062-1993 DM CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI B OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER PLEASE POST TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7182 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 62-1993 TO: All Department Directors DATE: December 2, 1993 SUBJECT: NOTICE TO ALL CITY EMPLOYEES PROHIBITION ON ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS With the upcoming holiday season, it is important that all employees be mindful of the City's policy with regard to the acceptance of gifts. Employees are expressly prohibited from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any petson, company, firm, or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money, or anything of value whatsoever except where given for the use and benefit of the Clly. Further, Rorida Statutes, Section 112.313 states in part that: "No public employee, employee of an agency, or candidate for nomination or election shall solicit or accept anything of value to the recipient, including a gift, loan, reward, or promise of future employment, favor or sen/ice, based upon any understanding that the vote, official action, or judgment of the public officer, employee, or candidate would be influenced thereby." As Cily employees, we are vested with a special trust by the citizens we serve, and we must maintain the highest standards of conduct if that trust is to be properly honored. Accordingly, all employees are reminded of their obligation to decline the acceptance of any gifts which might reasonably be viewed as incompatible with the standards set forth above. ff there is any doubt on the understanding of this policy, please contact my office for clarification. RMC:Ig cc: Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant City Manager Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager Mayre Diaz-Buttacavoll, Assistant City Manager Joseph Fisher, Benevolent President Willie Kirby, AFSCME President Lynda Veski, FOP President Dave Noel, IAFF President