LTC 385-2020 Village of Key Biscayne Resolution No. 2020-50MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No. 385-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Gelber and Memb~h~ Commission saete can a «o. ovo / ] October 28, 2020 VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE RESOLUTION NO. 2020-50 Attached for your information is Resolution No. 2020-50, adopted by the Mayor and the Village Council of the Village of Key Biscayne on August 25, 2020. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, DECLARING A CLIMATE EMERGENCY; URGING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY; REQUESTING LOCAL AND REGIONAL COLLABORATION ON A PLAN FOR EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION EFFORTS TO RESTORE A SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE CLIMATE; PROCLAIMING A CALL TO ACTION FOR THE VILLAGE TO CONTINUE EFFORTS TOWARDS ADAPTATION, MITIGATION, AND RESILIENCY STRATEGIES; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Village of Key Biscayne Clerk has requested that a copy of this resolution be provided to the Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/le Attachment F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\Key Biscayne\Resolution 2020-50 Village of Key Biscayne.docx RE S O L U T I O N N O . 2020-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, DECLARING A CLIMATE EMERGENCY; URGING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY; REQUESTING LOCAL AND REGIONAL COLLABORATION ON A PLAN FOR EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION EFFORTS TO RESTORE A SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE CLIMATE; PROCLAIMING A CALL TO ACTION FOR THE VILLAGE TO CONTINUE EFFORTS TOWARDS ADAPTATION, MITIGATION, AND RESILIENCY STRATEGIES; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the planet is currently experiencing climate change in the fonn of rising global temperatures due to the increased emission of greenhouse gasses, which can lead to severe changes in the Earth's climate by amplifying the severity and rate of climatological events that bann life, including, but not limited to severe droughts, hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires; and WHEREAS, on April 22, 2016, world leaders from 175 countries recognized the threat of climate change and the urgent need to combat it by signing the Paris Agreement, agreeing to keep the increase in global average temperature to "well below 2ºC above pre-industrial levels," and to ''pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C"; and WHEREAS, the Village of Key Biscayne ("Village") has experienced the disruption and destruction already wrought by climate change through hurricanes, flooding, water quality issues and other climatic events, that are also evidenced nationwide and worldwide by increased and intensifying wildfires, floods, rising seas, diseases, droughts, and extreme weather; and WHEREAS, the ecological effects of climate change are driving an increased rate of extinction of land and oceanic species, which could consequently devastate ecological stability and much of the biological life on Earth for future generations; and WHE RE AS, reaching zero greenhouse gas emissions around the globe will require a drawdown or removal of all the excess carbon from the atmosphere, and to implement measures to protect all people and other biological species, requiring a coordinated emergency mobilization on a global scale; and WHE RE AS, the Village is directly impacted by climate change through climatic events of increased number and size and has engaged in a series of efforts on climate adaptation, mitigation and resiliency initiatives; and WHE RE AS, the Village has forged strategic relationships to build a broad coalition to support strengthening the Village's adaptation, mitigation and resiliency initiatives; and WHE RE AS, the Village is committed to pursuing policies and programs that are ecologically sustainable, equitable and just for all such as prohibiting the use of plastic straws, certain fertilizers, and polystyrene food service articles that negatively impact the Village's environment; and WHE RE AS, the Village wishes to act as a global leader by both converting to an ecologically, socially and economically regenerative economy at emergency speed and by catalyzing a unified and coordinated climate emergency mobilization effort; and WHE RE AS, the Village commits to Village-wide climate emergency mobilization efforts to reverse climate change, aiming, with appropriate financial and regulatory assistance from Miami-Dade County (the "County"), the State of Florida, and Federal authorities, to decrease and minimize Village-wide greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible to safely drawdown carbon from the atmosphere and accelerate adaptation and resiliency strategies in preparation for intensifying climate impacts; and WHE RE AS, the Village further commits to educating its residents about the climate 2 em erg en cy an d w orki ng to cata lyze clim ate em erg ency m obili zati on efforts on local, state, nati ona l, an d global levels to pro vide maximum protecti on for its residents an d property own ers; an d WHEREAS, th e V ill age un derstan ds th e nee d fo r fu ll comm uni ty parti cipation, inclusion, an d support an d re co gni zes th at V ill age re sidents, property own ers an d comm uni ty organi za tions th at include faith, youth , labor, academ ic institu tions, condom inium as soc iations , an d a diver se ran ge of civi l society ins titu tions w ill be in te gra l to an d in th e leadership of th e mobiliza tion effort; an d WHEREAS, th e V ill age furth er comm its to keeping th e concern s of vu ln erable comm uni ti es centra l to clim ate em er gency m obiliz ation efforts an d inviting an d encour aging such comm un iti es to ac tively parti cipate in order to advocate direc tly fo r th eir need s; an d WHEREAS, th e V ill age C oun cil finds th at th is R esolution is in the best interest an d w elfare of th e residents an d property own ers of th e V ill age. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Sectd on 1. Recitals. Th at each of th e above-stated recital s ar e hereby ad opted , co nfi rm ed , an d incorpo rated herein . Section 2. Declaration of Climate Emergency; Call to Action. That th e Vill age C oun cil hereby declar es a clim ate em erg ency; ur ges th e C oun ty , muni cipalities in M iam i-Dade C oun ty , th e State of Florida, an d th e U ni ted States governm ent to declar e a clim ate em ergency; an d requests local an d regional co llab oration on an imm ediate emergency m obiliza tion effort to restore a safe clim ate. Th e V ill age C oun cil hereby declar es an imm ediate call to ac tion to m obili ze 3 an d e n g a g e in c o n ti n u ed e ffo rt s to a c h ie v e a d a p ti o n, m iti g a ti o n an d resili e nc y in iti ati v es a im ed at a d dre s s in g c li m a te im p a c ts . Section3. Transmittal. That the Village Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to: the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; the Majority Leader of the United States Senate; each Florida Senator and Representative in the United States Congress; the County Mayor; the County Board of County Commissioners; all municipalities within the County; all members of the South Florida Legislative Delegation; the Florida League of Cities; and the Miami-Dade County League of Cities. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 25 day of August, 2020. .DAVEY, ATTEST: JOCELYN B. OCH VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: <e .o WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN COLE & BIERMAN, P.L. VILLAGE ATTORNEY 4