouring of seal slab expected to take place in late September and will require 2,500+ CY of concrete. 250+X { • Mass concrete pour for the footer scheduled for mid-December and will require 5000+ CY of concrete. s0o+ x % COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 14 #tek#ieri#6 1-.19 5/SR 836/1-95 ['\kiíii: i EsiGii-üiL PR osÉci 9ea869 9 Egar.2r2r. ks i é d i si s" en» bx 4E7. S5#,E%1 7% 5, ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 1-395 Segmental ACP - 355/857 1-395 Signature ACP - 210/520 COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 15 #i#i#ieri "1-.195/SR 836/1-95 ['\íWíiiii:-i EsiGii-üi PoJrcr ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES • Total number of 1-395 Columns: 94 • Total number completed to date: 17 . si \ % -; % ' Eses e COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 16 O ngoing foun d a tion and co lum n construction adja ce nt to 1-39 5 betw een N W 3 A ve nu e and N W 1 Avenue l' " - z .3 • s = -~---~ . ·. $ . ·,.. · --lr----b-•-'-'-.;.c..~-_,_•,s·~ ~ COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 17 -A r 2 u 32 j\[ç@ñÑcr@ F-;1 95/SR 836/1-95 ,ry nÉ l \MIAM I:. I DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT 1'0·%4v ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES I +, pt, 1 , l ut l 1I" Bridge segments for 1-395 weigh between 50 and 93 tons each Segments erected to date: 57 COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 18 fie##ieri s& "1-.195/SR 836/1-95 ['\íiíiiii:i bEsiGi-üiL PösEcr J w14th St ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES l:l J' ww Ct EI z as£NE11ST 3 i Nlf'•linSt ~ ~~10h~\ 5 - DRIVERS ON NORTHBOUND BISCAYNE BLVD - DRIVERS ON SOUTHBOUND BISCAYNE BLVD CLOSURES 1:1 i NE 13 ST f- » .... ~ m el MacArt i Causeway t) O 4 5{ [:J Museum Parky ij mover statoo ".4ACCESS TO THE EASTBOUND MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY RAMP WILL REMAIN OPEN Weekend closures on Biscayne Boulevard for the installation of drainage structures and drainage pipes. Work will be done over two weekends and weeknights starting on Friday, September 18. F- COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 19 #te#i#ie#i#ta "1-.195/SR 836/1-95 ['\íiíiiiü bEsiGii-üiL PRosÉci z UPCOMING & ONGOING EU' co»vsrRucTo Acres grao wueevee a Traffic shift on Biscayne Boulevard from NE 13 Street to NE 11 Terrace. There will be three NB Lanes (two through lanes and one left turn lane onto NE 13 Street) and three SB Lanes (two through lanes and one left turn lane onto EB MacArthur Causeway). fl Close Bayshore loop ramp to EB MacArthur Causeway (Late October 2020). COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 20 fire#kier#kia" 1-.195/SR 836/1-95 ['\íWí k ii :- EsiGi-üiPRöJÉcr For) ,bx • SEGMENTAL CASTING YARD Total Segments: 1949 Total Segments Cast to Date: 314 COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 21 7#t i,¢$#see #iGa T-39 5 /S R 83 6 /1 -9 5 l A \MI MM I- DESI GN-BUI LD PROJECT (Ö) ONGOING LANE / CLOSURE S . • • . • THREE MONTH LOOK ::::• AHEAD ANTICIPATED NIGHTTIME LANE CLOSURES ON 1-395 CORRIDOR: • Lane closures along eastbound and westbound 1-395 • Lane closures along Biscayne Boulevard and other arterial roadways adjacent to 1-395 • 1-395 to 1-95 ramp closures • Closure hours have been adjusted based on current traffic conditions from 8 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 22 #i e #kier #a 1 -.19 5 /SR 8 3 6 /1 -9 5 ['\íiíiii:i böEsicii-üi. PoJrcr 1 grog s,,aproa,- ±giri@i.] roof) r,bx COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROJECT WEBSITE • www.i-395miami.com • Sign-up for project alerts/updates Lane closure information Upcoming construction activities Presentations Calendar of events e (,/ /,\1/\CON NECTING \MIMI.r-F- GET PROJECT ALERTS! OUTREACH OFFICE IN THE OVERTOWN COMMUNITY • 1035 NW 3 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33136 (CLOSED AT THIS TIME DUE TO COVID 19) 5/SR 836/1-95 DESIGN-BUI ENHANCING OUR COMMUNITY & INCREASING MOBILITY i#e] - = -- j pi-f l].lle====== rgñ ybx ii.e 1-395/SR 836/4-95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT ft9it19$ Wot one toe the iota Dot ot Tapat $0fed ._ - . ---- - - - - . LJ STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS • Stakeholder meetings will be held virtually until further notice. Next meeting date: Wednesday, September 23 COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 23 #re##ei#ta 1 -.19 5/SR 836/1 -95 ['\íiíiiii:- Esisii-üi RosÉci T H A N K Y O U ! ww w .i-3 9 5 m ia m i.co m 8 Contact: Oscar Gonzalez 7 86-280-0983 D] 0Gonzalez@m rgmiami.com BEIRR7