Notice of Special Election November 6, 2007
NOVEMBER 6, 2007
• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that aSpeciaY Election has been called by the Mayor. and City-
Canmission bf the ~Y of Miami Bl~~cti, Flrlrida, pursuant to City Resolution 2007-26598 well be
held in said City from 7:00: a.m, until`7.00 pm, on the 6th. day of November, 2007, at which time
there shalt be submitted to the duty rt~istet~t and quali>"ied voters of the City of Miami Beach the
following. questions:
Public Vote Required Poor Tb Enacting lase Stringent
Stmrderds To City's Cale Ot Conduct
C~-Code Chapter 2, arnde VN, establishes a coded etlrical conduct applicable to city officers, employees, and agency
members, lobbyists and citlr vendorslbidders, and furtlaN estabr~shes campaign. finance laws; shall the Charter be amended
- to require a m~oritg vote of the city electors before enacting anY change to this code of conduct, which change (through
Pfion, repeal or otl>arwlse) creates less sMngerrt standards of conduct?
Votaci6n P Para~a~p~bar Normaa Mends Estrictas Para
_ Ei~iGgo i)e tu~~taa oe La t:~rdad
EI Arficulo VII. del Capitvto 2 det Cbdlgo de ~ Ciudad establece un cbdi de conducts r:tica I~cable a los funclonanos,
firrar~ miss am ~ ~, ~• Proveedores Ilcitadores~de tr Ciudad, y ademi~ establ~e las leyes de las .
de la pafias: ~deberb enmerrrtarse la Carla C nonsstittucional q~~[reeqquiere el wto mayoritario de bs elecbres
Simi ~ aprobar ~~ aly~o a este C6digo de conducts, carnbio (mediante exenciGn, revocacidn u otra med(da
lar) que crew normal de ~ronducta mends estrictas?
Vbt PNrlik E~jNr Mean Yo Mete ppII Eatanda De Kondwlt
.:,:.. _ Mrren Se+rd Nor Kddp~IG~ Vd La
Chapit 2, Atik 7, Kbd Vil la etat>li ki)d etik sou kondwft ki aplikab a fonksyone vil yo, arrplwaye Yo, ak manm ajans yo,
ldbiyis yo ak vand8 yo ak nwun ki reponn aPhl ddf yo, epltou ae f- manm ki responsab you etabli de Iwa sou flnansman
aka~+rp~an; 8ske se you yo amande Konstltisyon an you e~je Yore vdt majorit8 de eleldi! yo nan vil la ar-van yo mete anplas
estarrr~ondwit maven ryondwit sa-a, ko~ ch'niman sa-a (atrev8 egzansyon, anilasyon ou otreman) va kreye yon
YESJSI/WI 66 _ . _ i!
NO/I~q/NON 67 _
Robert Percher, City Clerk
City of Miami Beach, Florida
Ad #455 ,