LTC 367-2020 Private Property Flood Mitigation Feedback OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 367-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: October 19, 2020 SUBJECT: Private Property Flood Mitigation Feedback I’m pleased to share the results of a private property flood mitigation improvements questionnaire with the Mayor and City Commission. The questionnaire was created to collect community feedback for a Land Use and Sustainability Committee item “Discuss Private Property Resilience Adaptation” heard on September 22, 2020. The goal of the questionnaire was to understand perceptions regarding personal property flood risk and interest in various options for a potential private adaptation grant program in light of current flood risk and sea level rise projections. The questionnaire was developed by the Chief Resilience Officer in partnership with the Floodplain Manager, Marketing and Communications, Environment and Sustainability and Planning and Zoning (Attachment 1). The questions were disseminated through city engagement channels including targeted emails and social media. Questions were also included to gauge interest in physical improvements that could be funded by a historic preservation program under discussion at the Finance and Economic Resilience Committee. The city obtained 416 answers to the questionnaire October 1st – 9th 2020. Please note this was not a citywide statistically valid survey, but rather a way to gauge feedback and interest. Below is a summary of the results: Most respondents have experienced or observed flooding/standing water on their property. o 29% experienced standing water/flooding on the lawn. o 27% experienced standing water/flooding in the garage More than half of respondents expressed the need to make improvements to their property. o 52% of respondents said they need to make improvements to their property to protect it from flooding and extreme weather events vs. 47% who said improvements were not needed. Most respondents listed the high cost of making private adaptation improvements as the number 1 reason keeping them from making improvements, but most respondents said DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 they would make those improvements if they had financial assistance. o 77% of respondents said that they would make private adaptation improvements if the City of Miami Beach offered a 50/50 grant match vs. 23% who said they wouldn’t. The top three flood risk improvements that respondents selected to make their homes more resilient are: o Engineering assessment to learn how to reduce risk (49%) o Green infrastructure such as bioswales, retention areas and rain gardens (46%) o Yard and/or driveway grading elevation (32%) From the overall community perspective, the 2019 Community Satisfaction Survey shows that 43% of residents are satisfied, 33% neutral, and 24% dissatisfied with their buildings’ flood risk protections. In addition, “efforts to manage stormwater drainage and flooding” was ranked in the top 3 priorities for the City. In addition, to understand the extent of flood mitigation approaches available to private property owners, market research is underway through an “Invitation to Industry Review Meeting 2020- 318-KB for Private Property Flood Mitigation.” This was distributed to consultants to gather market research and six companies have been interviewed to understand the wide array of options available to property owners. The Land Use and Sustainability Committee moved this item to the full City Commission meeting with direction that the Chief Financial Officer provide funding options. For questions or feedback, please contact Chief Resilience Officer Amy Knowles at amyknowles@miamibeachfl.gov. JLM/ATH/AK Attachment 1: DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 1 / 17 50.24%209 29.33%122 27.40%114 25.96%108 15.38%64 12.98%54 2.16%9 Q1 Have you experienced flooding on your property during the last three years? Select all that apply. Answered: 416 Sk ipped: 0 Total Respondents : 416 Yes, I observed... Yes, I experienced... Yes, I experienced... No, I haven’t experienced... No, I haven’t experienced... Yes, I experienced... I’m not sure. 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes, I observed flooding on the public road in front of my house. Yes, I experienc ed s tanding water/flooding on the lawn. Yes, I experienc ed s tanding water/flooding in t he garage. No, I haven’t experienc ed flooding issues on my property, but I hav e s een flooding near my property. No, I haven’t experienc ed flooding issues. Yes, I experienc ed s tanding water/flooding in habitable areas of my property. I’m not s ure. DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 2 / 17 44.59%103 31.60%73 21.21%49 14.29%33 8.23%19 Q2 How severe was the flooding on your property? Select all that apply. Answered: 231 Sk ipped: 185 Total Respondents : 231 Water dr ained with no damage Damage r equired... Water receded quickly N/A Cl aim w as fil ed w ith... 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Water drained with no damage Damage required replacement or renovation Water rec eded quick ly N/A Claim was filed wit h insurance company DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 3 / 17 78.27%299 21.73%83 Q3 Is your property designated a historic property or located within a historic district? Answered: 382 Sk ipped: 34 TOTAL 382 No Yes 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES No Yes DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 4 / 17 52.36%200 47.64%182 Q4 Considering your flood risk, do you need to make improvements to your property to protect it from flooding and extreme weather events? Answered: 382 Sk ipped: 34 TOTAL 382 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 5 / 17 72.00%144 27.00%54 23.50%47 19.50%39 19.00%38 9.50%19 Q5 What is keeping you from making improvements to your property? Select all that apply. Answered: 200 Sk ipped: 216 Total Respondents : 200 It’s too expensive F lood mitigation i... Constr uction is disr upt ive It ’s time-consuming N/A The histor ic natur e of my... 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES It’s t oo expensive Flood mitigation is too difficult for my property Cons truction is dis ruptiv e It’s t ime-consuming N/A The his toric nature of my property may mak e mitigation difficult DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 6 / 17 Q6 What are the top three flood risk improvements that would make your property more resilient? Select only three. Answered: 180 Sk ipped: 236 Engineering assessment t... Green infr astruct u... Yard and/or dr iveway... Dr y flo odproofin... Gar age floor and/or yard... Repl acing imper meabl e... Other (please specify) Elevat e inter ior fir... Wet flood pr oofing tha... Appl iance equipment... Cisterns and r ain bar rels Bl ue roofs that capture... 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 7 / 17 49.44%89 46.11%83 32.22%58 29.44%53 27.78%50 25.56%46 22.22%40 15.56%28 15.00%27 14.44%26 13.89%25 8.33%15 Total Respondents : 180 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Engineering asses s ment to learn how to reduce risk Green infrastructure s uc h as bioswales, retent ion areas and rain gardens Yard and/or driveway grading elev ation Dry floodproofing meas ures to mak e s tructure(s) watertight Garage floor and/or yard elevation Replacing impermeable materials with permeable materials Other (please s pecify) Elev ate interior first f inished floor Wet flood proofing that makes uninhabited areas of the property resis tant to f lood damage by allowing water to enter and exit the exterior area of the property Applianc e equipment elevation Cis terns and rain barrels Blue roofs that capture rainwater by func tioning as a tank -lik e struc ture DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 8 / 17 77.22%139 22.78%41 Q7 If the City of Miami Beach offered a 50/50 grant match (between the city and grantee) for such improvements, would you apply? Answered: 180 Sk ipped: 236 TOTAL 180 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 9 / 17 Q8 What are the top three physical improvements, not directly related to flood risk, that you would make to improve the character of your property and neighborhood? Select only three. Answered: 180 Sk ipped: 236 Landscape impr ovements Gener al façade r epairs Exterior painting New doors and w indow s Other (please specify) Rest or ation of significant... Life safety/fire... Removal of through t he... Signage impr ovements Americans w it h Disabil it y A... 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 10 / 17 54.44%98 51.11%92 46.11%83 42.22%76 28.89%52 21.67%39 20.00%36 15.56%28 10.56%19 9.44%17 Total Respondents : 180 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Landscape improv ements General façade repairs Exterior painting New doors and windows Other (please s pecify) Restoration of signific ant exterior architec tural details Life s afety/fire s afety upgrades, including appropriate railing upgrades Removal of through t he wall or window a/c units Signage improvements Americans with Disability Act (ADA) upgrades DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 11 / 17 83.33%150 50.00%90 43.33%78 34.44%62 20.56%37 16.67%30 13.89%25 11.11%20 Q9 If there was a grant available to make improvements to your property, what are the top three criteria the City should consider when awarding funding. Answered: 180 Sk ipped: 236 Total Respondents : 180 Vul ner abil ity to flooding... Pr oper ties that have... Financial need Funding match avail abil ity Propert ies l o cated with... Propert ies that provide... Contributing properties... Other (please specify) 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Vulnerabilit y to flooding impact s, suc h as low elevation Properties that have prev ious ly s ustained damage from flooding Financial need Funding match availability Properties located within historic dis tric ts Properties that prov ide workforc e and/or affordable hous ing Contributing properties within local historic dis tricts Other (please s pecify) DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 12 / 17 100.00%97 100.00%97 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 Q10 Please enter your name and email below if you are interested in providing feedback to the City about resilience property improvements. Answered: 97 Sk ipped: 319 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Name Email Address Company Address Address 2 City/Town St ate/Prov ince ZIP/Postal Code Country Phone Number DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 13 / 17 Q11 Please rank the usefulness of information we share regarding flood awareness through the following delivery channels: Answered: 177 Sk ipped: 239 66.67% 118 29.38% 52 2.26% 4 1.69% 3 177 1.39 18.87% 30 19.50% 31 10.69% 17 50.94% 81 159 2.94 12.10% 19 12.74% 20 8.92% 14 66.24% 104 157 3.29 Ve ry Useful Mode ra tely Useful Not Useful I Do Not Receive/Use . City Emails Facebook Tw itter 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% VERY USEFUL MODERATELY USEFUL NOT USEFUL I DO NOT RECEIVE/USE. TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE City Emails Facebook Twitter DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 14 / 17 83.33%150 46.11%83 43.89%79 26.67%48 Q12 Please, select the top two flood awareness/flood risk topics you are most interested in learning more about. Select only two. Answered: 180 Sk ipped: 236 Total Respondents : 180 Miami Beach's efforts to... Tips on how t o pr otect your... Weather alert s from M iami... Natio nal Fl o od Insur ance... 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Miami Beac h's efforts t o reduc e flood ris k Tips on how to protec t y our property from ext reme weather and flooding Weather alerts from Miami Beach National Flood Insurance Program Updates DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 15 / 17 48.95%70 23.08%33 11.89%17 9.09%13 6.99%10 Q13 What’s the combined annual income of your household? Answered: 143 Sk ipped: 273 TOTAL 143 $1 5 0,000 + $100K-$149,999 $35 ,000-$74,999 $75 ,000-$99,999 Under $35,000 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES $150,000 + $100K-$149,999 $35,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 Under $35,000 DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 16 / 17 Q14 Please select your neighborhood from the following dropdown menu: Answered: 174 Sk ipped: 242 Flamingo/Lummus La Gorce Normandy Shores Nautil us Neighborhood Wes t Avenue and Bay Road Nor mandy Isl es North Shor e Oceanfr o nt South Pointe Bayshore Sout h and V enetian... City Center Neighborhood Biscayne Point Star/Pal m/Hibis cus 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8 Private Property Flood M itigation Improvements Feedbac k 17 / 17 12.64%22 10.92%19 10.92%19 10.34%18 9.20%16 8.62%15 7.47%13 6.90%12 6.90%12 4.60%8 4.02%7 3.45%6 2.30%4 1.72%3 TOTAL 174 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Flamingo/Lummus La Gorce Normandy Shores Nautilus Neighborhood Wes t Av enue and Bay Road Normandy Isles North Shore Oc eanfront South Pointe Bays hore South and Venetian I slands City Center Neighborhood Bis c ayne Point St ar/Palm/Hibiscus DocuSign Envelope ID: FD6D57DD-9F67-4238-9D5A-D95D580201C8