DS-DE9 (2) CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX STATE OF FLORID~ APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGNF! j~LEA§'IIJI;i~) [] original Appointment AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN ~!~4E~.O~I~ [~y Treasurer FOR CANDIDATES / ~ Reappointment Of Treasurer (Section 106.021 (1)~ F.~) ~ L ~ ~;~ '~ C~'F t ~ ~ S~onda~ Oeposito~ (PLBSE ~PE) I have appointed the following person to a~ as my ~ Campaign Treasurer ~Treasurer I have designa~ the following named bank as my ~ Prima~ ~posito~ ~ S~onda~ Deposito~ 11. Name of Bank ] 12. ~r~t Addr~s (Pl~e P~ ~) "~ ~ CampaignTreasurer ~Treasurer for the campaign of ~(~'le ~M~ fro ' who ' seeking nomination or elfion as a , , a~2:)v candidate to the office of ' I ' k Date' t [ Sign~r~f Cam~ n Tre ty Treasurer ,, D~DE 9 (Rev. 11/95) STATE OF FLORIDA TE BOX APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER :i .~, :~ I [] original Appointment ':'~' !':!*/~/i u reasurer (~ction 106,021(1), F.S.) .:, ~ [ ,~, 7/7~0 S~onda~ DepositoW (PLEASE ~PE) I have appointed the following ~mon to ad as my ~ Campaign Treasurer ~ ~puty Treasurer 4. Name of Treasurer or ~puty Treasurer 5. Mailing Addr~s (If post office box or drawer add strut addr~s) ~ 6. Telephone 7. City ~ 8. County ~ 9. ~ate f 10. Zip Code I have designat~ the following named bank as my ~aW DepositoW ~ ~ondaW ~positoW /? I  Tre~surer's Acceptance of Appointm Camp~n ~ I, , do hereby a~ept the appoimment as ~Campaign Treasurer ~ Deputy Treasurer for the campaign of (P~) . As a duly r~ister~ voter in County, Florida, I am quaiifi~ to a~ept this appointment. X Date Signature of Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer DS-DE 9 (Rev. 11/95) LAW OFFIC~;S HYHAN 8¢ KAPLAN · A~.o ...... o, ,., ..,, ,o...,. March 21,2001 City of Miami Beach ~, Office of the Ci~ Clerk '~ 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RE: Bernie Nava~o, Commission Candidate Designation of Campaign Deposito~ Designation of Depu~ Campaign Treasurer Dear Clerk: A~ached hereto is Candidate Navalo's submission of Designation of Campaign Deposito~ indicating his Prima~ Deposito~ to be Ocean Bank, account number 010130315505. Please adjust your records to indicate change in deposito~ from Colonial Bank to Ocean Bank. Additionally, a~ached hereto is Candidate Navarro's submission of Designation of Depu~ Campaign Treasurer. The undersigned accepts this appointment and is familiar with the statuto~ requirements of same. If you have any questions or ~mments, please contact the undersigned. Ve~ oum, GD~ ~ Zen egu~, Esquire enclosure