2021/06/10 AgendaSpecial Master Agenda fo r: Thursday, June 10, 2021 09:00:00 AREA North Beach, Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00270 US2017-02251 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7133 BAY DR YOAN CARRILLO Status: Lien CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 505 Evidence of work done without approved permit. New partition, new A/C, new electrical installation. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the du e da te pe na lty of $5 0 0 .0 0 sh a ll a p p ly . S e c. 8-5 . - Un s afe S truc ture s. (a )G e n e ra l. (3 )In co m p le te bu ild in g s co m m e n c ed w itho u t a pe rm it o r fo r w h ic h the pe rm it ha s exp ired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to co m p le tio n an d no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into co m p lia nc e w ith the ap p lica b le co d e s as pro vid e d he rein . A dd itio n a l sp e ci fic d e ta ils co n c ern in g the vio la tio n to g e th e r w ith photographs can be obtained from th e B u ild in g D e pa rt m e nt V io la tio n Section in writing upon request. Y o u ha v e the rig h t to ap p e a l th is de c isio n of th e B u ild in g O ff ici a l to the U n sa fe S tructu re s B o a rd in ac co rda n c e w ith C h a p te r 8 , se ct ion 8-5 of the M ia m i-D a de County Code. Failure to comply by the du e da te w ill re su lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l re q u e sti n g a he a rin g be fo re th e U n sa fe S truc tu re s B o a rd on the ne xt ava ila b le ca le nd a r. U n le ss th e de cis io n of th e U n sa fe S tructu re s B o a rd is a p p e a le d , the bu ild in g or structu re sh a ll be de m o lis h e d w itho u t fu rt he r no tic e . V io la tio n w ill no t be cl o s e d un til fi n a l in s p e ctio n is ob ta in e d in the re la ted pe rm its to clo se the ca se . B V -9 16 5 M IA M I D A D E C O U N T Y M U N ICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SE CTION 8-12 UNSAF E STR UCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. W H E N W O R K FO R W H IC H A P E R M IT IS R E Q U IR E D IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE A P P LI C A N T FO R A P E R M IT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE TH E FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN A S T H E C O S T OF THE PERMIT. TH E PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR C O R P O RATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 09:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: $MB2019-00544 BVB 19000459 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1250 WEST AVE BAY GARDEN MANOR CONDO ASSOC., INC. Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED . New evidence of water intrusion observed at unit #1 J, Need to submit a report signed and sealed by an engineer to identify the source of the water intrusion together with methods of repairs. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. A dd itio n a l sp e cific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. Y o u ha v e th e rig h t to a p p e al this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in ac co rda n c e w ith C h a p te r 8 , se c tion 8-5 of the M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty C o d e . Fa ilure to comply by the du e da te w ill re su lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l re q u e stin g a he a rin g be fo re the U n sa fe S truc tu re s B o a rd on th e ne xt ava ila b le ca le nd a r. U n le ss th e de c isio n of the U n sa fe S tructures B o a rd is a p p e a le d , the bu ild in g or stru ctu re sh a ll be d e m o lis h e d w itho ut furt h e r no tice . MIAMI-DADE C O U N T Y M U NIC IP AL C OD E CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE S TRU C T U RE S -(a) GENE asee± e .2 a%e.%%:7 5.%%e a e ±ter%±% a2%2%5 29 E N T R U S T E D WI TH H E AR I N G AP PE AL S OF D E CI SI O N S OF B U ILD I N G O FF I CI ALS DE CL AR I N G S T R U C T UR E S T O BE U N S A F E WH E R E TH E R E IS AN IM M ED I A T E DAN G ER T O TH E HEALTH AN D S AF E T Y O F TH E CI TI ZE N S, ALL I N TH E M AN N E R P RE S CR IBE D IN THIS SE C TI ON . Davie· KIA7/9n94 49.rn.A2 DIA Dara 1 f On 09:00:00 AREA South Beach, Zone 2 Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2020-00646 BVC18000042 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 900 EUCLID AVE BRAULIO CARRASCO Status: Open RESET FOR PROPER SERVICE FROM 3-11-21 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 17 Evidence of work done without approved permit. Kitchen cabinets installed. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 09:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2021-00989 US2020-03545 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 834 RAYMOND ST LFC MIAMI PROPERTIES LLC Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Wood deck area collapsed, need to secure the area immediately to prevents hazard, need to provide engineer report to evaluate damages together with methods of repairs. Failure to comply by Friday 12/04/2020, red tag to request to vacate the property will be posted As per Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) Physical criteria (2) building is unsafe, the building Official has the authority to deem and declare the property UNSAFE. Is compliance is not achieved by 12/04/2020 the case will be sent to Miami-Dade County Unsafe Structure Board and penalty of $500.00 fees for unsafe violation will be imposed. Da rieal· £I47/9 4 49.£n.A2 DIA Da 3 On BV-9005 MI A MI -DAD E C O UNTY M U NI CI PAL CO DE CH AP TE R 8, SEC TI ON 8-5 - UN S AF E STR U C TU RE S - (a) GE N E R AL (1) TH E UNSA FE STR UC TUR ES BO AR D IS CR E A TED TO EX ER C IS E TH R O U G HO UT TH E IN C O R PO R ATED A N D UN IN C O R PO RA TED AR EA S O F M IA M I-DA DE CO U N TY TH E PO W ER S AN D DUTIES G RA NTED BY TH IS 'SEC TIO N . TH E BO AR D SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEAL TH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. h 4eh he0e0e0e 09:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Comments: Violation Type: SMB2021-00990 BV15000528 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2150 BAY DR 2150 BAY DRIVE 6 LLC Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED.Fire occurred that affects unit #6, Power was disconnected in the unit. Need to secure the property. Need to obtain approved permit for the required repairs. Building and electrical permits are required will require an engineer's report specifying the cause and the extent of the damage as well as what repairs need to be made. (Building Violation) ! ..i 09:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fine Inspection Zone 4 Description: Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2021-00991 BVC20000647 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5825 COLLINS AVE SIMON SCHLANGER TRS BRENDA SCHLANGER TRS SIMON SCHLANGER BRENDA SCHLANGER Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. unit 4 C water intrusion observed in ceiling in the 4th floor corridor coming from refrigerant lines of the unit. Need to obtain an approved permit and inspection to proper repair/ insulate lines BV-1030 3401.6 MAINTENANCE: ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, ELECTRICAL, GAS, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS, BOTH EXISTING AND NEW, AND ALL PARTS THEREOF, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A SAFE AND SANITARY CONDITION. ALL DEVICES OR SAFEGUARDS WHICH ARE REQUIRED BY THE TECHNICAL CODES WHEN CONSTRUCTED, ALTERED OR REPAIRED, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. THE OWNER, OR HIS DESIGNATED AGENT, SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, ELECTRICAL, GAS, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS. g a s i Si i,i.i.o s si ' d&i.ga e 09:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA NONE Inspector John Berry Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2021-00992 BV13000445 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 91 O BA Y DR JOVANY ALBERTO CHEDIAK Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION N.O.V. ISSUED BECAUSE PROPERTY OWNER DID NOT REPLY TO THE CERTIFIED MAIL SENT BY THE CONTRACTOR STATING THAT HE NEEDED TO CLOSE EXPIRED PERMIT Bm111511. PROPERTY OWNER NEEDS TO OBTAIN A NEW PERMIT AND FINAL INSPECTION IN ORDER TO CORRECT THIS VIOLATION (Building Violation) Dari+l · IA7/9p94 49.rn.A2 DIA .-J 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00329 BVB18000187 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 4525 COLLINS AVE EDEN ROC LLLP Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 4525 Collins Ave. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Installation of guardrails and a raised platform. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. , OF MIAM I BEA CH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (o) PENALTY IS IMPOSED O PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00379 US2017-01734 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 910 JEFFERSON AVE 91 O JEFFERSON TOWERS, INC. Status: Open REQUESTING TO STOP FINES AND EXTENSION OF TIME NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Work done without approved permit. Mini split A/C unit installed, new PVC plumbing line and exterior doors. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double fee apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Davieol. /A7/994 49.£n.A2 DI Daro A f ) Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board o n the ne xt ava ila b le cale nd a r. U n le ss the de cisio n of th e U n sa fe S tru ctures B o a rd is ap p ealed, th e bu ild in g or structu re sh a ll be de m o lish e d w itho u t fu rt he r no tic e . V io la tio n w ill no t be clo se d un til fi n a l in sp e ctio n is o b ta in e d in th e re la te d pe rm its to cl o se the ca se . M IA M I D A D E C O U N T Y M U N IC IP A L C O D E C H A P T E R 8, SE C TI O N 8-12 U N S AF E S TR U C T U R E - FEE S (c ) D O U B L E F E E . W H E N W O R K FO R W H IC H A P ER M IT IS R E Q U IR E D IS S T A R T ED P R IO R T O T H E O B T A IN IN G O F S A ID P E R M IT , T H E A P P LI C A N T FO R A P E R M IT S H A L L B E R E Q U IR ED T O P A Y $10 0 .0 0 P L U S D O U B L E T H E F E E A S S P E C IF IE D H E R E IN A S T H E C O S T O F T H E P E R M IT . T H E P A Y M E N T O F A P E R M IT FE E S H A L L N O T R E LI E V E A N Y P E R S O N F IR M O R C O R P O R A T IO N F R O M F U L L Y C O M P L Y IN G W IT H T H E R E Q U IR E M E N T S O F T H IS C O D E , N O R FR O M A N Y O T H E R P E N A L T IE S P R E S C R IB E D T H E R E IN . 10:00:00 A R EA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 In s p e c to r A d ria n A val o s Special Master Case# Department Violation # Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00429 U S 2 0 19 -0 3 0 2 7 S M In iti a l H e a rin g Property Address: 66 16 C O L LI N S A V E D&Y COLLINS, LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master P R O G R E S S R E P O R T N O T IC E O F V IO L A T IO N IS S U E D . P ro ce ss 4 0 Y R 18 0 10 5 0 no t in co m p lia n c e ; th e re fo re , as pe r th e Flo rid a B u ild in g C o d e an d M ia m i- D a d e C o u n ty chapter 8-5 (6 ), the pro p e rty is de e m e d un sa fe if a 40 Y e a r R e c ertifi ca tio n rep o rt is no t co m p le ted . Y o u m u st ha ve the 4 0 Y e a r R e c e rtific atio n . P ro ce ss(s ) co m p le ted w ithin th irty ca le nd a r da ys fro m th e po sti n g of th is no tic e . P e n a lty of $5 0 0 .0 0 sha ll a p p ly S e c. 8-5 . - Un s afe S truc tu res (6 ), B u ild in g s o r structu re s su b je ct to the rec e rt ifi ca tio n re q u irem e nts in S e ct io n 8-11(f) of th is C o d e w hic h th e ow ne r fa ils to tim e ly re sp o n d to the N o tic e of R e q u ire d In s p e ctio n or fails to m a ke all re q u ired re pa irs or m o d ifi ca tio n s fo u n d to be ne c e ssa ry res u ltin g fr o m the rece rtifi ca tio n in s p e ctio n by the de a d lin e sp e c ifie d in the C o d e or a n y w ritte n exte ns io n g ra nte d by the B u ild in g O ff ici a l w ill be de m o lish e d . 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Middle Beach, Zone 3 In s p e c tor A d ri a n A v a lo s Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00447 B V B 18 0 0 0 3 10 S M In itia l H e a rin g Property Address: 19 2 9 P U R D Y A V E AP SUNSET HARBOUR Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master P R O G R E S S R E P O R T S T O P W O R K O R D E R IS S U ED . E v id e n c e of w o rk do n e w itho u t a pp ro ve d pe rm it. In te rio r re n o v atio n in d o o r ba r an d w o rk sp a c e area re m o d e le d . N e e d to su b m it the re q u ired do c u m e n ts to ob ta in ap p ro ve d pe rm it an d in sp e ctio ns . D o u b le pe rm it fe e s ap p ly . If co m p lia n c e is no t o b ta in e d by the du e da te pe na lty of $5 0 0 .0 0 sha ll ap p ly . S e c. 8-5 . - Un s a fe S tructure s. (a )G e n e ra l. (3 )In c o m p le te bu ild in g s co m m e n ce d w itho ut a pe rm it o r fo r w h ic h the pe rm it ha s ex p ire d , o r co m p le ted bu ild in g s co m m e n c ed w itho u t a pe rm it or fo r w h ic h th e pe rm it ha s exp ired , prio r to co m p le tio n an d no C e rtifi c ate of O c cu p a ncy ha s be e n issu e d , sha ll be pre su m e d a nd de e m e d un sa fe an d a pe rm it sh a ll be ob ta in e d to de m o lis h th e structu re o r brin g the bu ild in g in to co m p lia n c e w ith th e ap p lica b le cod e s as pro vid e d he rein . A d d itio na l sp e c ifi c d e ta ils co n c ern ing the vio la tio n to g e th e r w ith ph o to g ra p hs ca n be ob ta in e d fro m th e B u ild in g D e p a rtm e nt V io la tio n S e ctio n in w ritin g up o n re q u e st. Y o u ha v e th e rig h t to ap p e a l th is de c isio n of the B u ild in g O ff ici a l to the U n sa fe S tructu res B o a rd in acco rd a n c e w ith C h a p te r 8, se ct ion 8-5 of th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty C o d e . Fa ilu re to co m p ly by the du e da te w ill resu lt in the B u ild in g O ff ici a l re q u e stin g a he a rin g be fo re the U n sa fe S truc tu res B o a rd on the ne xt av a ila b le ca le n d a r. U n le ss the de cisio n of th e U n sa fe S tru ctu re s B o a rd is ap p e a le d , th e bu ild in g or struc tu re sh a ll be de m o lish e d w itho u t fu rt h e r no tic e . V io la tio n w ill no t be clo s e d un til fi n a l in s p e ctio n is o b ta in e d in th e re la te d pe rm its to cl o se the ca se . Dsuie . £147/9n194 4 9 .£·A 2 DIA IT IS REQ U IR ED . THE APPLI C ANT SHA LL BE IT, AS SPEC IFIED HER EIN AS THE CO ST O F THE E ANY PER SO N, FIR M , O R CO RPO RATIO N FRO M , NO R FR O M ANY O TH ER PENA L TIES PR ESC R IBED 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00461 BVC18000011 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 900 EUCLID AVE LORRAINE KRIJGSMAN Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit #9 Evidence of work done without approved permit. kitchen and bathroom renovation and floor installation. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. ED ON W OR 0 PLUS DOUBLE F FA PERMIT FEE SH ' THE REQUIREMEN 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00467 US2018-02860 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 8035 HARDING AVE HARDING EXCALIBUR, LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQUEST TO CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR 180091 O not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification parie6l· KI47/9n194 49.£n.2 DI inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any w ritten extension granted by the Building Official w ill be dem olished. F A IL U R E TO PR O V ID E THE BU ILD IN G DEPA RTM ENT W ITH THE REQ U IR ED RE-C ER TIFIC ATIO N O F O LD ER B U IL D IN G S R E P O R T . 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A North Beach, Zone 4 Description: Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00470 US2016-00596 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 835 80 ST 835 80 STREET, LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process BR150296 not in compliance, therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) the property is deemed unsafe if a 40 Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40 Year Rec. processes completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6) Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00541 US2017-01941 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2001 BA Y DR THE LOIS APARTMENTS, LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Concrete railing failed, Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEAL TH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. Dsuil KIA7/9n94 49.£n42 DA Daro 7 f 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00622 BVB19000472 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 776 81 ST MOHAMMED ISAM Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQUEST TO CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 776 81 STREET. Notice of Violation is in reference to the installation of dry wall with no permit. Need to obtain approved permit(s) and call final inspections. Double fees and penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed unti l final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. H A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. T S FO R A PE R M I T, AS SPECIFIED HE LL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIR OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OT g i g t .tu t e e -¿ .e 10:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A South Beach, Zone 7 Description: Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00631 BV16000287 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 800 LINCOLN RD SOUTH BEACH TRISTAR 800 LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED.BR150195 not in compliance, therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) the property is deemed unsafe if a 40 Year Recertification report is not completed.You must have the 40 Year Rec. processes completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures(6) Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished (Building Violation) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEAL TH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. auiel· KI47/9n94 49 .£n ·4 D I Daro f n 11:00:00 AREA North Beach, Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00325 US2018-02655 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 6844 HARDING AVE FLORIDA LAKES PROPERTIES LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Evidence of work done without approved permit and in violation of the Florida Building Code, roof structure between buildings, roof work, electrical installation to include new panel, new plumbing installation, new windows and doors, unsecure railing, evidence of water intrusion in 2nd floor units, cameras installation. Need to hire a contractor able to obtain approved permit and inspections, need to submit permit application with plans to obtain approved permit and inspections in all trades involved. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. 11:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fine Inspection Description: Zone4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00326 US2018-02514 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 6844 HARDING AVE FLORIDA LAKES PROPERTIES LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Work done without approved permits, at units 7 and 10. Renovations include all trades. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5.- Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). Da vie6l I A7/9194 49.rn·A2 DIA Daro 0 f On BV-9165 M IAM I DAD E CO UN TY M U N IC IPA L CO D E CHA PTER 8, SE C TI ON 8-12 UNSAF E STR UC TUR E - FEES (c) DO UBLE FEE. W H E N W O R K FO R W H IC H A P E R M IT IS R E Q U IR E D IS S T A R T E D P R IO R T O T H E O B T A IN IN G O F S A ID P E R M IT , T H E A P P LI C A N T F O R A P E R M IT S H A L L B E R E Q U IR E D T O P A Y $1 0 0 .0 0 P L U S D O U B L E T H E F E E A S S P E C IF IE D H E R E IN A S T H E C O S T O F T H E P E R M IT . TH E P A Y M E N T O F A P E R M IT F E E S H A L L N O T R E LI E V E A N Y P E R S O N F IR M O R C O R P O R A T IO N F R O M F U L L Y C O M P L Y IN G W IT H T H E R E Q U IR E M E N T S O F T H IS C O D E , N O R F R O M A N Y O T H E R P E N A L T IE S P R E S C R IB ED TH E R E IN . 11 :00:00 S p e cia l M a ste r C a se # D e p a rt m e n t V io la tio n # A R EA Fire Inspection D e scrip ti o n : Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos C o m m e n ts: Violation Type: SMB2019-00336 US2018-02500 SM Initial Hearing P ro p e rt y A d d re ss: 1611 MICHIGAN AVE M O N T E R R E Y C O N D O P R O P E R T Y Status: Lien PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED TO PROPERTY OWNER BECAUSE PERMIT BC1702908 IS IN SUSPENDED STATUS. NEED TO DO A CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR AND OBTAIN A NEW PERMIT. 11:00:00 S p e cia l M a ste r C a se # D e p a rt m e n t V io la tio n # A R EA Fire Inspection D e scrip tio n : Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos C om m en t s: Violation Type: SMB2019-00341 US2018-02876 SM Initial Hearing P ro p e rt y A d d re ss: 1611 MICHIGAN AVE M O N T E R E Y C O N D O P R O P E R T Y Status: Lien PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 1611 Michigan Avenue. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Sliding glass door installed at balcony without a permit. Evidence of spalling concrete. Electrical connections done without a permit. Water heater installation without a permit. Need to submit signed and sealed report from a structural engineer to evaluate the structural damage together with the method of repair. As well as obtain an approved permit and inspection for the required repairs. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. BV-9005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE D?o vi l £/A7/9 94 49.£n·A DI Dar An f On BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCL USIVE JURI SDICTION IN BOTH TH E INC OR PORATE D AND UNINC ORP ORA TED AREA S OF MI AM I-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POW ER S, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTR USTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE TH ERE IS AN IMMED IATE DANGER TO THE HEAL TH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. 11:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00353 US2017-01474 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 860 COLLINS AVE UNITED BOX INC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED FOR INTERIOR DEMOLITION, NEW PARTITIONS, EXPOSED WIRING, NEW MINI SPLIT UNITS AND INSTALLATION OF PLYW OOD DECK ON THE ROOF WITHOUT THE REQUIRED PERMITS. NEED TO OBTAIN PERMITS FO R ALL TRADES INVOLVED. DOUBLE FEES AND PENAL TY SHALL APPL Y. 11:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM B2019-00444 BV16000389 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 130 3 ST OVERFLOW, LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master PROGRESS REPORT STOP WORK ORDER ISSUED . Unit 203 Work done without approved permit, interior renovation, new bathroom fixtures, installation of electrical connection. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit. Double fees apply. As per Miami-Dade County Cha pter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit. Penalty of $500.00 is imposed if compliance is not obtained by the due date. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNS AFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTH ER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Davie+l. £/A7/9n94 49.rn·A DM 11:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00450 US2018-02882 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1250 AL TON RD FLAMINGO TOW ERS CONDO INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQ. TO CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 1250 ALTON RD. Evidence of structure failure at the first floor balcony and cracks in multiple areas. Need to submit an structural report signed by a structural engineer to evaluate the structure along with methods of repair. As per Miami-Dade County Ch apter 8-5(2) occupied building with unsanitary conditions is considered unsafe. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. MI AMI-DADE COUNTY MUNI CIPAL COD E CH APTE R 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAF E STRUCTURE S - (a) GENE RAL (1) THE UNSAFE STR UCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORP ORA TE D AREA S OF MIAMI-DAD E COUNT Y TH E POWE RS AND DUTIES GRAN TED BY TH IS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCL USIVE JURISDI CTION IN BOTH TH E INCORPORA TE D AN D UNINCORP ORATED ARE AS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WI TH RE SPECT TO ITS POWE RS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SH ALL BE ENTR USTED WITH HEAR ING APPEALS OF DE CI SION S OF BUILD ING OFFICIAL S DECLARING STRU CTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHE RE THERE IS AN IMM EDIATE DANGER TO THE HEALTH AND SAF ETY OF TH E ALL IN TH E MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. 11 :00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Middle Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00525 BVC18000198 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5313 COLLINS AVE AMETHYST 712 LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQUEST TO STOP FINES & CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Unit 712 Work done without approved permits Tankless waterheater, Kitchen remododel, washer and dryer. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). Must obtain Compliance by December 3rd 2018. BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FO R WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED . THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLU S DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF TH E PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PER SON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH TH E REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Dail £I47/9n194 49.£n·12 DI Da 43 n 11:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Middle Beach, Zone 2 Description: Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00546 BVB 19000399 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 3741 ROYAL PALM AVE MANI AMINOV MAAIANE AMINOV Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Installation of roof system, electrical panel, tank- less gas water heather, central A/C unit, evidence of structure deterioration, Need to submit engineer report to evaluate structure conditions, need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE; NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 11 :00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA South Beach, Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2020-00638 US2019-03132 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 860 COLLINS AVE UNITED BOX INC. Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. There is no record of approved Building Certificate of Occupancy for Ground floor retail, food service, and entertainment establishments. As per Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) , The Building Official has the authority to deem and declare the property UNSAFE. Property needs to be vacated until approved BCO is obtained. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. As per Miami-Dade County Chapter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 fees will be imposed. Property needs to be vacated Immediately. BV-7005 FAILURE TO OBTAIN A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Dauiel. £I47/9n94 4£n·A DA Dao 42 f n 11:00:00 AREA South Beach, Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2020-00832 BVC20000603 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 860 COLLINS AVE UNITED BOX INC Status: Open NEW BUILIDNG VIOLATION STOP WORK ORDER ISSUED Evidence of work done without permit, New wood deck being installed; also the piping underneath the new deck, Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 Inspector Joshua Goehring Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02295 CC2020-08480 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1800 COLLINS AVE Sobe Ride Rental, LLC c/o Mustelier, Raisel Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ MOPED/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2020-08480 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 7-7-2020 r with a displa 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Joshua Goehring Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02311 CC2020-09191 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1800 COLLINS AVE Sobe Ride Rental, LLC c/o RAISEL MUSTELIER Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ MOPED/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2020-09191 Duiel. r /A 7 /n 4 49.rn.A2 D I Daro 4A 4 n Motorcycle-001C i Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. o o iii»oidio osoh ho» io 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Middle Beach, Zone 3 Inspector Luis Negron Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02336 CC2020-09762 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1416 18TH ST MB Scooters LLC c/o RALPH ANDRADE, ESQ Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ MOPED/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2020-09762 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 11-9-2020 i Motorcycle-001 C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Zone 3 Description: Inspector Joshua Goehring Comments: Violation Type: $MA2020-02376 CC2020-09901 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1815 PURDY AVE Biscayne Bay Paddleboards and Kayaks LLC c/o Luces, Ricardo M. Status: Appealed CONTINUED FROM 2-25-21 CC2020-09901 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 12-17-2020 Article V, Section 102-377. Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Xaviet Mare Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02381 CC2020-09907 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1676 COLLINS AVE Scooter Style LLC C/O CHAN ERO, NOAM Status: Appealed NEW CODE / MOPED/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2020-09907 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 12-22-2020 Motorcycle-001C I Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. Dovie+l· £I47/9n94 43.£n·A2 DI Dar 1# f n 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Nehru Balgobin Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02398 CC2021-10008 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: RAMI HAKIM Status: Appealed 1416 18TH ST NEW CODE / MOPED/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-1008 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 1-19-2021 Motorcycle-001C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Joardeen Jarquin Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02401 CC2021-10006 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 233 11ST SCOOTER STYLE Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10006 Motorcycle-001C I Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Nefru Balgobin Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02411 CC2021-10041 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1800 COLLINS AVE RAISEL MUSTELIER Status: Appealed NEW CODE /MOPED/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10041 Motorcycle-001C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector my Kwiatkowski Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02412 CC2021-10069 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1659 JAMES AVE Mopeds 305 Corp Cl O Rodolfo Nunez PA Status: Appealed NEW CODE /MOPED/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10069 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 2/11/21 Motorcycle-001C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. o e Daro A f n 13:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Nehru Balgobin Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02597 CC2021-10761 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1676 COLLINS AVE SCOOTER STYLE LLC. Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10761 APPEALED ON 5-13/2021 Motorcycle-001C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. 14:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Armando Vega Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02316 ZV2020-03050 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 8140 Hawthorne SPLASH GROUP CORP Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ SCOOTER APPEAL ZV2020-03050 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 10-5-2020 I r the purpose of promoting the occupancy or use of the single family home for I ordinance. 4 14:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Joardeen Jarquin Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02402 CC2021-10010 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1520 COLLINS AVE SCOOTERS SOUTH BEACH LLC Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10010 Motorcycle-001C I Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. 14:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Manny Bastos Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02403 CC2021-10003 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 946 NORMANDY DR SOTO'S TOOL REPAIR AND RENTAL, INC. Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10003 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 1/20/21 Motorcycle-001 C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. Davie. KI47/9n194 49.£n1·42 DA Daro 47 f On 14:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Danny Giraldo Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02586 CC2021-10758 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 901 PENNSYLVANIA AVE FUN MIAMI d/bla VIP MIAMI RENTALS Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10758 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 5-6-21 I Motorcycle-001 C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered 'by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. 14:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Alan Sartoretto Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02590 CC2021-10703 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 600 OCEAN DR American Park Inc c/0 Ronald Venzant-Roche Reg. Agent Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10703 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE 5-6-21 Wheel 70-70 - Failing to comply with the Requirements and Administrative Rules for any person or business entity that Conveyance-001C provides rentals, leases and/or tours of electric personal assistive mobility devices. ii skis g "ski&@8$88 t bk &of. egg%hiss8sises$$ 888 Motorcycle-001 C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. 15:30:00 AREA South Beach, Zone4 Inspector Nehru Balgobin Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMA2019-02207 CC2018-05687 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1800 COLLINS AVE TOWER 1800 CONDO INC. Status: Appealed CONTINUED FROM 2-25-21 AS PER THE SPECIAL MASTER 9-26/2019 - THIS CASE TO BE SCHEDULED AND HEARD Business Tax Receipt -013C o,o.o.eooeooooeooooeoooeo.o.avene0oeeooo Article V, Section 102-377. Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. 15:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA South Beach, Zone 2 Inspector Anthony Perez Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMABTR2020-00006 Property Address: 825 WASHINGTON AVE CC2020-08232 SM Appeals Hearing SM THINK CLINTON LLC OBA CLINTON HOTEL/FALSA LIMONADA Status: Appealed CONTINUED FROM 2-25-21 Article V, Section 102-377. Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Business Type: Restaurant. First Offense:$1,000.00 Business Tax Receipt -013C Article V, Section 102-377. Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Dail· I47/9n94 49.£n1A DA Dao 12 f on 15:30:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Zone 2 Description: SMABTR2020-00007 Property Address: 825 WASHINGTON AVE CC2020-08233 SM Appeals Hearing SM THINK CLINTON LLC OBA CLINTON HOTEL/FALSA LIMONADA Status: Appealed Inspector Anthony Perez Comments: RESCHEDULED DUE TO HIGH IMPACT WITH CODE COMPLIANCE Violation Type: cc2020-08233 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 2-6-2020 18:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Zone 3 Description: Inspector Amy Kwiatkowski Comments: Violation Type: SMA2019-02184 CC2019-07759 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1625 WEST AVE Plaza Construction Group Florida, LLC C/ O CT Corporation System Status: Appealed CONTINUED FROM 2-25-21 CC2019-07759 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 8-30-2019 18:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Middle Beach, Zone 3 Inspector A rm an d o Vega Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02271 CC2020-08277 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1800 BAY RD 1800 BAY ROAD INVESTORS LLC C/O GREENSTREET PARTNERS Status: Appealed CONT. GRANTED FROM 2-25-21 CC2020-08277 -NO FINES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS VIOLATON 18:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 inspector Jason Randolph Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02300 CC2020-08483 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 5225 COLLINS AVE BEACH SCOOTER RENT ALS Status: Appealed NEW CODE /MOPED /SCOOTER APPEAL. CC2020-08483 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 7-31-2020 Section 70-70 - Failing to comply with the Requirements and Administrative Rules for any person or business entity that provides rentals, leases and/or tours of electric personal assistive mobility devices. Motorcycle-001C Section 70-70.1 An y person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. Daro 40 f n 1 8 :0 0 :0 0 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Joshua Goehring Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02443 CC2021-10291 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 1416 18TH ST MB Scooters LLC c/o Law Offices of Fishman-Sitbon, PA Status: Open NEW CODE/ MOPED /SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10291 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 3-15-21 , .. . . Motorcycle-001C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered ± i byamotor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. • « a ode&Gis.os «soi,skies&iid&kiwis&iel wo ose6eh@de8sosso ookdkiessoo es ose&skiasses8vs 18:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Joshua Goehring Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02472 CC2021-10290 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 600 OCEAN DR American Park INC c/o Venzant-Roche, Ronal Status: Appealed NEW CODE /MOPED /SCOOTER APPEAL.. CC2021-10290 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 3-30-21 - . ' by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the condition oto.o e,eeehheeehheeeeeh"moho 18:00:00 Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Randy Russell Comments: Violation Type: SMA2021-02585 CC2021-10724 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 901 PENNSYLVANIA AVE FUN MIAMI LLC d/b/a VIP MIAMI RENTALS Status: Appealed NEW CODE/ SCOOTER APPEAL CC2021-10724 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 5-6-21 Motorcycle-001 C Section 70-70.1 Any person or business entity that engages in the rental or lease of mopeds, motorcycles that are powered by a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or motorized must adhere to the conditions of this section. Da s 1 ¢ On