March 10, 2022 - AgendaSpeci al M agistrate Agenda fo r: Thursday, M arch 10, 2022 9:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2019-00468 Department Violation# BVC18000082 AREA Fine Inspection Zone 4 inspector drian {wvaíos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5700 COLLINS AVE JACQUELIN WEBSON Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate ) Comments: 2ND REQUEST FOR EXTENSION (TIMELY REQUEST) Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 15M Evidence of work done without approved permit. Kitchen renovation, to include floor installation, Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. 9:00AM Department Violation # US2017-02159 A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian v al os Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1667 MICHIGAN AVE 947 LINCOLN ROAD HOLDINGS, LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Evidence of spalling concrete, need to submit engineer report to evaluate the structure together with methods of repairs. Need to obtain required permit and inspections. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. 2$" "?hl25Giri ii55skí5 i6 üiii» e I-DA {TH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD RUST£_ ING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECOLA! AFE WHERI ISAN IMMEDIAT! EHEALTH AND SAFETY OF ER PRES CRIBED IN THIS scTiON . " hf Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae '1 of 23 9:00A M Special Master Case# SMB2019-00585 Department Violation# BV16000153 AREA South Beach, Zone 7 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1657 MICHIGAN AV 947 LINCOLN ROAD HOLDINGDS, LLC Status: Open Comments: PROGRESS REPORT Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLA TION ISSUED.BR150242(40YR 2016-00443) not in compliance, therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) the property is deemed unsafe if a 40 Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40 Year Rec. processes completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures(6) Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished (Building Violation) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNS AFE STR UCTURE S - (a) GE NE RAL (1) TH E UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEAL TH AND SAFET Y OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN TH E MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. 9:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00830 Department Violation #4 US2020-03420 AREA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Gabi Chamo un Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 730 71 ST 71 RETAIL LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate EXTENSION OF TIME (TIMELY) NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1901480 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) needs to be completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 has been applied. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 2 of 23 9:00A M Special Master Case# SMB2020-00856 Department Violation # BVC19000455 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: RANDY LIGATOR 1300 AL TON RD Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 7A Evidence of work commenced without approved/issued permit(s). Shower installed without permits. Need to submit the required documents to obtain issued/approved permit(s) and inspections. If permit is obtained within 07 days no penalty shall apply, after 07 days double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by 11/11/2019 an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. : . . THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 9:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00869 Department Violation # BV14000304 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2911 INDIAN CREEK DR 29 ICD LLC Status: Lien PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED.Violation BV1200001 O not in compliance, therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) the property is deemed unsafe if a 40 Year Recertification report is not completed.You must have the 40 Year Rec. processes completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures(6) Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished (Building Violation) BV-9005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. e ooo Nd Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 3 of 23 IV\1/ v+fini..mot t 9:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2021-00990 Department Violation # BV15000528 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2150 BAY DR 2150 BAY DRIVE 6 LLC Status: Open EXTENSION OF TIME (TIMELY) NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED.Fire occurred that affects unit #6, Power was disconnected in the unit. Need to secure the property. Need to obtain approved permit for the required repairs. Building and electrical permits are required will require an engineer's report specifying the cause and the extent of the damage as well as what repairs need to be made. (Building Violation) SMB2019-00424 10:00AM Department Violation# BVB19000370 A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7100 COLLINS AVE AHM ADVISORS, INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate MITIGATION STOP WORK ORDER ISSUED. 7100 Collins av. Demolition work done without approved permit. Need to stop all work. Need engineer's evaluation for demo performed. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. 10:00AM Department Violation# BVC18000151 A R EA M iddle Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5313 COLLINS AVE MARIA JULIA BOUE Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate Comments: CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 5313 COLLINS AVE #1005. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Interior renovation of the kitchen & bathroom. Installation of a water heater. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:4 3:18 PM Paae 4 of 23 (a)G eneral. (3)Incom plete buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or for w hich the perm it has expired, or c o m p le te d b u ild in g s c o m m e n c e d w it h o u t a p e r m it o r fo r w hich the perm it has expired, prior to com pletion and no C ertificate of O ccupancy has been issued, shall be presum ed and deem ed unsafe and a perm it shall be obtained to dem olish the structure or bring the building into com pliance w ith the applicable codes as pro vided herein. A dditional specific details concern ing the violation together w ith photographs can be obtained fro m the Building D epartm ent V iolation Section in w riting upon request. You have the right to appeal this deci sion of the Building O fficial to the U nsafe Structures Board in a c c o r d a n c e w it h C h a p t e r 8 , s e c tio n 8 -5 o f th e M ia m i-D a d e C o unty C ode. Failure to com ply by the d u e d a t e w ill re s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l re q u e s t in g a h e a r in g b e fo r e th e U nsafe Structures B o a r d o n th e n e x t a v a ila b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s th e d e c is io n o f th e U n s a f e S t r u c tu r e s B o a r d is a p p e a le d , th e b u ild in g o r s t r u c tu r e s h a ll b e d e m o lis h e d w it h o u t fu rt h e r n o tic e . V io la t io n w ill n o t b e c lo s e d u n t il fi n a l in s p e c ti o n is o b ta in e d in th e re la t e d p e r m it s to c lo s e th e c a s e. R E D . TH E A PP LI C A N T SH A LL BE IE D H E R E IN A S T H E C O S T O F T H E N , F IR M , O R C O R P O R A T IO N F R O M A N Y O T H E R P E N A L T IE S P R E S C R IB E 10:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # BVC20000554 AREA South Beach, Zone 3 inspector Adria A v a lo s Description: Comments: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: EXTENSION OF TIME (TIMELY REQUEST) 1560 EUCLID AVE EUCLID DEPOT LP C/O LINDSAY VANDENBERG Status: Open Violation Type: STOP WORK ORDER/NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED/BUILDING-1560 Interior demolition without approved permits, all trades. Need to obtain approved permit(s) and inspections. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. R e v is e d : 2/2 3 /2 0 2 2 5:4 3 :18 PM Paae 5 of 23 10:00A M Special Master Case# SMB2020-00736 Department Violation # BVP20000058 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Adrian /valos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 221 MERIDIAN AVE MERIDIAN PLAZA CONDOMINIUM INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE STOP WORK ORDER/NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Replacement of Sanitary and water supply lines without permits. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s)/Revision(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 10:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00867 Department Violation# BVP19000051 A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2850 PRAIRIE AVE NAMRON MIAMI LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate MITIGATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED/STOP WORK ORDER. New pool piping installed without permit(s) and covered without inspections. need approved permit and plans, must obtain mandatory inspections. Need to stop work relating to the area in violation until approved permit(s) is/are obtained. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by 01/10/2020 an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 0f the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 6 of 23 TH E CITY O F M IA M I BEA C H M UN IC IPA L COD E 14-61(b) UN SAF E STR UC TUR ES- FEES (c) PEN AL TY IS IM PO SED NO PER M IT IS O BTA IN ED O N W O R K FO R W HIC H A PER M IT IS REQ UIR ED . TH E APPLI C A NT SHA LL BE REQ UIR ED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DO UBLE FEES FO R A PER M IT, AS SPEC IFIED HER EIN AS THE CO ST O F THE P E R M IT . T H E P A Y M ENT O F A PER M IT FEE SHA LL NO T RELI EV E ANY PER SO N , FIR M , O R CO RPO RATIO N FR O M FULL Y CO M PLYIN G W ITH THE REQ U IR EM ENTS O F TH IS CO DE, NO R FR O M ANY OTHER PEN A L TIES PR ESC R IBED THER EIN . 10:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00878 Department Violation # US2020-03411 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 8024 TATUM WATERWAY DR CREEK TOWERS & YACHT CLUB CONDO Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate EXTENSION OF TIME (TIMELY) NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1901417 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) needs to be completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 has been applied. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. 10:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00910 Department Violation # US2020-03508 AREA Fine Inspection Zone 4 Description: Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 4747 COLLINS AVE MIKLOS KASSAI LE C/O ROBERT KASSAI MARTHA KASSAI LE REM MMK47 LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Fire incident at 4747 Collins Av #301. Must disconnect electricity on affected area(s) and remain disconnected until report from engineer is submitted and certifies that electricity may be reconnected. Must also include on the engineer's report the extent of damages and proposed methods of repairs. Case will not be closed until Permit(s) and final inspection(s) are/is obtained. As per Miami-Dade County Section 8-5 the Building Official has the authority to deem and declare the property as an UNSAFE STRUCTURE; If compliance is not achieved by the due date. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 -UNSAFE STRUCTURES (a) GENERAL (2) BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES THAT ARE, OR HEREAFTER SHALL BECOME, UNSAFE, UNSANITARY OR DEFICIENT, FACILITIES WITH INADEQUATE MEANS OF EGRESS, OR WHICH CONSTITUTE A FIRE OR WINDSTORM HAZARD, OR ARE OTHERWISE DANGEROUS TO HUMAN LIFE OR PUBLIC WELFARE BY REASON OF ILLEGAL OR IMPROPER USE, OCCUPANCY OR MAINTENANCE, OR WHICH HAVE BEEN SUBSTANTIALLY DAMAGED BY THE ELEMENTS, ACTS OF GOD , FIRE, EXPLOSION QR OTHERWISE, SHAL L BE DEEMED UNSAFE STRUCTURES AND A PERMIT SHAL L BE Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 7 of 23 I OBTAINED TO DEMOLISH THE STRUCTURE OR WHERE SPECIFICALLY ALLOWED BY THIS SECTION, TO BRING THE BUILDING INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE CODES AS PROVIDED HEREIN. 10:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2021-00952 Department Violation # BVC19000448 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 230 31 ST JCOLAS HOTEL PROPERTIES LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate EXTENSION OF TIME & CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLAITON ISSUED. 230 31st St Boiler room with evidence of work done without approved permit and in violation of the Florida Building Code, hazard is present. Work done without approved permit, wood structure, wood fence, storage closed. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections, double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case AINED /ORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE 0 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE F A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED e t.oe o oke e he a 1ode hi o h o d e 80 de e ,h e , esee %ii,p g,d . ee e db¢,$%, Special Master Case# SMB2020-00721 Property Address: 660 82 ST 11:00AM Department Violation # US2020-03397 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian /valos Comments: Violation Type: SM. Initial Hearing LOREANO LLC C/0 MARIA A BIASUTTO Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate EXTENSION OF TIME & CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1700853 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) needs to be completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 has been applied. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 8 of 23 Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirem ents in Section 8-11(f) of this Code w hich the ow ner fa ils to tim ely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION OF OLDER BUILDINGS REPORT. 11:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00801 Department Violation# US2019-03140 A R EA North Beach, Zone4 Inspector Adrian valos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 725 84 ST L & D INVESTORS SUNRISE INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate Comments: CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1800880 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11 (f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. 11:00AM Department Violation# US2018-02848 A R EA Fire Inspection Zone 5 Description: Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 755 84 ST LAND D INVESTORS SUNRISE, INC C/O LEONARD MACHIN Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1800882 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. Revised : 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 9 of 23 11:00A M Special Master Case# SMB2020-00920 Department Violation# BVE19000036 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5900 COLLINS AVE SKRLD, INC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 5900 COLLINS AVE. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Notice of violation is in reference to the installation of lights facing the bay. Double permit fees apply. Need to submit required documents to obtain a permit and request the final inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. ItD ON woRk +of wiéH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM HE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIB 11:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2021-00937 Department Violation# BVM20000120 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 724 LENOX AVE JAIR GARCIA Status: Lien MITIGATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit #4 Evidence of work commenced without approved/issued permit(s). Air Conditioner installed. Need to obtain approved permit(s) and lnspection(s). If permit(s) is/are obtained within 07 days no penalty shall apply, after 07 days double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by 11/11/2020 an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 10 of 23 BV-9165 TH E CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNS AFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 11:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2021-00953 Department Violation # BVC19000345 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian v alos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: MARK IGNAS 1228 WEST AVE Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate EXTENSION OF TIME (TIMELY REQUEST} STOP WORK ORDER. 1228 WEST AVE# 801. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Work done without approved permit. Permit BC1909997 is on applied status. Need to stop all work being done. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-D ade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ....-" DE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STR UCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMP OSED VHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WH ICH A PERM IT IS RE QUIRED. THE AP PLICAN T SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEE S FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF TH E PERMIT. TH E PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PE RSON , FIRM, OR CORPORA TION FROM FULLY COMPLYI NG WI TH TH E RE QUIREM ENT S OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM AN Y OTH ER PENAL TIES PRE SCRIBE D THEREIN. 11:00AM Special Master Case# SMB2021-00973 Department Violation # BVE20000059 AREA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 6880 ABBOTT AVE PETER ALAN CONDOMINIUM Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Cameras installation. Need to obtain issued/approved permit(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Uns afe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 11 of 23 com pleted buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, prior to com pletion and no Certificate of O ccupancy has been issued, shall be presum ed and deem ed u n s a fe a n d a p e rm it s h a ll b e obtained to dem olish the structure or bring the building into com pliance w ith the applicable codes as provided herein. A d d itio n a l s p e c ifi c d e tails concern ing the violation together w ith photographs can be obtained from the Building Departm ent Violation Section in w riting upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building O ffi cial to the Unsafe Structures Board in a c c o rd a n c e w ith C h a p te r 8 , s e ct i o n 8 -5 of th e M ia m i-D a d e County Code. Failure to com ply by the due date w ill result in the Building O ffi cial requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures B o a r d o n th e n e x t a v a ila b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is a p p e a le d , th e b u ild in g o r s tru c tu re s h a ll b e d e m o lis h e d w ith o u t fu rt h e r n o tic e . V io la tio n w il l n o t b e cl o s e d u n til fi n a l in s p e c ti o n is o b ta in e d in th e re la te d p e r m its to c lo s e th e c a s e . 2:00PM A R EA South Beach, Zone4 Inspector Adrian valos THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Description: Special Master Case# SMB2019-00348 Department Violation# BVC19000295 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1745 JAMES AVE SANTUARY SOUTH BEACH CONDO Status: Lien Comments: REQUEST TO STOP FINES Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 1745 JAMES AVE. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Notice of violation is in reference to the installation of gaps pipes not in compliance with Florida Building Code, plumbing work and air conditioning units. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Evidence of structure deterioration throughout the building. Need to submit an engineer's report to evaluate the structure, along with methods of repairs. Need to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. Must obtain Compliance by February 25, 2019. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 12 of 23 2 :0 0 P M Special Master Case# SMB2019-00445 Department Violation # US2018-02395 A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspectot Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7114 COLLINS AVE AHM ADVISORS, LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate STOP FINES NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 7114 Collins av Evidence of work done without approved permit. Interior renovation. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. MIAMI DADE COUN MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UN S AFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHE N W OR K F OR WH ICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO TH E OBTAINING O F SAI D PERMIT, TH E APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPE CIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERM IT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORP ORA TION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 2:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2019-00536 Department Violation# BVC19000286 A R E A South Beach, Zone4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1700 JAMES AVE ANO LLC -F9 PROPERTIES, LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate Comments: CHALLANGE NONCOMPLAINCE Violation Type: STOP WORK ORDER/NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Commenced Construction work at area identified as Suite #1, without approved permit(s). Needs to stop work until permit(s) is/are issued. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Case will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). Must obtain Compliance by February 18th 2019. Revi sed: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 13 of 23 BV-9165 TH E CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL COD E 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE RE QUI RED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. TH E PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM 'FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 2:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2019-00630 Department Violation # BV15000769 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2457 COLLINS AVE 1402 MARIANA INKIER Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate MITIGATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 1402. Work done without approved permit and not in compliance with the Florida Building Code. Installation of instant water heather, new central A/C unit. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections, Double fees apply. As per Miami-Dade County Chapter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit within 30 days. If permit is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 fine will be imposed. (Building Violation) 2:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00639 Department Violation # US2017-01398 AREA South Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 221 MERIDIAN AVE ENRIQUE ACOSTA Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate Comments: CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE Violation Type: STOP WORK ORDER ISSUED. Unit #203 Work done without approved permit. Interior renovation all trades involved. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspection. Double fee apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Uns afe Structures. (a)Gen eral. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STR UCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. 'W HEN WORK FOR WHICH A PER MIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, TH E APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE RE QUI RED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SP ECIFIED HERE IN 'AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORP ORATION FROM_EULL_Y COM PLYING WI TH TH E RE QUI REM ENTS_OF THIS CODE,_NOR FRO M_ANY OTH ER Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 14 of 23 IVA1/ \/VM/LL../ \/1 I PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 2:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00687 Department Violation # US2019-03163 AREA Middle Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2555 COLLINS AVE NEVER ENOUGH SOBE INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate Comments: STOP FINES Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 2555 COLLINS AVE# PH 214. Permit BC1807506 & PLC1804046 are in SUSPENDED status. ELC185253 is in expired status. Need to hire a contractor able to obtain an approved permit and final inspections. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. As per Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) Physical criteria (2) building is unsafe, the building Official has the authority to deem and declare the property UNSAFE. If compliance is not obtained by 08/29/2019; penalty of $500.00 shall apply. DO NOT CONTINUE WITH ANY FURTHER WORK UNTIL THE CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR, CHANGE OF ARCHITECT )R CHANGE OF ENGINEER PAPERWORK HAS BEEN SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING Sped:~::::::.,e# SMB2020-00740 . . . Property A~d,:ss 1231 W14 ST ~~k~J r) Department Violation # US2019-03263 AL TON 14 LLC ') 2:00PM AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 1231 W 14 STREET. Permit number BC0516-0249 is in SUSPENDED status. Need to obtain approved permit and call inspections. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 15 of 23 As per Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) Physical criteria (2) building is unsafe, the building Official has the authority to deem and declare the property UNSAFE. If compliance is not obtained by 11/7/2019; the case will be sent to Miami-Dade County Unsafe Structure Board and penalty of $500.00 will be im posed. DO NOT CONTINUE W IT H ANY FURTHER W ORK UNTIL THE CHANGE OF CONTR ACTOR, CHANGE OF ARCHITECT OR CHANGE OF ENGINEER PAPERW ORK HAS BEEN SUBM ITT ED AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 2:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00759 Department Violation # US2020-03426 AREA South Beach, Zone 7 Inspector Adrian wvalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1656 AL TON RD AL TON ROAD INVEST LLC C/O ROBERT SHOR Status: Open Comments: R/S P/S FROM 2-10-22 -PR Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1901231 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) needs to be completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 has been applied. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. 2:00PM Department Violation# BVC20000513 AREA North Beach, Zone 5 lspector Adrian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 80 S SHORE DR GIRALDO CABRERA &W Y AN IA ESTIVEN S tatus: O pen Comments: PROGRESS REPORT Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 80 S SHORE DR. #410 Work done without an approved permit. Notice of violation is in reference to the interior renovation of the bathroom, Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and call for inspections to legalize all work done without permit(s). Notice of violation will not be closed until the permit(s) is put on finaled status. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. , (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is R e vi s e d : 2/2 3 /2 0 2 2 5 :4 3 :18 P M P a a e 16 o f 23 appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. V io la tio n w ill n o t b e cl o s e d u n til fi n a l in s p e c tio n is o btained in the related permits to close the case. T H E C IT Y O F M IA M I B E A C H M U N IC IP A L C O D E 14 -6 1 (b ) U N S A F E S T R U C T U R E S - F E E S (c ) P E N A L T Y IS IM P O S E D W H E N N O P E R M IT IS O B T A IN E D O N W O R K F O R W H IC H A P E R M IT IS R E Q U IR ED . T H E A P P LI C A N T S H A L L B E R E Q U IR E D T O P A Y $5 0 0 .0 0 P L U S D O U B L E F E E S F OR A PERM IT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE P E R M IT . T H E PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM , OR CORPORATION FROM F UL L Y C O M P L Y IN G W IT H T H E R E Q U IR E M E N T S O F T H IS C O D E , N O R F R O M A N Y O T H E R P E N A L T IE S P R E S C R IB E D TH ER EI N . 2:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2020-00819 Department Violation # BVC20000491 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian wvalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 8001 CRESPI BLVD ELIANA MARTINEZ Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE & EXTENSION OF TIME NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 8001 CRESPI BLVD# 4A. Work done without an approved permit. Notice of violation is in reference to the interior renovation of bathroom, kitchen, shower and the installation of new floor, washer and dryer. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections to legalize all work done without permit. If permit(s) is/are obtained within 07 days no penalty shall apply, after 07 days double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. 2:00PM Department Violation # BVB20000629 AREA North Beach, Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 940 71ST JERIKA PROPERTIES INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate Comments: CHALLANGE NONCOMPLIANCE Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Roof work done without approved permit, RFC2001362 in applied status. Need to obtain approved permit(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 17 of 23 Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)G eneral. (3)Incom plete buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, or c o m p le te d b u ild in g s com m enced w ithout a perm it or for w hich the perm it has expired, prior to c o m p le tio n a n d n o C e r tifi c a te o f O c c u p a n c y h a s b e e n is s u e d , s h a ll b e p re s u m e d a n d d e e m e d u n s a fe a n d a p e r m it s h a ll b e o b ta in e d to d e m o lis h th e s tru c tu r e o r b rin g th e b u ild in g in to c o m p lia n c e w ith th e a p p li c a b le c o d e s a s p ro v id e d h e re in . A d d itio n a l s p e ci fi c d e ta ils c o n c e rn in g th e v io la ti o n to g e th e r w ith photographs can be obtained fro m th e B u ild in g D e p a rtm e n t V io la tio n S e c tio n in w ritin g u p o n re q u e s t. Y o u h a v e th e rig h t to a p p e a l th is d e c is io n o f th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l to th e U n s a f e S tr u ctures Board in a c c or d an c e wi th Ch a p ter 8 , s e c ti on 8 -5 o f th e Mi a mi -D a d e C o un t y C o d e . F ai lu re to c om pl y b y th e d u e d a te w ill re s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l re q u e s ti n g a h e a r in g b e fo re th e U n s a fe S tru c tu r e s B o a r d o n th e n e x t a v a ila b le c a le n d a r . U n le s s th e d e c is io n o f th e U n s a fe S tru c tu r e s B o a rd is a p p e a le d , th e b u il d in g o r s tru c tu r e s h a ll b e d e m o li s h e d w ith o u t fu rt h e r n o tic e . V io la tio n w ill n o t b e cl o s e d u n til fi n a l in s p e c tio n is o b ta in e d in th e re la te d p e r m its to c lo s e th e c a s e . T H E C IT Y O F M IA M I B E A C H M U N IC IP A L C OD E 14 -6 1 (b ) UN S AF E S TR U C T U R E S - F E E S (c ) P E N A L T Y IS IM P O S ED W H E N N O P E R M IT IS O B T A IN E D O N W O R K F O R W H IC H A P E R M IT IS R E Q U IR E D . T H E A P P LI C A N T S H A L L B E R E Q U IR E D T O P A Y $5 0 0 .0 0 P L U S D O U B L E F E E S F O R A P E R M IT , A S S P E C IF IE D H E R E IN A S T H E C O S T O F T H E P E R M IT . T H E P A Y M E N T O F A P E R M IT F E E S H A L L N O T R E LI E V E A N Y P E R S O N , F IR M , O R C O R P O R A T IO N F R O M F U L L Y C O M P L Y IN G W IT H T H E R E Q U IR E M E N T S O F T H IS C O D E , N O R F R O M A N Y O T H E R P E N A L T IE S P R E S C R IB E D T H E R E IN . 3:00PM A R E A North Beach, Zone 2 Inspector drian Avalos Special Master Case# SMB2020-00693 Department Violation# BVB19000458 Description: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7441 WAYNE AVE PARKVIEW POINT CONDO a} Status: Lien Comments: VACATE ORDER IMPOSING FINE/RE LIEN Violation Type: NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 7441 WAYNE AVE. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Notice of violation is in reference to door installed at unit 12R by the association. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. R e vi s e d : 2/2 3 /2 0 2 2 5:4 3:18 PM P a a e 18 of 23 3:00P M Special Master Case# SMB2021-00999 Department Violation# BV16000675 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 8024 TATUM WATERWAY DR SERGIO & W CATHERINE DIAZ Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION Notice Of Violation issued to property owner for the installation of a central air conditioning unit without the required permit. Need to hire a licensed mechanical contractor to obtain permit and final inspection in order to close this violation. Double fees and penalty shall apply. (Building Violation) 3:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2021-01000 Department Violation # BV16000684 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 8024 TATUM WATERWAY DR JOSEPH CANDIOTTI LE REM JONATHAN CANDIOTTI Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION Notice Of Violation issued to property owner for the installation of a central air conditioning unit without the required permit. Need to hire a licensed mechanical contractor to obtain permit and final inspection in order to close this violation. Double fees and penalty shall apply. (Building Violation) 3:00PM Department Violation # BVC20000670 A R E A Fine Inspection Description: Zone4 Inspector drian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 900 BA Y DR PATRICK HADJEZ Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 900 BAY DR# 308 Notice of violation is in reference to the shower installation on original half bathroom without permits. Need to obtain approved permits and call for final inspections. Notice of violation will not be closed until the permit(s) is put on finaled status. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 19 of 23 BV-9165 TH E CITY O F M IA M I BEA C H M UN IC IPA L COD E 14-61(b ) UN SAF E STR UC TUR ES- FEES (c) PENA LTY IS IM PO SED W H E N N O P E R M IT IS O B T A IN E D O N W O R K F O R W H IC H A P E R M IT IS R E Q U IR E D . TH E APPLI C ANT SHA LL BE R E Q U IR E D TO PA Y $500.00 PLUS DO UBLE FEES FO R A PER M IT, AS SPEC IFIED HER EIN AS THE CO ST O F THE P ER M IT . T H E P A Y M E N T O F A P E R M IT F E E S H A L L N O T R E LI E V E A N Y P E R S O N , F IR M , O R C O R P O R A T IO N F R O M F U L L Y C O M P L Y IN G W IT H T H E R E Q U IR E M E N T S O F T H IS C O D E , N O R F R O M A N Y O T H E R P E N A L T IE S P R E S C R IB E D TH E R E IN . 3:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2021-01002 Department Violation #4 US2017-01661 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian valos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 660 82 ST PATRICK POULSON Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION STOP WORK ORDER/NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Work done without approved permit(s), installation of door. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 0f the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). 3:00PM Department Violation # BVC20000539 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 8501 CRESPI BLVD GLORIA GALVAN Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit #4 Evidence of work done without approved permit. Interior renovation, new floors, new kitchen cabinets, new plumbing fixtures. Need to stop all work until approved permit is obtained. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections Need to submit the required documents to obtain issued/approved permit(s) and inspections. If permit is obtained within 07 days no penalty shall apply, after 07 days double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 20 of 23 Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)G eneral. (3)Incom plete buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expire d, or com pleted buildings com m enced w ithout a perm it or fo r w hich the perm it has expired, prior to com pletion and no Certificate of O ccupancy has been issued, shall be presum ed and deem ed unsafe and a perm it shall be obtained to dem olish the structure or bring the building into com pliance w ith the applicable codes as pro vided herein. Additional specific details concern ing the violation together w ith photographs can be obtained from the Building Departm ent Violation Section in w riting upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building O fficial to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance w ith Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the M iam i-D ade County Code. Failure to com ply by the due date w ill result in the Building O ffici al requesting a hearing befo re the Unsafe Structures Board on the ne.xt available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be dem olished w ithout further notice. Violation w ill not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related perm its to close the case. BV-9165 THE CITY O F M IA M I BEA C H M U N IC IPA L CO D E 14-61(b) UN SA FE STR U C TU R ES- FE ES (c) PENAL T Y IS IM PO SED W HEN NO PER M IT IS O BTA IN ED O N W O R K FO R W H IC H A PER M IT IS REQ U IR ED . TH E APPLI C ANT SHA LL BE REQ UIR ED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DO UBLE FEES FO R A PER M IT, AS SPEC IFIED HER EIN AS TH E C O ST O F TH E PER M IT. THE PA YM EN T O F A PER M IT FEE SHA LL NO T R ELI EV E AN Y PER SO N , FIR M , O R CO R PO R ATIO N FR O M FULL Y CO M PLYIN G W ITH THE REQ UIR EM EN TS O F TH IS C O D E, NO R FR O M AN Y O TH ER PEN A L TIES PR ESC R IBED THER EIN . 3:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2021-01004 Department Violation# BV15001280 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 tnspector Luis Eíanco Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1045 10 ST CWEL T 2008 SERIES 1045 LLC Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION Notice of violation for expired mechanical permit BM121189 without inspection final obtained (Building Violation) 3:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2021-01005 Department Violation # BVB20000713 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1677 COLLINS AVE NEW NATIONAL LLC Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION/ STOP WORK ORDER ISSUED Evidence of work done without permit; being renovated, new bar in lobby new AC'S (3) for lobby. New spa and gym. New Electric in mezzanine. includes all trades. Need to stop working. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit fees due to work done without permit. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 21 of 23 B V -9 16 5 TH E C IT Y OF M IAM I BEA CH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 3:00PM Special Master Case# SMB2021-01006 Department Violation # BVB20000714 AREA Fine Inspection Description: Zone4 Inspector Adrian wvalos Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1150 71ST 1150 APARTMENTS LLC Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 1150 71 st Notice of violation is in reference to the evidence of water intrusion including ceiling collapse apt 9. Need to submit an engineer's report, signed and sealed by a professional engineer to determine the source of the water intrusion along with methods of repair. In addition, possible presents of mold. Need to submit a mold report together with methods of repair. Need to obtain approved permits and call final inspections. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. If compliance is not obtained by compliance date; penalty of $500.00 shall apply. 3:00PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # US2021-03673 AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 6 inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Comments: Violation Type: SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 4747 COLLINS AVE MIMOSA CONDO Status: Open NEW BUILDING VIOLATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 4747 COLLINS AVE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE PARKING GARAGE WITH EVIDENCE OF SPALLI NG AND CRACKING, REINFORCING STEEL EXPOSED. NEED TO SECURE THE AREAS FOR PEDESTRIANS. CONCRETE RESTORATION WAS PERFORMED AT THE SOUTHEAST ELEVATION OF THE TOWER WITHOUT A PERMIT. NEED TO SUBMIT A REPORT, SIGNED AND SEALED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER TO EVALUATE THE STRUCTURE TOGETHER WITH METHODS OF REPAIR OR STRUCTURAL REMOVAL. NEED TO OBTAIN APPROVED PERMIT(S) FOR THE REQUIRED REPAIRS. VIOLATION WILL NOT BE CLOSED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION IS OBTAINED IN THE RELATED PERMIT(S) TO CLOSE THIS CASE. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 22 of 23 (a )G e n e ra l. (3 )1n c o m p le te b u ild in g s c o m m e n c e d w ith o u t a p e rm it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e rm it h a s e x p ir e d , o r c o m p le te d b u ild in g s c o m m e n c e d w ith o u t a p e rm it o r fo r w h ic h th e p e rm it h a s e x p ire d , p rio r to c o m p le ti o n a n d n o C e rt ifi c a te o f O c c u p a n c y h a s b e e n is s u e d , s h a ll b e p re s u m e d a n d d e e m e d u n s a fe a n d a p e r m it s h a ll b e o b ta in e d to d e m o lis h th e s tru c tu re o r b rin g th e b u ild in g in to c o m p lia n c e w ith th e a p p lic a b le c o d e s a s p ro v id e d h e re in . A s p e r F lo rid a B u il d in g C o d e a n d M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty chapter 8-5 (6) Physical criteria (2) building is unsafe, the building Official has the authority to deem and declare the property UNSAFE. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permit(s) to close the case MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5- UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. Revised: 2/23/2022 5:43:18 PM Paae 23 0f 23