LTC 456-2020 North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Plan UpdateDocuSign Envelope ID: 2F 2A04C6-3037-4042-A10B -6F901071E29A MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beach, Florido 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 456-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Raul J. Aguila, Interim City Manager DATE: December 17, 2020 Œ DocuSigned by: Pl ). Ad- 283D06240F92845D0... SUBJECT: North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Plan Update The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to provide information regarding the forthcoming Redevelopment Plan for the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (NBCRA). On December 15, 2020, the Administration hosted a virtual public town hall and kickoff meeting attended by over 80 participants. The Administration introduced to the public the City's consultant team engaged to prepare the Redevelopment Plan, Daedalus Advisory Services, Dover Kohl & Partners, and Redevelopment Management Associates. The consultant team delivered a presentation that covered background, procedure, and process about the CRA and Redevelopment Plan, including the timetable for adoption of the Plan in Spring/Summer 2021. For a recording of the town hall and the City's presentation, additional CRA information and frequently asked questions, please visit www.miamibeachfl.gov/northbeachcra. MIAMIBEACH The North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan A public introduction and process overview December 15 2020 Meeting presentation topics included the powers and limitations of the CRA, the relationship between the Redevelopment Plan and the North Beach Master Plan (2016), and the participatory role of the community that will be instrumental in crafting a Redevelopment Plan that transforms North Beach. Much of the informational meeting was interactive, consisting of audience engagement polls and public comment. Although not a statistically valid survey, an executive summary of the poll results conducted by Dover Kohl is attached as Exhibit A. During the question & answer segment, members of the public expressed a shared goal for revitalization of North Beach and the desire for transparency throughout the process. January 2021 Virtual Community Charrette To ensure public participation and the consideration of stakeholder concerns during Plan preparation, the City and consultant team will conduct a virtual community charette January 11- 15, 2021. The virtual community charette will be heavily promoted by the City over the next several weeks. In the past, the public design charette process has successfully integrated North Beach D o c uS ig n E n v e lo p e ID : 2F2 A 04 C 6 -30 3 7 -4 0 4 2 -A 10B -6F 9 0 10 7 1 E29A North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan December 16, 2020 Page 2 of2 stakeholder groups to find consensus and develop planning strategies. The Plan charrette will focus on accomplishments and new ideas since adoption of the North Beach Master Plan, project prioritization, sequencing, and strategies consistent with state statute. A preliminary schedule and agenda for the virtual charrette in draft form are attached as Exhibit B. The public is not only invited, but encouraged, to attend as many as possible of the live, interactive sessions. Focus groups sessions with various stakeholder groups are planned to take place as part of the charrette. A charrette webpage and media promotion are forthcoming, with details available on the City's website. Next Steps On January 13, the City Commission will consider creation of the North Beach Redevelopment Oversight Committee, an advisory panel to be appointed by the City Commission that will provide guidance on preparation of the Plan. In February, the City Commission will consider action to formally create the C R A. What are we doing and what is our timeline? 2020 Dec 2021 Jan Feb Research & engage with the public • Public kickoff • Public Charrette • Focus groups • Meetings with elected officials • Meetings with city staff Mar Apr Synthesize May Jun Jul Recommend 49 • Prep aring public outreach summaries • Financial modeling • Designing renderings • Plan drafting and internal review • Final preparations and presentations for adoption meetings It is anticipated that a draft Plan will be presented to the City Commission and CRA Board in March and reviewed, as required by statute, by the Planning Board in April. If all goes well, in May, the City Commission and CRA Board will formally adopt and transmit the Plan to the County for approval by the County Commission. For additional information regarding the North Beach CRA, visit miamibeachfl.gov/northbeachcra. Please direct any questions on the foregoing to Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager or Rickelle Williams, Economic Development Director. 0oç >/9g Fny elope 1 : 2F2 A 04C6-3037-4 042-A 10B -6F901071E29A „„i Beach NB C R A Kick 0H f 12-15-2020 Miami Beach NBCRA Kick 0ff12-15-2020 Current run (last updated Dec 16, 2020 9:54am) 16 24 20 e Activities Participants Average responses Average engagement How long have you lived/worked in the North Beach area? Response options Count Percentage O Less than 1year 1-5years Less than 1 year o O% 6-15 years 1-5years 1 8% Engagement I5+years I don't live or work 6-15 years 5 42% in the North Beach Area 12 15+ years 2 17% I don't live or work in the North Beach Area 4 33% Responses How often do you go to North Beach? Response options Count Percentage e lluvethere Every day or most I live there 6 43% days About one a week 7% Engagement Oaionally (couple Every day or most days 4 29% times a month) Rarely (couple times ayear) About once a week 1 7% hever Occasionally (couple times a month) 3 21% 14 Rarely (couple times a year) o O% Responses Never o O% What is your primary way to get around? Response options Count Percentage O Personal ca Ride;hare (Uber, Personal car 9 69% ytt)/carpool Pu bt transat Engagement Be/Scooter Rideshare (Uber, Lyft) / carpool o O% W k Public transit o O% Other Bike/Scooter 1 8% 13 Walk 3 23% Responses Other o O% https://www.polleverywhere.com/reports/882587 1/6 o 9 >g Fy el op e ID: 2F2 A 04 C 6 -3 0 3 7 -4 0 4 2 -A 10 -6 F90 10 7 1E 29 A „„i Beach NBC R A Kick 0ff 12-15-2020 How do you get to North Beach? Response options Count Percentage Peronal car Ride«hare (Uber, tyft)/carpool Personal car 9 64% ab tan,et k e/Scoo ter Rideshare {Uber, Lyft) / carpool o 0% at Other Public transit 2 14% t don't go to North Besch Bike/Scooter 3 21% Walk o 0% Other o 0% I don't go to North Beach o 0% O Engagement 14 Responses Why do you visit North Beach? (Select your top two choices. Send each choice in separate text.) Le hene Response options Count Percentage Live there 8 33% 0rog Work there 5 21% h ot ter at e tetty k ale ar nd an d pe ople a ot chag 0h e Shopping 1 4% tdont toto omh be »h Dining 5 21% Entertainment o 0% Beach or other water activity 3 13% Walking around and people watching o 0% Other 2 8% I don't go to North Beach o 0% O Engagement 24 Responses https://www.polleverywhere.com/reports/882587 2/6 0oçy>9 Fy elop e ID: 2F2A04C6-3037-4 042-A108-6F 901071E29A „ai Beach NBCRA Kick 01 12-15-2020 What can make North Beach even better? ( Choose your top THREE. Send separate texts for each choice) O Engagement a tot#a.atto Response options Count Percentage it, ti ile otre o. , ta atoraos Work to IMPROVE THE FACADES of existing small s 19% toto#doto s businesses potree peo.re otar.tia o ai#tot roua,alti Laa Add affordable and workforce HOUSING t u 4 15% atutftr t tat4teatetpaet et»epatta Add new RETAIL and ENTERTAINMENT s 19% Add more TRANSIT options o O% Utilize GREEN building & site design systems (for water, o O% energy, etc.) Adapt public infrastructure and buildings to SEA LEVEL 2 7% RISE Increase access to the BEACH, PARKS, AND OPEN SPACE 1 4% Add more EMPLOYMENT opportunities 1 4% Create WALKABLE AND Bl KABLE PLACES 4 15% Maintain neighborhood CHARACTER s 19% 27 Responses Did you participate in the Plan NoBe process? Response options Count Percentage O Yes Yes 13 81% No 3 19% Engagement No 16 Responses Do you still like this idea from Plan NoBe? Response options Count Percentage O Yes Yes 15 88% E5e No No 2 12% Engagement Not Sure Not Sure Yet o O% Yet 17 Responses https://www.polleverywhere.com/reports/882587 3/6 0o99 Fnyelope I: 2F2A04C6-3037-4042-A10B-6F901071E29A „a.i Beach NBCRA Kick 0ff 12-15-2020 Do you still like this idea from Plan NoBe? Response options Count Percentage O Yes Yes 11 65% ti No No 6 35% Engagement l. Not Sure Not Sure Yet o 0% Yet 17 Responses Do you still like this idea from Plan NoBe? Response options Count Percentage O Yes Yes 14 74% i A vi No No 4 21% Engagement ' gs + + , Not Sure Not Sure Yet 1 5% Yet 5a 19 Responses Do you still like this idea from Plan NoBe? Response options Count Percentage O Yes Yes 12 71% -9s No No 3 18% Engagement 1} • Not Sure Not Sure Yet 2 12% Yet 17 Responses Do you still like this idea from Plan NoBe? Response options Count Percentage O Yes Yes 16 76% '811 EE No Engagement EE No 3 14% Not Sure Not Sure Yet 2 10% Yet 21 Responses hltps://www.polleverywhere.com/reports/882587 4/6 Do 9 9 pyelope ID: 2F2A04C6-3037-4042-A108-6F901071E29A „„a.i Beach NBCRA Kick 0Hf 12-15-2020 Do you still like this idea from Plan NoBe? Response options Count Percentage e Yes Yes 16 80% No No 4 20% Engagement Not Sure Not Sure Yet o 0% Yet 20 Responses Do you still like this idea from Plan NoBe? Response options Count Percentage e Yes Yes 17 85% No No 2 10% Engagement Not Sure Not Sure Yet 1 5% Yet 5a 20 Responses ONE word that comes to mind about North Beach NOW O atsapott f smalld i lapidatedhurry orgótten 3 , ti ¡[? Polen 1a] corruption galbut charming family-focused pace modern loca lii fe neighborhood Responses Dilapidated 11 Forgotten 11 POTENTIAL 11 Forgotten 11 Galbut I CORRUPTION 11 Family-focused 11 Slower pace 11 Small scale I orco ][corroe ] [os.oteen ] [Gu][] [ecnoomoosa] Forgotten 11 Shabby 11 Modern 11 ColonialOppression 11 Dilapidated I Potential 11 Locallife 11 Hurry up 11 Funky 11 disappointment I FRUSTRATING 11 Delayed 11 Potential 11 Sunshine I Engagement 29 Responses https://www.polleverywhere.com/reports/882587 5/6 0oy >9 Fyelop e ID: 2F2A04C6-3037-4042-A10B-6F901071E29 „„i Beach NBCRA Kick 0ff 12-15-2020 ONE word that comes to mind about North Beach IN THE FUTURE overbuilt impossible destroyedbygreed . reg g¿reg"p!y communry; à renovation? mg,state friendly2; walkable on beautifutren oyatedart t f . live rise scale c amil 4(fordáble welcom ing great Responses I Youthful 11 Renovated 11 State of the art I ~ I Renovation I wose] [corrontoy_] [@ar@][Reno»ovo][eaenrey ] [unge] High rise 11 DestroyedByGreed 11 Safe 11 Beautiful 11 Welcoming I COMMUNITY 11 Affordable Icll impossible 11 Great place to live I an- ][ac-][ac [or«os«sec][i. Family friendly 11 Thriving 11 Renovation 11 Underwater 11 Overbuilt I Community I O Engagement 32 Responses https://www.polleverywhere.com/reports/882587 6/6 North Beach CRA Pla n - Ch arre tte Schedule 01-11-2021 Monday, Jan. 11 Tuesday, Jan. 12 Wednesday, Jan. 13 Thursday, Jan. 14 Friday, Jan. 15 DAY ONE DAY TWO DAY THREE DAY FOUR DAY FIVE 10:00AM Focus Group Meeting 1 Focus Group Meeting 5 Team Briefing 11:00 AM OPEN STUDIO Plan Development OPEN STUDIO Plan Development Presentation Prep 12:00 PM Focus Group Meeting 2 Focus Group Meeting 6 Lunch (no calls/meetings) 1:00 PM Plan Development Plan Development All slides due Presentation Prep 1PM 2:00 PM Focus Group Meeting 3 Focus Group Meeting 7 Client Pin-up Plan Development 2PM 3:00 PM Plan Development Plan Development Meeting Tech Run Through 4:00PM Final Presentation Prep Focus Group Meeting 4 Focus Group Meeting 8 Presentation Prep 5:00 PM OPEN STUDIO Plan Development OPEN STUDIO Plan Development 6:00 PM Charrette Kick-Off & Work-in-Progress Hands-on Design Presentation 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM ALL Internal Meetings Focus Group Meetings OPEN STUDIO Community Event Team & Client Staff Internal Meetings Team & Client Staff I Join the City of Miami Beach for an update on the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (NBCRA) Redevelopment Plan. Ki ck-Off & Hands-On Design Session Monday, January 11 I 6:30pm Join us for an informative presentation on city planning and community design. During this presentation you will have the chance to answer our live polling questions and ask your own-- all without leaving the comfort of your hom e! Open Design Studio Tuesday, January 12 I 1 lam & 5pm Thursday, January 14 I 11 am & 5pm Join these virtual meetings to talk with the design team and provide feedback and ask questions as the plan ideas evolves. W ork-in-Progress Presentation Friday, January 15 [ 6:30pm See all of the work completed during the Charrette week t h " " ti a the 'wrap-up presentaion. -■ -■ • I • d I I - What is a Public Design Char Public Design Charrettes bring all stak table over a short, focused period oft intensively with the design team. The consensus over the future evolution of Charrette is rapid, intensive, and incl of creative work sessions between the design team to produce a draft plan f Why should you participate? Participating in the Charrette will give to share your vision for the North Bea, Redevelopment Plan. Your participati difference between a good plan and e How should you participate? In response to COVID-19, the charre1 in an online virtual format, allowing o members the opportunity to participat input from home. Please visit our website belo for events and for more infc meetings as the dates draw nez www.miamibeachf