LTC 358-2020 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 19 - 25, 2020MIAM I BEA C H OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 358-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: October 12, 2020 SUBJECT: W e e k ly M e e ting N o tice s fo r the W ee k of O cto ber 19 - 25, 20 20 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of October 19-25, 2020 published on October 11, 2020. See insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community 7.00 a.m. - 7.00 .m. 8:30 a.m. 7.00 a.m - 7.00.m 8.00 a.m 930 a.m. 3.30 .m 5.00.m. 5.00pm 6.00 p.m. 7.00 a.m. - 7.00.m. 7.00 a.m - 7.00 p.m. 10.00 o.m 4.30 p.m. 700 a.m.- 7.00 p.m 8.00 a.m. 7.00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 700 a.m.- 7.00 p.m. MEETING NOTICES October 19- 25, 2020 MONDAY, October 19 Early Voting/November 3, 2020 General & City's Special Election Neighborhood and Quality OH Life Committee" Zoom Meeting TUESDAY, October 20 Early Voling/November 3, 2020 General & City's Special Election land Use and Sustainability Committee Zoom Meeting Art in Public Places Committee Zoom Meeting Disability Access Committee Microsoft T earn Meeting Animal Welfare Committee Zoom Meeting ADDED Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Zoom Meeting Police/Citizens Relations Committee Microsoft Team Meeting THURSDAY, October 22 Early Voting/November 3, 2020 General & City's Special Election Special Master Hearings Zoom Meeting GO. Bond Oversight Committee Zoom Meeting FRIDAY, October 23 Early Voling/November 3, 2020 General & City's Special Election Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee" Zoom Meeting SATURDAY, October 24 Early Voting/November 3, 2020 General & City's Special Election SUNDAY, October 25 Early Voling/November 3, 2020 General & City's Sp e ci al Election ++« See locations below https//miamibeachll gov zoom us/¡/86354032853 1.312.626.6799 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 86354032853 + See locations below https. /¿miamibeachfl-goy. zoom 0s/j/85237570188 1.301 .715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 85237570188 httpos /{usO?2web. zoom.us ('L/84603204055 1.646.558.8656 Access ID 8460 3204055# Password 963137# 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 889550709# https /us02web. zoom.us 6/83385683386 1.301.715.8592 ar 1.312.626.6799 Access ID 83385683386# Password 367708# hts //zoom us/il 97628093504 1 .312.626.6799 or 1646 876 9923 Access ID 97628093504# Password 278042# 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 254400076# WEDNESDAY, October 21 Early Voting/November 3, 2020 General & City's Special Election ++« See locations below ++++ See locations below hips/'us02web zoom us ü/81778.578593 1 .312 .626.6799 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 81778578593 hutpos //zoom _us/i/ 91749157894 1.929.205.6099 or 1.301.715.8592 Access ID 91749157894# ·++· See locations below https.//miamibeachl goy com us/i/82994124436 1.929.205.6099 6 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 82994124436# ·+·« See locations below See locations below .... MIAMI BEACH EARLY VOTING SITES: l) First Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 170O Convention Center Drive 2) Nonth Shore Branch library, 7501 Collins Avenue for any and/or all ol the above meetings, one or more members ol the Miami Beach City Commission, and or City board/ committee member s may be in attendance and participate in discussions. Aed e@ M3 Au .±ulcdtt.il¿gEgeegai2¿hg:ldeff. ··mi ss« Cmitte Aired live !37 AD No. 0004495509 0I lsting ol all lormal competitive solicitations issued by the Caty ol Miami Beoh, Horida is ovoiloble at https./ /ew.muoni eoc.hl. go/ city hall/ po.uemnent/ city contocdsf. Io occooss ony louunol competitive soliotaio ssed by the Cly, or lo receive any addendum issued lo o lormol competitive solicatoton, you may also visit https./ / pod.bidsyn.am/'Miami beach. Poblsc meeting notices con be lound on the Procurement Colendor al httpos.// ww.mniambeochll.go/ city hall/ aoxcuenet/calende! MIAMIBEACH ooove .ooog r poetefpoe.te„tee ah t hoeo nooe o heoho.ire my a aaotwelo nit oheob«otit betoooo. belate.folio poodle natoo oe o.ele i t e # [l,er eo not. kkildooeatop.Los et otalag il,oytodrag«altos ddhrdoa«oit3fwDu ta Dao d le too« mp#oohed-Ha boohoo me we. ao#timid o.hare tee oil a dol«ho ho hem a p pi d ahurit»hop+flooh ha toto]