LTC 426-2020 Motions from the Police Citizen Relations Committee November 17, 2020 Teams Phone Conference MeetingM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 426-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: November 30, 2020 SUBJECT: Motions from the Police Citiz n Relations Committee November 17, 2020 Teams Phone Conference Meeting The purpose of this Letter to the Commission (L TC) is to inform the Mayor and the Commission of two (2) motions made by the Police Citizen Relations Committee at their November 17, 2020 Teams Teleconference Meeting. Background: The Miami Beach Police Department ("MBPD") continually aspires to address crime and community concerns through innovation and positive partnerships with the community. To support the public safety goals of MBPD, it is the purpose of the Police/Citizens Relations Committee ("Committee") to, in part, endorse programs that will enhance the well-being of residents and visitors. The November 17, 2020 meeting of the Police Citizen Relations committee included an update from Chief Clements on the COVID-19 pandemic and related police issues. The following motions were made: Motion #1 supporting the concept of Community Court Recognizing that public safety is significantly impacted by land-use decisions including but not limited to zoning, conditional use permits, side walk cates, and neighborhood impact establishments, the Miami Beach Police Citizens Relations Committee supports the idea of Community Court and the committee supports the resources that it would take. The idea of this is to enhance public safety and need to make sure the department can support laws and be compassionate that people can get help. Motion moved by Committee Member Rafael Velazquez and seconded by Chairman Alex Fernandez and passed by acclamation. Motion #2 tracking of arrests made by the MBPD for gualitv of life offenses Originally presented: Adopted as amended: October 20, 2020 November 17, 2020 Amendment: This motion was amended by the Police/Citizens Relations Committee to remove the names of judges from the tracking of arrests made by the MBPD. A motion of the Police/Citizens Relations Committee urging the City Commission to direct the City Administration to establish a tracking mechanism for cases in the criminal justice system pertaining to quality of life arrests made in the City of Miami Beach. Said tracking should incl ude the nam e of the defendant, the charges being levied against the defendant, the m axim um bond and/or sentence possible, the bond am ounts, negotiated plea agreem ent or sent ence issued by th e court, as well as the name of judge(s) involved The City Commission should further direct the City Administration to make the tracking of these cases a matter of public record by providing a monthly Letter to the Commission (L TC) with the requested information and by including said L TC on the agenda of the City Commission. Motion moved by Chairman Alex Fernandez and seconded by Committee Member Rafael Velazquez and was passed by acclamation. JLM:RMC:rh ~