99-23265 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 99-23265 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL (COUNCIL) AND AWARDING A TOTAL OF $585,000 IN CULTURAL ARTS GRANTS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THE ATTACHED EXHffiIT NO.1; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID GRANT AGREEMENTS; AND FURTHER MAKING THE AWARD OF SAID GRANT MONIES SUBJECT TO AND CONTINGENT UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL'S BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000. WHEREAS, the Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council (Council) was created to develop, coordinate, and promote the performing and visual arts of the City of Miami Beach for the enjoyment, education, cultural enrichment, and benefit of the residents of and visitors to the City; and WHEREAS, from May 5, to June 30, 1999, the Council conducted an application and review process for the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Cultural Arts Grants Program; and WHEREAS, the Council selected grants panelists consisting of 32 people from the Council, Visitor and Convention Authority (VCA), and the community at large to evaluate 71 applications, requesting a total of $1,595,050; and WHEREAS, at a special meeting on July 1, 1999, the Council accepted the recommendations of the grants panels and approved the award of $585,000 in Cultural Arts Grants for Fiscal Year 1999/2000, as more specifically identified in Exhibit No.1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI B.EACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission approve and accept the recommendations of the Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council (Council) and award a total of $585,000 in Cultural Arts Grants for Fiscal Year 1999-2000, as more specifically identified in the attached Exhibit No.1; authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said Grant Agreements; and further making the award of said grant monies subject to and contingent upon the approval of the CounciJ1s budget for Fiscal Year 1999-2000. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY 21st DAY OF July , 1999 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~1at MAYOR (o(pA6 P0-~ CITY CLERK ~ J/(!;- July 6, 1999 Exhibit #1 Recommendations from the City of Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council to the Mayor and Ci~ Commission for 1999/2000 cultural arts grants totaling $585,000 $ x 1000 31 31 31 31 31 16.375 16.375 16.375 16.375 16.375 16.375 16 16 14.375 12 12 12 U 12 12 U 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 8.375 7.5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Recipient (exclusively for cultural events in Miami Beach) ARTCENTERlSOUTH FLORIDA FRIENDS OF THE BASS MUSEUM MIAMI CITY BALLET NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT IN THE ARTS NEW WORLD SYMPHONY ALLIANCE FOR MEDIA ARTS AREA STAGE (Area Performance Gallery) CONCERT AssOCIATION OF FLORIDA HIsPANIC THEATER FESTIVAL (Teatro Avante) MIAMI LIGHT PROJECT WOLFSONIAN-FIU CITY THEATER FLORIDA DANCE ASSOCIATION MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE FIRST NIGHT MIAMI BEACH 2000 (Family Resource Center of Miami-Dade County) LOUIS WOLFSON II MEDIA HIsTORY CENTER MIAMI MOMENTUM DANCE COMPANY M~YDMNO~FOUNDATION RHYTHM FOUNDATION SOUTH FLORIDA COMPOSERS ALLIANCE DGERTAIL PRODUCTIONS UNIDAD OF MIAMI BEACH EDGE/THEATER (Athena-Daat Foundation) FLORENE LITTHCUT'S INNER CITY CHILDREN'S TOURING DANCE COMPANY LA ROSA FLAMENCO THEATER MIAMI GAY & LESBIAN FILM FESTIV Ai (South Beach AIDS Project) MIAMI HIsPANIC BALLET ZIFF JEWlSH MUSEUM OF FLORIDA (Mosaic) FLORIDA GRAND OPERA PERFORMING ARTS NETWORK AKROPOLIS ACTING COMPANY AMEUCANFOUNDATION FOR THEARn BLACK DOOR DANCE ENSEMBLE BRAZILIAN FILM FESTIVAL OF MIAMI (Alliance for Media Arts) BRIDGE THEATER CHILDREN'S CULTURAL COAL TION FREDDICK BRATCHER & COMPANY GREA 'fER MlAMI YOUTH SYMPHONY INTERCULTURAL DANCE AND MUSIC INSTITUTEIFIU MlAMIJEWISH FILM FESTIVAL (Central Agency for Jewish Education) MIAMI SYMPHONY ORCHFSTRA SOUTH FLORIDA YOUTH SYMPHONY STORY THEATER PRODUCTIO~98 5 5 4.5 4 4 3.5 3 3 3 3 2.5 2 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o $585 !ROKO DANCE & PERFORMANCE CENTER MIAMI-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, WOLFSON CAMPUS AR TEMlS PERFORMANCE NETWORK (Arts Ballet Theater of Florida) DANCE ESAlAS lFE-lLE SOUTH BEACH CHAMBER ENSEMBLE (Friends of the Bass Museum) GOLD COAST THEATER COMPANY MIAMI BEACH GARDEN CONSERVANCY PERFORMING ARTS ACADEMY OF Sourn FLORIDA Soum BEACH FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL OF TIlE ARTS (City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation Department) CULTURAL ARTS SOCIETY OF SOUTH FLORIDA CENTER FOR EMERGING ART ARTPLAY (Miami Beach Garden Conservancy) ARTS & BUSINESS COUNCIL OF MIAMI BEST MEDICINE COMEDY THEATER CENTER FOR FOLK & COMMUNITY ART COMMUNITYCONCmT~oc~nON COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDA nON OF SOUTH FLORIDA EARTHMAN PROJECT ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY INCUBATOR FLORIDA ~OC~ nON OF WORKERS FOR TIlE BLIND FLORIDA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL COMMITTEE MIAMI STEEL & PERCUSSION ORCHESTRA MMT CHILDREN'S FOUNDA nON (Dance Esaias) SONGWRITERS IN THE ROUND Soum BEACH AIDS PROJECT total recommended 71 proposals reviewed, 56 recommended for funding $1.6 million requested, $585,000 available (including $35,000 from NBDC) Reviewers: 32 volunteer panelists, MBCAC grants committee, 2 staff 1 group orientation for prospective applicants 75 individual screening/advising sessions for applicants 1 group orientation for grants panelists 5 individual orientations for grants panelists 3 public meetings of grants panels to evaluate proposals & make recommendations 1 MBCAC meeting to review recommendations of the grants panels 399 Exhibit #2. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL 305 672 ARTS FAX 305 673 7063 ARTSBEACH@YAHOO.COM 4TH FLOOR, MIAMI BEACH CTIY HALL CULTURAL ARTS GRANTS PANELS, 1999-2000 6.14.99 PANEL 1 (Budgets above $500,000. 18 applications. Grant pool: $300,000. Max: $50,000.) Monday, June 28, 9AM-Noon, Botanical Garden, Convention Center Dr. at Dade Blvd. Required orientation for panelists: Wednesday, June 16, 9-10AM, Botanical Garden. Drop-in session to review audio-visual support materials: Monday, June 21, 2-SPM, City Manager's Large Conference Room, 4th Floor, City Hall (or by appointment). PAULINE WINICK, Chair DARRELL BURKS EDITH GELBER ELSIE HOWARD ROLAND KOHEN LISA PALLEY CLARK REYNOLDS JORGE RODRIGUEZ GENE SULZBERGER AMY VILLAFANE MICHAEL VITA Staff: DAVID WHITMAN & CRAIG CARPENTIERI PANEL 2 (Budgets $100,000-$500,000. 31 applications. Grant pool: $200,000. Max: $20,000.) Tuesday, June 29, 9AM-1PM, Botanical Garden, Convention Center Dr. at Dade Blvd. Required orientation for paneliSts: Wednesday, June 16, 9-10AM, Botanical Garden. Drop-in session to review audio-visual support materials: Tuesday, June 22, 2-SPM, City Manager's Large Conference Room, 4th Floor, City Hall (or by appointment). NANCY WOLCOTT, Chair GRACE CALVANI MARILYN GOTTLIEB-RoBERTS BOB HOSMON STEPHEN JULIEN MITCHELL KAPLAN HELEN KOHEN JOSE LIMA I. STANLEY levINE BLAKE PRESTON MIKE THOMPSON LENORE TOBY-SIMMONS Staff: DAVID WHITMAN & CRAIG CARPENTIERI PANEL 3 (Budgets below $100,000. 22 applications. Grant pool: $85,000. Max: $10,000.) Wed., June 30, 9AM-Noon, Botanical Garden, Convention Center Dr. at Dade Blvd. Required orientation for panelists: Wednesday, June 16, 9-10AM, Botanical Garden. Drop-in session to review audio-visual support materials: Friday, June 25, 2-5PM, City Manager's Large Conference Room, 4th Floor, City Hall (or by appointment). ALVARO FERNANDEZ, Chair LISA COLE SUSAN ERVIN CHARISSE GRANT RAYMOND HULEN CLAUDIA MILLER GORDON MILLER KATHRYN OROSZ STEVE SAULS CARL V ALLDEJULI Staff: DAVID WHITMAN & CRAIG CARPENTIERI 400 M. "II:: -l-l .r-! .Q .r-! .!:: X Ii::l ~ 00 8 c.. rn ~ 00 - ~ .a :; o o o o N I 0-. 0-. 0-. - --- - .u s:= =' o u t < ~ e.:E .. =' QU ~.d = ~ .S 0 .. ~~ d =._ C<$ -; ~ .~ ;>._ -a r.:l ::E g. G- o rn ~'E is 0 0..... =It: Q) fa Q., C"-. o o s:= o rn ~ c.. ...s:= ~ o ~ ~ o Z rn ..... s:= o E E o o ~ o ] tIS .C 2 .c <> o .s '- o ..c: g o ~ o t.> en ~ o a:: - -;;e = ~ -- = .;- ~ 'is U = 0 0' .= e 8 =I c.. .. -0 ~ 0 Q rn .. 8. ~ 8 -0 c.. = '+-< =I 0 ..... ..... 'C .1: ~ 0 ~ E .~ .~ ..... t; sf .~ <( = _ II) I I = = u s:= o II) 0 .0' I .~ '"' = N c.. -0 .2 -0 0 C<$ ~ ~ /;lll o 0 j;,,~ g. E ~ '"' ._ 0 c.. rn rn '(5 .~ d o a 0 ._ '+-< E '"ao~ =' s:= 0 0' 0 :E (1) ...... 0 .E: :s t':l is =' ..g ~ c.. rn o ~ .-2 -0 -0 ~ fa fa -0 8 ~ 5 rn .1: = o 0 ~ 5 o -0 ~ .~ ;> o .~ ~ co II) ff') -- ..... 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CI) rn ca .~ :5 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL 1999-2000 GRANTS PROGRAM Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council City Ball, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139-1819 phone: 305 672 ARTS fax: 305 673 7063 email: artsbeach@yahoo.com I. Stanley Levine, Chair; Pauline Winick, Vice Chair; Alvaro Fernandez, Diane Star BeUer, Roland Kohen, Clark Reynolds, Steve Sauls, Raquel Vallejo, Nancy Wolcott Staff: David Whitman, Director; Craig Carpentieri, Assistant 402 Exhibit #4 MIAMI BEACH mTURAL ARTS COUNCIL 1999-2000 GRANT PROGRAM The Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council (CAC) was created by the Miami Beach Mayor and City Commission in 1997 to develop, coordinate and promote the arts in our community. The CAC grants program, initiated in 1998, is funded on an annual basis by the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority (VCA). The grants program fosters access to outstanding cultural programs for residents and visitors, and encourages the professional development of not- for-profit visual and performing-arts organizations. Eligibility Criteria (applicants must meet all) Not-for-profit visual and/or performing arts organization with IRS 50 1 (-cX3) tax-exempt status Note: individuals and unincorporated groups may apply for grants under the sponsorship of any qualified not-for-profit organization; the application must be submitted by the sponsoring organization. Qualified artists or arts professionals involved in proposed project Proposed project to be presented in Miami Beach Proposed project open to the public Proposed project to be completed between October 1, 1999 and September 29,2000 Applicant Categories Grant applications will be considered in one of three categories: I. Organizations with annual operating budgets under $100,000 ll. Organizations with annual operating budgets from $100,000 to $500,000 ill. Organizations with annual operating budgets over $500,000 Schedule Wed., May 5, 4pm: Thurs., May 20, 9-10:30am Thurs., May 20 - Fri., June 4: Fri., June 11,4 pm: Mon., June 28 - Wed., June 30: Thurs., July I: Wed., July 21: Application period opens (37 days) General orientation, Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Cntr. Dr. Required applicant interview with CAC staff (by appointment) Application deadline. No exceptions. Grants panels convene, open to public, Botanical Garden, 9-1 pm Cultural Arts Council action on grants panels' recommendations Miami Beach City Commission action on 1999-2000 grants 403 How to Apply 1. Schedule required interview with CAC staff before submitting application, by calling 305 672 ARTS. (Consultation period: Thursday, May 20 to Friday, June 4.) 2. Complete and submit application with required attachments, following instructions on application. (Applications must be received by Friday, June 11 at 4:00 pm. Late applications will not be considered and will be returned unopened.) Application Review Process 1. All applications are reviewed by CAC staff for eligibility and completeness. 2. Applications are forwarded to members of the appropriate grants panel for individual review, along with any supplementary material provided. 3. Grants panelists' orientation will be on Wednesday, June 16 from 9 to !0:30am at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, where applications will be distributed. 4. Grants panels, which include CAC representatives and community members, hold public meetings at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Dr., from Monday, June 28 to Wednesday, June 30, from 9am to 1pm. Applicants are encouraged to attend, although they do not participate. 5. Grants panels formulate funding recommendations, which are in turn communicated to applicants by CAC staff, pending final approval. 6. Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council votes on panel recommendations on Thursday, July 1. 7. Miami Beach City Commission votes on CAC recommendations on Wednesday, July 21. 8. Public announcement and celebration of grant awards at Invitation to the Arts, Thursday, September 16, 6-8pm, Jackie Gleason Theater. 9. Pending funding by the Commission in September, successful applicants execute a grant agreement with the City through the CAC. 10. Fifty percent of grant funds are distributed to applicant in October 1999, the balance upon completion of project and receipt of final report, no later than Friday, September 29,2000. 2 404 Evaluation Criteria Artistic Merit and Program Quality (40%) artistic merit of proposed project innovative and creative quality of proposed project experience and reputation of artists involved demonstrated artistic achievements of organization Community Impact (35%) reflection of community diversity in personnel and programming appeal to residents and development of new audiences outreach to under-served constituencies and/or locations encouragement of cultural tourism educational and/or cooperative opportunities provided to community on-going community presence Organization Management (25%) board and management structure and stability fiscal responsibility as reflected in organizational and project budgets adequacy of staff and logistical resources accountability as reflected in proposed method for evaluating program/project and, if organization previously received grant funds, in reports submitted to CAC during 1998-1999 grant cycle. Policies and Guidelines CAC staffwill discuss funding caps with applicants during individual consultations. Because CAC funding is necessarily limited, applicants are encouraged to thoroughly explore additional funding sources such as the Miami-Dade Cultural Affairs Council, (305 375 4634); Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs; and private foundations. Past receipt of CAC funds, financial need and merit of an application do not in themselves guarantee funding. CAC does not ordinarily fund capital expenditures, travel and hospitality, debt reduction, or costs of organizational fund-raising. The CAC grants program is a public process allocating public funds, and is therefore governed by the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law. Neither grant applications nor panel deliberations may be kept confidential. CAC members and panelists follow rigorous conflict of interest guidelines, and do not participate in funding deliberations affecting organizations with which they are affiliated as employees or board members. During the application process, applicants may contact CAC only through CAC staff, not CAC members or panelists. Violations will result in disqualification. All grant recipients must provide equal access and equal opportunity in employment and services, and may not discriminate on the basis of handicap, color, creed, gender, religion or sexual orientation. The CAC will not fund programming which is primarily tourist oriented. Such projects are funded by the VCA tourist advancement grant program. 3 405 MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL 1999-2000 GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Meet individually with CAC staff before completing application. Call 305 672 ARTS for an appointment. Consultations must take place between Thursday, May 20 and Friday, June 4. 2. Complete application. Please use computer or typewriter for numbered answers, with 10 point or larger type. 3. Submit original signed application and 12 single-sided copies (stapled upper left comer) to Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council - Grants City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th floor Miami Beach, FL 33139-1819 by Friday, June 11, 1999,4:00 pm,. Application and copies must be received at the CAC office by this deadline. Late applications will not be considered, and will be returned unopened. APPLICATION CHECKLIST Individual consultation with CAC staff (Thursday, May 20 to Friday, June 4.) Original application, completed and signed Original + 12 copies of application Annual organizational operating budget for 1998-1999 Annual organi7.ational operating budget for 1999-2000 Proposed project budget Board membership list Supporting materials, appropriately labeled (optional) and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return 4 406 MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL 1999-2000 GRANT APPLICATION Category please check one o I. Annual operating budget under $100,000 o II. Annual operating budget from $100,000 to $500,000 o ID. Annual operating budget over $500,000 Applicant Information Name of organization (name as it appears in articles of incorporation) Type of organization: operfonning arts Ovisual arts oother please describe Mailing address City Zip Year legally established State Federal ID# Total 1998-1999 operating budget $ Previous CAC grantee: Dyes Dno Executive Director (or equivalent) Grant contact person Title Phone Fax e-mail for staff use only .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I : Consultation date Time Completed . I I I . 1______-----------------------------------------------________________________________________________________ 5 407 Grant project information Proposed project title Director of proposed project Start date End date Grant amount requested $ Total project budget $ Please use typewriter or computer with at least 10 point type to answer-numbered questions. Answer only in space provided 1. Description of applicant organization Describe your organization in terms of mission, audiences and achievements. 6 408 2. Description of proposed project Describe clearly and concisely the proposed project for which funds are requested. Please include information on participants, audiences, location, time frame. 2a. Synopsis: Give the essence of your proposal in a single, concise sentence. 409 7 3. Discuss the artistic and creative merits of this project. 4. Describe the principal artists in this project, indicating their qualifications and experience. (You may attach biographical information.) 410 8 5. How do you plan to build public awareness of this project? 6. How will you measure the success of the project? 9 411 7. Discuss the project's impact on the community, including both residents and visitors. Describe any proposed outreach, educational or collaborative initiatives. 8. Describe the staff who will be committed to this project, indicating whether they are employees or volunteers. Discuss the organizational support and resources available. 412 10 Project budget (attach your own budget or complete the following) Total expenses: $ Anticipated income: $ Personnel-artistic $ Admissions $ Personnel-technical $ Art sales $ Personnel-administrative $ Other (itemize) $ Space rental MarketinglPublicity Other (itemize) $ $ $ $ $ $ Grant budget Grant amount requested: $ Itemize expenditures for which requested funds will be used. (These must be reflected in project budget above.) $ $ $ $ $ 11 413 What other sources of funding are you seeking for this project? Required attachments 1. Board membership list 2. Organizational operating budget for 1998-1999 3. Organizational operating budget for 1999-2000 (briefly explain significant changes from previous year, if any) Optional attachments Applicants may submit print material, video or audio tape, or slides to supplement their application. These will be made available for panelists' review, but will not be shown at the panel meetings. Viewing material should be limited to five-minute presentations, and slides to no more than twenty images. A brief typed description of the material presented is required, and materials must be appropriately labeled. CERTIFICATION I certify that all information contained in this application and these attachments is true and accurate. Authorizing signature Date Printed name Title 12 414 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM No.51,.....1:l TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City mmission DATE: July 21,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF mE CfIY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL (COUNCIL) AND AWARDING A TOTAL OF $585,000 IN CULTURAL ARTS GRANTS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000, AS SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT NO.1; AUmORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID GRANT AGREEMENTS; AND FURTHER MAKING THE AWARD OF SAID GRANT MONIES SUBJECT TO AND CONTINGENT UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL'S BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000. ADMlNISTRA TION RECOMMEND A TION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND The Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council develops and promotes the visual and performing arts in the City of Miami Beach. Paramount to accomplishing these goals is the annual cultural grants program: a competitive process funded by the Yisitor and Convention Authority (YCA) and the City of Miami Beach. Designed to help support the cultural community in Miami Beach, the grants partially fund exhibits and performances by not-for-profit groups. The Council received 71 applications for the 1999/2000 program and recommends awarding $585,000 to 56 organizations. The Council is expanding its community outreach through a $35,000 matching grant partnership with the North Beach Development Corporation that will provide more than $70,000 for increased cultural programming in North Beach next year. ANALYSIS The cultural grants program offers visual and performing not-for-profit organizations the opportunity to receive funding for programming in Miami Beach. The process involves an application procedure, staff consultations, and community panel reviews. This year the CAC staff met with 96 people from 75 cultural organizations, received 71 applications, and held three community panel reviews. 395 AGENDA ITEM DATE jf1~ ANALYSIS cont'd. The applications were divided into three categories: Annual budgets greater than $500,000 18 proposals: $791,850 in requests; $300,000 available Annual budgets between $100,000 and $500,000 31 proposals: $602,500 in requests; $200,000 available Annual budgets less than $100,000 22 proposals: $200,700 in requests; $85,000 available Total: 71 proposals: $1,595,050 in requests; $585,000 available Grants review panels consisting of 32 people from the CAC, VCA, and the community evaluated proposals based upon the criteria outlined in the application (see attachments). After reviewing the proposals and supporting audiovisual materials, the panels convened on June 28, 29, and 30 to evaluate the grant proposals. After discussing each proposal, panelists scored the applications. Their scores were averaged and the proposals ranked. The panels then made funding recommendations to the Cultural Arts Council. On July 1, 1999, the CAC unanimously approved the recommendations of the three cultural grants panels as shown on Exhibit No.1. CONCLUSION The City Commission should approve the recommendations of the CAC for cultural arts grants totalling $585,000. ~ Yiv' ~I~'~ SR:lts:bw:cc IJ F:\INFO\SAlL\CRAIG\MEMOS\GRNTMEMO. WPD 396