LTC 446-2020 Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects Relative to Property Owner Discounts on Flood Insurance PremiumsDocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
LTC No. 446-2020
TO: Mayor Gelber and Member of the City Commission
FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE: December 7, 2020
SUBJECT: Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
Relative to Property Owner Discounts on Flood Insurance Premiums
Introduction and Background
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide the Mayor and Commission
with a Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS). The LMS is one
of the activities that will result in a discount of up to 25% on flood insurance premiums
for residents and businesses in our city.
The primary goal of the LMS is to reduce vulnerability to natural, technological, and
societal hazards from all sources, but especially from hurricanes, tornadoes, floods,
and other severe weather events. The City's participation in the LMS Program
improves its standing and classification in the Community Rating System (CRS),
making flood insurance under the National Flood Insurance Program more affordable.
Program Continuity and Strategy to Inform the Public
City staff members attend the Miami-Dade County Local Mitigation Strategy meetings
once each calendar quarter. The City’s LMS project list is updated at least once a
year. The LMS meeting times, dates, and locations are posted on the Miami-Dade
County website at
The Progress Report on the projects listed in the City's Local Mitigation Strategy is
provided below. Attachment A provides a listing of the LMS projects completed since
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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Drainage Improvement
Flooding has a significant environmental, health, and economic impact, causing businesses
to be inaccessible to customers and resulting in the additional cost of replacing and repairing
damaged property. In addition, due to high groundwater elevation, drainage is slow in certain
areas, requiring extensive periods of time to dissipate. This has caused some paved roads
to deteriorate and/or fail, resulted in the creation of mosquito breeding areas, and intensified
other public health issues. In response to this, the City has changed the stormwater criteria
and required all existing projects to be brought up to the 5.7' NAVD boundary condition and
the City's comprehensive program of drainage improvement projects will alleviate chronic
neighborhood flooding situations.
Sunset Harbor Pump Station Upgrades and Drainage lmprovements: During the
construction of the stormwater system upgrades, the City determined that the project should
be expanded to include raising the road elevation/improving the storm drainage system in
the entire neighborhood. This project will provide a higher level of storm water service to the
Sunset Harbor neighborhood. Phase II of the project aims to provide a higher level of service
defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading in the stormwater system. The
improvements consist of one or a combination of the following:
1) Repair, replace, and/or install curbs and gutters, 2) Reconstruct and/or raise streets and
sidewalks, 3) Repair, replace, and/or install collection systems, catch basins and manholes,
4) Construct water quality treatment devices, 5) Construct pump stations, controls and force
mains, and 6) Repair or upgrade existing outfall pipes and seawalls (inclusive of tidal
backflow prevention devices).
Status: This project is 95% complete and most of it is in operation. Minor work is still
pending. The project is anticipated to be complete mid-2021.
La Gorce Neighborhood Drainage Improvements: The purpose of this project is to
provide a higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading
in the stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the
following: road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing
roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting,
landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust
drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and comprised of
stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the
replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection
system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include
elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected
sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances.
Status: This future project is in the planning phase. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B. The La Gorce
Project has now been divided into four smaller projects: La Gorce A, B, C and Lakeview A.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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West Avenue Neighborhood Drainage lmprovements, Phase II: The proposed
improvements within the West Avenue neighborhood include the raising of the paved
roadway, harmonization to the adjacent properties, installation of a new robust stormwater
drainage collection, treatment and pumping system, replacement of the existing water
distribution/transmission systems and gravity sanitary sewers, installation of new street
lighting, pedestrian lighting, replacement of existing traffic signals and installing a new
signalized intersection with mast arms, new landscaping, irrigation and construction of a
new Baywalk. The limits of the improvements are West Avenue between 8th Street and
Lincoln Road, including side streets, and Bay Road between 14th Street and Collins Canal.
Status: This project is in the design phase.
Indian Creek Drive 25th to 41st Street Drainage Improvements: Construction consists of
drainage improvements, seawall construction, a pump station as well as road raising on
Indian Creek Drive. The project includes construction of new catch basins and outfalls with
associated piping. The stormwater will be treated using vortex structures and stormwater
pump stations.
Status: This project is in the construction phase and is anticipated to be complete in June
Nautilus D (formerly Middle North Bay Road) Drainage lmprovements: The purpose of
this project is to provide a higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of
pollutant loading in the stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a
combination of the following: road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the
elevation of existing roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new
sidewalks, lighting, landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a
new and robust drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and
comprised of stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also
includes the replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary
collection system and force mains where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also
include elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the
projected sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard
Status: This future project is in the planning phase. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B.
Flamingo Park- Neighborhood Improvements: The purpose is to provide a higher level
of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading in the stormwater
system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the following: road
reconstruction including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing roads in areas
where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting, landscaping
and other road furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust drainage system
designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and comprised of stormwater pipes,
inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the replacement of old
water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection system and force
main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include elevating the public
seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected sea level rise,
extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances. The City
performed the installation of major redundant 54-inch force main. As a result of this project,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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a small portion of the Flamingo Park Project was constructed. The limits of this project
covered 11th Street between Alton Road and Washington Avenue. The work included raising
the road, installing stormwater pipes, gravity sewer lines, sewer force main replacement,
water lines replacements, new signals, signing and pavement markings, new lighting and
sidewalks. The 11th Street project has been substantially completed and is pending permit
close outs.
Status: Except for the 11th Street portion, the Flamingo Park Neighborhood Improvement
Project is a future project in the planning phase. The City’s stormwater program has been
reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all projects.
All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B. The Flamingo Park
Neighborhood Improvement Project has now been divided into six smaller projects:
Flamingo B, C, D, E F, and G.
Venetian Islands - Neighborhood lmprovements: The purpose is to provide a higher level
of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading in the stormwater
system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the following: 1) Repair or
upgrade existing outfall pipes and seawalls (inclusive of tidal backflow prevention devices);
2) Construct water quality treatment devices; and 3) Construct pump stations, controls, and
force mains.
Status: This project is 95% complete.
Palm & Hibiscus Islands - Neighborhood Improvements: The purpose is to provide a
higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading in the
stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the following: 1)
Repair, replace, and/or install curbs and gutters, 2) Reconstruct and/or raise streets and
sidewalks, 3) Repair, replace, and/or install collection systems, catch basins and manholes,
4) Construct water quality treatment devices, 5) Construct pump stations, controls and force
mains, and 6) Repair or upgrade existing outfall pipes and seawalls (inclusive of tidal
backflow prevention devices).
Status: This project is 95% complete.
Lincoln Road Improvements: The purpose of the project improvements is to provide a
higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading in the
stormwater system. The improvements consist of improving surface drainage.
Status: This project is in the design phase.
Biscayne Point - Neighborhood Improvements: The purpose of the project
improvements is to provide a higher level of service defined by flood protection and control
of pollutant loading in the stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a
combination of the following: Road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the
elevation of existing roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new
sidewalks, lighting, landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a
new and robust drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and
comprised of stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also
includes the replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary
collection system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also
include elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the
projected sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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Status: This future project is in the planning phase. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B. The Biscayne
Point Neighborhood Improvements Project has now been divided into three smaller projects:
Biscayne Point A, B and C.
South Pointe - Neighborhood Improvements: The purpose of the project improvements
is to provide a higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant
loading in the stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the
following: Road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing
roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting,
landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust
drainage system designed to mitigate a 10- year 24- hour design storm and comprised of
stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the
replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection
system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include
elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected
sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances.
A small portion of the South Pointe Neighborhood Project has been initiated by the City
along First Street, between Alton Road and Washington Avenue.
Status: Except for the First Street portion, this is a future project that is in the planning
phase. The City’s stormwater program has been reevaluated and ensures that blue and
green infrastructure is also considered in all projects. All projects have been prioritized and
are depicted on Attachment B. The South Pointe Neighborhood Improvement Project has
now been divided into three smaller projects: South Pointe A, B, and C.
Normandy Isle A (formerly Normandy Isle South) - Neighborhood Improvements: The
purpose of the project improvements is to provide a higher level of service defined by flood
protection and control of pollutant loading in the stormwater system. The improvements
consist of one or a combination of the following: Road reconstruction including but not limited
to raising the elevation of existing roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea
level rise, new sidewalks, lighting, landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements
also include a new and robust drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour
design storm and comprised of stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater
treatment system. It also includes the replacement of old water transmission and distribution
lines as well as sanitary collection system and force main where applicable. Additionally,
the improvements also include elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an
elevation that accounts for the projected sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater
surges and appropriate freeboard distances
Status: This future project is in the planning stage. The City’s stormwater program has been
reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all projects.
All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B.
Normandy Shores A (formerly Normandy Shores - Neighborhood Improvements: The
purpose of the project improvements is to provide a higher level of service defined by flood
protection and control of pollutant loading in the stormwater system. The improvements
consist of one or a combination of the following: Road reconstruction including but not limited
to raising the elevation of existing roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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level rise, new sidewalks, lighting, landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements
also include a new and robust drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour
design storm and comprised of stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater
treatment system. It also includes the replacement of old water transmission and distribution
lines as well as sanitary collection system and force main where applicable. Additionally,
the improvements also include elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an
elevation that accounts for the projected sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater
surges and appropriate freeboard distances
Status: This future project is in the planning stage. The City’s stormwater program has been
reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all projects.
All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B.
Nautilus - Neighborhood Improvements: The purpose of the project improvements is to
provide a higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading
in the stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the
following: Road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing
roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting,
landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust
drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and comprised of
stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the
replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection
system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include
elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected
sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances.
Status: This future project is in the planning stage. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B. The Nautilus
Neighborhood Improvement Project has now been divided into five smaller projects:
Nautilus A, B, C, F and G.
Central Bayshore - Neighborhood Improvements (34th Street South): The purpose of
the project improvements is to provide a higher level of service defined by flood protection
and control of pollutant loading in the stormwater system. The improvements consist of one
or a combination of the following: Road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the
elevation of existing roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new
sidewalks, lighting, landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a
new and robust drainage system designed to mitigate a 10- year 24-hour design storm and
comprised of stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also
includes the replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary
collection system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also
include elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the
projected sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard
Status: This future project is in the planning stage. The City’s stormwater program has been
reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all projects.
All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B.
City Center - Neighborhood Improvements: The purpose of the project is to provide a
higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading in the
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the following:
Road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing roads in
areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting,
landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust
drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and comprised of
stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the
replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection
system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include
elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected
sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances
Status: This future project is in the planning stage. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B. The City
Center Neighborhood Improvement Project has now been divided into two smaller projects:
City Center A and B.
North Shore - Neighborhood Improvements: The purpose is to provide a higher level of
service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading in the stormwater system.
The improvements consist of one or a combination of the following: Road reconstruction
including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing roads in areas where the road is
below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting, landscaping and other road
furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust drainage system designed to
mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and comprised of stormwater pipes, inlets,
manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the replacement of old water
transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection system and force main
where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include elevating the public seawalls
where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected sea level rise, extreme high
tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances
Status: This future project is in the planning phase. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B. The North
Shore Neighborhood Improvement Project has now been divided into six smaller projects:
North Shore A, B, C, D, E and F.
Star Island - New Pump Station: The purpose of the project improvements is to provide a
higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading in the
stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the following:
Road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing roads in
areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting,
landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust
drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and comprised of
stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the
replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection
system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include
elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected
sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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Status: This future project is in the planning phase. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B. The Star
Island Improvement Project has now been divided into two projects: Star Island and
Terminal Island A and Star Island Terminal B.
Sunset Islands 1 & 2 - New Pump Stations: The purpose of the project improvements is
to provide a higher level of service defined by flood protection and control of pollutant loading
in the stormwater system. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the
following: Road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing
roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting,
landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust
drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and comprised of
stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the
replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection
system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include
elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected
sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances
Status: This future project is in the planning phase. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B. The Sunset
Island 1 & 2 Improvement Project has now been divided into two projects: Sunset Island A
and B.
Venetian Island Projects- Venetian Island B (formerly Belle Island) - New Pump
Station and Existing Pump Station Conversion: The purpose of the project
improvements is to provide a higher level of service defined by flood protection and control
of pollutant loading in the stormwater system and reduce reliance on gravity or pressurized
drainage (injection) wells. The improvements consist of one or a combination of the
following: Road reconstruction including but not limited to raising the elevation of existing
roads in areas where the road is below the projected sea level rise, new sidewalks, lighting,
landscaping and other road furniture. The improvements also include a new and robust
drainage system designed to mitigate a 10-year 24-hour design storm and comprised of
stormwater pipes, inlets, manholes and a stormwater treatment system. It also includes the
replacement of old water transmission and distribution lines as well as sanitary collection
system and force main where applicable. Additionally, the improvements also include
elevating the public seawalls where applicable to an elevation that accounts for the projected
sea level rise, extreme high tides, stormwater surges and appropriate freeboard distances
Status: This future project is in the planning phase. The City’s stormwater program has
been reevaluated and ensures that blue and green infrastructure is also considered in all
projects. All projects have been prioritized and are depicted on Attachment B.
Flood Proofing Sewer and Pump Stations: The purpose of this project is to re-line
and seal 31 pump stations and 500 manholes throughout the City to prevent water
intrusion. Water intrusion causes damage to pump station equipment/structures and
potential station failure. In the past, five pump stations have failed during storms and
resulted in flooding.
Status: Construction is ongoing. Some manhole and sewer pipe lining has been completed
at Palm & Hibiscus Islands as part of CIP neighborhood projects. An Invitation to Negotiate
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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is in progress for Manhole Structures and Cured-In Place Rehabilitation and Inspection
Stormwater Outfall and Seawall Reconstruction: Replacement of seawalls and 150
stormwater outfalls with associated relining of piping leading to outfalls in areas that have
three properties with repetitive flood claims. The project will also include a pollution control
device and possible demolition of existing seawalls, repair of seawalls, relocation of riprap
and potentially incorporate living shorelines with natural vegetation, native species and
other green infrastructure.
Status: This is an on-going project.
Citywide Home Elevations: The project will assist eligible homeowners to elevate their
properties in order to mitigate flooding. The project will also encourage homeowners to
become more resilient and to incorporate climate change considerations in their home
improvement projects. It will also promote the inclusion of mitigation strategies that foster
community resilience against flooding risks.
Status: This is a future project.
Citywide Tidal Flooding Mitigation: The purpose of the project improvements is to prevent
backflow of water from Biscayne Bay into the City’s stormwater management system and
up through the stormwater inlet grates flooding roadway curb and gutter. This tidal flooding
poses a threat to public health and safety, inconveniences the public, and has caused major
damage to structures, and killed lawns and landscaping. In addition, tidal flooding saturates
the base structure of roadways causing failure of roadways prior to their expected useful
design life. When pump stations are installed, backflow preventers are part of the project.
This project consists of the installation of backflow prevention valves (aka “Tideflex” valves)
on a majority of the Primary Stormwater Management System outfalls to the Biscayne Bay
and in the lowest lying areas of the City.
Status: This project is complete.
Citywide Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements: The wastewater lines are
approximately 50-80 years old. The iron pipes are increasingly brittle, resulting in hydraulic
problems and potential failures. The useful life of these force mains is approximately 50
years and the pipes are either at the end of or beyond their useful life. This project will
implement the City's Wastewater System Master Plan, which will replace aging lines that
are 60 years old or more.
Status: This is an ongoing project.
Citywide Water Infrastructure Improvements: The project includes the replacement of
aging water lines (60+ years old). These iron pipes are significantly tuberculated which has
resulted in diminished water quality and hydraulic problems. This project is fully programmed
through neighborhood projects and other projects in the City's 5-year Capital Improvement
Plan, subject to appropriation of additional programmed funding.
Status: This is an on-going project.
Citywide Dune Restoration & Enhancement Project: This project seeks to restore and
enhance the City's coastal dune system by removing non-native vegetation, planting native
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
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species, and selectively trimming native vegetation. This project will improve the overall
health and stability of the dune system, so it is best suited to retain sand and protect upland
structures from storm surge and flooding. The project will also be installing rope and post
fence system around the dune system to protect the project's results and minimize trampling
impacts to the protected area. Educational signage will educate visitors about the
importance of a healthy dune and beach ecosystem.
Status: A study to evaluate the performance of the dune system including elevations and
vegetation survey is anticipated to be conducted in 2021. This study will inform future dune
restoration efforts.
Bioswales: Citywide installation of bioswales to concentrate and convey stormwater runoff.
Bioswales are small retention areas comprised of engineered soils carefully installed
beneath the bottom of the swales designed to retain and treat stormwater runoff prior to
discharging into Biscayne Bay.
Status: 59th Street project from Alton Road to Biscayne Bay is permitted and an Invitation
to Bid has been issued for construction.
Hardening of Affordable Housing Buildings: The City owns and operates several
affordable rental housing projects. Utilizing State and Federal funds, the City acquired and
maintains these properties to serve very low, low- and moderate-income income
households. Many tenants are elderly, disabled, or both. The City's priority is the safety of
the vulnerable populations housed in its affordable housing properties. The City-owned
properties are near bodies of water that rise with the seas and are susceptible to flooding
due to heavy rains and tidal changes. The City requires funding to harden the properties,
including wind retrofitting, the securing of building envelopes, window replacement, roof
replacement, seawall repairs, and bringing the properties to code.
Status: This is an ongoing project.
Hardening of Other City Owned Buildings: The City owns multiple facilities, including
buildings that are used as Emergency Operating Areas, that need different degrees of
hardening. These efforts include wind retrofitting/window upgrades, roof repairs/
replacements, generators and other alternative means to secure power.
Status: This is an ongoing project.
Private Property Flood Mitigation and Sea Level Rise Adaption Program: The purpose
of the program, if developed, would be to reduce the risk of damage from flooding now and
in the future. If funding is obtained, the program is envisioned as a grant program designed
to incentivize property owners to make flood resilience improvements to their properties
through a matching grant between the City and grantee. The program would include an
application process, established criteria, a staff committee to score and rank the
applications, and be reimbursement based on the completion of permitted work.
Improvements could include but are not limited to engineering assessment, green
infrastructure, rain cisterns and barrels, replacing impermeable with permeable materials,
appliance and equipment elevation, dry and wet flood proofing, garage and/or yard
elevation, internal first finished floor elevation, etc.
Status: This is a future project.
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Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
P a g e | 11
Storm Shutters and Protective Glass for City Buildings: The city is a barrier island that
is subject to high winds, missile hazards and significant impact damage. The buildings
listed below require protection for windows during a significant weather event.
Status: Refer to the below for project statuses:
Building Name Location Address Status
Miami Beach Botanical
2000 Convention Center
Drive Complete
Mount Sinai Hospital 4300 Alton Road Future Unfunded Project
North Shore Park & Youth
Center 501 72nd Street Future Unfunded Project
Log Cabin Relocating to NB Ocean Side Park Future Project
Acquisition of Emergency Generators: Acquisition of emergency generators to ensure
continued operation of critical city facilities/systems and the appropriate levels of service for
city residents during and after a disaster event.
Status: This project is ongoing.
West Avenue Bridge: The project is of regional significance and will help relieve congestion
on State Road 907 (Alton Road). A connected West Avenue would help reduce the volume
of local traffic at the busiest intersections. In addition, it would provide a safer venue for
cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists making their way to the causeway to Miami, than other
existing venues.
Status: This project is 98% complete.
Streetlight System Upgrade: There are approximately 8,400 streetlight poles located
throughout the City. Public Works is in the process of developing street lighting standards
that will be used to upgrade the streetlights when neighborhoods are reconstructed, or
insufficient lighting is addressed. Standards will be developed for average street lighting
as well as individual fixtures. Lighting upgrades will also be in response to Police
Department requests to combat crime and illegal activities.
Status: The City has completed a citywide photometric analysis and is developing plans for
strategic enhancements. Johnson Controls completed Phase 1A of the Street Lighting
Master Plan and the plan was adopted by City Commission on May 13, 2020. Pending
Commission approval to proceed with Phase 1B: Design Development.
Portable Traffic Light Signals: During power outages, the traffic lights are inoperable,
causing a potential hazard. Portable traffic signals will provide the safety that is needed for
traffic control. The City anticipates that it will need ten portable traffic signals to adequately
handle an emergency situation.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
P a g e | 12
Status: This is a future project.
Intelligent Transportation Systems/Emergency Communication Plan: This project will
provide for emergency communications and intelligent transit in support of evacuation efforts
(i.e. hardened installations, data fusion and redundant systems capabilities).
Status: The project is in the design phase.
Construction of new Fire Station #1: Intensive maintenance is required to continue
operating the Fire Station as it exists today. This maintenance includes costs that over time
could exceed the cost of full demolition and reconstruction of all facilities on site. Existing
parking conditions are less than ideal, frequently limiting building occupants from securing
parking. The existing FEMA flood elevations also indicate that under severe storm events,
the Fire Station would become inaccessible and would prevent emergency assistance to
the surrounding Miami Beach community. The City facilitated an in-depth assessment of the
Fire Station, and upon evaluation of the current site conditions and minimum code
requirements, full site reconstruction and demolition of existing structures (including
relocation of the existing pump station) were recommended in order to mitigate potential
severe hazards and provide the public with the highest level of services. The City will replace
the deteriorated Fire Station 1 with a new and larger building in a location that expands
emergency coverage in south beach.
Status: This project is in the design phase.
1. The City will continue to participate in Miami-Dade County's LMS program and
monitor the projects, as needed.
2. The City will continue to have various outreach projects to inform the residents
and visitors about hurricanes and floods preparedness and safety.
This Letter to the Commission will be posted on the City’s website and made available to
the public through the City Clerk’s Office. Please contact me if you need any additional
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
Attachment A (Page 1 of 3)
Local Mitigation Strategy Projects Completed SinceFiscal Year 2004/2005
FY 2004/2005
1. Bay Road Streets/Sidewalks Improvements (14th to 16th Streets)
FY 2006/2007
1. Bay Road Drainage Pump Station C-level of service-out
2. Flamingo Box Culverts BP 10A
3. Flamingo Lummus BP 1OD Streets/Sidewalks Improvements (Washington
4. Miami Beach Golf Course-Drainage Well
FY 2007/2008
1. 7th & 8th Streets (BP-1OB) Streets/Sidewalks Improvements
2. 16th Street Drainage Improvements
3. Flamingo Lummus BP 108 Streets/Sidewalks Improvements
4. Oceanfront BP 6 Streets/Sidewalks Improvements: Phase I
5. Stormwater System Prairie Avenue
6. Venetian Islands BP 138-Belle Isle Streets/Sidewalks & Park Improvements
FY 2008/2009
1. 8th Street Spot Flooding Remediation (Hot Spot)
2. Flamingo Neighborhood (Lennox & 6th) Bid Pack 1A
FY 2009/2010
1. 69th Street from Biscayne Bay to Collins
2. Normandy lsleSud BP 4 Streets/Sidewalks Improvements
3. Oceanfront BP 6 Streets/Sidewalks-Phase 1B-40th Street & Collins Avenue
FY 2010/2011
1. Drainage Improvements West 44th Street & Royal Palm
2. Nautilus BP 7 Streets/Sidewalks Improvements
3. Normandy Shores BP 3 Streets/Sidewalks Improvements
4. Oceanfront BP 6 Streets/Sidewalks Improvements: Phase II
5. South Pointe Streetscape Phase II BP 12C Streets/Sidewalks Improvements
6. Stormwater Pipe-Repairs
7. Sunset Islands 1 & 2 Replacement of Two Outfalls
8. Biarritz and Rue Granville
9. Prairie Avenue
FY 2011/2012
1. Waterways Dredging
2. North Bay Road & 4th Street-Drainage Hot Spot
3. Washington Court, Between Washington Avenue & Park Avenue
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Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
Attachment A (Page 2 of 3)
FY 2012/2013
1. Extensive Repairs to Seawalls-Wofford Park Seawall Repairs
2. Sunset Islands I & II Drainage Improvements
3. South Pointe II Drainage Improvements
FY 2013/2014
1. Parkview Canal Seawall Revetment
2. Belle Island Outfall Replacement
3. Star Island Drainage Improvements
4. City Center-Historic District Drainage Improvements
5. Regional Communication/Command Van
6. Lake Pancoast Right-of-Way Improvements
7. Biscayne Point Right-of-Way Improvements
FY 2014/2015
1. Central Bayshore Right-of-Way Improvements
2. South Pointe Ill, IV, V Right-of-Way Improvements
3. Crespi Blvd Drainage Emergency Improvement/Water Main
Replacement-79th Street to 85th Street
4. Seawall-Biscayne Bay ST End- Phase II (10 St & 14 St)
5. 10th Street Pump Station
6. 14th Street Pump Station
7. Seawall- Alton Court
FY 2015/2016
1. Lower North Bay Road - Neighborhood Improvements
2. Central Bayshore Neighborhood - 34th Street North
FY 2016/2017
1. Sunset Harbor Pump Station Upgrades and Drainage Improvements
2. Central Bayshore Neighborhood- 34th Street South -Water Mains Improvements
3. Seawall-Cherokee Ave- South end
4. Seawall- Lincoln Court
5. Seawall-Collins Canal Convention Center
6. Seawall- Normandy Shores
7. Seawall- Bay Road (North End)
8. Seawall- Dade Blvd/Collins Canal – Bay Road south end
9. Seawall- Maurice Gibb Park (North end)
10. Seawall- Washington Ave (Washington/Collins Canal Pump Station)
11. Seawall- Indian Creek (25th St. – 26th St.)
FY 2017/2018
1. Sunset Island III & IV- Neighborhood Improvements
2. Seawall- West Avenue Bridge (Collins Canal)
3. Seawall- Brittany Bay Park
4. Washington//Collins Pump Station
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657
Progress Report on the City's Local Mitigation Strategy Projects
Attachment A (Page 3 of 3)
FY 2018/2019
1. Seawall-Botanical Garden
2. Storm Shutters & Protective Glass-Botanical Garden
3. Seawall- Holocaust Memorial
4. Roof replacement for Madeleine Village Apartments
5. City Center Pump Station (1 of 2)
FY 2019/2020
1. Hardening of Scott Rakow Youth Center
2. Roof replacement for Cultural Facilities
3. City Center- Pump Station (2 of 2)
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6DDE85FA-E91F-4F4F-94CE-72EE0CF24177 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A6F5147-6AE7-4484-8965-91A746428EEE DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BEADD77-01BB-4E99-9B7F-66A8F77BF657 Attachment B
City of Miami Beach
Design Criteria Packages
Prioritized by Flood Risk with Water & Sewer
(Normalized by Population Served)
0 0.5
Golf Course
Miami Beach City Limits
Prioritized Design Criteria Packages
(Normalized by Population Served)
1. Normandy Isles A
2. Oceanfront B
3. West Avenue and Bay Road A
4. Oceanfront A
5. Flamingo/Lummus C
6. Flamingo/Lummus G
7. City Center B
8. Flamingo/Lummus D
9. North Shore C
10. South Pointe D
11. Biscayne Point A
12. Flamingo/Lummus A
13. North Shore D
14. North Shore B
15. North Shore E
16. North Shore F
17. South Pointe A
18. La Gorce B
19. Flamingo/Lummus B
20. Flamingo/Lummus F
21. North Shore A
22. Nautilus A
23. Flamingo/Lummus E
24. Bayshore C
25. Bayshore B
26. Venetian Islands A
27. South Pointe C
28. Nautilus G
29. City Center A
30. Venetian Islands B
31. Normandy Shores A
32. La Gorce D
33. La Gorce C
34. Lower North Bay Road A
35. Bayshore D
36. Nautilus B
37. Nautilus C
38. Bayshore A
39. Nautilus F
40. Palm and Hibiscus A
41. Biscayne Point B
42. Lakeview A
43. Biscayne Point C
44. Sunset Islands A
45. Allison Island B
46. La Gorce Island A
47. Sunset Harbor A
48. La Gorce A
49. Nautilus D
50. Sunset Islands C
51. Star and Terminal Island B
52. Sunset Islands B
53. Allison Island A
54. Star and Terminal Island A
55. Nautilus E
56. South Pointe B