LTC 335-2020 Committee for Quality Education MotionsDocuSign Envelope ID: 252DFF0B-BAA4 4382-ACFB-66BD271BFODF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 335-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission aove or o. vera.. cor o.4.. id, ~28CA 18194070496... DATE: September 22, 2020 SUBJECT: Committee for Quality Education Motions The Committee for Quality Education would like you to be aware of the following motions regarding reopening of public schools, FOOT safe driving campaign, and recommended masks, approved at the September 22, 2020 committee meeting. C: Executive Staff r:;J'[!slie R ose nfeld, Chief Leam ing Developm ent O ffi ce r ", « MTILDR DocuSign Envelope ID: 252DFF0OB-BAA4-4382-ACFB-66BD271BFODF City of Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education Meeting of September 22, 2020 Members Present: Mary Keinath, Joshua Levy, Elisheva Rogoff, Judith Berson-Levinson, Tiffany Heckler, Karen Edelstein, Rachel Weissman, Beverly Heller, Jamie Adams, Ivan Alvarez, Karen Latham, and Lauren Cantor Members Absent: Jordan Leonard Motion 1 Made by Beverly Heller Second by Elisheva Rogoff The Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission reach out to the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) to have a safe driving campaign starting in October 2020 to align with the reopening of public schools. The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above request. Motion Passage: Votes 13-0 Motion 2 Made by Joshua Levy Second by Beverly Heller The Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission help support City of Miami Beach public schools by sharing each school reopening plan with the Miami Beach community. The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above request. Motion Passage: Votes 12-1 (Karen Latham) Motion 3 Made by Karen Latham Second by Elisheva Rogoff The Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission provide targeted outreach on recommended masks for school use and parent led student screening processes. The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above request. Motion Passage: Votes 13-0