LTC 415-2020 Committee for Quality Education MotionDocuSign Envelope ID: 96950BE6-77DA-43DB-A0CC-DE783F4BEAD8
Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission
Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
Committee for Quality Education Motion
The Committee for Quality Education would like you to be aware of the following motion regarding
the placement of bike racks, approved at the November 17, 2020 committee meeting.
C: Executive Staff
Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning Development Officer
DocuSign Envelope ID: 96950BE6-77DA-43DB-A0CC-DE783F4BEAD8
City of Miami Beach
Committee for Quality Education
Meeting of November 17, 2020
Members Present: Mary Keinath, Joshua Levy, Elisheva Rogoff, Judith Berson-Levinson,
Tiffany Heckler, Karen Edelstein, Rachel Weissman, Beverly Heller, Jamie Adams, Ivan
Alvarez, Yvette Tache, Karen Latham and Lauren Cantor
Members Absent: Jordan Leonard
Made by Karen Latham
Second by Judith Berson-Levinson
The Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission have bike racks
placed on public rights-of-way close to Miami Beach public schools.
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above
Motion Passage: Votes 12-0