LTC 393-2020 Committee Motion_41st Street Corridor City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # 393-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: November 4, 2020 SUBJECT: G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Motion GO #40 - 41st Street Corridor Project The purpose of this Letter to the Commission (“LTC”) is to provide an update regarding two motions made during the October 22, 2020 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee meeting. Members present: Karen Rivo (Chair), Marie Peter (Vice Chair), Jason Green, Jack Glottman, Wendy Squire, Laura Veitia, Francisco Diez-Rivas Background: Staff and AECOM presented the summary data results of an October 1st community presentation and subsequent survey which took place for one week and ending on October 8th. The presentation consisted of two conceptual streetscape design schemes for the revitalization of the 41st Street Corridor. The result of the survey made it clear that most of the community has preferences from both streetscape design schemes, thereby requiring a third, or “hybrid” design scheme to be created. The hybrid scheme will be presented to the Neighborhood and Quality of Life Committee in its upcoming meeting on November 6th. 1) MOTION The Committee made a motion to endorse staff’s recommendation that AECOM proceed with a hybrid design based upon the feedback received through the Community survey as well as comments from the Mayor’s Blue-Ribbon Committee. Motion made by Jack Glottman Motion seconded by Jason Greene Motion passed 2) MOTION The Committee made a motion to endorse staff’s recommendation to fast-track the project to be completed by the end of Tranche 2. Motion made by Jack Glottman Motion seconded by Marie Peter Motion Passed For more information, please contact Maria Hernandez at mariahernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or x22584. JLM / MH DocuSign Envelope ID: F4775F1D-A925-43AA-9984-A6F09CB88FB1