DS-DE 9 - 2 Michael Góngora STATE OF FLORIDA APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES (Seetlon 106.021 (1), F .S.) OFFICE USE ONLY (PLEASE TYPE) CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: o .O"ginal Appoi1trnent 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of Candidate MICH/ffL GON~IZA o Reappointment of Treasurer 0 Secondary Depository 1. Address (indude post office box or street. city, state, zip code) 5"g>~ CoIIII)..r M(. t;>.?A; {VIllml !1C'iJ.t1! Ii- ?3IVo Telephone (optional) ( 2. Party (Partisan candidates only) 3. Office (add district, circuit, group number) (Yl/AtrJ IfJdJ.lIj Corw.,JJ/..... Gtww> j/ Campaign Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer I have appointed the following person to act as my 4. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer ALA/J A. LIPS 5. Mailing Address (If post office box or drawer add slreet address) 6. Telephone 4MW.... __ t 1.' 5me&i 3oS-86l?'-:)~oo 7. City 8. County 9. Stale 10. Zip Code /r1/~ I IltYJ(I-f tv'IAM I i),4Dc. fi.. J:j/ 'II I have designated the following named banK as my ltJ Primary Depository 0 Secondary Depository 11. Name of Bank 12. Street Address fVlt'LLoN UrJITP) ,,-,{J-f/~ ~ /6'U. M&lLtDI+f A-v6 13. City 14. County 15. StateL 163, Zi}, c,oct.; t7 .tvlIPwiI M, 1- '\) ~O<:" =, 17.;r D~ I 07 I; Aw Campaign Treasurer's Li('S [8J Campaign Treasurer (Pi.... Print or lYpe) o Deputy Tre8$Urer ptance of Appointment .. .... n = - <=I , dO hereby accept th;ippo~ent:R " ..., m r- c::D .-.. /. fTl I 1..1 for the campaign of //VII C.H.4EL <soN<fvM ::0 -..I m -^ - candidate ~e 4e or:::. o _ m DADe' =ri :: 0 M)~/- <; _ ,-, iM t" ..who isseel<ing nomination or election as a (Party) N t'lc i+ ..,~,J,. n- 1.1.' rfovi I I y..i/Ie. 8fi,.fII">"~ ~ As a duly registered voter in County, Florida. I am qualified to accept this appointment. . UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE R E REGOING CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S . ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT AND THE F STATIm ARE TRUE, 1/11/09 I . Da18 x OS-DE 9 (Rev. 02/06) ." _~ ,'l",~. ':'~l""~' ..:.,.<b~,;(;;',,,~:,'a'~:~;.'..!i;i;;.~:~,..i,',;,V'~',~, :-~~.: . '~';;" ~.:: '::. Z',- :::'::,:::J. ,~.;:'::~~~:..::,,~;~~.;;\\t.'~ ","~, :,,:' ~ ~.':,,~~';.:'j,. ,"r ~~'. "'" '..m,," ""':' ',,~: . .:"," ~. R'"'._ GO'd OO:L~ LO, UG ue[ 960L~L9S0~:xe~ NOISSIWWOJ~~OA~~