DS-DE 9 STATE OF FLORIDA APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES (Section 106.021 (1), F.S.) (PLEASE TYPE) CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: N OriginalAppointment E~ Deputy Treasurer Na~m~ of Candidat~ \ ~F, EICE_USE ONLY ..... o OFF ICE ~] Reappointment of Treasurer [~ Secondary Depository 1. Address (include post office box or street.~ city, state, zip code) Telephone (optional) ( ) I have appointed the following person to act as my Campaign Treasurer 4. N~-n~ of Treasuret~r Deputy Treas/urer 5. Mailing Address (I,-I' post office box or draw~er add street address) '.City~~~:ku JO.~unty~::::~c. O'State ¢L "-J Deputy Treasurer J6. Telephone 10. Zip Code I have designated the following named bank as my N' Primary Depository ['~ Secondary Depository 11, Name of Ba0k~ ~ \ t~ I 12. Street Address I x x Campaign Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment l, ¢~'~ ~~'~ ~~'~ , do hereby accept the appointment as (Please Print or Type)  Campaign lroasuror Doputy lmasuror for tho campaign of who is sookin~ nomination or oloction as a ~~ cand~dato to tho offico of ~~~ ~ ~~ ~-- ~~'~s a duly registered voter in'(P~)' County, Florida, I am qualified to accept this appointment. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DEC.RE THAT I HAVE IE FOEEGOIN6 C~PN6N TREASURER'S ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTmEnT AND THAT iD ARE TRUE. i oS x DS-DE 9 (Rev. 08/03) Date 7] Treasu Treasurer