LTC 477-2020 G.O. Bond Program Project Implementation Update No. 12DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 477-2020 LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: DATE: Raul Aguila, Interim City Manager December 30, 2020 Œ DocuSigned by: Pl J. Ad- 28306240F928450... SUBJECT: G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 12 The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("LTC") is to advise you on the status of the implementation of the 39 General Obligation Bond (G.O. Bond) Projects approved by the City Commission for the first tranche of funding (Tranche 1) in the amount of $152,466,449 including issuance costs. For complete meeting agendas, handouts, minutes, presentations and audio recordings visit the website www.GOMBinfo.com and click on the Oversight Committee tab. Refer to Exhibits A and A1 for the meeting agendas which took place with the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee on October 22, 2020 and December 17, 2020. There was no meeting during the month of November. The meeting calendar for the first 6 months of 2021 is attached as Exhibit A2. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS Project Dashboard and Program Progress Report As of December 11, 2020, a total of 30 out of 39 Tranche 1 projects are in some form of "Active" status and 6 projects are completed. Chart 1 below shows the full breakdown by Category. Chart 1 PROJECT ACTIVITY Trarche 1 39 comp"" Active 30 Per dina 3 - Future 18 PROJECT CATEGORY Pauls Infrastructure Publ Safety All PROJECT Complete 5 I o 6 ----, ---- STATUS Active 13 7 10 30 Pending 2 o r 3 -----~ Future 10 6 2 1s AII 30 14 13 $7 *Note: The Skate Park project was advanced from Tranche 3 to Tranche 1 and therefore increased the current number of Tranche 1 project to 39. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 G. O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 12 December 30, 2020 Page 2 of6 Approximately $33.1 million dollars have been expended and another $24.1 million are encumbered for a total of $57.3 million. Chart 2 below shows the full breakdown of the expenditures broken down by Category. Chart 2 PROJECT EXPENDITURES " sif~;~ "ì ~\ Encumbered s24.14i [ g. / $93.81M / ·------/ Future $283.98M PROJECT CATEGORY Parks Infrastructure Public Safety Total PRGRAM Spent $16,545.249 $6.285.974 $10.354104 $33169.327 FUNDOS naumbe red $12,149.238 $7,428.032 $4.565.183 $24142,453 Available $8.033,469 $14.265,981 $21.,482.684 $93,807,13 Future $81,167,044 $168000,013 $34,809.029 $283,976,086 Total $167,900,000 $196,000,000 $71,215,000 $435,115,000 Tranche 1 Progress Most of the 39 projects in Tranche 1 have different components which are considered distinct projects or "subprojects" that are tracked separately and have separate budgets, procurement, and implementation schedules. The Tranche 1 Subproject Activity Summary of the Progress Report summarizes the subproject activity into Status, Category and Funding amount. This information is distributed monthly to the Committee and presented at every G.O. Bond Committee meeting. Subproject Tracking Summary by Phase The tracking summary indicates that 29 (40%) of the 73 total Tranche 1 subprojects have been completed, 9 (12%) are under construction, 19 (26%) are in a design phase, 12 (16%) are in a planning phase, and 4 (5%) are pending to become active. Chart 3 shows the status of all subprojects broken down by Phase and Category. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A 7498693107 G. O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 12 December 30, 2020 Page 3 of 6 Chart 3 TRANCHE1 SUBPROJECT ACTIVITY Tranche I 100% SUBPROJECT CATEGORY Pauks Infrastructure Public Safety AII SUBPROJECT Complete 20 8 29 STATUS - Construction 2 4 3 9 Design 6 6 19 Planning 4 7 I 12 Pending 3 o ! 4 - - Alt 35 13 25 I 73 The expenditures summary indicates that the 29 completed subprojects equate to $16.9 million of the budget (11%), $30.2 million (20%) equate to subprojects under construction, $55.7 million (37%) equate to subprojects that are in the design phase, $26.3 million (17%) equate to sub projects that are in the planning phase, and a total equating to $22 million ( 15%) are for subprojects which are pending to become active. The total funding expenditures for each of the sub-project categories is indicated on Chart 4 below. For a full breakdown, by project, refer to Exhibit B. Chart 4 SUBPROJECT EXPENDITURES Tranche 1 100% SUBPROJECT CATEGORY Parks Infrastructure Public Safety Total SUBPROJECT Complete $13.709.989 1.000.000 $2.200.997 $16,910,986 FUNDS Construction $4.710.000 $14239,499 $11.215.000 $30,164,499 Design $31,981.997 $11,260,495 $12,485.177 $55,727.669 Planning $16.986.999 $1,414.823 $7889.996 $26,291,818 Pending $19.344.000 $0 $2700.000 $22,044,000 Total $86,732,985 $27.914,817 $36,491,170 $151,138.972 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 G. O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 12 December 30, 2020 Page 4 of 6 Project Savings Also presented at the December meeting was a projection of the total amount of savings which will be realized over the next 30-day period on projects which have been completed. A total of $3.2 million will be saved in total for 29 completed subprojects with total budgets of $16.9 million. This depicts a current savings of approximately 19% of the budget so far. A total of $2.2 million have been saved in the Parks category and $1.1 million have been saved in the Public Safety category. For a full breakdown of all savings by project, refer to Exhibit B1 attached. Also presented every month is the Program General Status chart which compares the status of projects from the previous months to the current month. Chart 5 below indicates the monthly variances of all subprojects and goes back to October 2019. Chart 5 SUMMARY SUB-PROJECTS 10/17/19 1/23/20 4/16/20 7/16/20 9/24/20 10/22/20 12/17/20 VARIANCE No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % % ACTIVE/COMPLETE 44 40% 56 49% 62 54% 66 57% 66 57% 68 59% 69 59% 1% CONSTRUCTION 16 15% 13 11% l4 12% 8 7% 9 8% 8 7% 9 8% 1% PLANNING / DESIGN 23 21% 26 23% 28 25% 30 26% 29 25% 31 27% 31 27% 0% CLOSED / COMPLETE 5 5% 17 15% 20 18% 28 24% 28 24% 29 25% 29 25% 0% REMAINING 65 60% 59 51% 52 46% 49 43% 49 43% 48 41% 47 41% -1% TOTAL SUB- PROJECTS 109 115 114 115 115 116 • 116 Notes: ma0 - 41st Street Lighting Upgrade Subproject Added "Quick Wins" A total of 37 subprojects are being tracked as part of the original 21 quick win projects listed below. Of those, 34 are Completed and/or Closed out. A total of 3 public safety projects are remaining and are targeted for completion between January and February 2021. The Middle Beach Beachwalk will be completed in mid-2021. All Quick Win projects remain on or below budget. For the Current status update of the 3 remaining Quick Win Public Safety projects, refer to Exhibit C attached. Future Revision to Implementation Plan At the December 17 meeting, the Committee was advised that staff is analyzing cash flow projections and looking for opportunities to advance some projects currently planned for later tranches. The reasoning behind this is to increase expenditures to make up for projects which are not advancing at the rate originally planned. Staff is also holistically looking at the original implementation plan to evaluate opportunities to decrease the number of tranches given the lower than originally anticipated costs of borrowing due to historically low interest rates. The proposed revised plan will be brought to the Committee in either January or February for support and recommendation before being presented to the City Commission. 41° Street Corridor Presentation After a series of community engagements and studies of the business district, city consultants AECOM have produced a conceptual streetscape design for project GO#40: 41 Street Corridor. This was presented at the November 6" Neighborhoods and Quality of Life Committee (NQLC), and it will be presented to the full City Commission at the January 13, 2021 Commission meeting. At both, the October 22° and December 17 G.0. Bond Oversight Committee meetings, AECOM presented the conceptual plan options, as well as results of responses to the community survey conducted on October 1, 2020, and the proposed final "hybrid" design. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 G. O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 12 December 30, 2020 Page 5 of 6 At the December 17 meeting, the G.O. Bond Committee made a motion to support the conceptual design, as presented. The presentation and video flyover can be viewed at the following link: https:l/www.miamibeachfl.qov/residents/neiqhborhood-associationslneiqhborhood-affairs-divisionlactive- projects/other/41-street-revitalization/ Main and Other Tranche 1 Projects The following Tranche 1 project updates were discussed at the October 22 and December 17 meetings. Refer to Exhibit D for further details and information for each of the following: • #01- 72° Street Community Complex • #04 - Fairway Park Fence • #12 - North Beach Oceanside Beachwalk • #15-PAR 3 / Bayshore Park • #24 - Middle Beach Beachwalk • #33 - Street Tree Master Plan • #37 & #38 - Streets and Sidewalks Repaving and Restoration • #39 - Seawalls & Living Shorelines • #42 - Nautilus Traffic Calming • #45 - Fire Station #1 • #53 - Bollards (Convention Center, Soundscape, and South Point Park) New Design Review Board Ordinance At the October 22 meeting the Administration advised the Committee of the adoption of Ordinance No. 2020-4353 which requires the City to obtain an advisory recommendation of the Design Review Board (ORB) for certain city projects which did not previously require formal ORB approval. Projects such as new street lighting, new roadway and streetscape projects, medians, traffic circles, etc. The purpose of the ordinance is to enhance the aesthetics of the city's public infrastructure projects and allow residents to be advised of projects that are in their general area. The new process would add approximately 60 days to the timelines of applicable projects when you consider noticing requirements and public outreach. COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND OUTREACH On October 20, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce held a virtual Construction and Development Council meeting where Maria Hernandez and Allison Novack were the guest speakers. The presentation included a program overview, a Tranche 1 update, a discussion about citywide impact, and a call to action to the local business community to participate in program activities. In coordination with the Economic Development Department, the G.O. Bond Program Team has also been focused on engaging business and property owners of the 41 Street business district, to inform and educate them on project GO#40: 41 Street Corridor. Letters have been post-mailed and emailed to every property listed in the area with links to view the proposed AECOM conceptual streetscape design, and with information on how to submit suggestions and/or join discussions on the project. The Program Team continues to work with its G.O. Bond Oversight Committee members, city departments, and community partners to inform and educate the public. Please see the attached Exhibit E to view recent outreach materials. The website www.GOMBlnfo.com is where all construction advisories and blog articles are posted. For more information, please contact Maria Hernandez at mariahernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or via cellphone at (786) 371-3168. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 G. O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 12 December 30, 2020 Page 6 of6 Attachments: Exhibit A-- GOB Oversight Committee Agenda for October 22, 2020 Exhibit A1- GOB Oversight Committee Agenda for December 17, 2020 Exhibit A2- 2021 GOB Oversight Committee Meeting Calendar Exhibit B - Subproject and Project List by Phase 12-11-20 Exhibit B1- Savings Breakdown by Project and Category Exhibit C- Quick Wins Dashboard Sheets Exhibit D - Tranche 1 Main and Other Projects - Dashboard Sheets Exhibit E -- Community Outreach Report RA/MH F:\cmgr\$ALLIGO Bond Program\Commission\LTCs\202017 October & December 2020\LTC - December 2020 GO Bond Program Implementation Update No. 12.docx DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A EXHIBIT A YOUR VOICE, IN ACTION! General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee City of Miami Beach Karen Rivo, Chair Maria Hernandez, Liaison I. II. Roll Call and Introductions AGENDA - VIRTUAL MEETING October 22, 2020 All Committee Business Karen Rivo 4:30pm 4:35pm • Adoption of Meeting Minutes from 9-24-20 • No Meeting in November- Next Meeting 12-17-20 Ill. Community Outreach Allison Novack 4:40pm IV. Public Comment Public 4:45pm V. New Design Review Board Ordinance Nick Kallergis 4:50pm VI. 41 st Street Corridor Update Presentation AECOM 5:00pm VII. Major Tranche 1 Projects Update CIP-D. Martinez 5:35pm • F.S. #1, 72n8 St. Complex, Bayshore Park, Ped. Bridge, Middle Beach Beachwalk, North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk VIII. Other Projects Update PWD / Environmental 5:55pm • Street Tree Master Plan, 41st Street Lighting Upgrade, Seawalls IX. Program General Status & Maria Hernandez 6:05pm Sub-Projects Update, Closed Projects X. Quick Wins Remaining Police 6:15pm XI. Public Comment Public 6:25pm XII. Adjournment 6:30pm Committee Charge The purpose of the General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee is to make advisory recommendations to the City Manager and City Commission from a macro perspective regarding the timely progress, overall goals, costs, including financial efficiencies, and the timely completion of General Obligation Bond Program projects approved by the voters in the City of Miami Beach Special Election held on November 6, 2018. The Committee shall have the following powers & duties: 1. Receive input from the public, the City Administration, City consultants, and the City's Inspector General, as needed, to make recommendations relative to the overall timing, cost efficiencies, and prioritization of the G.O. Bond Program projects. 2. Provide general oversight to ensure that G.O. Bond Program project timelines, budgets (including cost efficiencies) are prioritized and achieved, and that the projects are completed in accordance with the scope of work approved by the voters. 3. Review City staff and G.O. Bond Program project managers' progress reports and provide monthly reports to the City Commission. -' 's)< p] ' XHIBIT A1 0 YOUR VOICE, IN ACTION! General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee City of Miami Beach Karen Rivo, Chair Maria Hernandez, Liaison I. Roll Call and Introductions II. Committee Business • Adoption of Meeting Minutes from 10-22-20 • 2021 Meeting Calendar Approval • GO Bond Committee Reappointments Ill. Public Comment IV. AGENDA-VIRTUAL MEETING December 17, 2020 All Program General Status, & Sub-Projects Update, Closed Projects • Future Revision to Implementation Plan V. 41 st Street Corridor Final Presentation: Karen Rivo Public Maria Hernandez/ John Woodruff 4:30pm 435pm 4:40pm 4:50pm AECOM 5:00pm https://wwwy_miamibeachfl.gov/residents/neighborhood_ associations/neighborhood-_affairs-_diyision/active- projects/other/41-_street- revitalization] VI. Major Tranche 1 Projects Update • F.S. #1,72n8 St. Complex, Bayshore Park, Middle Beach Beachwalk, NBOC Beachwalk VII. Other Projects Update • Streets & Sidewalks, Bollards, Nautilus Traffic Calming, Street Tree Master Plan, Fairway Park Fence, Palm & Hibiscus VIII. IX. Quick Wins Remaining • Lummus Cameras, Beachwalk Cameras, Public Safety Radio System Public Comment Adjournment CIP-D. Martinez PWD / T & T /ENV/ Parks/ CIP 5:30pm 5:50pm Police / Fire 6:10pm Public X. 6:20pm 6:30pm Committee Charge The purpose of the General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee is to make advisory recommendations to the City Manager and City Commission from a macro perspective regarding the timely progress, overall goals, costs, including financial efficiencies, and the timely completion of General Obligation Bond Program projects approved by the voters in the City of Miami Beach Special Election held on November 6, 2018. The Committee shall have the following powers & duties: l. Receive input from the public, the City Administration, City consultants, and the City's Inspector General, as needed, to make recommendations relative to the overall timing, cost efficiencies, and prioritization of the G.O. Bond Program projects. 2. Provide general oversight to ensure that G.O. Bond Program project timelines, budgets (including cost efficiencies) are prioritized and achieved, and that the projects are completed in accordance with the scope of work approved by the voters. 3. Review City staff and G.O. Bond Program project managers' progress reports and provide monthly reports to the City Commission. - • - • I 0 YOUR VOICE, IN ACTION! General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Calendar 2021 MEETING LOCATION: VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETINGS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Thursday, January 21, 2021 - 4:30pm Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 4:30pm Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 4:30pm Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 4:30pm Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 4:30pm Thursday, June 17, 2021 - 4:30pm ))y l- r ' ·à ) j . . J L l' DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C20-B90C-8A7498693107 EXHIBIT B G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Active Phase Project Name Category Department Quick Win Tranche Anticipated End Date T Count % Count $Budget $Encumbered $Spent % Spent $ Available Closed #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS Public Safety Police QW I 07-31-2019 600,000 599,915 84 Closed #17 POLO PARK Parks Parks & Recreation Qw I 08-11-2019 499,998 493,673 6,325 Closed #19 S0UNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY Parks Tourism & Culture 0w I 09-30-2019 3,799,999 3,748,495 51,503 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT Parks Property Management Qw I 10-14-2019 130,300 130,210 89 Closed #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation Qw 1 10-14-2019 151,999 52,758 99,240 Closed #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation Qw 1 10-21-2019 86,999 41,780 45,218 Closed #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation Qw 1 10-21-2019 86,999 41,780 45,218 Closed M26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF Parks Property Management aw 1 10-24-2019 300,000 299,650 350 Closed #21 STILLWATER PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 0w 1 11-08-2019 144,999 142,440 2,559 Closed #3 CRESPI PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 0w 1 11-09-2019 210,998 184,919 26,079 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT Parks Property Management 0w I 11-12-2019 130,000 116,776 13,224 Closed #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS Public Safety Police 0w 1 11-28-2019 120,000 64,904 55,095 Closed #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation 0w 1 12-02-2019 715,000 212,593 502,405 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC Parks Property Management 0w I 12-06-2019 150,000 137,302 12,697 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF Parks Property Management 0w 1 12-16-2019 375,000 374,722 276 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF Parks Property Management 0w 1 01-05-2020 1,124,000 127,217 996,782 Closed #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOE Parks Property Management 0w 1 01-15-2020 760,000 758,824 1,175 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS Parks Property Management 0w 1 02-04-2020 205,699 60,858 144,841 Closed #18 SCOT RAKOW CAMERAS Parks Property Management aw 1 02-05-2020 250,000 110,659 139,340 Closed #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 0w 1 03-25-2020 1,000,000 1,000,000 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS Parks Property Management 0W 1 04-16-2020 699,999 194,601 505,396 Closed #26 FILLMORE ROOF Parks Property Management Qw 1 05-15-2020 1,920,000 1,874,154 45,844 Closed #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION Parks Parks & Recreation I 05-15-2020 S0,000 35,044 14,955 Closed #2 COLINS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation aw I 05-28-2020 640,000 557,286 82,713 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR Parks Property Management 0W 1 06-30-2020 524,999 503,861 21,138 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR Parks Property Management 0w I 06-30-2020 816,000 729,717 86,281 Closed #47 71ST.ENTRANCE READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 07-12-2020 240,000 31,582 208,417 Closed #47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS Public Safety Police 0W I 09-21-2020 200,000 89,185 110,814 Closed Sum 15,932,988 12,714,905 38% 3,218,058 Closed Count 28 38% Complete #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL Parks Parks & Recreation 0w 1 07-06-2020 977,998 36,936 928,378 12,684 Complete Sum 977,998 36,936 928,378 3% 12,684 Complete Count 1 1% Construction #57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police I 01-22-2021 815,000 124,245 665,155 25,599 Construction #56 CAMERAS- BEACHWALK Public Safety Police 1 01-29-2021 700,000 490,067 192,190 17,742 Construction #49 PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM Public Safety Fire aw 1 02-26-2021 9,700,000 2,038,911 7,595,974 65,114 Construction #4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 02-26-2021 210,000 182,779 27,221 Construction #42 NAUTILUS TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation awa I 04-14-2021 739,499 188,746 536,227 14,526 Construction #24 MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-16-2021 4,500,000 2,698,083 1,448,379 353,535 Construction #33 PART I TREE PLANTING Infrastructure Environmental QWa I 04-01-2022 2,500,000 217,248 641,277 1,641,474 Construction #37 PART I SIDEWALKS Infrastructure Public Works Department QWa I 04-01-2022 3,500,000 1,257,430 1,879,231 363,337 Construction #38 PART I STREETS Infrastructure Public Works Department QWa I 04-01-2022 7,500,000 4,865,159 1,949,739 685,101 Construction Sum $30,164,499 $12,062,668 $14,908,172 45% $3,193,649 Construction Count 9 12% CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 12/11/2020-10:17 AM DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-7544-4C20-B90C-8A7498693107 G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Design #4O 41 STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES Public Safety Public Works Department 1 02-28-2021 85,177 85,177 Design #53 CONVENTION CENTER BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 04-06-2021 b 775,000 45,449 729,551 Design #53 SOUNDSCAPE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 04-06-2021 b 375,000 45,449 329,551 Design #53 SOUTH POINTE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 04-06-2021 b 250,000 45,449 204,551 Design #48 PART 1 POUCE HQ Public Safety Property Management 1 06-01-2021 b 4,000,000 707,892 405,370 2,886,737 Design #18 SCOTT RAKOW GYM FLOORS Parks Parks & Recreation 1 06-01-2021 300,000 16,415 283,585 Design #12 N. BEACH OCEANSIDE BEACHWALK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 04-04-2022 1,999,999 129,893 70,057 1,800,049 Design #42 8AYSHORE SOUTH TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 04-15-2022 560,148 11,586 34,114 514,447 Design #42 NORMANDY ISLE TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 04-15-2022 113,999 13,613 23,720 76,666 Design #42 PALM VIEW TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 04-15-2022 86,349 4,883 81,466 Design #39 PART I SEAWALLS/SHORELINES Infrastructure Public Works Department 1 04-29-2022 7,999,999 652,885 185,493 7,161,619 Design #43 ALTON ROAD SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Transportation 1 06-29-2022 b 170,000 170,000 Design #9 MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 10-27-2022 681,999 850 13,788 667,360 Design #43 23 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 1 12-26-2022 1,500,000 4,990 1,495,010 Design #10 MAURICE GIBB PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 01-06-2023 3,300,000 37,714 3,262,284 Design #43 CHASE AVE/34 ST SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 1 02-02-2023 830,000 830,000 Design #15 PAR 3 / 8AYSHORE PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 03-08-2023 15,699,999 42,547 672,090 14,985,360 Design #23 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-28-2023 10,000,000 8,547,268 1,249,043 203,687 Design #4S FIRE STATION i1 Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 12-29-2023 7,000,000 1,026,593 126,088 5,847,317 Design Sum $55,727,669 $11,285,889 $2,827,350 9% $41,614,417 Design Count 19 26% Planning #19 SOUNDSCAPE RESTROOMS/STORAGE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 01-29-2021 b 699,999 699,999 Planning #40 PART 1 REVITALIZE 41 STREET Infrastructure Economic Development 1 01-29-2021 b 1,414,823 221,365 26,300 1,167,158 Planning #55 PART I STREET LIGHTS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 02-26-2021 b 5,000,000 10,108 4,989,892 Planning #50 ALTON RD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-02-2021 b 211,999 15,999 195,999 Planning #SO 41 ST. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-31-2021 b 235,324 17,999 217,324 Planning #50 71 STREET CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-31-2021b 211,999 15,999 195,999 Planning #SO DADE BLVD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-31-2021 b 165,674 165,674 Planning #57 COLLINS AVE/WASH AVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-31-2021 b 675,000 10,581 140,410 524,007 Planning #47 OTHER READERS CITYWIDE Public Safety Police 1 04-01-2022 1,390,000 30,547 38,315 1,321,136 Planning #8 LUMMUS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 12-30-2022 b 4,737,000 10,800 4,726,199 Planning 1 72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 12-03-2023 10,800,000 494,467 1,534,592 8,770,940 Planning #30 SKATE PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 (blank) 7SO,OOO 7SO,OOO Planning Sum $26,291,818 $756,960 $1,810,522 5% $23,724,327 Planning Count 12 16% Pending #54 MARINE PATROL FACILITY Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1 (blank) 2,700,000 2,700,000 Pending #5 FLAMINGO YOUTH CENTER FACILITY Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 (blank) 15,400,000 15,400,000 Pending #29 PART 1 WEST LOTS Parks Economic Development 1 (blank) 1,000,000 1,000,000 Pending #13 NORTH SHORE PATH & FIELDS Parks Parks & Recreation 2 (blank) 2,944,000 2,943,999 Pending Sum $22,044,000 $0 $0 0% $22,043,999 Pending Count 4 5% 73 100% $151,138,972 $24,142,453 $33,189,327 100% $93,807,134 QWa = The quick-win portion of this project is complete. b = The anticipated end date is of the phase, not of the entire project. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 12/11/2020-10:17 AM DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 EXHIBIT Bl G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST - SAVINGS $ Active Phase Category Project Name Quick Win Tranche Count $ Budget Encumbered $Spent I $ Available - Closed Infrastructure #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING w 1 1,000,000 1,000,000 , ng oet.. Infrastructure Sum 1 1,000,000 1,000,000 --- . Closed Parks #17 POLO PARK QW 1 499,998 493,673 6,325 Closed Parks #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY Qw 1 3,799,999 3,748,495 51,503 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT QW 1 130,300 130,210 89 Closed Parks #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF QW 1 300,000 299,650 350 Closed Parks #21 STILLWATER PARK QW 1 144,999 142,440 2,559 Closed Parks #3 CRESPI PARK QW 1 210,998 184,919 26,079 Closed Parks #18 scoT RAKOW PAINT QW 1 130,000 116,776 13,224 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC QW 1 150,000 137,302 12,697 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF QW 1 375,000 374,722 276 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF QW 1 1,124,000 127,217 996,782 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS Qw 1 205,699 60,858 144,841 Closed Parks #18 scoTT RAKOW CAMERAS Qw 1 250,000 110,659 139,340 Closed Parks #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF QW 1 760,000 758,824 1,175 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS QW 1 700,000 194,601 505,396 Closed Parks #26 FILLMORE ROOF Qw 1 1,920,000 1,874,154 45,844 Closed Parks #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION 1 50,000 35,044 14,955 Closed Parks #2 COLLINS PARK QW 1 640,000 557,286 82,713 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR QW 1 524,999 503,861 21,138 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR QW 1 816,000 729,717 86,281 Complete Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL QW 1 977,998 36,936 928,378 12,684 et de. Parks Sum 20 13,709,990 36,936 11,508,786 2,164,251 Closed Public Safety #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS Qw 1 600,000 599,915 84 Closed Public Safety #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING QW 1 151,999 52,758 99,240 Closed Public Safety #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING QW 1 86,999 41,780 45,218 Closed Public Safety #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING Qw 1 86,999 41,780 45,218 Closed Public Safety #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS QW 1 120,000 64,904 55,095 Closed Public Safety #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING QW 1 715,000 212,593 502,405 Closed Public Safety #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS Qw 1 240,000 31,582 208,417 Closed Public Safety #47 JULIA TUTTLE C5WY READERS QW 1 200,000 89,185 110,814 --- --- e Public Safety Sum 8 2,200,997 1,134,497 1,066,491 Total Sum 29 16,910,987 36,936 13,643,283 3,230,742 Note: Red figures are projected project savings from Completed projects. Annurur nrrru rnru urrn DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Replace the city's outdated Motorola analog radio system with a new Harris Corporation satellite radio system. giving first responders access to a state-of-the-art emergency communications technology network with high tech functions such as seamless interoperability and encrypted data. Phase EXHIBIT C - Quick Wins Remaining Contact Project Details Construction G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $9.700,000 Encumbered. $2.038,911 Spent: $7.595.974 Spent%: 78% Project Timeline Department: Fire Name: Email: Phone: Kevin Pulido mailtokevinpulido@miamibeachfl_gov (786) 568-6057 5. Construction l ê i i i l i l i T l 2019 April luly October 2020 April July October 2021 April Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 01/01/2019 02/28/2020 02/26/2021 Update Ten sites require installation of microwave dishes and/or radio frequency antennas. Six have been completed and four are underway Mobile radios are being installed in all 400 PD vehicles. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Miam@Beach k pi. - [ai@) Tems 3'Ji,rom, 2020 Microsoft Corporation }tc rAnnrnn rrneurntt DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Improve public safety for residents and visitors between 14th Place to 23rd Street by installing several new security cameras along the pedestrian beachwalk path. Phase Construction G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $700.000 Encumbered: $490.067 Spent: $192.190 Sent %: 27% Project Timeline Project Details Contact Lvepartment Police Name: Lauren Firtel Email: mailto;laurenfirtel@miamibeachflgg Phone: (305) 986-6403 1 Planning b 2. Design 4. Procurement 5. Construction [ I I I I I I I I April July October 2020 April July October 2021 April Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 04/01/2019 05/29/2020 01/29/2021 Update Main conduit runs and conduit installation to individual poles have been completed. Field enclosures and electrical to field enclosures underway. All equipment and fiber have been ordered. Pending shipment of fiber. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Miami B@ch e k p;-4I AA, Terms lb}rom, 2020 Microsoft Corporation ¡ 1Inni_nryr__xi rrr NMERS DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Install additional security cameras to expand monitored coverage in Lummus Park and Ocean Drive. Phase Construction G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $815.000 Encumbered. $124.245 Spent: $665.15 5 Spent %: 82% Project Timeline Project Details Contact Deparment. Police Name: Lauren Firtel Email: mailto:laurenfirtel@miamibeachfl.gov Phone: (305) 986-6403 1Planning I 2. Design 4. Procurement scoveon. I [e I I I I I I I I I 2019 April July October 2020 April July October 2021 April Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 03/21/2019 02/10/2020 O 1/22/2021 Update Underground infrastructure work at the Park and between Ocean Rescue and Police Headquarters is complete. Fiber installation is underway. Cameras installation to follow. COVID- 19 affected production at the Fiber Plant in Mexico. which delayed delivery and final completion of the project. Pending the scheduling of the contractor to splice the fiber at both PD and Ocean Rescue. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Miami Beach co) ] pin Terms & A3jd'1mTom, 2020 Microsoft Corporation £.-L- 4 "p» T "PAAIIAIIT III I DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 EXHIBIT O Scope Phase Project Details Contact Build a new community facility at 72 Street between Collins Avenue and Harding Avenue with an Olympic-sized roof-top swimming competition pool. a warm-up pool. a library/media center. a community room. an activated liner. a fitness gym with running track. green space and a multi-level parking garage. NOTE: The total G.O. Bond budget for this project is $53 million. The first issuance of $10.8 million is to be spent in Tranche 1 and the remaining $43 million is to be spent in Tranche 2. Planning G.O. Bond Funding Buaget: $10.800.000 Encumbered. $494467 Spent: Spent %· epartme Name: Email: Phone: Capital Improvement Projects Kevin Pulido mailto:keyinpulido@miamibeachfl_gov (786) 568-6057 $1.534,592 14% Project Timeline 1 Planning WG l:::J. [)eS/]Hl I I I I 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Start Date dA. Original End Date Actual End Date 12/17/2018 12/03/2023 Update The short list of Design Build Firms was approved by the City Commission in Sept. Technical Proposals due date was extended to Dec 14th to provide firms additional time. The evaluation committee meeting is scheduled for January 7th. Commencement date to relocate the transmission lines by FPL is being targeted for January 2021. The Library lnterlocal Agreement was adopted by Miami Dade County Board on Nov. 19. - This project has additional sources of funding - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website 12/03/2023 Indian Creek Village Normandy Isle 6 k pie] Terms l'}#rom, 2020 Microsoft corporation A EAIDAIA TAADLU EEAIE 'DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Replace the aged perimeter fence with a higher-quality and higher-security fencing system. Phase Construction G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $210,000 Encumbered: $182.779 Spent: $0 Spent %: 0% Project Timeline Project Details Contact Department: Parks & Recreation Name: Kevin Pulido Email: mailtokevinpulido@miamibeachfl_gov Phone: (786) 568-6057 1. Planning I■■■■■■■I 2. Design 5. Construction lg%eany F T 77 T T l December 2021 February November Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 10/14/2020 02/28/2021 02/26/2021 Update Contractor has been issued a Notice to Proceed and fence fabrication is underway. Permit was issued on December 3. Installation expected to begin in January. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Indian Creek t Village Normana@ Isle (@34) r" pg;pal. Terms l@SB''éfaka 2020 Microsoft corporation t ttt -. - ±ta tit NIN I a.um tiny pop en tam t l DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Project Details Scope Construct an on-grade, ADA accessible and decorative paver pathway from streets 79 to 87, completing the final link of the city's entire beachwalk system. Redevelop the Beachwalk to expand path networks and dune systems. new landscaping and wayfinding signage and turtle-friendly lighting. Phase Design G.O. Bond Funding Budget. Encumbere Spent: Spent %: Contact Department: Capital Improvement Projects $1,999.999 $129.893 $70.057 4% Name: Email: Phone: Kevin Pulido mailto:keyinpulido@miamibeachfLgoy (786) 568-6057 Project Timeline 1 Planning 2. Design 3. Contractor Selection {_nTf{[THQll 2016 2018 2020 I 2022 Start Date A. Original End Date Actual End Date 08/13/2015 04/28/2021 04/04/2022 Update Invitation to Bid ITB) for the beachwalk construction was issued on Oct 2. The due date for proposals has been extended to December 16th to provide bidders additional time. The removal and relocation of existing trees. which will be completed with a different contractor. is scheduled to start January 2021. - This project has additional sources of funding - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Surfside Indian Creek Village O Normandy T k. pi] a.» Terms l!BB3,#tan, e 2ottcroson corporation +1rpD 2 trncLDr DDI DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Develop a brand new 19 acre park space with environmental remediation and resiliency components; construct an outdoor amphitheater. walking trail with lake overlooks. tennis courts and restroom facility. a pavilion shade structure. dog park. vita course. playground. and butterfly garden. Phase Design G.O. Bond Funding +age: $15.699,999 Encumberec' $42,547 Spent: $672.090 Spent %: 4% Project Timeline Project Details Contact neartment: Capital Improvement Projects Name: Vanessa Vazquez Email: mailto_Vanessa/azquez@miamibeachfL,goy Phone: (786) 599-6543 1. Planning trwl3I -.-----------~ 2.Desio ZEE3 3. Contractor Selection cm" sconstution• l • I I I I I I 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 08/12/2015 07/28/2021 03/08/2023 Update Project was approved by ORB on 9/1/20. Plans have been submitted to Building Dept for permitting. DERM Environmental Division provided comments on 12/4/20, which included a request for the installation of additional monitoring wells. Comments must be addressed by Feb 2. 2021. Consultant submitted a cost estimate which exceeds the project budget. and has been directed to make adjustments and value engineering to bring the project within budget. - This project has additional sources of funding - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Fa ~- NAUTILUS Four Points ] pin Miami Beach Terms ¿'d'1mTi, ¢'2d20'Micro5ht corporation ±/A MmmrrrnrLu prnrLuAn Lu DLI2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Replace the current wooden boardwalk structure that exists between 23 Street and 45 Street with an on-grade pedestrian pathway that connects Mid Beach with South Beach and North Beach Beachwalk portions - providing one seamless oceanside pathway that stretches from 1st Street to 87th Street. Phase Construction G.O. Bond Funding udget: $4,500,000 Encumbered: $2.698,083 Spent: $1448.379 Spent %: 32% Project Timeline Project Details Contact vepartment: Capital Improvement Projects Name: Vanessa Vazquez Email: mailto_Vanessa/azquez@miamibeachfl.goy Phone: (786) 599-6543 1. Planning mnŒim••······ b 2. Design EE: 3.contractor selection EI_. s.cooto. EE3 I I I I 2016 2018 2020 2022 Start Date A Original End Date Actual End Date 10/22/2015 02/13/2021 06/16/2021 Update Project is on track for completion by June 2021. and efforts are being made to open sections of the beachwalk in the Spring. as they are completed. Shower & wall foundation. electrical. water & drainage underground work continues at street ends. Concrete paver installation has advanced to the northern portion. The wiring tor the light bollards has advanced to 42nd St and security camera poles have been installed up to 32nd St. - This project has additional sources of funding - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website NAUTILUS • Hot Tub at Four Points k pi„] Terms lWdnrm, g,2020_ Microsoft corporaíon ami Deacn LL PAA I d NIN Pt N ltit DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C20-B90C-8A7498693107 Project Details Scope Plant the first $2.5 million worth of trees to under-shaded parks and neighborhoods citywide. Phase Construction G.O. Bond Funding Budget: Contact Department: Environmental $2,500.000 Encumbered: $217,248 Spent: $641.277 Spent %: 26% Name: Email: Phone: Kevin Pulido mailto:keyinpulido@miamibeachfLgoy (786) 568-6057 Project Timeline 1. Planning I I 2 Design 5. Construction ,.I--------------,--------------,, I I I I l 2020 Start Date A. Original End Date 2021 T 2022 Actual End Date 04/22/2019 04/01/2022 04/01/2022 Update 759 Florida friendly & native trees have been planted Citywide. The Lake Pancoast neighborhood will receive 114 trees commencing in January which will bring the total to 873 trees. There are other upcoming projects under design & coordination for various locations throughout the City. Learn more about where trees have been planted & the benefits of the species planted at www.opentreemap.org/miamibeachtrees/map. - This project has additional sources of funding - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Norn"Y,,a) Isle 9 $%2° • · erms ; krom, e 2020 Microsot corporáí6 au toe t .77-7iaa 2ctu hod GO BOND Reforestation Projects Neighborhood Trees Planted Total Project Cost 5" street Corridor so $51,876 Normandy Isles 75 $54,196 Brittany Bay Park 26 $30,000 4 Muss Park 39 $40,730 hl» a0" street 65 $75,355 ra a) - 20" street Pocket 60 $87,825 Park Stillwater 20 $23,640 Biscayne Point 122 $182,123 YEAR1 TOTAL 457 $545,745 James Avenue 36 $10,840 South Beach $62,715 Reforestation 62 Normandy Isles/Normandy 85 $39,348 N Shores hl 0 a» - Normandy Shores 119 $97,674 Lake Pancoast (Project to begin 114 $121,155 January 2021) YEAR2TOTAL 416 $331,732 I s73] I $877,476.08 I j P j i \ Brittany Park ,, or. g , r ., ., .. •· / ,.,,.., + ·,, " ' i41 1 1, :1 ti ±;i r touth Beach Reterestatie" H ! ' t, t i i Legend Go Bond Reforestation Parcel Street /27 DADT A cIrrA u DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Renovate part 1 of deteriorated sidewalks. as per the city's pavement condition index assessment. Phase Construction G.O. Bond Funding Budget. $3.500.000 Encumbered: $1.257.430 Spent: $1.879.231 Spent %: 54% Project Timeline Project Details Contact epartment. Public Works Department Name: Kevin Pulido Email: mailto:keyinpulido@miamibeachfL_gov Phone: (786) 568-6057 1. Planning ■I 2. Design ■ 5. Construction ... [--------------~ ------------, I I 1 2019 2020 2021 2022 Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 03/01/2019 04/01/2022 04/01/2022 Update 299.210 sq ft. of sidewalk have been repaved across the city. The quick-win portion of the project was completed ahead of schedule. Public Works has completed a revised schedule for completion of Tranche 1.in coordination with Jacob's Stormwater Projects Prioritization Plan recently approved by City Commission and other upcoming capital improvement projects. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Miami_Beach Li (@@) terms lWdnrom, 2O20 Microsoft Corporaüon - DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A44-4C2C-B890C-8A7498693107 -) TREASURE IS LAND North Beach 8 i $ Mid Beach WVAT SON 1LAND South Beach DODGE ISL NE LUMMUS 1SL4ND Part 1- Sidewalk Work Plan Tranche 1 GOB_Status - 3 Month Work Ahead - Part 1 Completed - Part 1 Scheduled Esn, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community O ars 12082020 4 WORKHerS Net To Scale 8'14 - Ry Cely #.at Man.a ae MG.S Miami Beach Gls t7a0 Convention Center Drive • Miami Beach, FL 33139+ 305,673.7000 • gis@miamibeach f.gov • www,miamlbeachf\. go¢ ORK$Auvemet Mago«to»ates s Year wok Pao uawrd»'sdewa»_TRANOE_V10_5_20201201.m œ' Sidewalk Work Plan w.E Miami Beach State & County EEJ» Progress By C.I.P - ; ,_M_i_a_m_;._o_a_d_e_c_o_u_n_ty_,_F_L.J ,. _, ±22 DAT A cTDEETc DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Project Details Scope Repave and restore part 1 of deteriorated streets. as per the city's pavement condition index assessment. Phase Construction G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $7.500.000 Encumbered: $4,865.159 Spent: $1,949.739 Spent %: 26% Project Timeline Contact Department: Public Works Department Name: Email: Phone: Kevin Pulido mailto:keyinpulido@miamibeachfLgoy (786) 568-6057 1 Planning 2. Design 5 Construction FF 2019 ■■I I ~ 2020 2021 2022 Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 03/01/2019 04/01/2022 04/0 l /2022 Update 19.9 miles of roadway have already been repaved across the city. The quick-win portion of the project was completed ahead of schedule. Public Works has completed a revised schedule tor completion of Tranche 1. in coordination with Jacob's Stormwater Projects Prioritization Plan recently approved by City Commission. and other upcoming capital improvement projects. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website MiamiBeach l p¡· (AA) Terms ld¿&ldmrom, e 2020 Microsoft corporation DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-7544-4C2C-B890C-8A7498693107 TREASURE IS LANI North Beach Mid Beach WATS ON 1SL AtD South Beach €e DODGE 1SLANE LUM!MUS ISLAND Part 1 - Streets Work Plan GOB Status - Part 1 Scheduled - Part 1 Completed Esn, HERE Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community Miami Beach Gis • 1700 convention Center Drive • Miami Beach, FL33139· 305,673.7000 • gist@miamibeach ft.gov • www.mlamibeachf\.go¥.OR»sAu Pae«t Moog«wtowotea s Yau wens Pia+Go Mus 4rM»\trot_0w_10_511x171_20.20 1209_1 mt œ. Street Work Plan w$, Miami Beach T Miami-Dade County, FL AK ar 12/102020 - WORK+rS Net Te Seale 8+ Rey Cely M.in8eae. hGus sa» s cuy Rosas [Z U]«ores yvc1 +30 DADT 4 CEAAIAIIILIDII IAIr DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A44-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Project Details Scope Implement part 1 of public seawall and shoreline resilient infrastructure. Phase Design G.O. Bond Funding Budget: Encumbered. $305,300 Spent: $60.800 Spent % 1% Project Timeline Contact Department: Public Works Department $8.000.000 Name: Email: Phone: Kevin Pulido mailto:kevinpulido@miamibeachfLgoy (786) 568-6057 2. Desi _-F, 2020 2021 2022 Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 01/10/2020 04/29/2022 04/29/2022 Update 8100 Hawthorne Ave construction to begin in November. and Maurice Gibb and Britanny Bay to begin in early 2021. Design underway for Jefferson avenue. Lenox Court. Garden Avenue. Bonita Avenue. Rue Notre Dame. Trouville Esplanade. and 71 50 Indian Creek. Additional locations to be determined upon completion of prioritization matrix. - This project has additional sources of funding - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Venetian Miami Beach Islands Terms b Bine92020 Tomtom 2020 HERE. 2@20 ii ¿hk1sLAND Microsoft Corporation a o o #gr Morta Dang tat cot tat4043 E±: feule Eplanage £at eat $72¢2¢ 1i. noray lay Psi Llinten«tina c tete»t tu7t, .1"-o«or ±attrar a tat oat 47040 :%: Lanen .t ft Coar $too@ z: Legend Private Seawall (48.85 miles) Public Seawalls (4.15 miles) ------· Seawall To Be Constructed '0.31 miles Noto. Total Length of Seawall within tho City (63 miles) Seawalls within City ROW(1.82 Milos) Seawalls within City proportios (2.33 Milos) Mi dian teak DO Est or 421$.0o z acing.o beth fmet val attingentien Citywide Seawall Survey Identifying Funding Citywide Master Plan and Prioritization to Follow After Seawall Survey +AO AIAITII II TD»AAEEI "AI AIAI 'DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Project Details Scope Implement traffic calming measures in the Nautilus neighborhood. Phase Construction G.O. Bond Funding Contact Department: Transportation Budget: Encumbered: Spent: $739.499 $188.746 $536.227 Name: Email: Phone: Vanessa Vazquez mailto;Vanessa/azquez@miamibeachflgo (786) 599-6543 Spent %: 73% Project Timeline 1. Planning ■I 2. Design 5. Construction ] I I I I 2019 2020 2021 Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 03/01/2019 02/05/2020 04/14/2021 Update The quick win portion of this project (which includes bike lanes and speed tables) is complete. The contractor has suffered some delays in submitting the shop drawings due to COVID. CMBPW issued comments on drainage. which are being corrected for permit submission. Work is expected to begin two weeks after securing of permit. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Hot Tub at Four Points - r ~~--- k pf„ Terms l'}nrom, 2020 Microsoft corporation AE III£ rNrtl 44 ' DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Replace the deteriorated Fire Station #1 facility with a new and larger building in a location that expands emergency coverage in South Beach: include space tor a911call center. NOTE: The total G.O. Bond budget tor this project is $10 million. The first issuance of $7 million is to be spent in Tranche 1 and the remaining $3 million is to be spent in Tranche 2. Phase Design G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $7.000.000 Encumbered $1,026.593 Spent: $126.088 Spent %: 2% Project Timeline Project Details Contact Department: Capital Improvement Projects Name: Lauren Firtel Email: mailto;laurenfirtel@miamibeachfl_goy Phone: (305) 986-6403 1. Planning [)es4an d 5. Construction .-------.-------.------11------ 2018 2019 IEE E3 ' I II I " 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 11/06/2018 03/30/2023 12/29/2023 Update Revised Schematic Design documents removing the 911 Call Center and reducing the size of the building to bring project within budget was submitted by the Consultant on November 24. 2020. Documents are under review by various City Departments. Once the design is updated with comments from all. contractor will update the estimate of construction cost. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Miami Beach k pi„] Terms Rh}nrom.e,2020 Microsoft Corporation Etcher }+r2 AIVEAITIAL rrAITrD r2Il_ADnc DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Install decorative concrete bollards in the Convention Center corridor. Phase Design G.O. Bond Funding Budget. $775.000 Encumbered: $45.449 Spent: $0 Spent%· 0% Project Timeline Project Details Contact Department: Public Works Department Name: Kevin Pulido Email: mailtokevinpulido@miamibeachfl,gov Phone: (786) 568-6057 1. Planning ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■~---------- 2.Design l I I I I I I I April July October 2021 April Start Date A. Original End Date Actual End Date 02/28/2020 04/06/2021 Update Consultant has been selected and purchase order has been issued. Site assessments and analysis will follow. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website 04/06/2021 7A tr' ' Mían%ah ] Rinl Jax Terms dB'd'mrom, o 2020 fl#sot corporation +r3 IIAIrrADr DAD III nDr DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Project Details Scope Install decorative concrete bollards in SoundScape Park. Phase Design G.O. Bond Funding Contact Department: Public Works Department Budget: Encumbered: Spent: $375,000 $45.449 $0 Name: Email: Phone: Lauren Firtel mailto_laurenfirtel@miamibeachfLgoy (305) 986-6403 Spent %: 0% Project Timeline 1. Planning 1------- 20ess E l I i I I I I I July pil Start Date d. Original End Date Octote 2021 Ail Actual End Date 02/28/2020 04/06/2021 04/06/2021 Update Consultant has been selected and purchase order has been issued. Site assessments and analysis will follow. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Miam@Beach n;+ (@@) 1ems l3}#rom, 2020 Microsoft Corporation l .gag t a,tit.gee u. t tr • t t I. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 Scope Install decorative concrete bollards in South Pointe Park. Phase Design G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $250.000 Encumbered $45.449 Spent: $0 Spent %: 0% Project Timeline Project Details Contact Depa ment Public Works Department Name: Lauren Firtel Email: mailto:laurenfirtel@miamibeachfl.gov Phone: (305) 986-6403 1. Plan11111g ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■d 2. Design l I I I I I I April July October 2021 April Start Date d. Original End Date Actual End Date 02/28/2020 05/28/2021 04/06/2021 Update Consultant has been selected and purchase order has been issued. Site assessments and analysis will follow. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Fisher • Island k pi„ Terms lB3}rom, e 2020 Microsoft corporation ': ( '-'[s's } i4 EXHIBIT E BLOG Growing Greener with Shade Trees The City of Miami Beach continues to plant new shade trees by the hundreds as it works to expand the shady tree canopy from 17% to 22% by 2040. Of the more than 1,000 new shade trees planted throughout the city over the past two years, 759 were funded by the 2018 voter-approved General Obligation (G.0.) Bond! $5 million of the total $439 million program budget is dedicated to the... Your Voice, Your Vote: A Two Year Overview /'/IL' 'BE Wv .ACH Go MIAMI(BEACH gor0.o Two years ago on Nov. 6, 2018- an overwhelming 70% of Miami Beach voters approved the $439 million G.O. Bond Program. Following that mandate a G.O. Bond Program team was formed. A citizen-led G.O. Bond Oversight Committee was established. A final project list was approved. The first tranche of bonds got issued and the bonds sold quickly on Wall... '! il '-si'°' } i SOCIAL #MaskUpMiamiBeach " 9 @MiamiBeachNews · Dec 17 We continue to plant new shade trees by the hundreds as we work to expand the shady tree canopy from 17% to 22% by 2040. Of the more than 1,000 new shade trees planted throughout the city, 759 were funded by the #G0MB2018 program -- learn more: gombinfo.com/growinggreener/ £,hh, city ot Miami each Government o o os«mr¢ e On November 6, 2018, an overwhelming 70% ot Miami Beach voters approved the $439 million #G0MB2018 .- now 2 years later the G.O. Bond Program has completed a number of quality-of-life improvements throughout the city. Learn more: https //www gombinto.corr/your-voice-your-vote-a-two-yeat . ·~ . . - s , a ....s z, le fmhg #MaskupMiamieach " o @MamiBeachNews 4m miii-iseee s lt/ Construction set to egin on Final segment ot Beachwak - Once completed in spring of 2022, residents and visitors will be able to travel from South Beach to North Beach along a spectacular oceanfront promenade! 1• 8EACH Go 4.A2.AO GOMF O COM Your Voice, Your Vote: A Two Year Overview - G.O. Miami Beach Two years ago- on Nov.6, 2018 an overwhelming 70% 0f Mam Beach voters approved the $439 million G.O Bond Program. Following that mandate a G.0. Bond Program team was torme. W,AN BEACH o+. # au+ ts4ow.r.A,trgi tu M9'1730 Ta.wale oa. ta. leo tait a a o PRESS RELEASE F OR WE DATE RELEASE Dec 21,2020 Construction Set to Begin on Final Segment of Beschwalk - One cooplot et an pg t 222 residents ad wtons wot be able to tree tom Soath Bech to Nionth bleach along a spectacular oceanbront promende lamie Beh, Ft- Controacton ns setto begin n eey 221on te fnal' segrret ot te Be.twai. a rone tan 7-ride oanhronet proen.de that wel pan te entre ienrgth ot the aty hrom South Boch through North Beach Many ot us n ts oty Marve had a Mekong dream ot berg able to envoy sweeoeg vows ot te YOUR VOICE. IN ACTION! YOUR VOICE, IN ACTION! O o 0 YOUR VOICE, IN ACTION! G0#24: Middle Beach Beachwalk Project date • December 12, 2020 Drexel Avenue Paving- 12 to 13 Street Notice Date: November 5, 2020 Meridian Avenue Restriping Starts 11/30 Project benefits TM« bes@side corrrunty amenity is port ot the Gneater tanti Greenway Network (MGM}, which aimns to support the use ot aterrat/ve modes ot transport@ton along the easter seaboard. The project watt nerve the existing rad wooden boardwalk and replace wth an approaomat'eMy1$- tot wide, on-grade, Aerans wth Dsabtoties At (AD4)-acesobe paver pathway that supports the use otbwyins, pee strans and other non- rotor.gd neons. f transportation what's Happening The tyot Miami eh continues work on the eactalk prot between 2pee 4$ streets, irctudong II street tends. The preexistrg wooden boardwalk has been tornpletel derrol shed and work is taking pie along the entire project tort. Pease rote that due to the nature o the projt, ore areas ray not see work taking ple tor a few weeks ata time. Ongoing work is a rolling operation and is talking pace i a th to north dnton, Project Overview ad ere+ta The Coty ot Morr each wet start sod weak, urt and gutter restoration ori no Dr»t tenue ben 12Street and 13s4net to prove onet 9rd asphalt surface tor0tons.. Dor@ged sodewalk, urps ad gutters along ths section of roadway wit be renewed toe better and sates mobwdty what' Mew The oty's ontrator, Metro Espress, wot tart on the wet htt et tt road niating draged ode wat, rurt and gutter area and tten mono an0 resurfacong the eavrrnt t Draei Ana, That hot ot the rod folio to merit the job Sae rage hgght for work ara. During woe# hours, re,dents and guest« wadi have res to theer proper tea,, tooter, work ray tnrparty bi ne rtr ance, ad ot« and parking $potes i the voity Projet Oerview and enefit he Coty t Mari beach wit ontine G0. Bond rot +3, which irkdes concrete curb adments and restrerg work n Meridian were between I6 Street ad17 Street. Thia wt wt make t easier to identity roadway secties and improve the saety ard oran«aaton et mobetty on the rod. what Mew feotys ontractor, Metro Express, wt taet restripng from 16 Street heading north At the ere time tenet be ongoing. concrete d,streets starting at 12 Sueet wor iurn south, Pease note hotted work zone on the repo. teses to popertes nd hopes wet nerain open t put tan; however, parking is in the area wet be restricted during onstructon wk Test roboty ire oererti wtetiriate pub street par king going toewad an Merdian #ere between !2"::"%%.::re DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C1778CC-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS Press Release: Construction Set to Begin on Final Segment of Beachwalk Dec 21, 2020 Construction is set to begin in early 2021 on the final segment of the Beachwalk, a more than 7-mile oceanfront promenade that will span the entire length of the city from South Beach through North Beach ... Read More Construction Advisory! Meridian Avenue Pavement Striping Nov 30, 2020 Work on Meridian Avenue starts Monday November 30, and is expected to last one week. The city's contractor, Metro Express, will start re-striping from 16 Street heading north ... Read More AECOM Releases Survey Results for the 41 Street Corridor Streetscape Project! Oct 22, 2020 After a public meeting that was held on 10/1 and a one-week-long open feedback session that followed, AECOM has presented final survey results for streetscape preferences ... Construction Update! Middle Beach Beachwalk Dec 17, 2020 The City of Miami Beach continues work on the Beachwalk project between 24 and 45 streets, including 11 street ends... Read More Construction Advisory! Drexel Ave. Street Pavement! Nov 5, 2020 Work on Drexel Avenue starts Monday, November 9 and is expected to last approximately two weeks, one for each side. The city's contractor, Metro Express, will start on the West halt of... Commission Memo: GO#40: 41 Street Corridor Conceptual Streetscape Design Dec 7, 2020 AECOM and city staff will be requesting approval from the Mayor and City Commission on December 9 2020, for the 41 st Street Corridor conceptual streetscape design ... Read More + Construction Advisory! 12 Street Pavement Nov 5, 2020 The City of Miami Beach will start asphalt restoration work on 12 Street between Michigan Avenue and Alton Road. The road will be milled and resurfaced for better and safer mobility, creating a smooth new ... Read More -+ Read More + Program Team to Present to MB Chamber of Commerce Construction Council Oct 19, 2020 The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Construction & Development Council will hear a presentation, followed by discussion, with the Program Team... Read More Read More + OocuSign Envelope ID: 0C17780C-75A4-4C2C-B90C-8A7498693107 MEETINGS YOUR VOICE, IN ACTION! e # October 2020 COUNCIL MEETING GO BOND PROGRAM UPDATE & DISCUSSION 3 7qEz2Ag ass2-.sis.3a3 Tuesday, October 20, 2020 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM [3 a or or cenarono « oc«on coi ] eolr Mark Gerignani (Dominion Builders) and Vice Chair Jeovan Tllit (East of Collins Expediters), we inte you to join us for our monthly council meeting to learn more about the updates happening with the GO Bond Program Overview ot the $439 rtt+on Genera! Obligation Status update on Tranche 1Program -Projects What is coming down the pipeline? SPEAKERS MARIA HERNANDEZ ALLISON NOVACK G.O. BOND DOCRAM DICTO GO. RONDO QOCRAM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH INFORMATION MANAGE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH MEETING ID: 838 8649 6532 Register in Advance tor this Zoom Meeting tter tegistoting,you ti noise an rat with more information n how to join the rating Virtual Public Meeting: 41 Street Corridor Revitalization Project October 1 @5:00 pm-6:30 pm This is a public meeting that AECOM is co-hosting with the City of Miami Beach to present potential schematic design options for GO#40: 41 Street Corridor. See HERE for more information on the city's main website. Zoom Webinar Link: https://miamibeachf\- gov.zoom.us/j/81283775765 Telephone: US: 877 853 5257 (Toll Free) Webmnar ID: 812 8377 5765 Find out more » ~ G.O. Bond Presentation: Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Construction & Development Council Meeting October 20 @8:00 am -9:00 am find out more » G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting October 22 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm SEE AGENDA htpp://zoom _us/i/91749157894 Access ID 91749157894# 1.929.205.6099 or 1.301. 715.8592 Access ID 91749157894# Find out more » December 2020 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting December 17 @4:30 pm- 6:30 pm To join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us /j/94174823571 1.301.715.8592 Access ID: 94174823571# SEE AGENDA Find out more »