Notice of Special Election Nov 6 2007 Art DecoArt Deco Tropical 30 de
crTr a~ Hl1AIV~tI BEACM, ~~aa~QA
NaWE1Vl-BE1~ ~, 2407
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tl~~a~ a Special ~le~tian has been called by the Mayor
and City C:ommissian of the C..iry o3 Miami Beach, Florida, p~arsuont to City kesolution
20G7-~ba9$ will :~P held in said City from 7:00 a.r~, ur}til 700 ~.m. an the ~~. day
of November, 2007,. cat which time there shall be ~u`t]mitfQd to the duly regEstered cad
gvoli~iet voters of the City of Miami Beach the followir3g aue5tinn~;
Public Vote Required Prior To Enacting Less Stringent
Standards To City's Code 0f Conduct
City Code Chapter ~, Art~cie VII. establishes a code of ettricai conduct applicable to city
~ eft~cers, employees. and agency members, lobbyists and city ver}dorslbidders, acrd
furt;rer establishes campaign finance laws: shall the Charter be amended to require a
malorrty vote of the city electors before enacti€~g any strange to this code of cond€~ct.
which change 4ttvough exemption, repeal or otherwise} creates less str~ragent standards
of Conduct?
Votacion Pciblica Obligatoria Para Aprobar fYormas Menos Estrtctas Para EI
Cbdigo De Conducts De La Ciudad
El Ariculp VII del Capitulo 2 deE Cbdigo de Ea Ciudad establece un c~iigo de conducts
et-ca aplicable a los func~onarias. ernpleados, miernlvros de agencsas; cab~lderos,
proveedores y Iicitadores de a Ciudad. y ademas establece las leyes de las f~nanras
para #as campai~as: ~debera enrnendarse la Carta Constitucionai que requaere el voto
mayor~tar~o de los electoral de la cwdad para aprobar carnbio al9ur}a a este Cbdigo de
conducts. camb~o ~mediar~te exenc,on. revocac~brr u otra med~da ~iratilar) qua crew
j normal de conducts rnencs estrictas?
YEStSIi 6fi
NQ; NO: 67
Robert l'r~rcher, City Clerk
City Q~ 1V~iami $each, Florida