DS-DE 9 (Campaign Treasurer) STATE OF FLORIDA APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES (Section 106.021(1), F.S.) OFFICE USE ONLY . . a -.,' Cf\ '- ,A.) c:: m ::; ~n j,J ......" c..n -",,~ r ;l:.. r, . -'l-~ , , .&:"" C-) W - "...., (PLEASE TYPE) rn CJ CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: m Original Appointment Name of Candidate D Deputy Treasurer D Reappointment of Treasurer o Secondary Depository 1'6d4;~oe Zs~?{;;;r streetJ!j';;e~' zip code) /0/tlfY7r Be;;;: FI -::53/4/ 2. Party (Partisan candidates only) 3. Office (add district, circuit, group number) I /' C/7 (OHfltIJf/IYJ J3...6ff. V I haye appointed the following person to act as my [}6Campaign Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer 4. Name ofR~Gr&<uty Tr;;6~Af1>tJ;J 5. Mailing Address (If PQst office box ~r drawer add street address) 62)-50 (oC{/n5 i7!1e. 8. c,;~;t~ C!. j~ ' 9. StateFL ~OGE~ A~)RE1M soN' Telephone (optional) 6. Telephone 7,C!110m/ 10. Zip Code ?~I I have designated the followi~g named bank as my 11. Narrn: ~f ~ank , ) li J VJ /j 5 iJ /;J G/tJ N / -/t//CI 13.~ 14. County D Primary Depository D Secondary Depository 12. Street Address 15. State 16. Zip Code 17. ~nature of Candi Date I, Campaign Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment 120 y~ 1l6i/'(/;rJSFh (Please Print or Type) ~mpajgn Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer for the campaign of 2t::j.f?/l /lklYJs err-, , do hereby accept the appointment as who is seeking nomination or election as a q Ij" \ . / . . ~vp V (Party) , .;1(/1 H/ /!!P1cJ/ C ly LC~IIJ!/Ih . As a duly registered voter in County, Florida, I am qualified to accept this appointment candidate to the office of H/tlH/.o&JE UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING CAMP GN TREASURER'S ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED AR R E. X~ - _ , Signature of Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer ~/2~6 I Date DS-DE 9 (Rev. 02/06)