LTC 478-2020 City Manager Recruitment Process – Timeline and Recruitment BrochureDoqrSign Envelope lO: 8OA8F02DF061 -a6F8-8038-9.r.rAOE8CB89C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY i PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 478-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Rafael Paz, Acting City Attorn kI"L e. er!^rh ey P{,rL f,,, Alex Denis, Procurement Department DATE December 31, 2020 t2/30/2020 | 4:17 Esr SUBJECT: City Manager Recruitment Process - Timeline and Recruitment Brochure ln that LTC, we also advised that at the January 13,2021 City Commission meeting, we intend to seek direction as to the following matters in connection with the recruitment process, namely: (1) approval of the proposed Timeline (attached hereto as Exhibit "l"); (2) approval of the d raft City Manager Recruitment Brochure (attached hereto as Exhibit "2'), which includes the job profile/job description for the position, so as to formally publish the advertisement for the position and commence the 45-day initial recruitment period, seeking applications for the position of City Manager as early as January 14, 2O21; and (3) approval of any Optional Services, which, if approved by the City Commission, would be completed within the 45day initial recrurtment period, without delaying the proposed Timeline. lf you have any questions or comments, please provide your comments directly to City Clerk Rafael E. Granado not later than Tuesday, January 5,202'l by 5:00 p.m. Your feedback by Tuesday, January 5, 2021 would permit us to either update the draft Recruitment Brochure in advance of the City Commission meeting on January 13,2021, or identify additional issues that may require City Commission direction, as appropriate, in an effort to release the advertisement for the position and commence the formal recruitment process as early as January 14, 2021 . AA IAAA I B EAC H On December 15, 2020, via LTC 450-2020, we circulated the final negotiated contract with Ralph Andersen & Associates, the firm the City Commission selected to administer the recruitment process for a new City Manager. Exhibit "1" Date Activitv Completed Stakcholders Meetiog . Review Recruitrnent Process o Discuss the process for development ofthe City Manager hofile. recruitment brochure, and gather feedback on the following: o Opportunities and Challenges the new City Manager faces o Desired Professional Characteristics and Penonal Qualities ofthe position January 13,2021 City Commission approval of timeline, City Manager Job Profile and Optional Services, ifany )anuary 14,2021 Published Brochure/Placement of Ads and Candidate Recruitment . 45-day initial recruitment period . Performance ol Optional Services during this 45-day search process March l. 2021 Deadline for priority review ofapplications . Search Consultant conducts due diligence and preliminary screenings via Zoom March 12, 2021 Search Consultant reviews and provides written recommendation ofcandidates to City Commission for review and consideration March 17, 2021 City Commission selects candidates for Search Consultant to interview o Firm to conduct preliminary background checks on final candidates March 18.2021 Search Consultant invites candidates for interview and begins preliminary background investigations including criminal, civil. financial, DMV, and education Weeks of April 56 and 126, 2021 C8odidatc Irtcrvicw3 . Finalist Interviews . Deliberations to select new City Manager subject to scheduling ofspecial commission meetings as required Week of April 19, 2021 Contract offer and negotiations with selected candidate . Chy/Ralph Andersen & Associates conducts Final Background check (including drug test and fingerprinting) and References (5-10 business days) April 2l ,2021 **Start date ofnew City Manager will be determined by the City DocuSign Envelope lD: 8DA8F02D.F061.{6F&8038-944ADEBCB89C City of Miami Beach Proposed Timeline for City Manager Recruitment Process Please note: The proposed tirrraline ,nay be adjusted as needed based upon the owarding of he conlrucl, publication oflhe position bruchurc qnd placemenl of ads, the schedullng of meetings of the Search Commidee, and the oeerull needs oflhe cia. City Commission final approval of contract 99o"d!2-o_o-o -o-o .9 o .9 <D -IIJlrJ e9 I -1 _- !t O (D d)o I!o T o o e I uJ 6 o )1 t I aI a I.,i I I lr I -----:t:::- t. \ t ) (h "\ \t / a-t I I I o ! l- o LL E .: c U o () m r\l(uolao6._ L = E b.9 EE59H;E:, s I-cEE 4g -* .= t: tt,= q !I-r-L-Avl L ,-r '= -:= & =E€-e5:i€[s_ !. 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