LTC 361-2020 GO Bond Program - Implementation Update No. 11 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LETTER TO COMMISSION LTC # 361-2020 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: October 14, 2020 SUBJECT: G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 11 The purpose of this Letter to the Commission (“LTC”) is to advise you on the status of the implementation of the 38 General Obligation Bond (G.O. Bond) Projects approved by the City Commission for the first tranche of funding (Tranche 1) in the amount of $152,466,449 including issuance costs. With minor exception, the projects currently remain on track and/or under budget which is discussed in more detail later in this report. Refer to Exhibits A for the meeting agenda which took place with the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee on September 24, 2020. There was no meeting during the month of August. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS Project Dashboard and Program Progress Report As of September 24, 2020, a total of 29 out of 38 Tranche 1 projects are in some form of “Active” status and 6 projects are completed. Chart 1 below shows the full breakdown by Category. Chart 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 11 October 14, 2020 Page 2 of 6 Approximately $28.8 million dollars have been expended and another $16.6 million are encumbered for a total of $45.4 million. Chart 2 below shows the full breakdown of the expenditures broken down by Category. Chart 2 Tranche 1 Progress Most of the 38 projects in Tranche 1 have different components which are considered distinct projects or “subprojects” that are tracked separately and have separate budgets, procurement, and implementation schedules. The Tranche 1 Subproject Activity Summary of the Progress Report summarizes the subproject activity into Status, Category and Funding amount. This information is distributed monthly to the Committee and presented at every G.O. Bond Committee meeting. Subproject Tracking Summary by Phase The tracking summary indicates that 28 (39%) of the 71 total Tranche 1 subprojects have been completed, 9 (13%) are under construction, 13 (18%) are in a design phase, 16 (23%) are in a planning phase, and 5 (7%) are pending to become active. Chart 3 shows the status of all subprojects broken down by Phase and Category. DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 11 October 14, 2020 Page 3 of 6 Chart 3 The expenditures summary indicates that the 28 completed subprojects equate to $16.7 million of the budget (11%), $30 million (20%) equate to subprojects under construction, $53.3 million (35%) equate to subprojects that are in the design phase, $28 million (18%) equate to subprojects that are in the planning phase, and a total equating to $23 million (15%) are for subprojects which are pending to become active. The total funding expenditures for each of the sub-project categories is indicated on Chart 4 below. For a full breakdown, by project, refer to Exhibit B. Chart 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 11 October 14, 2020 Page 4 of 6 Project Savings Also presented at the September meeting was a projection of the total amount of savings which will be realized over the next 30-day period on projects which have been completed. A total of almost $3 million will be saved in total for 28 completed subprojects with total budgets of $16.7 million. This depicts a current savings of approximately 18% of the budget so far. A total of $2 million have been saved in the Parks category and $955K have been saved in the Public Safety category. For a full breakdown of all savings by project, refer to Exhibit B1 attached. Also presented every month is the Program General Status chart which compares the status of projects from the previous months to the current month. Chart 5 below indicates the monthly variances of all subprojects and goes back to October 2019. Chart 5 Sub-Project General Status “Quick Wins” A total of 37 subprojects are being tracked as part of the original 21 quick win projects listed below. Of those, 32 are Completed and or Closed out. A total of 3 public safety projects are remaining and are targeted for completion between October and December. The Middle Beach Beachwalk will be completed in mid-2021. All Quick Win projects remain on or below budget. The overall status is summarized in Schedule 1 below: Schedule 1 Quick Win Projects Status as of September 24, 2020 Item No. GOB Project No. / Name Pre- Planning Design/ Permitting Procurement Construction or Execution Completed / Closeout 1 #24 Mid Beach Beachwalk1 X 2 #32 Palm & Hibiscus X 3 #33 Street Tree Plan X 4 #17 Polo Park X 5 #52 LED Lighting in Parks X 6 #2 Collins Park X 7 #3 Crespi Park X 8 #21 Stillwater Park X 9 #47 License Plate Readers X 10 #57 Cameras in Ent. District2 X 11 #49 P. Safety Radio System2 X 12 #56 Cameras on Beachwalk3 X DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 11 October 14, 2020 Page 5 of 6 13 #53 Security for Pub. Spaces X 14 #26 Roof Replacement X 15 #18 Scott Rakow X 16 #13 North Shore Park X 17 #38 Street Pavement X 18 #37 Sidewalk Improvement X 19 #19 Soundscape Tech Core X 20 #42 Traffic Calming X Legend 1Middle Beach Beachwalk fully underway. Target date for completion is mid-2021. 2Remaining Quick Win projects are Life Safety projects projected to be completed by November 15. 3Cameras on the Beachwalk construction scheduled for Construction commencement on July 30 with completion targeted for Dec. 15. Red signifies the updated phase from last report. For the implementation timeline of the Quick Win projects, refer to Exhibit C dated September 24, 2020. Only the 3 remaining active Public Safety projects are pending. Project #47 License Plate readers at the Julia Tuttle Causeway were reported as completed by the Police Department. Main and Other Tranche 1 Projects The following Tranche 1 project updates were discussed at the September 24 meeting. Refer to Exhibit D for further details and information for each of the following: • #01 - 72nd Street Community Complex • #08 – Lummus Park • #15 – PAR 3 / Bayshore Park • #23 - Pedestrian Bridge • #24 – Middle Beach Beachwalk • #37 & #38 – Streets and Sidewalks Repaving and Restoration • #45 – Fire Station #1 GO #45 - Fire Station No. 1 The Administration advised the Committee that the project estimate is currently over budget after the construction manager and architect prepared costs estimates based on conceptual floor plans and site plans. After meeting with the Fire Department, city staff, the construction manager, and the architect will do further adjustments to the programming to bring the estimate down. Once this exercise is completed the team will bring back the results to the committee. In the meantime, the project cannot be submitted to the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) for review until it is within budget. GO #30 – Skate Park Project At the September 24 meeting, city staff made a recommendation requesting support and a motion from the Committee to advance the design and construction of the skate park project to Tranche 1 in place of the GO #13 North Shore Paths and Fields project which needs to be deferred to Tranche 2. This move had previously been recommended for approval at the July 24th FERC meeting. The Committee approved the motion. A full memorandum to the Committee is attached as Exhibit D1. GO #40 – 41st Street Permanent Street Lighting Upgrade At the September 24 meeting, city staff advised the Committee that a new sub-project was being created within the 41st Street Corridor project to replace the luminaires on the 48 existing pedestrian light poles located along the corridor. The existing luminaires are obsolete and replacement parts can no longer be acquired. The new fixtures will improve public safety, reduce energy and maintenance costs, and bring the system up to the city’s recently approved lighting standards. The upgrade will require approval from the Florida Dept. of Transportation (FDOT) and the work will be DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 11 October 14, 2020 Page 6 of 6 performed in-house by the Public Works department. A full memorandum to the Committee is attached as Exhibit D2. COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND OUTREACH The G.O. Bond Program team continues to work with its G.O. Bond Oversight Committee members, city departments, and community partners to engage residents and business owners in project updates. The G.O. Bond informational roadshow continues upon request of local membership groups and organizations via Zoom. GO#40: 41 Street Corridor Outreach On October 1, the Program Team joined city consultants AECOM, to showcase two potential schematic design options for GO#40: 41 Street Corridor, and to request public comment and feedback. The Zoom meeting was well-attended, with more than 120 on the live call and approximately 150 more video views once posted. Following the October 1 meeting, a survey was released to the public to ask for additional feedback on design options. Feedback was accepted for one full week and approximately 180 survey responses were received. The Program Team is now working with AECOM to determine how results from public input can be incorporated into the final design. AECOM will produce a final schematic design recommendation that incorporates this feedback. The 41 Street Mayor’s Blue-Ribbon Panel and the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee has participated in all these engagements. The G.O. Bond website is always kept up-to-date with all available G.O. Bond project updates, construction advisories, committee meeting records, and project photos available to view at www.GOMBInfo.com. Please see the attached Exhibit E for an overview of recent outreach materials. For more information, please contact Maria Hernandez at mariahernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or via cellphone at (786) 371-3168. Attachments: Exhibit A – GOB Oversight Committee Agenda for September 24, 2020 Exhibit B – Subproject and Project List by Phase 9-17-20 Exhibit B1 – Savings Breakdown by Project and Category Exhibit C – Quick Wins Implementation Plan Gantt Chart dated 9-24-20 Exhibit D – Tranche 1 Main and Other Projects - Dashboard Sheets dated 9-17-20 Exhibit D1 – GO #30 - Skate Park Memo to GOB Committee Exhibit D2 – GO #40 – 41st Street Permanent Street Lighting Upgrade Memo to GOB Committee Exhibit E – Community Outreach Report for August through September 2020 JLM / MH F:\cmgr\$ALL\GO Bond Program\Commission\LTCs\2020\5 September 2020\LTC - September 2020 GO Bond Program Implementation Update No. 11.docx DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee City of Miami Beach Karen Rivo, Chair Maria Hernandez, Liaison AGENDA – VIRTUAL MEETING September 24, 2020 I.Roll Call and Introductions All 4:30pm II.Committee Business Karen Rivo 4:35pm •Adoption of Meeting Minutes from 7-16-20 •Possible Cancellation of Emergency Order III.Community Outreach Allison Novack 4:40pm IV.Public Comment Public 4:45pm V.41st Street Corridor Presentation AECOM 5:00pm VI.Ocean Drive & Washington Avenue ACM Eric Carpenter 5:30pm VII.Major Tranche 1 Projects Update CIP - D. Martinez 5:40pm •F.S. #1, 72nd St. Complex, Bayshore Park, Ped. Bridge, Middle Beach Beachwalk VIII.Other Projects Update Parks / PWD / Environ. 6:00pm •41st Street Lighting Upgrade – See Memo •Skate Park – See Memo •Lummus Park, Streets and Sidewalks IX.Program General Status &Maria Hernandez 6:20pm Sub-Projects Update, Closed Projects X.Quick Wins Remaining Police 6:30pm XI.Public Comment Public 6:45pm XII.Adjournment 7:00pm Committee Charge The purpose of the General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee is to make advisory recommendations to the City Manager and Ci ty Commission from a macro perspective regarding the timely progress, overall goals, costs, including financial efficiencies, and the timely completion of General Obligation Bond Program projects approved by the voters in the City of Miami Beach Special Elect ion held on November 6, 2018. The Committee shall have the following powers & duties: 1.Receive input from the public, the City Administration, City consultants, and the City’s Inspector General, as needed, to mak e recommendations relative to the overall timing, cost efficiencies, and prioritization of the G.O. Bond Program projects. 2.Provide general oversight to ensure that G.O. Bond Program project timelines, budgets (including cost efficiencies) are prioritized and achieved, and that the projects are completed in accordance with the scope of work approved by the voters. 3.Review City staff and G.O. Bond Program project managers’ progress reports and provide monthly reports to the City Commission. EXIHBIT ADocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Active Phase Project Name Category Department Quick Win Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count % Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent % Spent $ Available Closed #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS Public Safety Police QW 1 07-31-2019 1 1%600,000 - 599,915 2.09%84 Closed #17 POLO PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 08-11-2019 1 1%499,998 - 493,673 1.72%6,325 Closed #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY Parks Tourism & Culture QW 1 09-30-2019 1 1%3,799,999 - 3,748,495 13.04%51,503 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT Parks Property Management QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%130,300 - 130,210 0.45%89 Closed #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%151,999 - 52,758 0.18%99,240 Closed #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-21-2019 1 1%86,999 - 41,780 0.15%45,218 Closed #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-21-2019 1 1%86,999 - 41,780 0.15%45,218 Closed #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 10-24-2019 1 1%300,000 - 299,650 1.04%350 Closed #21 STILLWATER PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 11-08-2019 1 1%144,999 - 142,440 0.50%2,559 Closed #3 CRESPI PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 11-09-2019 1 1%210,998 - 184,919 0.64%26,079 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT Parks Property Management QW 1 11-12-2019 1 1%130,000 - 116,776 0.41%13,224 Closed #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 11-28-2019 1 1%120,000 - 64,904 0.23%55,095 Closed #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 12-02-2019 1 1%715,000 - 212,593 0.74%502,405 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC Parks Property Management QW 1 12-06-2019 1 1%150,000 - 137,302 0.48%12,697 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 12-16-2019 1 1%375,000 - 374,722 1.30%276 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 01-05-2020 1 1%1,124,000 - 390,311 1.36%733,688 Closed #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 01-15-2020 1 1%760,000 - 758,824 2.64%1,175 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS Parks Property Management QW 1 02-04-2020 1 1%205,699 - 60,858 0.21%144,841 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS Parks Property Management QW 1 02-05-2020 1 1%250,000 - 110,659 0.38%139,340 Closed #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects QW 1 03-25-2020 1 1%1,000,000 - 1,000,000 3.48%- Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS Parks Property Management QW 1 04-16-2020 1 1%699,999 - 112,852 0.39%587,146 Closed #26 FILLMORE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 05-15-2020 1 1%1,920,000 - 1,874,154 6.52%45,844 Closed #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION Parks Parks & Recreation 1 05-15-2020 1 1%50,000 - 35,044 0.12%14,955 Closed #2 COLLINS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 05-28-2020 1 1%640,000 - 568,286 1.98%71,713 Closed #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 07-12-2020 1 1%240,000 - 31,582 0.11%208,417 Closed Sum 25 35%14,391,989 - 11,584,487 40%2,807,481 Closed Count 25 35%25 25 25 0.00%25 Complete #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR Parks Property Management QW 1 06-30-2020 1 1%524,999 19,987 483,797 1.68%21,215 Complete #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR Parks Property Management QW 1 06-30-2020 1 1%816,000 10,191 721,154 2.51%84,653 Complete #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 07-06-2020 1 1%977,998 21,224 907,153 3.16%49,621 Complete Sum 6 8%2,318,997 51,402 2,112,104 7%155,489 Complete Count 3 4%3 3 3 0.00%3 Construction #47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 09-30-2020 1 1%200,000 34,458 54,119 0.19%111,422 Construction #49 PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM Public Safety Police QW 1 10-31-2020 1 1%9,700,000 2,726,498 6,908,387 24.03%65,114 Construction #57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 11-15-2020 1 1%815,000 242,593 528,507 1.84%43,898 Construction #56 CAMERAS- BEACHWALK Public Safety Police 1 12-15-2020 1 1%700,000 345,705 45,393 0.16%308,900 Construction #42 NAUTILUS TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation QW a 1 01-15-2021 1 1%739,499 188,746 532,405 1.85%18,347 Construction #24 MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-16-2021 1 1%4,500,000 3,100,314 889,193 3.09%510,491 Construction #33 PART 1 TREE PLANTING Infrastructure Environmental QW a 1 04-01-2022 1 1%2,500,000 263,751 473,618 1.65%1,762,630 Construction #37 PART 1 SIDEWALKS Infrastructure Public Works Department QW a 1 04-01-2022 1 1%3,500,000 1,498,086 1,622,125 5.64%379,787 Construction #38 PART 1 STREETS Infrastructure Public Works Department QW a 1 04-01-2022 1 1%7,500,000 4,865,159 1,919,398 6.68%715,441 Construction Sum 36 51%$30,154,499 $13,265,310 $12,973,145 45%$3,916,030 Construction Count 9 13%9 9 9 0.00%9 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 9/17/2020 - 7:03 PM QW QW QW QW EXHIBIT BDocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Design #43 ALTON ROAD SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Transportation 1 02-27-2021 b 1 1%170,000 - - 0.00%170,000 Design #48 PART 1 POLICE HQ Public Safety Property Management 1 06-01-2021 b 1 1%4,000,000 853,664 250,478 0.87%2,895,857 Design #42 PALM VIEW TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 06-02-2021 1 1%86,349 4,000 - 0.00%82,349 Design #43 CHASE AVE/34 ST SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 1 09-01-2021 1 1%830,000 - - 0.00%830,000 Design #42 BAYSHORE SOUTH TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 10-02-2021 1 1%560,148 42,666 - 0.00%517,482 Design #42 NORMANDY ISLE TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 12-31-2021 1 1%113,999 37,333 - 0.00%76,666 Design #12 N. BEACH OCEANSIDE BEACHWALK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 02-28-2022 1 1%2,000,000 129,893 3,250 0.01%1,866,857 Design #39 PART 1 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES Infrastructure Public Works Department 1 04-29-2022 1 1%8,000,000 305,300 16,172 0.06%7,678,527 Design #10 MAURICE GIBB PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 08-30-2022 1 1%3,300,000 - 19,305 0.07%3,280,692 Design #43 23 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 1 11-29-2022 1 1%1,500,000 - - 0.00%1,500,000 Design #15 PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 12-27-2022 1 1%15,700,000 122,040 31,739 0.11%15,546,220 Design #45 FIRE STATION #1 Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 05-25-2023 1 1%7,000,000 1,070,895 43,146 0.15%5,885,958 Design #23 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-28-2023 1 1%10,000,000 12,509 173,803 0.60%9,813,687 Design Sum 65 92%$53,260,496 $2,578,300 $537,893 2%$50,144,295 Design Count 13 18%13 13 13 0.00%13 Planning #53 CONVENTION CENTER BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 09-30-2020 b 1 1%775,000 - - 0.00%775,000 Planning #53 SOUNDSCAPE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 09-30-2020 b 1 1%375,000 - - 0.00%375,000 Planning #53 SOUTH POINTE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 09-30-2020 b 1 1%250,000 - - 0.00%250,000 Planning #19 SOUNDSCAPE RESTROOMS/STORAGE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%699,999 - - 0.00%699,999 Planning #50 71 STREET CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%211,999 - 15,999 0.06%195,999 Planning #50 DADE BLVD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%165,674 - - 0.00%165,674 Planning #55 PART 1 STREET LIGHTS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%5,000,000 - 10,108 0.04%4,989,892 Planning #57 COLLINS AVE/WASH AVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 12-30-2020 b 1 1%675,000 76,569 41,363 0.14%557,066 Planning #40 PART 1 REVITALIZE 41 STREET Infrastructure Economic Development 1 12-31-2020 b 1 1%1,500,000 89,611 - 0.00%1,410,389 Planning #50 41 ST. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 12-31-2020 b 1 1%235,324 - 17,999 0.06%217,324 Planning #18 SCOTT RAKOW GYM FLOORS Parks Parks & Recreation 1 01-29-2021 1 1%300,000 14,120 - 0.00%285,880 Planning #50 ALTON RD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-02-2021 b 1 1%211,999 - 15,999 0.06%195,999 Planning #47 OTHER READERS CITYWIDE Public Safety Police 1 04-01-2022 1 1%1,390,000 30,547 37,259 0.13%1,322,193 Planning #9 MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 09-30-2022 1 1%681,999 13,084 - 0.00%668,915 Planning #8 LUMMUS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 10-31-2022 1 1%4,737,000 - 9,576 0.03%4,727,423 Planning #1 72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1, 2 09-30-2023 1 1%10,800,000 497,962 1,395,845 4.85%8,906,192 Planning Sum 96 135%$28,008,994 $721,893 $1,544,148 5%$25,742,945 Planning Count 16 23%16 16 16 0.00%16 Pending #29 PART 1 WEST LOTS Parks Economic Development 1 (blank)1 1%1,000,000 - - 0.00%1,000,000 Pending #5 FLAMINGO YOUTH CENTER FACILITY Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 (blank)1 1%15,400,000 - - 0.00%15,400,000 Pending #54 MARINE PATROL FACILITY Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1 (blank)1 1%2,700,000 - - 0.00%2,700,000 Pending #13 NORTH SHORE PATH & FIELDS Parks Parks & Recreation 2 (blank)1 1%3,694,000 - - 0.00%3,693,999 Pending #4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 (blank)1 1%210,000 - - 0.00%210,000 Pending Sum 35 49%$23,004,000 $0 $0 0%$23,003,999 Pending Count 5 7%5 5 5 0.00%5 71 100%$151,138,975 $16,616,905 $28,751,777 100%$105,770,239 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 9/17/2020 - 7:03 PM DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST - SAVINGS Active Phase Category Project Name Quick Win Tranche Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent $ Available Closed Infrastructure #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING QW 1 1 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - Infrastructure Sum 1 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - Closed Parks #17 POLO PARK QW 1 1 499,998 - 493,673 6,325 Closed Parks #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY QW 1 1 3,799,999 - 3,748,495 51,503 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT QW 1 1 130,300 - 130,210 89 Closed Parks #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF QW 1 1 300,000 - 299,650 350 Closed Parks #21 STILLWATER PARK QW 1 1 144,999 - 142,440 2,559 Closed Parks #3 CRESPI PARK QW 1 1 210,998 - 184,919 26,079 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT QW 1 1 130,000 - 116,776 13,224 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC QW 1 1 150,000 - 137,302 12,697 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF QW 1 1 375,000 - 374,722 276 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF QW 1 1 1,124,000 - 390,311 733,688 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS QW 1 1 205,699 - 60,858 144,841 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS QW 1 250,000 - 110,659 139,340 Closed Parks #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF QW 1 760,000 758,824 1,175 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS QW 1 700,000 112,852 587,146 Closed Parks #26 FILLMORE ROOF QW 1 1,920,000 1,874,154 45,844 Closed Parks #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION 1 50,000 - 35,044 14,955 Closed Parks #2 COLLINS PARK QW 1 640,000 - 568,286 71,713 Complete Parks #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR QW 1 524,999 19,987 483,797 21,215 Complete Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR QW 1 816,000 10,191 721,154 84,653 Complete Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL QW 1 977,998 21,224 907,153 49,621 Parks Sum 20 13,709,990 51,402 11,651,279 2,007,293 Closed Public Safety #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS QW 1 1 600,000 - 599,915 84 Closed Public Safety #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING QW 1 1 151,999 - 52,758 99,240 Closed Public Safety #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING QW 1 1 86,999 - 41,780 45,218 Closed Public Safety #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING QW 1 1 86,999 - 41,780 45,218 Closed Public Safety #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS QW 1 1 120,000 - 64,904 55,095 Closed Public Safety #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING QW 1 1 715,000 - 212,593 502,405 Closed Public Safety #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS QW 1 240,000 - 31,582 208,417 Public Safety Sum 7 2,000,997 - 1,045,312 955,677 Total Sum 28 16,710,987 51,402 13,696,591 2,962,970 Note: Red figures are projected project savings from Completed projects. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 9/17/20206:59 PM EXHIBIT B1DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 G. O . B o n d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n P l a n - Q u i c k W i n s - Page 1 of 2 Ex p o r t e d o n S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 2 0 9 : 1 7 : 1 7 A M E D T Se p t e m b e r 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 EX H I B I T C Do c u S i g n E n v e l o p e I D : F 3 5 2 F 3 A 3 - 9 0 C 6 - 4 9 F 4 - 9 4 D 2 - 5 3 7 A C 4 5 C 4 0 0 7 Page 2 of 2 Ex p o r t e d o n S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 2 0 9 : 1 7 : 1 8 A M E D T Do c u S i g n E n v e l o p e I D : F 3 5 2 F 3 A 3 - 9 0 C 6 - 4 9 F 4 - 9 4 D 2 - 5 3 7 A C 4 5 C 4 0 0 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 SECTION VIIIDocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 Mi d B e a c h S o u t h B e a c h N o r t h B e a c h Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community S C A L E R E Q U E S T E D F I L E N A ME D R A W N D A T ES H E E TN O . T r a c k I t N u m b e r 1 1 S i d e wa l k W o r k P l a nMi a m i B e a c hMi a m i - D a d e C o u n t y, F L 7/10/2020 workstej Not To Scale Roy Coley MiamiBeachGIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ Mi a m i B e a c h G I S • 1 7 0 0 C o n ve n t i o n C e n t e r D r i ve • Mi a m i B e a c h , F L 3 3 1 3 9 • 3 0 5 . 6 7 3 . 7 0 0 0 • g i s@m i a m i b e a c h f l . g o v • w w w . m i a m i b e a c h f l . g o v F:\WORK\$ALL\Pavement Management\Operations 5 Year Work Plan\GOB\Maps\ArcMap\Sidewalk_TRANCHE_20200218.mxd State & County Roads In Progress By C.I.P Near Future Neighborhood Projects P a r t 1 - S i d e w a l k W o r k P l a n G O B S t a t u s Part 1 Completed Part 1 Remaining DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 Mid Beach South Beach North Beach W 44TH ST A L T O N R D MAC ARTHUR CSWY WB A L T O N R D C O L L I N S A V E 7 9 T H C S W Y 17TH ST I N D I A N C R E E K D R 23RD ST A L T O N R D N B I N D I A N C R E E K D R H A R D I N G A V E I 1 9 5 W B A L T O N R D 7 1 S T S T A B B O T T A V E 1 9 5 - A L T O N R A M P O N W B W 6 3 R D S T 5T H ST W 41ST ST P I N E T R E E D R C O L L I N S A V EDADE B L V D N O R M A N D Y D R L A G O R C E D R V E N E T I A N CSWY MAC ARTHUR CSWY EB A L T O N R D I 195 WB I 195 EB Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community SCALE REQUESTED FILENAME DRAWN DATESHEETNO. T r a c k I t N u m b e r 1 1 Street Work PlanMiami BeachMiami-Dade County, FL 05/15/2020 WORKHerS Not To Scale Roy Coley MiamiBeachGIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ Miami Beach GIS • 1700 Convention Center Drive • Miami Beach, FL 33139 • 305.673.7000 • gis@miamibeachfl.gov • www.miamibeachfl.govF:\WO RK\$ALL\Pavement Managem ent\Operations 5 Year Work Plan\GOB\Maps\ArcMap\street_QW_10_3_11X171_20200123.mxd State & County Roads In Progress by C.I.P. Near Future Neighborhood Projects Part 1 - Streets Work PlanGOB Status Part 1 Completed DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 SECTION VIIDocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 DocuSign Envelope ID: 47EFEFCO-6725-4E24-9FC4-9423A4DA922E5 EXHIBIT D1 MIAMI BEACH Parks and Recreation Department 170 l Meridian Avenue, Suite 401, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov MEMORANDUM TO: Karen Rivo, Chair, and G.O. Bond Oversight Committee FROM: John Rebar, Parks & Recreation Directo~ DATE: September 24, 2020 SUBJECT: GO# 30 SKATE PARK REQUEST City staff is advising and requesting the following of the Go Bond Committee: Approval to utilize the funds from the GO #13 North Shore Path and Fields subproject in order to advance the desgin and construction of the Skate Park project to Tranche 1. The request follows approved Protocol No. 6- Advancement of a Future Tranche Project to an Active Tranche. JUSTIFICATION A discussion to fund the design work for the North Beach skatepark expansion, sponsored by Commissioner Arriola, was referred to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee ("FERC"). The discussion commenced with the consideration to fund the design work in Tranche 2, so that when GO Bond money becomes available in Tranche 3, the City may immediately begin construction of the project. The total budget allocated in Tranche 3 is $750,000. At the June 12, 2020 FERG meeting, funding the project sooner was discussed at length and it was determined that it should be brought to the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee to discuss the ability to move the project to Tranche 2 and immediately fund the design portion of the project in order to advance it. The item was again discussed at the July 24, 2020 FERG meeting, wherein the Administration presented two funding options for the Skate Park project in Tranche 1: Option #1- Not Recommended by Administration One option would be to utilize funding from the current savings of $2 million in the Parks category. This option, however, is not recommended by the Administration as it has been discussed in meetings that current savings be set aside or "parked" to be used when other larger projects may need additional funding over the life of the program due to cost increases or other unknown reasons. DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 DocuSign Envelope ID: 47EFEFC0-6725-4E24-9FC4-9423ADA922E5 G. O. Bond Program - #30 Skate Park Project September 24, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Option # 2 - Recommended by Administration GO #13 North Shore Path & Fields subproject needs to be postponed from Tranche 1 to Tranche 2 since the project cannot commence until the parking garage at the 72nd Street Complex is completed in the summer of 2023. This offers the opportunity to advance the design and construction of the Skate Park project to Tranche 1 since the budget ($750,000) is substantially less than the North Shore Park & Fields project ($3,694,000) and since both projects are within the same Bond Category (Parks). The FERC Committee agreed that Option #2 would be the best option in order to advance the project and directed the Administration to proceed with this option. RECOMMENDATION/ REQUEST: City staff recommends the utilization of funds from the GO #13 North Shore Path and Fields subproject in order to advance the design and construction of the Skate Park project to Tranche 1 and requests a motion for approval from the GO Bond Oversight Committee. % DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 Public Works Department 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov MEMORANDUM TO: Karen Rivo, Chair, and G.O. Bond Oversight Committee FROM: Rodolfo (Rudy) de la Torre, Director-Infrastructure Division DATE: September 24, 2020 SUBJECT: GO #40 - 41ST STREET CORRIDOR (PERMANENT STREET LIGHTING UPGRADE) ACTION The Miami Beach Public Works Department is advising the Committee of the following action: The creation of a new sub-project within GO Bond Project #40: 41st Street Corridor, to permanently upgrade the existing pedestrian street lighting along 41st Street from Alton Rd to Indian Creek Drive with LED Holophane Utility Postop Luminaire (Refer to Attachment 1). Funding for this sub-project would come from within the budget of Project #40: 41st Street Corridor in its Tranche 1 part, in the amount of $85,177.64. The sub-project definition falls within the definition approved by the voters in the 2018 referendum. (Refer to Attachment 2) JUSTIFICATION Following the recommendations of the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon 41st Street Committee and the Neighborhoods/Community Affairs Committee (NCAC), the Public Works department proposes to address the 41st Street lighting needs with a cost effective lighting retrofit that will replace 48 existing obsolete pedestrian light fixtures. The new fixtures will greatly enhance security and public safety along the corridor, reduce energy and maintenance costs, and bring the system up to the city’s recently-approved lighting standards. The replacement of the fixtures with LED Holophane Utility Postop Luminaire has been found to be an ideal solution for both the city and committee members. The work will be completed by in - house City of Miami Beach Public Works lighting technicians, which reduces the cost of installation. BACKGROUND / DETAIL Below is a list of official decisions and actions taken prior to this action for: •Motion by the Mayor’s 41 St. Blue Ribbon Committee – On January 28, 2020, the Committee passed a motion to “Prioritize the 41st street corridor in the upcoming citywide Street Lighting Master plan recommendations”. •Public Works Pilot Project – In early June 2020, Public Works implemented a Street Lighting Division pilot project with the installation of 7 of the proposed new LED light fixtures mounted on existing light poles on 41st Street between Royal Palm Avenue and Sheridan Avenue. The project was well received and drew very positive feedback. EXHIBIT D2DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 GO Bond Project #40 41st Street Corridor (Street Lighting Updrade) September 24, 2020 Page 2 of 2 • Resolution No. 2019-31109 - On December 11, 2019 Resolution No. 2019-31109 by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, was adopted accepting the recommendation of the Neighborhoods/Community Affairs Committee at its September 25, 2019 meeting to proceed with a request for proposals for lighting enhancements at the 41st Street Corridor. Under this resolution the installation of expandable year-round LED string lighting on 251 royal palms along the 41st Street corridor was awarded. The commission approved $400,000 to fund the initiative and the work has been completed. o Note: Since the implementation of this work, the 41 Street Blue Ribbon Committee asked Public Works for a more permanent solution. Attachment 1 – Luminaire Specification Attachment 2 – 41st Street Corridor Description DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 Visual - Roadway Tool www.Visual-3D.com Calculation Method RP-8-2000 2007 errata Road Surface R3 Road Class Collector Pedestrians Medium Roadway Length 100 (7 Pole Locations) Lane Quantity Left: 2 Right: 2 Lane Width Left: 12 ft Right: 12 ft Median Width 0 ft Sidewalk Width Left: 6 ft Right: 6 ft Setback Left: 0 ft Right: 0 ft Bikelane Width Left: 0 ft Right: 0 ft Setback Left: 0 ft Right: 0 ft Left Side - Holophane: PUCL2 P20 40K XX L3 Cycle Spacing:30 ft Configuration:Single Setback:8 ft Arm Length:1 ft Orientation:90 Tilt:0 Mounting Height:18 ft Lamp Lumens:4618 Staggered:False Wattage:45 Light Loss Factor:1 Lamp Count:1 Right Side - Holophane: PUCL2 P20 40K XX L3 Cycle Spacing:30 ft Configuration:Single Setback:8 ft Arm Length:1 ft Orientation:270 Tilt:0 Mounting Height:18 ft Lamp Lumens:4618 Staggered:True Wattage:45 Light Loss Factor:1 Lamp Count:1 Design Information Project Name Project Description Monday, June 22, 2020 User Name Company Name Your Phone Your Email Roadway Luminaire Information Copyright 2020, Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. These lighting calculation results are for general informational purposes only and are provided without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. Results are based on user provided data and data provided from publicly available sources; actual field conditions may affect calculated output. 6/22/2020https://visual-3d.com/tools/roadway/Print.aspx?SessionID=7414730 ATTACHMENT 1DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007 PROJECT: 41ST STREET CORRIDOR COST: $15 MILLION Department: Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development In spring 2018, the Mayor created the 41st Street Blue Ribbon Committee to explore creative and innovative ways to revitalize 41st Street to become the true gateway corridor between Miami Beach and mainland Miami. The goal is discover whether an investment in landscape and infrastructure improvements, along the 41st street corridor could decrease traffic congestion, and increase vibrancy that could lead to increased economic opportunity. The Committee is looking at investments in lighting, streetscaping, traffic and parking to help create a true gateway entry and leverage future commercial enhancements such as 41st Street being identified, by the Miami-Dade County SMART plan, as the key connecting corridor for the bus transit rapid line which will eventually go from the mainland to Miami Beach. In May, the City retained the urban design firm, Alta Planning and Gehl Studios, to analyze the 41st Street design and activity, to create a comprehensive vision that could increase vibrancy, pedestrian activity, and better support local business activity and recommend short and long term capital infrastructure opportunities. These improvements will help create a true gateway entry from the mainland into Miami Beach and create a Main Street that is welcoming and accessible for residents, tourists and business development in Mid-Beach. This vision plan was completed in July 2018 and was approved by the 41st Street Committee on August 1, 2018. www.GOMB2018.com PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM | CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 35 ATTACHMENT 2DocuSign Envelope ID: F352F3A3-90C6-49F4-94D2-537AC45C4007