2021/01/28 AgendaM«#k or-+ _' slecial Master Agenda for: Thursday, January 28, 2021 10:00AM A R EA NONE Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Inspector t ia n Avalos Comments: Violation Type: J B 0 7 0 0 0 7 14 US2016-00110 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1561 JEFFERSON 1561 JEFFERSON LLC S ta tu s : Li en PROGRESS REPORT FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIRED RECERTIFICATION OF BUILDING 40-YEAR- OLD - MIAMI DADE COUNTY CODE Ordinance Section 8-11(f). BV-9150 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5. UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (j) RECOVERY OF I 'COST: ~• Special Master Case# S M B 2 0 19 -0 0 2 8 5 Property Address: 636 MERIDIAN AVE n 3 Department Violation # US2018-02548 EASTVIEW HOUSE, INC./ clo CAM MGMT SERVICES COR. . 10:00AM A R EA South Beach, Zone 5 Inspector Adrian v a i0 Description: SM Initial Hearing S ta tus: O pen Comments: PROGRESS REPORT Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Evidence of work done without approved permit; floor joist structure been repaired. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. 10:00AM a i Special Master Case#t S M B 2 0 19 -0 0 4 0 6 Property Address: 5313 COLLINS AVE ? '· Department Violation # A R EA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspe ctor diari Avaios Comments: Violation Type: BVC18000140 SM Initial Hearing FRANCAVILLA PROPERTIES CORPORATION S ta tu s : F ine Im po s e d b y S pec ia l M aste r MITIGATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 5313 COLLINS AVE #312. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Interior renovation of bathroom. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. Da ri · 4/44/9n34 44.92.22 AAA za 4neí4o I (3 )In co m p le te bu ild in g s co m m e nced w itho ut a pe rm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, or co m p le te d bu ild in g s co m m e n ced w itho ut a perm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, prior to co m p le tio n a n d no C e rtificate of O ccupa ncy ha s been issued, shall be presum ed and deem ed un sa fe an d a pe rm it sh a ll be ob ta ined to de m o lish the structure or bring the building into co m p lia n ce w ith the ap p lica b le code s as pro vid ed here in. A d d itio na l sp e cifi c de ta ils co n cern ing the vio latio n together w ith photographs can be obtained from the B u ild in g D e p a rtm e n t V io la tio n S e ctio n in w riting upon request. Y o u ha ve th e rig h t to a p p e a l this deci sio n of the Building O ffici al to the U nsafe Structures Board in acco rda n ce w ith C h a p te r 8, se ctio n 8-5 of the M ia m i-D ade C ounty C ode. Failure to com ply by the du e da te w ill re su lt in th e B u ild ing O fficia l req ue sting a hearing befo re the U nsafe Structures Board on th e ne xt ava ila b le ca le n d a r. U n le ss the de ci sio n of the U nsafe Structures Board is appealed, the bu ild in g o r stru ctu re sha ll be de m o lishe d w ithout furt her notice. V io la tio n w ill no t be cl o se d un til final insp ectio n is obtained in the related perm its to close the case. T H E C IT Y O F M IA M I B E A C H M U N IC IP A L C OD E 14 -6 1(b ) U N S A FE S TR U C T U R E S - FE E S (c) PEN AL T Y IS IM PO SED W H E N N O P E R M IT IS O B T A IN E D O N W O R K FO R W H IC H A P E R M IT IS R E Q U IR E D . TH E A P P LI C A N T SH A LL BE R E Q U IR E D T O P A Y $5 0 0 .0 0 P L U S D O U B L E FE E S FO R A P E R M IT , A S S P E C IF IE D H E R E IN A S T H E C O S T O F TH E P E RM I T. T H E P A Y M E N T O F A P E R M IT FE E S H A L L N O T R E LI E V E A N Y PE R S O N , FIR M , O R C O R P O R A T IO N FR O M F U LL Y C OM P L YI N G WI T H TH E RE Q U IR EM E N T S OF THIS C OD E , N OR FROM AN Y O TH E R PENAL TI E S PRE S CR I BE D T H E R E IN . 10:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Middle Beach, Zone 1 insp e c to r Adrian Aral9s Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00430 U S 2 0 19 -0 2 9 9 4 S M In itia l H e a rin g Property Address: 2899 C O LLI N S A V E TRITON TOWER CONDO INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master R E Q U E S T IN G T O S T O P FIN E S N O T IC E O F V IO L A T IO N IS S U E D . P ro ce ss 40 Y R 17 0 0 8 5 9 no t in com p lia nce ; the refore, as per the Florida Building Code and M iam i- D a d e C o u nty chapter 8-5 (6 ), the pro pe rty is de e m ed unsafe if a 40Y ear R ecertification report is no t co m p le te d . Y o u m u st ha ve th e 40 Y e a r R e certificatio n . P ro cess(s) com pleted w ithin thirty calendar days fr om th e po stin g of this no tice . P e n a lty of $50 0 .0 0 sha ll apply S e c. 8-5 . - Un s a fe S tructu re s (6 ), B u ild in g s o r structu res su bje ct to the recert ificatio n requirem e nts in Section 8-11(f) of this C o d e w h ich the o w n e r fa ils to tim e ly respo nd to the N otice of R equired Inspection or fa ils to m ake all re q u ire d re p a irs or m o d ificatio ns fo und to be necessary resulting fro m the recert ification in sp e ctio n by th e de a d lin e sp e ci fied in the C od e or any w ritten extension granted by the Building O ff ici a l w ill be de m o lish e d . . • . . . ·i~· • . . 10:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA F ire In s p e c tio n Description: Zone 2 In s p e c tor A d ria n A v a lo s Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00461 B V C 18 0 0 0 0 11 S M In itia l H e a rin g Property Address: 900 EU C LI D A V E LORRAINE KRIJGSMAN Status: Open P R O G R E S S R E P O R T N O T IC E O F V IO L A T IO N IS S U E D . U n it #9 E vid e nce of w o rk do n e w itho u t ap proved pe rm it. kitchen and bathro om renovation and floor in sta lla tio n . N e e d to ob ta in ap p ro ved pe rm it and inspections. If com pliance is not obtained by the du e da te pe n a lty of $5 0 0 .0 0 sh a ll ap ply. S e c. 8-5 . - Un s afe S tructu re s. (a )G e n e ral. (3 )In co m p le te bu ild in g s co m m e nced w itho ut a pe rm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, or co m p le ted bu ild in g s co m m e n ced w itho ut a pe rm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, prior to co m p le tio n a n d no C e rtificate of O ccupa ncy ha s been issued, shall be presum ed and deem ed unsa fe a nd a pe rm it sh a ll be obtaine d to de m o lish the structure or bring the building into co m p lia n ce w ith the ap p lica b le code s as provid e d here in. A dd itio n a l sp e cific de ta ils co ncern ing the vio latio n together w ith photographs can be obtained fr om th e B u ild in g D e p a rtm e n t V io la tio n S ectio n in w riting upon request. Y o u ha ve th e rig h t to ap p e a l this de cisio n of the B uild ing O ff ici al to the U nsafe Structures Board in acco rd a n ce w ith C h a p te r 8 , se ct ion 8-5 of the M iam i-D ade C o unty C ode. Failure to com ply by the D vieol. 4 /4 1 /9 n 9 4 44.92.22 AM d u e d a t e w ill re s u lt in th e B u il d in g O ff ic ia l re q u e s tin g a h e a r in g b e fo r e th e U n s a f e S tru c tu r e s B o a r d o n th e n e x t a v a ila b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s th e d e c is io n o f th e U n s a f e S tr u c tu r e s B o a rd is a p p e a le d , th e b u il d in g o r s t r u c tu r e s h a ll b e d e m o lis h e d w ith o u t fu rt h e r n o tic e . V io la t io n w ill n o t b e cl o s e d u n til fi n a l in s p e c tio n is o b ta in e d in th e re la te d p e rm its to cl o s e th e c a s e . 'T H E C IT Y O F M IA M I B E A C H M U N IC IP A L C O DE 1 4 -6 1 (b ) UN S A FE S T R U C T U R E S - F E E S (c ) P E N A L T Y IS IM P O S E D 'W H E N N O P E R M IT IS O B T A IN E D O N W O R K F O R W H IC H A P ER M IT IS R E Q U IR E D . T H E A P P LI C A N T S H A L L B E RE Q UI RE D T O P A Y $5 0 0 .0 0 P L U S D O U B L E F E E S F O R A P E R M IT , A S S P E C IF IE D H E R E IN A S T H E C O S T O F T H E 'P E R M IT . T H E P A Y M E N T O F A P E R M IT F E E S H A L L N O T R E LI E V E A N Y P E R S O N , F IR M , O R C O R P O R A T IO N F R O M F UL L Y C O M P L Y IN G W IT H TH E R E Q U IR E M E N T S O F T H IS C O D E , N O R F R O M A N Y O T H E R P E N A L T IE S P R E S C R IB E D T H E R E IN . 10:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00512 BVC18000201 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5313 COLLINS AVE ALINA AGUILA Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Unit 802 Work done without approved permits Tankless water heater, Kitchen remodel, shower installation. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). Must obtain Compliance by December 3rd 2018. OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE 500.00 PLU S DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF TH NT OF A PERMIT FEE SHAL L NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FR O ITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS COD E , N OR FI r " 11:00AM A R EA North Beach, Zone 2 Inspector \drian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00325 US2018-02655 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 6844 HARDING AVE FLORIDA LAKES PROPERTIES LLC Status: Open CONTINUANCE GRANTED FROM 10/08/2020 D vie l· 4 /4 4 /9 n 9 4 449 2.22 AA NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Evidence of work done without approved permit and in violation of the Florida Building Code, roof structure between buildings, roof work, electrical installation to include new panel, new plumbing installation, new windows and doors, unsecure railing, evidence of water intrusion in 2nd floor units, cameras installation. Need to hire a contractor able to obtain approved permit and inspections, need to submit permit application with plans to obtain approved permit and inspections in all trades involved. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 stai apy. 2 Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. "C) i ii . • (a )G e n e r a l. (3 )In c o m p le te b u ild in g s c o m m e n c e d w it h o u t a p e r m it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e r m it h a s e x p ir e d , o r c o m p le te d b u ild in g s c o m m e n c e d w it h o u t a p e r m it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e r m it h a s e x p ire d , p r io r to c o m p le tio n a n d n o C e r tifi c a t e o f O c c u p a n c y h a s b e e n is s u e d , s h a ll b e p re s u m e d a n d d e e m e d u n s a f e a n d a p e r m it s h a ll b e o b ta in e d to d e m o lis h th e s t r u c tu r e o r b r in g th e b u il d in g in to c o m p lia n c e w ith th e a p p lic a b le c o d e s a s p ro v id e d h e r e in . A d d itio n a l s p e ci fi c d e ta ils c o n c e rn in g th e v io la t io n to g e th e r w it h p h o to g r a p h s c a n b e o b ta in e d fro m th e B u il d in g D e p a r tm e n t V io la ti o n S e c tio n in w r it in g u p o n re q u e s t. Y o u h a v e th e r ig h t to a p p e a l th is d e c is io n o f th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l to th e U n s a f e S t r u c tu r e s B o a r d in a c c o r d a n c e w it h C h a p t e r 8 , s e ct i on 8 -5 of th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty C o d e . F a ilu r e to c o m p ly b y th e d u e d a t e w ill r e s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l re q u e s t in g a h e a r in g b e fo r e th e U n s a fe S tr u c tu r e s B o a r d o n th e n e x t a v a ila b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s th e d e ci s io n o f th e U n s a f e S t r u c tu r e s B o a r d is a p p e a le d , th e b u ild in g o r s tr u c tu r e s h a ll b e d e m o lis h e d w it h o u t fu rt h e r n o ti c e . V io la ti o n w ill n o t b e cl o s e d u n t il fi n a l in s p e c tio n is o b ta in e d in th e re la t e d p e r m its to cl o s e th e c a s e . B V -9 1 6 5 i THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED 'WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 11:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 inspector Adrian woos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00326 US2018-02514 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 6844 HARDING AVE FLORIDA LAKES PROPERTIES LLC Status: Open CONTINUANCE GRANTED FROM 10/08/2020 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Work done without approved permits, at units 7 and 10. Renovations include all trades. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). WHICH A PE RMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE PERMIT SH AL L BE RE QUIRE D TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SH AL L NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FI RM OR ROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE ·. "ENTS OF THIS COI 1 1.,-.. -· CRIBED THEREIN. Dovie+l. 4/14/991 14.92.22 AMA e 1 1 :0 0 A M Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: SMB2019-00327 US2017-02020 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 4525 COLLINS AVE EDEN ROC LLLP Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Pool cabanas Evidence of work done without approved permit. New p ol cab as and electrical connections need to obtain approved permit and in¡,ections. If cor 1plia ce I not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. /) (3)1ncomplett.,Îuilding!oîT>lmenced w o a permi or for which the permit has expired, or completed iildi ngscor mmenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to co[pl ior q .no'@elfificate of Occupancy has been issued, sh all be presumed and deemed n hêafé änd a permit stall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You"" "",,,9"? @peal this decision of the Baldino official to. the unsate structures Board in cordanc iil apter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the - ~-=::::::::::::::--:-:::_-_-_-_ .. _- ~drl1u~eîfdfeafjtfee~wtil~I r~ems;ul~t ;in~t~he~B:u~ild;infflOfficial reguestin~ a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board e next available calendar. üni agg +# 3g¡ma rs Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, ebuildin or structure shall be demolished without further notice. e {n3lation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. Violation Type: BV-9165 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Davie. 4/44/9n94 44.92.22 AA 51 ttn4a 1 1 :0 0 A M Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00329 BVB18000187 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 4525 COLLINS AVE EDEN ROC LLLP Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 4525 Collins Ave. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Installation of guardrails and a raised platform. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. ED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE LUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM E REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED 11:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00376 US2018-02847 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5445 COLLINS AVE CASTLE BEACH CLUB CONDO Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Due to sprinkler head broke at unit 1706 an extensive water migration occurred down the main elevator shafts and through the floors. Power must be disconnected in affected areas. Power will remain disconnected until engineer's report is submitted to evaluate extend of the damages and methods of repairs. Need to obtain approved permit for the required repairs. Power will be re- connected after engineer report identifying safety condition for reconnections is submitted to the Building Department. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5- UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND . UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE 'UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEAL TH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. lo Da rieol. 4 /4 4 /9 n 9 4 14.92.2 AAA /\1 / /VML/Ln .4 l 11:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fine Inspection Description: Zone4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00541 US2017-01941 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2001 BAY DR THE LOIS APARTMENTS, LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Concrete railing failed, need to obtain approved permit and inspections. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE 1$£11% .2£$%22 2.4414% 0%2..8,%3$1%. e BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNIN COR PORA TE D AREAS O F MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WI TH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APP EALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DE CLAR ING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE TH ERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. s a ±defis$1is ks.hid#»sh%ii is,s%dis.uni. sci@hi s 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00481 US2019-03101 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 410 EUCLID AVE P&S APARTMENTS CONDO ASSO., INC. Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1801013 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION OF OLDER BUILDINGS REPORT. 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00544 BVB19000459 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1250 WEST AVE BAY GARDEN MANOR CONDO ASSOC., INC. Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. New evidence of water intrusion observed at unit #1 J, need to submit a report signed and sealed 1 by an engineer to identify the source of the water intrusion together with methods of repairs. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is ------- «t ein4a D vieol 1/44/n94 449 2.22 /AI o b ta in e d in th e re la te d p e r m its to c lo s e th e c a s e . A d d iti o n a l s p e c ifi c d e ta ils c o n c e rn in g th e v io la tio n to g e th e r w ith p h o to g r a p h s c a n b e o b ta in e d fr o m th e B u ild in g D e p a rt m e n t V io la tio n S e c tio n in w r itin g u p o n re q u e s t. Y o u h a v e th e rig h t to a p p e a l th is d e c is io n o f th e B u ild in g O ff ici a l to th e U n s a fe S tr u c tu re s B o a rd in a c c o r d a n c e w it h C h a p te r 8 , s e ct i on 8 -5 o f th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty C o d e . F a ilu r e to c o m p ly b y th e d u e d a te w ill re s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ffi ci a l re q u e s tin g a h e a r in g b e fo r e th e U n s a fe S tru c tu r e s B o a rd o n th e n e x t a v a ila b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s th e d e c is io n o f th e U n s a fe S tru c tu re s B o a rd is a p p e a le d , th e b u ild in g o r s tr u c tu r e s h a ll b e d e m o lis h e d w ith o u t fu rt h e r n o tic e . "("".:,•' ' '. ·:··,. . ' '. :- . ' ' '.. .. : ·:· . >, ,·:,:'•,:.: '.,. . ... ··.. . . . { MIAMI-DADE C Y MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTEF 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND D UTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREA S OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMME DIATE DAN GER TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. " 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00553 US2019-03201 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5445 COLLINS AVE CASTLE BEACH CLUB CONDO., ASSOC., INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 5445 COLLINS AVE. Notice of violation is in reference to the water intrusion observed in TH-10. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by an engineer to determine the source of the water intrusion along with methods of repair. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. If compliance is not obtained by 08/27/2019; penalty of $500.00 shall apply. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE i UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND I UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEAL TH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA North Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00587 US2016-00046 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7717 BYRON AVE BRYON PROPERTIES LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION. Work done without approved permit. New cameras, electrical conduits. New boiler tank, electrical panels. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double fees apply. As per Miami-Dade County Chapter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. If compliance is not obtained by the due penalty of $500.00 will be imposed. MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE._ º- /HFN WORK FOR WHICH A Pi=RMIT 1s Ri=rn IIRi=n 1s STAFni=n PRlnR Tn TH!= n¡:¡TA1N1Nr.; ni= sA1n PF=R~AIT THi= . -Q Dos+il . /14/9094 11·92.22 /AM t8 I o APPL I C AN T F O R A PE R MI T S H AL L BE RE Q UI R ED T O P A Y $10 0.0 0 PLU S D O U BL E TH E FEE A S SP E CI FI ED H E RE I N AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FR OM FULLY COMPLYING WI TH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THI S CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00591 BVC18000216 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1228 WEST AVE BAYVIEW TERRACE CONDO Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 1228 WEST AVE. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Violation consisting of new duct work, frame repair and new dry wall installation. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permits and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Walk through done on 10/01/2018 the following issues needs corrections Replacement of A/C, dryer exhaust vents not as per Code. Need to obtain approved permit for the A/C replacement, need to check all exhaust conduits to install them as per the Code. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)1ncomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. B\V-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 1:30PM A R E A North Beach, Zone 1 Inspector drian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: I DEBBY DARBY µ_ _5 £ s.. #f, „"as. 'E 4éi!#%r" PROGRESS REPORT- EXTENSION REQUEST ON 11-16-~ . ~)i ~ M K ' SMB2019-00596 US2019-03013 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 7330 BYRON AVE # 8. 7330 BYRON AVE Evidence of work done without approved permit. Notice of violation is in reference to the reconfiguration of the 2nd floor. Kitchen has been added, a wall was plastered to separate the unit and a floor was installed to create a new unit. Double permit fees apply. Need to submit required documents to obtain a permit and request the final inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. D a ria . 4 /4 4 /9 n1 9 4 4 4 .9 2 .2 2 AA I ? (a )G e n e ra l. (3 )In c o m p le te b u ild in g s co m m e n c e d w ith o u t a pe rm it o r fo r w h ic h th e pe rm it ha s e x p ire d , o r c o m p le te d bu ild in g s co m m e n c e d w ith o u t a pe rm it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e rm it ha s e x p ire d , prio r to co m p le tio n an d no C e rtifi c a te o f O c c u p a n c y ha s be e n is s u e d , sh a ll be p re s u m e d a n d d e e m e d un s a fe a n d a pe rm it sh a ll b e o b ta in e d to d e m o lis h th e stru c tu re o r b rin g th e b u ild in g in to co m p lia n c e w ith th e a p p lic a b le co d e s as p ro v id e d h e re in . A d d itio n a l sp e c ifi c d e ta ils co n c e rn in g th e vio la tio n to g e th e r w ith p h o to g ra p h s ca n be o b ta in e d fro m th e B u ild in g D e p a rtm e n t V io la tio n S e c ti o n in w ritin g u p o n re q u e st. Y o u ha v e th e rig h t to a p p e a l th is d e c is io n o f th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l to th e U n s a fe S tru c tu re s B o a rd in a c c o rd a n c e w ith C h a p te r 8 , se ct io n 8 -5 o f th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty C o d e . Fa ilu re to co m p ly by th e d u e da te w ill re s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ici a l re q u e stin g a he a rin g be fo re th e U n s a fe S tru c tu re s B o a rd o n th e ne x t av a ila b le c a le n d a r. U n le s s th e d e c is io n o f th e U n s a fe S tru c tu re s B o a rd is a p p e a le d , th e b u ild in g o r stru c tu re sh a ll be d e m o lis h e d w ith o u t fu rt h e r no tic e . V io la ti o n w ill n o t b e cl o s e d u n til fi n a l in s p e c tio n is o b ta in e d in th e re la te d pe rm its to clo se th e ca s e . e#.2£.2%"%2% LIE VE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM ODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED ski»ose»bises 2:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Comments: Violation Type: Property Address: 3098 AL TON ROAD Work done without appro submit the required docu If compliance is not oblai Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Str tures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete bu· gs commen without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed bui I s commenced out a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completio~. <:1 no Certificate of Oc ancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe a)dé permit shall be obtained' demolish the structure or bring the building into compliafjce with the applicable codes a rovided herein. Addjtióríal specific details concerning the jolation together with photographs can be obtained from theBuilding Department Violation Section' writing upon request. / ou have the right to appeal this decision o e Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in ccordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the· iami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the ue date will result in the Building Official requ · ing a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board n the next available calendar. Unless the decis of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, he building or structure shall be demolished with further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). its, garage at the rear converted into living space. Need to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. 2:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00298 US2018-02499 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 3098 AL TON RD 3098 AL TON ROAD Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Work done without approved permits, garage at the rear converted into living space. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or l) completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to Davie 4/44/9n194 449 2.22 AAA ne c o m p le ti o n a n d n o C e rt ifi c a t e o f O c c u p a n c y h a s b e e n is s u e d , s h a ll b e p re s u m e d a n d d e e m e d u n s a f e a n d a p e r m it s h a ll b e o b t a in e d to d e m o lis h th e s t r u c t u r e o r b r in g th e b u ild in g in to c o m p lia n c e w it h th e a p p lic a b le c o d e s a s p r o v id e d h e r e in . A d d it io n a l s p e ci fi c d e t a ils c o n c e rn in g th e v io la ti o n to g e t h e r w it h p h o t o g r a p h s c a n b e o b ta in e d fr o m th e B u ild in g D e p a r tm e n t V io la t io n S e c t io n in w r it in g u p o n re q u e s t. Y o u h a v e th e r ig h t to a p p e a l th is d e c is io n o f th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l to th e U n s a f e S tr u c tu r e s B o a r d in a c c o r d a n c e w it h Ch a p t er 8 , s e ct i on 8 -5 o f th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n t y C o d e . F a ilu r e to c o m p ly b y th e d u e d a t e w ill r e s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l r e q u e s t in g a h e a r in g b e fo r e th e U n s a f e S t r u c tu r e s B o a r d o n th e n e x t a v a ila b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s th e d e c is io n o f th e U n s a f e S t r u c tu r e s B o a r d is a p p e a le d , th e b u ild in g o r s t r u c t u r e s h a ll b e d e m o lis h e d w it h o u t f u rt h e r n o t ic e . V io la ti o n w ill n o t b e c lo s e d u n t il fi n a l in s p e c tio n (s ) is /a re o b t a in e d in m a s te r a n d if a p p lic a b le r el a t e d p er m it(s ). D AD E C O UN T Y M U NI C IP AL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION „2 UNS AF E STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WH I CH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRI OR TO TH E OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER Ac..- TG Department Violation# US2018-02901 FRANCISCO RODRIGUEZ i.'¡,~~~ 2:30PM A R E A North Beach, Zone 1 Inspector drian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Status: Open Comments: Violation Type: REQUEST EXTENSION OF TIME (TIMELY REQUEST PRIOR TO 11-2-20 DUE DATE) NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 8001 BYRON AVE# 2E. Permit B 1603335 in SUSPENDED status. Need to hire a contractor able to obtain an approved permit and final inspections. Sec. 8-5. - Uns afe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. As per Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) Physical criteria (2) building is unsafe. the building Official has the authority to deem and declare the property UNSAFE. If compliance is not obtained by 01/28/ 2019; penalty of $500.00 shall apply. R CHANGE OF ENGINEER PA DEPARTMENT. 2:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00550 US2019-03172 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7420 COLLINS AVE R.K. ASSOCIATES #3 INC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1901236 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply D v ie a l · 4 /1 1 /3 n 9 4 11 .9 2 .2 2 I I Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be dernoUshed. ,, 5AP9We. FAI LURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTI FICATION BUILDINGS REPORT. " se 2:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 In s p ector A d ri a n Avalos Comments: Violation Type: $MB2019-00602 BV15001097 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7420 COLLINS AVE R.K. ASSOCIATES #3, INC. Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Work done without permit: Installation of cen tral A/C, also evidence of spalling concrete appears. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections for the A/C installation, need to submit an engineer report to evaluate the structure together with methods of repairs. Double fees apply for the work done without permit. As per Miami-Dade County Ch apter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. N e e d to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit within 30 days. Penalty of $500.00 will be imposed in compliance is not obtained by the due date. (Building Violation) 2:30PM Special Master Case# D e p a rt m e n t V io la ti o n # A R EA Fire Inspection D e s c rip tio n : Zone 1 In s p e c tor Adrian A v al o s C o m m e n ts : Violation Type: SMB2019-00606 U S 2 0 17-0 0 9 3 8 S M In itia l H e a rin g P ro p e rty A d d re s s : 52 5 M E R ID IA N A V E A R N O L D S A N T IA G O JOSEFINA DELGADO Status: Open P R O GR E S S RE P OR T N o tic e of vio la tio n issu e d to U ni t##30 3 In s ta lla tio n of do o rs w itho u t ap p ro v e d pe rm its. N e e d to submit the required documents to obtain ap p ro v e d pe rm its a nd in s p e c tio n s . D o u b le fe e s sh a ll ap p ly an d a pe na lty of $5 0 0 .0 0 w ill be im p o se d if co m p lia n c e is no t ac h ie ve d by the du e da te . S e c. 8-5 . - Un s a fe S truct ure s. (a )G e n e ra l. (3 )In c o m p le te bu ild in g s commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or co m p le te d bu ild in g s co m m e n c e d w itho u t a pe rm it o r fo r w hic h the pe rm it ha s exp ired , prio r to co m p le tio n a nd no C e rtific ate of O c cu p a n cy ha s be e n issu e d , sh a ll be pre su m e d an d deemed un sa fe an d a pe rm it sh a ll be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into co m p lia n c e with the applicable codes as provided herein. M IAM I D AD E C O U NT Y MU N ICI PAL C OD E CHAPTER 8, S E C TION 8-12 UNSAFE STR UCTURE - FEE S (c) DOUBLE FEE. WH E N W O RK FOR WH ICH A P E R M IT IS RE Q U IRE D IS S T AR TE D P RI OR T O TH E OBTAINING OF SAID PE RMIT, TH E AP PL I C AN T FOR A PE R MI T SHALL BE R E Q UI RE D T O PAY $10 0.0 0 PL U S DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN A S TH E C O S T O F THE PE R M IT . THE P A YM E N T O F A P E RM I T FEE S H AL L N O T R EL I E VE AN Y P ER S O N FI RM OR C OR P OR A TI O N F R OM F U LL Y C OM PL YI N G WI TH TH E RE Q UI R E ME N T S O F TH I S C OD E , N OR FROM AN Y O TH E R PEN AL TI E S P R E S C RI BE D THEREIN. 13. Dorico. 4/14/094 41.2.22 AMA .al et S p e c ia l M a s te r C a s e # 3:30PM w wet, A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Department Violation # Inspector my Kwiatkowski Comments: Violation Type: SMA2019-02150 CC2019-07653 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1446 OCEAN DR 1446 OCEAN DRIVE ASSOCIATION Status: Denied REHEARING OF THIS CASE AT THE REQUEST OF CODE CC2019-07653 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 7-26-19 1 » , e situated on any property without first obtaining a tree work ' 3:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA North Beach, Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00270 US2017-02251 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7133 BAY DR YOAN CARRILLO Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master SECOND EXTENION OF TIME TO COMPLY (NOT TIMELY) NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 505 Evidence of work done without approved permit. New partition, new NC, new electrical installation. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. MIAMI DADE COUNT Y MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PE RMI T. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WI TH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 3:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00312 US2017-01335 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1145 NORMANDY DR GLADYS LOPEZ AVILA Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQUESTING EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY (TIMELY REQUEST) & STOP FINES NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 503 Work done without approved permit. Installation of wood floor and kitchen cabinets, new lights. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspection. Double fees shall apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. 13 D ri l . 4/44/9n194 44.92.22 AAA (a )G e n e r a l. (3 )In c o m p le te b u ild in g s c o m m e n c e d w ith o u t a p e r m it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e rm it h a s e x p ire d , o r c o m p le te d b u ild in g s c o m m e n c e d w ith o u t a p e r m it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e r m it h a s e x p ir e d , p rio r to c o m p le tio n a n d n o C e r tifi c a te o f O c c u p a n c y h a s b e e n is s u e d , s h a ll b e p r e s u m e d a n d d e e m e d u n s a f e a n d a p e r m it s h a ll b e o b ta in e d to d e m o lis h th e s tru c tu r e o r b r in g th e b u il d in g in to c o m p li a n c e w ith th e a p p li c a b le c o d e s a s p ro v id e d h e r e in . A d d iti o n a l s p e c ifi c d e ta il s c o n c e rn in g th e v io la tio n to g e th e r w ith p h o to g ra p h s c a n b e o b ta in e d fr o m th e B u ild in g D e p a r tm e n t V io la ti o n S e c ti o n in w ritin g u p o n re q u e s t. Y o u h a v e th e rig h t to a p p e a l th is d e ci s io n o f th e B u il d in g O ff ici a l to th e U n s a fe S tru c tu re s B o a rd in a c c o r d a n c e w ith C h a p te r 8 , s e c tio n 8 -5 o f th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty C o d e . F a ilu r e to c o m p ly b y th e d u e d a te w ill re s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ici a l re q u e s ti n g a h e a r in g b e fo r e th e U n s a fe S tru c tu re s B o a rd o n th e n e x t a v a il a b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s th e d e c is io n o f th e U n s a fe S tru c tu r e s B o a rd is a p p e a le d , th e b u ild in g o r s tr u c tu r e s h a ll b e d e m o lis h e d w ith o u t fu rt h e r n o tic e . N O T IC E O F V IO L A T IO N IS S U E D . U n it 5 0 3 W o r k d o n e w ith o u t a p p r o v e d p e r m it. In s ta ll a ti o n o f w o o d fl o o r a n d k itc h e n c a b in e ts , n e w lig h ts . N e e d to s u b m it th e re q u ire d d o c u m e n ts to o b ta in a p p ro v e d p e rm it a n d in s p e c tio n . D o u b le fe e s s h a ll a p p ly . If c o m p lia n c e is n o t o b ta in e d b y th e d u e d a te , p e n a lty o f $5 0 0 .0 0 s h a ll a p p ly . S e c . 8 -5 . - U n s a fe S tr u c tu re s . (a )G e n e r a l. (3 )In c o m p le te b u ild in g s c o m m e n c e d w ith o u t a p e rm it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e rm it h a s e x p ire d , o r c o m p le te d b u il d in g s c o m m e n c e d w ith o u t a p e r m it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e r m it h a s e x p ir e d , p rio r to c o m p le tio n a n d n o C e rt ifi c a te o f O c c u p a n c y h a s b e e n is s u e d , s h a ll b e p r e s u m e d a n d d e e m e d u n s a fe a n d a p e r m it s h a ll b e o b ta in e d to d e m o li s h th e s tru c tu re o r b rin g th e b u ild in g in to c o m p lia n c e w ith th e a p p lic a b le c o d e s a s p ro v id e d h e re in . A d d iti o n a l s p e c ifi c d e ta ils c o n c e rn in g th e v io la tio n to g e th e r w ith p h o to g ra p h s c a n b e o b ta in e d fro m th e B u ild in g D e p a r tm e n t V io la tio n S e c tio n in w ritin g u p o n re q u e s t. Y o u h a v e th e rig h t to a p p e a l th is d e c is io n o f th e B u ild in g O ff ici a l to th e U n s a fe S tru c tu re s B o a rd in a c c o r d a n c e w ith C h a p te r 8 , s e c tio n 8 -5 o f th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty C o d e . F a ilu r e to c o m p ly b y th e d u e d a te w ill re s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l re q u e s tin g a h e a r in g b e fo r e th e U n s a fe S tru c tu re s B o a rd o n th e n e x t a v a ila b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s th e d e c is io n o f th e U n s a fe S tru c tu r e s B o a rd is a p p e a le d , th e b u il d in g o r s tr u c tu r e s h a ll b e d e m o lis h e d w ith o u t fu rt h e r n o tic e . Special Master Case# 3:30PM Department Violation # AREA South Beach, Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. ~ :-5 i. a@ Description: Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY STOP WORK ORDER ISSUED. Unit 412 Evidence of work done without approved permit. Commenced work while permit BC1910305 is in applied status. Need to stop all work until approved permit is obtained. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED '~ WHFNNO PERMIT IS ORTAINFD ON MOR FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS RFOIIRFD THF APPLICANT SHAI BF ' Davie· 4 14 4 /9 n 9 4 44.92.22 AM gs94qt@iii B\V-9165 RE Q UI RE D T O P A Y $5 0 0.0 0 P LU S D O UB L E FE E S FOR A PE RM I T , A S SP ECI FIE D HERE I N AS TH E C O ST O F TH E P E R M IT . T H E P A Y M E N T O F A PE R M IT FE E S H A LL N O T R E LI EV E A N Y PER SO N , FIR M , O R C O R PO R ATIO N FRO M F ULLY C OM P L YI N G WI TH TH E RE Q UIRE M E N T S OF TH I S C OD E, NO R FR OM AN Y O TH ER PENALTIES PRE SCR I BED T H E R E IN , . . . . . .. . .. . . ... •. . .. .. . .··· ··•·· .• . . . • . . .... . .. . ·. ·•· i f s #iss ue sh#his$, 3:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector A d ria n A v al o s Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00458 BV C 18 000 222 S M In itia l H e aring Property Address: 110 S SH O R E DR KATHERINE TABOADA EDITH LOO Status: Open R E Q U E S T IN G TO ST O P FIN E S A N D A D D IT IO N A L TIM E TO CO M PLY N O T IC E O F V IO LA T IO N IS S UE D . 110 S SH O R E D R. P erm it B P 16 13 85 on S U S P E N D ED status. Need to obtain appro ved perm it and call inspections. S e c. 8-5 . - Un s afe Structures. (a )G e nera l. (3 ) In com p le te buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expire d, or com p leted buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, prior to com p letio n and no C ertificate of O ccupancy has been issued, shall be presum ed and deem ed unsafe and a perm it shall be obtained to dem olish the structure or bring the building into com p lia nce w ith the applicable codes as pro vided herein. A s pe r Flo rida Build ing C ode and M iam i-D ade C ounty chapter 8-5 (6) Physical criteria (2) building is unsafe , the build ing O fficial has the authority to deem and declare the property U N SA FE. If com plia nce is not obtained by Septem ber 25th , 2017; the case w ill be sent to M iam i-Dade C o unty U nsa fe Structure Board and penalty of $500.00 w ill be imp o sed. B V -10 2 5 PERMI T H A S E X P IR E D W IT H O U T O BT A IN IN G T H E R EQ U IR E D M A N D AT O R Y IN SPEC TIO N S. 3:30PM A R E A Middle Beach, Zone 1 Inspector A d rian A v a lo s Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00509 SV C 19 00 03 12 S M In itia l H e aring Property Address: SARITA KUMAR 3025 IN DI A N C R EEK D R EX T E N S IO N O F TlrX (T IM E LY R E Q U E N O T IC E O F V IO LA T IO N . 3025 IN D IA N C R Evid e nce of w ork done w ithout approved perm it. o Ic of violation is in re rence to the new ele ctrical pa nel and new show er. Double perm it fees app . ed to sub it required docum ents to obtain a perm it and re quest the final inspection. If com pliance is no obtained by the due date pe na lty of $5 00.00 sha ll apply. S ec. 8-5 . - U nsafe S tructures. (a )G ene ral. (3 )In com p le te buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or for w hich the perm it has expired, or com p leted buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, prior to com p le tio n and no C ertificate of O ccupancy has been issued, shall be presum ed and deem ed unsafe and a perm it sha ll be obtained to dem olish the structure or bring the building into co m p lia n ce w ith the applicable codes as provided herein. A dd itio na l speci fic details concern ing the violation together w ith photographs can be obtained from the B uild ing D epartm e nt V iolation Section in w riting upon request. Y o u have the rig ht to appeal this decision of the Building Off icial to the Unsafe Structures Board in acco rda n ce w ith C hapter 8, section 8-5 of the M iam i-D ade C ounty C ode. Failure to com ply by the du e da te w ill result in the Building O ff icial requesting a hearing befo re the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the build ing or structure shall be dem olished w ithout further notice. _,_ ___________________ V_i_o_la_ti_on_w_ill_n_o_t_b_e_c_lo_s_ed_u_nt_il_fi_n_al_i_ns_p_e_c_tio_n_i_s_o_b_ta_in_e_d_i_n_th_e_r_e_la_te_d_p_e_r_m_it_s_to_cl_os_e_t_h_e_c_a_se_._.., 5· Dorie+l. 1/14/9n94 4492.22 AM THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNI IPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE z.±.%e #%%±%.1%.%%%%- THEREIN. ., ________ S_p_e_c-ia_l _M_a_s-te_r_C_a_s_e_# __ S_M_B_2_0_1_9_-0_0_5_2_8 P_ro_p_e_rt_y_A_d_d-re_s_s_: --58_3_8_C_O_L_L_IN_S_A_V_E , -~-·."2~7-,\ _·, 3:30PM Department Violation# US2017-02009 THE 5838 CONDO A R E A Middle Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master Comments: MITIGATION Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Dry wall repair in corridors, need to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. 6:00PM Inspector Randy Russell MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02242 CC2020-08132 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 944 COLLINS AVE HHLP BLUE MOON LESSEE, LLC Status: Appealed NEW CODE / BTR APPEAL CC2020-08132 BTR APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 1/15/20 Business Tax Article V, Section 102-377. Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Receipt -013c lo D ri l · 4/44/9n194 44.92.22 AA we nw 6 :0 0 P M A R E A Middle Beach, Zone 2 Inspector William Alfonso Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02243 CC2020-08148 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 345 W 34 ST FRANK GUZIKOWSKI Status: Appealed f \ d I - "woe NEW CODE I TREE APPEAL CC2020-08148 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 1/16/20 Section 46-58,46-59, 46-67(1). It shall be unlawful for any person, unless otherwise permitted by the provisions of this division, to perform any tree or palm removal work, or effectively destroy any non- specimen tree, specimen tree, heritage tree, or prohibited species located within the boundaries of the City of Miami Beach, on either public or private property, without first obtaining a tree work permit. 6:00PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector William Alfonso Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02244 CC2020-08163 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 345 W 34 ST FRANK GUZIKOWSKI Status: Appealed NEW CODE I TREE APPEAL CC2020-08163 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 1/16/2020 6:00PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Rafael Rosquete Comments: Violation Type: SMN2020-00095 NC2020-13447 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1614 AL TON RD PLAZA CONSTRUCTION GROUP FLORIDA LLC Status: Appealed NEW NOISE VIOLATION NC2020-13447 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE 1/17/2020 Inspection of the above premises this date has revealed that you are in violation of Section 46-152 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach by making, continuing, or causing to be made or continued any unreasonably loud, excessive, unnecessary or unusual noise. YOU SHALL IMMEDIATELY CEASE THE VIOLATION. You shall be subject to additional penalties if the violation continues. Repeat violations of Section 46-152 will result in the imposition of larger fines and may also result in revocation, suspension, or the imposition of restrictions on an occupational license and /or certificate of use, or accessory use, and/or injunctive and/or other legal proceedings as provided by law. .± Da vie 4/14/9 94 44)2.22 AAA S p e c ia l M a s te r C a s e # SMB2017-00237 / Property Address: 5101 COLLINS AVE 10:00AM JB03000238 Department Violation # BV03000047 MENADA INC AREA Description: SM Appeals Hearing Status: MITIGATION Inspector Comments: A V A LO S MITIGATION Violation Type: Special Master Case# 6:00PM Department Violation # NC2020-16032 AREA Description: SMN2020-00098 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1743 MICHIGAN AVE STEVEN KW A RTIN Status: Appealed is£petar M cL ean Comments: NEW CODE /NOISE Violation Type: Special Master Case# 6:00PM Department Violation # NC2020-15969 AREA Description: SMA2020-00100 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1743 MICHIGAN AVE STEVE KWARTIN Status: Appealed Inspector McLean Comments: NEW CODE NOISE APPEAL Violation Type: p rieal. 4144/9n94 449 2.22 AAA mwnt#t 6 :0 0 P M Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA ire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector dandy Russell Comments: SMN2020-00104 NC2020-17191 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1743 MICHIGAN AVE STEVEN KWARTIN Status: Appealed NEW CODE / NOISE APPEAL Violation Type: 6:00PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Description: SMN2020-00106 NC2020-17280 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1568 DREXEL AV JOHANN DAL TON Status: Appealed inspector SANTANA Comments: NEW CODE /NOISE APPEAL Violation Type: D vieol. 4/44/n194 44.2 .22 MI