LTC 365-2020 RFLI - Executive Recruitment Services to Assist with the Selection of a New City ManagerM IAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 365-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: DATE: Raul J. Aguila, City Attorney Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ( October 16, 2020 SUBJECT: Request for Letters of Interest - Executive Recruitment Services to Assist With the Selection of a New City Manager The City Commission, at its October 14, 2020 meeting, directed City staff to initiate an expedited process to seek Letters of Interest from top executive recruitment/search firms to assist with the selection of the City's next City Manager, with particular emphasis on firms with experience in recruiting state, county, or local government chief executive officers. Accordingly, a Request for Letters of Interest (RFLI 2021-036 KB) was prepared and sent on October 15, 2020 to 61 firms for their consideration. As time is of the essence, all responses/proposals must be submitted to the City by 1 :00 p.m. on October 23, 2020. The City Attorney, the City Clerk, and the Procurement Director will review all responses and shortlist the most qualified firms for the City Commission's consideration and final selection on October 28, 2020. Shortlisted firms may be required to make brief and succinct presentations to the City Commission on October 28, 2020, or as scheduled in accordance with the City Commission's direction. A copy of RFLI 2021-036 KB and the list of firms to which the RFLI was sent is attached. Enclosure: Exhibit 1 - RFLI - 2021-036-KB Exhibit 2-List of Firms E xhibit 1 MIAMI BEACH Procurement Department 1755 Meridian Ave., 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 REQUEST FOR LETTERS OF INTEREST RFU 2021-036-KB EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT SERVICES l. Introduction. On October 7, 2020, Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, announced his resignation from the position of City Manager, effective February 1, 2021. At its October 14, 2020 meeting, the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, directed City staff to initiate an expedited process to seek letters of interest from top executive recruitment/search firms to assist with the selection of the City's next City Manager, with particular emphasis on firms with experience in recruiting state, county, or local government chief executive officers. For example purposes only, the City's latest job description for the position of City Manager is included in the Commission Memorandum, dated October 14, 2020, attached as Exhibit A to this RFLI. Notwithstanding, the City expects the selected recruitment/search firm to update the job description, with input from City staff, and subject to final approval by the City Commission. Accordingly, this RFLI has been prepared and sent to your firm for its consideration. Should your firm wish to be considered, please respond with the information requested herein, in the format set forth in Section 4. As time is of the essence, all responses/proposals must be submitted no later than 1:00 p.m. (EDT) on O ct o ber 23, 2020. City staff will review responses/proposals and present a shortlist of proposals to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on October 28, 2020. It is anticipated that the City Commission will select a firm at that time. 2. Antic ipated Sco pe of Work. The anticipated scope of work for this engagement is outlined below. However, the final scope, as well as fees, will be negotiated with the selected firm and shall be subject to approval and execution of a final contract between the City and the selected firm: • Develop recruiting specifications, in conjunction with the City Commission and other City officials, which address the specific duties, responsibilities, operational issues and traits, and other factors that are relevant to the position of City Manager; • Develop minimum qualifications and desired qualifications for the position of City Manager; • Develop a work plan and ti meline for each phase of the process. Note: A preliminary workplan and timeline for the recruitment process, which is outlined in the attached Commission Memorandum, dated October 14, 2020, has been included for illustrative purposes ONLY, as Exhibit A to this RFLI. Proposers are urged to use this ti meline as a starting point; HOWEVER, THE CITY COMMISSION HAS INDICATED THAT ITS PRIM A RY G O A L IS TO UN D ERTA KE A CO M PREHEN SIV E RECR U IT M EN T A N D SELECTION PRO CESS FO R THIS M O ST IM PO RTA NT PO SIT IO N . THEREF O RE, THE CITY CO M M ISSIO N IS A M EN A BLE TO EXTEN D IN G THE TIM ELI N E A N D/O R DEA D LI N ES SET FO RTH IN EXHIBIT A, TO TH E EX TEN T THE RECR U IT M EN T FIRM DEEM S IT IS NECESSA RY IN O RDER TO FU LFILL TH E PRIM A RY O BJECTIV E, W H ICH IS TO UN D ERTA KE A RO BU ST RECR U ITM EN T PRO CESS THA T LEA DS TO THE SEL ECTIO N O F THE M O ST Q UA LI FIED CA N D IDATE FO R THE CITY M A N A G ER PO SIT IO N ; 2 RFU EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT SERVICES • Conduct a search and recruiting activities, which include without limitation selected advertising, "headhunting," and outreach/networking; • Develop recruiting specifications which, at a minimum are intended to identify and encompass a nationwide search for the most qualified and talented candidates for this position; Note: Even though this RFLI contemplates that the selected firm will undertake a nationwide search and recruitment process, senior City administrators currently employed by the City of Miami Beach shall be encouraged to apply for the City Manager position; accordingly, the selected firm will give equal consideration to such internal City candidates, provided such candidates meet the minimum qualifications for the City Manager position. Put simply, in addition to recruiting the most qualified outside candidates, the City recognizes that there may be internal candidates who serve in senior management positions in the City Administration who will be interested in applying for this position and, subject to qualification, should be given equal consideration. • Document procedures to be carried out, including ti meline for their accomplishment; • Prepare recruiting materials that present an accurate profile of the position and environment; • Contact potential candidates through written material, advertising, and direct recruiting; • Develop criteria for evaluating candidates; • Develop a screening process for evaluating candidates; • Develop a shortlist of finalists utilizing generally accepted screening practices and procedures to be detailed in the report; • Screen and evaluate candidates to establish a qualified shortlist of finalists for interview with City officials, including the Mayor and City Commissioners; • Research personal, professional, and academic qualifications thoroughly and discreetly, including without limitation conducting the appropriate background, security, and credit checks or investigations; • Consolidate the findings of the final shortlisted candidates in clear, objective profiles detailing the following: current situation, past experience, and skills and performance that are directly appropriate to the position; and • Develop and participate in the selection process (if required), to include meetings with the Mayor and City Commissioners; further shortlist candidates (if required); conduct additional searches and background investigations (if required); and assist in final selection/interview process. 3. Questions. Any question regarding this RFLI shall be submitted to the Procurement Contact identified below: Procurement Contact: Kristy Bada Telephone: 305-673-7490 ext. 26218 Email: kristybada@miam ibeachfl .gov 3 RFU EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT SERVICES 4. Submittal Format. Responses should be in letter form and include the following: a. Respondent Information. Information regarding the respondent and its team, including but not limited to firm name, years in business, principals, headquarter and local office details, and the primary contact for any matters relating to the RFLI, including name, position and contact information. i. Lead Representative. Provide the name, resume and location for the firm representative that would be lead on this engagement if selected. b. Previous Similar Experience. List all recruitments for city managers or chief executive officers for which the firm has been retained in the last five (5) years. For each recruitment, provide the following information: 1) agency; 2) client primary contact, including telephone and email; 3) summary of engagement; 4) dates of engagement; 5) name of individual placed; 6) fees received from agency and/or individual placed. c. Previous Similar Experience in Florida. List all recruitments for city managers or chief executive officers for which the firm has been retained by a Florida agency in the last five (5) years. For each recruitment, provide the following information: 1) agency; 2) client primary contact, including telephone and email; 3) summary of engagement; 4) dates of engagement; 5) name of individual placed; 6) fees received from agency and/or individual placed. d. Other Related Experience. List all recruitments for other chief executives or comparable positions for either public or private clients for which the firm has been retained in the last five (5) years. For each recruitment, provide the following information: 1) agency; 2) client primary contact, including telephone and email; 3) summary of engagement; 4) dates of engagement; 5) name of individual placed; 6) fees received from agency and/or individual placed. e. Proposed Work Plan. Provide a work plan that includes an overview and explanation of the major milestones the firm would recommend for this engagement. Final scope of work will be negotiated with the selected firm. f. Price Proposal. Provide a breakdown of fees for the engagement. Final fees will be negotiated with the selected firm. S. Submittal Due Date and Requirements. The deadline for letters of interest is October 23, 2020 at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Time (ET). Electronic responses to this RFLI are to be submitted via email until the date and time indicated above. Responses shall be emailed to Kristy Bada at kristybada@miamibeachfl.gov. It is the sole responsibility of the respondent to ensure its letter of interest is received before the RFL/ closing date and time. 6. Selection Process. A team of City staff will review all responses and shortlist the most qualified firms for the City Commission's consideration and final selection. Shortlisted firms may be required to make brief and succinct presentations to the City Commission on October 28, 2020, or as scheduled in accordance with the City Commission's direction. M IA M I BEAC H OFF ICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION C O M M IS S IO N M E M O RA ND U M TO: FROM: DATE: Members of the City Commission Mayor Dan Gelber October 14, 2020 SUBJECT: PROPOSED CHRONOLOGY FOR SELECTION/APPOINTMENT OF NEW CITY MANAGER Following City Manager Morales' resignation this week (which will be effective on February 1, 2021), I believe that it is in the best interest of the City to immediately begin discussion regarding the selection process for the new City Manager. Accordingly, I requested that the City Clerk and City Attorney draft the attached proposed procedures, which take into consideration the process that was followed for the selection of City Manager Morales in 2013. I don't presume that this is the only way, but believe that seeing one potential critical path might help us reach agreement on this or another plan. Ideally, if the Commission were to conceptually approve the proposed procedures at the October 14, 2020 City Commission Meeting, we could start the search immediately and finalize it shortly after Mr. Morales' scheduled departure (i.e. February 1, 2021 ). I would like to discuss the attached procedures/timelines; get input from the Commission; and approve a process at the October 14, 2020 Commission meeting so we can begin immediately moving forward with this most important decision. F:\C LER \$ALL\REG\CITY M ANAGER RECRUITM ENT 2\Com m ission Memorandum and Ch ron ology - Selection Process.dccx P R O P O S E D C H R O N O L O G Y FO R S E L E C T IO N /A P P O IN T M E N T O F N E W C IT Y M A N A G E R O c to b e r 1 4 , 2 0 2 0 - C ity C o m m is s io n M e e ti n g City Commission conceptually approves process for selection and appointment of new City Manager. October 28, 2020 - City Commission Meeting Via waiver of competitive bidding, the City Commission authorizes the City Attorney and the City Clerk to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement with a qualified recruitment firm(s) to assist the Mayor and City Commission in the City Manager selection/hiring pro cess; further, appropriating an amount not to exceed $40,000 for such agreement(s) with the successful firm. (Note: Prior to the October 28, 2020 Commission Meeting, the Procurement Department will provide via L TC a list of potential qualified recruitment firm(s).) • The recruitment firm will assist with the following: o Develop recruiting specifications, in conjunction with the City Commission and other City officials, which address the specific duties, responsibilities, operational issues, traits, and other factors that are relevant to the position of City Manager; o Develop minimum qualifications and desired qualification for the position of City Manager; o Develop a timeline for completing the phases of the pro cess; o Conduct a search with recruiting activities, including selected advertising and netw orking; o Develop recruiting specifications to encompass a nationwide search; o Prepare recruiting materials that present an accurate profile of the position and environment; o Contact potential candidates through written material, advertising, and direct recruiting; o Develop criteria for evaluating candidates; o Develop a list of finalists, together with the City Commission, utilizing generally accepted screening practices and procedures to be detailed in a report; o Screen and evaluate candidates to establish a qualified group; o Research candidates' personal, professorial, and academic qualifications thoroughly and discreetly; o Consolidate the findings of the final candidates in clear, objective profiles detailing: current situation, experience, skills, and performance that are directly appropriate to the position; and o Develop and participate in the selection pro cess, to include meetings with the Mayor and Commissioners. N o v e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 2 0 - C it y C o m m is s io n M e e t in g The City Commission, with the assistance of the recruitment firm will finalize: • Recruiting specifications; • Minimum qualifications and update the latest job description, if necessary, for the position of City Manager; • A timeline for completing the phases of the process; • Recruiting/advertising specifications to encompass a nationwide search; and • Criteria for evaluating candidates. A copy of the current City Manager job description is attached as Exhibit A. Prior to the City Commission Meeting of January 2021 The recruitment firm will: • Provide the complete list of applicants to the City Commission; and • Provide a list of recommended finalists (shortlist). The City Commission may elect to add additional candidates to the recommended shortlist of finalists by submiting the name(s) to the City Clerk. If at least 3 or more City Commissioners submit the same name (of an additional candidate) to the City Clerk, then that candidate will be added to the shortlist of finalists. January 2021 Commission Meeting Having been provided information on the final shortlisted candidates by the recruitment firm, the City Commission will develop and approve a process and timeline for one-on-one interviews and develop a process for final interviews before the entire City Commission. February 2021 Commission Meeting The City Commission will: • Conduct interviews of the final candidates at the public meeting; • Following the interviews, the City Commission will vote to select a new City Manager (Majority vote required); and • Authorize the City Attorney and the Chair of the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee to negotiate an Employment Contract with new City Manager. February 2021 Second Commission Meeting • The City Commission will consider/approve the City Manager's Employment Contract. • If the Employment Contract is approved, the City Clerk will swear-in new City Manager. NOTE: 1) Because new City Manager may not be appointed until mid to end of February, the City Commissions may have to select an interim Manager to cover the "gap." 2) The City Clerk will be the point of contact between the search firm, applicants, and City Commission. The City Attorney shall provide legal support to the City Clerk and City Commission throughout the search process. E x hib it A MIAMI BEACH City Manager Class Code: 1001 I Grade UNC B a rg a in in g U n it: U ncl a ssifi e d CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Revision Date: Nov 16, 2009 N A T U R E O F W O R K : H ig h ly re sponsible administrative and managerial work in the operation of a full-service City go v e rn m e n t. IL L U S T RA T IV E E X A M P L E S O F E S S E N T I A L D U T I E S : • D irects an d co o rd in a te s w o rk of the staff and operating departments • H ires an d fire s sta ff • A d m in iste rs the pe rso n n e l sy ste m an d de a ls w ith em p lo y e e s • M o n ito rs an d co n tro ls fi n a n c ia l a ff airs o f the C ity • P re p a re s an d im p le m e n ts bu d g e t • R e la te s to n e ig h b o rin g ju risd ict io n s ¡ the co u n ty, state , an d fed e ra l g o ve rn m e nt; oth e r go v e rn m e ntal ag e ncie s; an d lo ca l citize n s, in te rest gro u p s, ve n d o rs, an d co ntracto rs • C o n d u cts press re la tio n s an d pu b lic re latio n s • C a rrie s ou t directiv e s fro m the C ity C o m m issio n • R esp o n d s to , an d solves citizen problems • Devises policy recommendations • S o lv e s pro b le m s • A d v ise s C ity C o m m issio n of recommendations • D irects the d e v e lo p m e n t of po lic ie s an d proced u res re la tiv e to collective bargaining ne g o tia tio n s and in te rp re ta tio n , H u m a n R eso u rce s ad m in istratio n and sp ecia l proje cts assig n e d by the C ity C o m m issio n • D irects th e C ity 's co lle ctiv e ba rga in in g n e g o tia tio n s, co n tract a g re e m e n ts, im p asse proce e d in g s, grie v an ce s, an d re la ted em p lo ye e -re la tio n s activ itie s • O v e rsee s the d e ve lo p m e n t of lia iso n s to va rio us C ity B o a rds an d C o m m itte es : To u rist & C o n v e n ti on C e n te r E x p a n sio n A utho rity ; C o m m u n ity B e n e fit s C o m m ittee ; C o nv e n tio n C e n te r A d v iso ry B o a rd ; V isito rs an d C o n v e n tio n A uth o rity; C o m m u n ity A ffairs C o m m ittee ; B la c k B o x C o m m ittee ; an d the G rea te r M ia m i C o nve ntio n a n d V isito rs B u re au • P e rform s rela te d tasks as re q u ire d M IN I M U M R E Q U I R E M E N T S : • B a ch e lo r's de g ree fro m an accred ite d co lle g e or un iv e rsity • Tw o (2 ) year s' rece n t ex p e rie n ce as a Ci ty M a n ag e r or as a C E O o f a go v ern m e n t o r priv a te orga n izatio n • A n eq u iv a le n t co m b in a tio n of train in g an d ex p e rie n ce m a y b e su b stitute d • D e m o nstra ted pro fessio nal m a nag em e nt, leadership, and com m unication skills, in clud ing fiscal, plann ing , hu m an resources, labo r relation s, private/p ublic joi nt ve n tures, tourism , and m u n icipal operations • Ex p erien ce in dealing eff ectiv ely w ith diverse cultures and in econom ic and co m m un ity developm e nt • C ity of M ia m i Beach reside ncy is preferred • Ex perien ce can substitute fo r ed ucatio n on a year-fo r-year basis KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: • Ex te nsiv e know ledg e of pub lic m a nagem ent and organization theories, principles, practices and techniqu es at the local level • T h o ro ugh know ledge of the organ izatio n, functio n , and m ethods of operation of the C ity 's le g islative and executive staff and departm e nts • Ex te nsiv e know ledge of the basic law s, ordin ances and regulations underlying the m u n ic ipa l corporation • T h o ro ug h know ledge of m un icip al finances and ad m in istration • A bility to analy ze a variety of com p lex ad m in istrative pro blem s, to m ake sound re co m m e n datio ns fo r the ir so lutio ns, and to prepare w orking procedures • A b ility to ex press ideas eff ectiv ely, both orally an d in w riting • A bility to estab lish and m ain tain effective w o rking relationships w ith other City offi cia ls, em ployees and the ge neral public • A bility to plan, supervise, an d coo rdinate the w ork of subordinates PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: • M u st ha v e the use of se nsory skills in order to co m m unicate and interact effectively w ith oth e r em p loyees and the pub lic thro ug h the use of the telephone and personal co ntact • Ph y sica l capability to use an d ope rate eff ectively various item s of off ice-related eq u ip m e n t, such as, but not lim ited to, personal com puter, calculator, copier, and fax m ach in e • N o sig n ifica nt standing , w alk ing , m oving, cl im bing , carrying, bending, kneeling, craw ling, reaching, han d ling , sitt ing , stand in g, pushing, and pulling • Stron g stam ina for com p lex w o rk and ab le to w o rk long hours • A b ility to read extensive ly and qu ickly • A bility to retain the sub stance of read ing m ate ria ls • A b ility to ge t w ith othe rs, de legate respo nsibility and energize subordinates and seek to re co n cile div erge nt po ints of view SUPERVISION RECEIVED: • W o rk is perfo rm ed w ith substantial latitude fo r ind ep endent judgm ent subject to re v ie w by the C ity C om m issio n SU P E R V IS IO N EX E R C IS E D : • Plans, organizes, and directs City departments E x h ib it 2 Vendor ADK Consulting & Executive Search Affion Public, Harrisburg, PA Alliance Resource Consulting, Long Beach, CA Arts Consulting Group Avery Associates Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Bob Murray & Associates, Roseville, Ca Boyden, Purchase, New York Chris Hartung Consulting, LLC Colin Baenziger & Associates, Wellington, FL CPS HR Consulting, Sacramento, CA David Gomez & Associates (DG&A) DDA Human Resources, Inc. DHR International, Chicago, Illinois Diversified Search, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Eaton Peabody Consulting Group Egon Zehnder International, New York, New York Egon Zehnder, Miami, FL GovHR USA, Northbrook, IL 60062 HC Smith, Ltd. Heidrick & Struggles, Chicago, Illinois HueLife, LLC JDGray Group, LLC Jersey Professional Management Kansas League Executive/Administrative Position Search Koff & Associates, Inc., Emeryville, CA Korn Ferry Executive Search, Los Angeles, California Linked Executive Search, Dallas, Texas Lucas Group, Atlanta, Georgia Management Partners, Inc. Management Recruiters International, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mathis Group McGrath Consulting Group, Inc. Municipal Resources, Inc. Murphy, Symonds, & Stowell Search N2GROWTH, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Odgers Berndtson Oklahoma Municipal Management Services Peckham & McKenney Prothman Public Administration Associates, LLC Email doug@adkexecutivesearch.com reilly@affionpublic.com info@allia ncerc.com jhsu@ArtsConsulting.com micheller@averyassoc.net peter.noce@bakertilly bmurray@bobmurrayassoc.com apply@bobmurrayassoc.com njboyden@boyden.com chris@chcpublicsectorsolutions.com Colin@cb-asso.com connie@cps.ca.gov dgomez@dgai.com Gary@DavidDrown.com libarra@dhrinternational.com Steve.Morreale@divsearch.com aspall@eatonpeabody.com newyork@egonzehnder.com miami@egonzehnder.com HVoorhees@GovHRusa.com hcsmith@hcsm ithcom gcote@heidrick.com Irina Fursman: lrinafursman@hue.life jason@jdgraygroup.com info@jerseyprofessionalmgt.com tcocking@lkm.org gkrammer@koffassociates.com abbe.ulrich@kornferry.com kurt@linkedexec.com ALulla@lucasgroup.com lachen@managementpartners.com contact@mrinetwork.com Dr.Bill@MathisGroup.net info@mcgrathconsulting.com all@mrigov.com liliane.rene@odgersberndtson.com executivedirector@okmms.org bobbi@peckhamandmckenney.com info@prothman.com kevin.brunner1013@gmail.com Ralph Andersen & Associates Resource Management & Acquisitions RJA Management Services, Inc. Robert Half, Menlo Park, California Roberts Consulting Group, Inc. Russell Reynolds Associates, New York, New York S. Renée Narloch & Associates Slavin Management Consultants Spencer Stuart Springsted Incorporated, Saint Paul, MN Strategic Government Resources Teri Black & Company, LLC The Lee Group The Mercer Group, Inc. info@ralphandersen.com government@rmasearchfirm.com rgarcia@rjamanagement.com Pay.TimeReporting@roberthalf.com robertsrcg@msn.com Emily.Heinen@russellreynolds.com tisha.mcglothlin@srnsearch.com info@slavinmanagementconsultants.com chuck.rohre@bakertilly.com jennifersadden@governmentresource.com Ron@govern mentresou ree.com info@tbcrecruiting.com JM ercer@mercergroupinc.com The Novak Consulting Group The Prothman Company, Issaquah, WA The Waters-Oldani Executive Recruitment, Dallas, TX Waldron WBCP Inc. William Avery & Associates, Inc., Los Gatos, CA ctucktarrish@thenovakconsultinggroup.co m; jnovak@thenovakconsultinggroup.com info@prothman.com info@waldronhr.com wendi@wbcpinc.com Bill@averyassoc.net Sources: https://www.forbes.com/best-executive-recruiting- firms/#30915c1a29be top ten only https :// ceoworld.biz/2018/04/10/top-100-best-executive-search- firms-a nd-consu Ita nts-that-dominate-the-recru iting-business/ top ten only https ://members. icma .o rg/ eweb/Dyna micPage. as px?WebCode=ex ec-recruitment-firms&site=icmares all - no way of knowing top ten