063-1993 DM ;.-- . DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. _63~1993_ DATE: December 2, 1993 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Roger M. Carlton. . 1.1 I ~ City Manager ~ SUBJECT: 1994 INTER-OFFICE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY r- The City Manager's Office is in the process of updating the city's Inter-office Telephone Directory. It is requested that you review the attached copies of Directory pages which pertain to your department, and update as necessary. Make any additions, deletions, or corrections as necessary, and please include a listing of personnel to be included in the Directory. Please send your changes to Amy Pinder, of my office, no later than December 23, 1993. Thank you. RMC:ap Attachments cc: Ed Cox, Assistant city Manager Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Dean R. Mielke, Executive Assistant David Reddick, Public Information Coordinator Robert Reboso, Administrative Assistant Jack Lubin, Consultant City Manager's Secretarial Staff ~. DEPARTMENT /ORGANIZA TION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. Ac:cideDt IDYestlgatioDs, Patrol (POLICE) AccideDt Records (POLICE) AccouDting DiylsloD (FINANCE) Acthlties CeDter, M.B. (HousiDg" Community DeY.) Agnes Fodor-Long, Program Supervisor AdmiDistration Bureau (POLICE) 1100 Washington Ayenue .............. 7925 Bureau Commander, ............................................................ 7925 Services Dhislon Commander, Robert Frame.. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7952 Background Unit ............................................................. 7909 Budget ...................................................................... 7935 Building Maintenance .......................................................... 7960 Court Liaison ............................................................. 545-5559 Off-Duty Employment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7823 Payroll Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7822 Personnel Unit (Flies" Schools) ................................................. 7952 Property Management Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7960 Public Safety Communications Dhlslon ............................................ 7900 Purchasing/Supplies ........................................................... 7936 Records Unit ................................................................. 7100 Unit Commander .......................................................... 7100-01 Records .................................................................... 7990 Crime Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7101 Crime Statistics .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7101 I.D. Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7992 Training Unit ................................................................ 7885 Firearms Training, Sgt. John Clements ........................................... 7964 Adult RetardatioD Program (Housing/Comm. DeY. Dh.) MR ActiYities Center ............................................................. 993-2008 Agnes Fodor-Long, Program Supervisor Log Cabin, 8128 Collins Ave. ........ 993-2008 Affirmatin ActloD (PERSONNEL) City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7524 Karen Hunter Jackson, Affirmative Action Officer A.F.S.C.M.E., (AmericaD FederatioD of State, CODDty " Muaicipal Employees) Willie Kirby, President 1370 Washington Annue .............. 7720 Air CODdltloaing Maint. (CONVENTION CENTER) 1901 Convention Center Driye .......... 7349 Air Coadltioalag/Refrigeratioa MtD./Electrical (PR) 1245 Michigan Annue ................ 7630 Reinaldo Horday, Supervisor Alar.. Office" Fire Rescue (FIRE) Archhes (CITY CLERK) Athletic League, (POLICE) Billy Williams, Coordinator ATTORNEY, CITY Laurence Feingold, City Attorney AUDIT, INTERNAL Izzy Binstock, Internal Auditor Auto Theft, Detecthe Buren, (POLICE) Aaxillary Police (See Police Resene listing) r- r- r 1992 -A- 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7888 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7990 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7405 8128 Collins Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 993-2008 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7900 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7411 999 Eleventh Street ............... 531-5636 City Hall, 4th Floor 7470 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7020 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7945 1 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. r- -B- ~ Bargalalag Uaits (See: Ualoas, City) BASS MUSEUM Diane Camber, Division Director Bass Museum Dnelopmeat Office Bass Museum School Joyce Olivera, Registrar Bayshore Golf Course 2301 Alton Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 673-1576 BEACH PATROL 1001 Ocean Drive.................... 7714 John Lasseter, Captain ......................................................... 7714 Larry Pizzi, Operations Supervisor .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7715 Richard Dorney, Lieutenant ..................................................... 7715 Emergency Only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7711 Beaevoleat Associatioa (See: Miami Beach Employees Beaevoleat Associatloa) BiIIlag, Utlllty (FINANCE) City Hall, 3rd Flool440 Boads, U.s. Saviags (FINANCE) City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7431 Booklag (CONVENTION CENTER) 1001 Convention Center Drive .......... 7311 Box Office (CONVENTION CENTER/THEATER) 1901 Convention Center Drive.......... 7300 BUDGET, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT" City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7510 Peter Liu, Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7510 Audit ........................................................................ 7020 Budget ....................................................................... 7515 E.D.P. Audit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7020 BUILDING SERVICES 555 Hank Meyer Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . .. 7688 Paul Gioia, Division Director ................................................. 7610 xlI Building Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7610 x3 Building Recertification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7610 x8 Complaints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7610 x7 Electrical Division ............................................................ 7610 x4 Engineering Division .......................................................... 7610 x8 Mechanical Division. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7610 x5 Permit Clerk ............................................................... 7610 x34 Plan Review ................................................................ 7610 x35 Plumbing Division ............................................................ 7610 x6 Bulldlal Permits (BUILDING) 555 Hank Meyer BoulevlWillOxO Buslaess" Accoaatlag Office (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7935 Buying, City (See: PURCHASING DIVISION) 2121 Park A venue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7530 2100 Washington Avenue ........... 673-7843 2100 Washington Avenue ........... 673-7166 -C- Carpeatry Shop (CONVENTION CENTER) Carpeotry Shop (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) Cashier, Ceatral (FINANCE) CENTRAL SERVICES (GENERAL SERVICES) Robert Thomas, Division Director Chief, Fire Departmeot Branlard Dorris, Fire Chief Chief, Pollee Departmeat Phillip G. Huber, Police Chief 1901 Convention Center Drive .......... 7365 1245 Michigan Avenue ................ 7650 City Hall, 3rd Flool436 City Hall, Ist Floor .................. 7480 2300 Pine Tree Drive ................. 7120 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7925 r- 1991 2 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. r -C- coatlnDed CITIZEN SERVICES Herbert Eller, V olDnteer Mike Finkle, Volunteer Max Mansfield, Volunteer Sydd Marmer, Volunteer Dorothy Neulander, Volunteer David Rabinowitz, Co-Administrator (Volunteer) CITY ATTORNEY Laurence Feingold, City Attorney CITY CLERK Richard Brown, City Clerk CITY COMMISSION AND MAYOR City Hall, 4th Floor Seymour Gelber, Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sy Eisenberg, Commissioner ..................................................... Susan F. Gottlieb, Commissioner. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... Nelsen O. Kasdln, Commissioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David T. Pearlson, Commissioner ................................................. Abe Resnick, Commissioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Shapiro, Commissioner ................................................... City Han Malatenaace (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) Hall, 1st Floor .................................................................. Steve Cooper, Supervisor CITY MANAGER Roger M. Carlton, City Manager Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant City Manager Mayra D1az-Buttacavoll, Assistant City Manager Dean Mielke, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/Labor Relations Joe Pinon, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Civil Defense 2300 Pine Tree Drive ................. Branlard Dorris, Fire Chief Emergency .................................................................... Chll Eaglaeers (See: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT) Civil Service Examinations (PERSONNEL) City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK, CITY City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. Richard Brown, City Clerk Code Compllaace Dhlsloa/BUILDING SERVICES Michael Saelarldes, Superintendent William Manning, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer Janice Pye, Sr. License Inspector Garage Sale Permits License Inspections Marine Inspections Newsrack Permits Noise Inspections Property Maintenance Inspections Sanitation Complaints Sidewalk Cafe Permits Zonlna Inspections Code Enforcemeat Board, Clerk of the Commlssioa Chambers (Media Booth) Commission Reporters (CITY CLERK) Commissioners' Office ,/ r-- 1991 City Hall, 1st Floor .................. 7560 City Hall, 4th Floor City Hall, 3rd Floor 7470 7411 7030 7102 7105 7106 7103 7104 7107 aty 7017 City Hall, 4th Floor .................. 7010 7120 7900 7520 7411 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7555 City Hall, 3rd Floor City Hall, 3rd Floor City Hall, 3rd Floor City Hall, 4th Floor 3 7691 7157 7411 7030 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. r- -C- (eoatinBed) r- Co.....nie.tion. (R.dio, D.t., Voiee, Beeper) 1100 Washington Avenue (PI02) ........ 7586 Commuaieation. (Telephoae Ser..iee) (COMPUTERS) 1100 Washington Ave., 4th Fir. ......... 7042 Com..unity Ceaters (RECREA TION/P ARKS/CULTURE) North Shore Community Center 73rd Street & Collins A venue. ....... 993-2001 Oeean Front Auditorium 1001 Ocean Drive .................... 7739 South Shore Community Center 833 Sixth Street ..................... 7737 21st Street Community Center 2100 Washington Avenue .............. 7784 Community De..elopment (See: Hou.ing &: Community De..elopment Divi.ion) Compl.int Record. &: St.tistics (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7990 COMPUTERS &: COMMUNICATIONS 1100 Washington Avenue.... .......... 7043 Cheryl Gorchik, Director Computers (Operation.) (COMPUTERS) Conferenee Room, 2nd Floor Controi Center (PUBLIC WORKS) CONVENTION CENTER Norman Lltz, Contract Administrator Thomas Connors, General Manager (Spectacor Management Group) Court, Dade County, Miami Beach Branch 1130 Washington Avenue ........... 535-4200 Credit Union, M.B. Federai 555 Hank Meyer Boulevard ......... 531-8713 Susan Hickerson, Manager Cre.pi P.rk (PARKS/RECREATION) Crespi Blvd. & Hawthorne Avenue. ... . .. 7730 Crime Pre..ention Unit (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7383 Crimia.1 lue.tigation Dhl.ion (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7945 Crime Scene Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7984-Sup/7982 Crimes - Persons ............................................................... 7945 Crimes - Property .............................................................. 7945 Division Commander, Major Ron Forester ....................................... 7945x229 Division Executive Officer, Capt. Pat Schneider ..................................... 7945 Juvenile Unit .................................................................. 7942 Shift Commanders " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7945 V.I.S.A./2nd Hand Dealers ................................................... 7945 x226 Crimiaal Reeord. (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7990 Cu.todi.1 Seniee. (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) 1245 Michigan Avenue................ 7634 1100 Washington Avenue, 4th Fir. ....... City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Dade Boulevard .................. 1901 Convention Center Drive .......... 7043 7225 7625 7311 -D- Data COBtrol (COMPUTERS) 1100 Washington Avenue, 4th Fir. ....... 7043 Dat. Proce..iag (COMPUTERS) 1100 Washington Avenue, 4th Fir. ....... 7043 De.iga Rniew (See PI.naiag, De.ign &: Hi.torie Pre.enatioB Di...) DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN &: HISTORIC PRES. DEPT. C. Hall, 4th Flooi7193 Harry Mavrogenes, Director Dean Grandin, Deputy Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7550 Economie Dnelopmeat Dhi.ioB C. Hall, 4th Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7193 Hou.iag &: CommuBity DeniopmeBt Divi.ion C. Hall, 4th Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7260 Shirley Taylor-prakeIt, Division Director 7260 Miami Beaeh Activities Center DhisioB 8128 Collins Avenue .............. 993-2008 AgBes Fodor-Long, Program Supervisor PlaBniBg, De.iga &: Hi.torie Pre.en.tioB Di..i.ion C. Hall, 2nd Floor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7550 r- Shaye Prather, Division Director 7550 Di.pateher (FIRE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7900 1992 4 DEPARTMENT /ORGANIZA TION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. ,--- Dispatcher (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7900 -E- E.D.P. Audit (O.M.B.) City Ha1\, 2nd Floor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7520 Electloas (CITY CLERK) City Ha1\, 3rd Floor .................. 7411 Electrical Iaspectioa (BUILDING) 555 Hank Meyer Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . . 761Ox4 Electrical Malateaaace (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) 1245 Michigan Avenu'630 Electrical Shop (CONVENTION CENTER) 1901 Convention Center Drive .......... 7349 Joe Oliva, Electrician Employee Asslstaace Program (EAP) Mt. Sinai Medical Center ........... 674-2776 Employees Beaevoleat Association (See: Miami Beach Employees Benevolent Associatloa) Employee Records (PERSONNEL) City Ha1\, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7522 Eaglneerlag Dlvlsloa (PUBLIC WORKS) City Ha1\, 4th Floor .................. 7620 Equlpmeat Mechaalc (CONVENTION CENTER) 1901 Convention Center Drive .......... 7366 Roberto de la Fuente Evaluations, Performance (PERSONNEL) Examlaatlons &; Recruitment (PERSONNEL) Exit Interviews (PERSONNEL) Fairway Park (RECREA TION/P ARKS/CULTURE) Federal Credit Ualo. of Miami Beach Festival of the Arts (PARKS/RECREATION) Film Permits (CITY MANAGER) FINANCE DEPARTMENT Robert Nachllnger, Director Robert Spinney, Assistant Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounting Division City Ha1\, 3rd Floor .................. Central Cashier City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. Insurance and sat ety City Ha1\, 3rd Floor .................. Payroll City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. Pension System (Gen. Employees/Unclassified) City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. Resort Tax City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. Utility BIlling City Ha1\, 3rd Floor .................. Fine Arts Board (P ARKS/RECREATION) City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. FIRE DEPARTMENT 2300 Pine Tree Drive ................. Branlard Dorris, Fire Chief Tom Sullivan, Assistant Fire Chief John Reed, Assistant Fire Chief Alarm Office (non-emergency) .................................................... Civil Defense 2300 Pine Tree Drive ................. Day........................................................................ . Emergency ................................................................... Dispatcher 1100 Washington Avenue .............. Fire Combat Division 2300 Pine Tree Drive ................. Ron Houck, Division Chief William Miller, Division Chief Fire Prevention Office John Reed, Assistant Fire Chief Fire Rescue Office ~ ,,--. 1992 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Ha1\, 2nd Floor .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Ha1\, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -F- 7524 7520 7522 200 Fairway Drive ................ 993-2011 55517th Street................... 531-8713 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7733 City Hall, 4th Floor .................. 7010 City Ha1\, 3rd Floor .................. 7466 2300 Pine Tree Drive 2300 Pine Tree Drive 5 7451 7405 7436 7014 7431 7437 7447 7440 7733 7120 7900 7120 7120 7900 7900 7118 7123 7130 DEPARTMENT /ORGANIZA TION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. r L. Garcia, Division Captain -F- (continued) r Fire Stations No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 Fire Training Office Tom Thompsou, Captain Hurricane Hotline Dade County Emergency Management. 596-8735 Firefighters Association (See: International Association of Firefighters) Fire &: Police Benevolent (See: Police &: Fire Benevolent) Flamingo Park (RECREATION/PARKS/CULTURE) Activity Center Baseball Field Friendship Corner #3 Handball Courts Memorial Field Memorial Fieldhouse Mlchnoff Fieldhouse Pool Softball Field Tennis Center Fraternal Order of Police Lynda Veskl, President Fraud &: Forgery (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7945 Frieudshlp Coraen (RECREATION/PARKS/CULTURE) No.3 Flamingo Park ...................... 7730 No.4 7250 Collins Avenue ............... 993-2001 1051 Jefferson Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2300 Pine Tree Drive ................. 5303 Collins Avenue .................. 6880 Indian Creek Drive .............. 2300 Pine Tree Drive ................. 7135 7171 7179 7136 7140 1000 - 12th Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7760 1435 Michigan Avenue ................ 7748 Jefferson Avenue & 13th Street. . . .. . ... 7730 13th Street & Michigan A venue ...... 672-9225 11th Street & Alton Road ............. 7749 12th Street & Michigan Avenue. ........ 7766 12th Street & Alton Road ............. 7766 Jefferson Avenue & 12th Street. ........ 7750 13th Street & Meridian Avenue ......... 7766 Jefferson Avenue & 12th Street. ........ 7761 999 Eleventh Street ............... 534-2775 -G- Garages (MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE) No.1 No.2 Garbage (See: SANITATION) Gardea Center (RECREATION/PARKS/CULTURE) 2000 Convention Center Drive.......... Gift Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gleasoa, (Jackie) Theater of Performing Arts 1700 Washington Avenue .............. Golf Courses Bayshore Normandy Shores Par 3 Group Insurance (PERSONNEL) 140 MacArthur Causeway 140 MacArthur Causeway 7641 7641 7720 7256 7300 2301 Alton Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 673-1576 2401 Biarrltz Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 865-6381 2795 Prairie Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 674-0305 City Hall, 2nd Floor .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7526 -H- r- Hit &: Rau Innstlgatloas (POLICE) Housing &: Community Development Dhlsloa 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7888 C. Hall, 4th Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7260 1992 6 DEPARTMENT /ORGANIZA TlON LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. Bousi'ag Rehabllltatioa (Bouslng " Commualty Dn.) City Hall, 4th Floor .................. 7260 Burrlcane Botline (FIRE) Dade County Emergency Management. 596-8735 Identification Tech.lc:ia.. (POLICE) Ideatlficatloa. " Record. (POLICE) Iaformatloa, Cltbe.. (CITIZEN SVS) Informatloa, Police, Ge.eral (POLICE) Iaformatioa, Office of Public (POLICE) Iasuraace, Employee Group (PERSONNEL) Iasuraace, Bumaaa Repre.eatathe (PERSONNEL) Iasura.ce" Safety (CITY MANAGER) Ted Baldassarre, Risk Manager Iatelligence Ualt (POLICE) Iateraal Affairs (POLICE) INTERNAL AUDIT Izzy Blastock, Internal Auditor Iater.atlonal As.oc:latlon of Firefighters (IAFF) Tom Wray, President Iatenlew., Exit (PERSONNEL) - Jac:lde Gleason Theater of Performing Art. Juvenile Bureau" Misslag Persoas (POLICE) LABOR RELATIONS (CITY MANAGER) Dean Mielke, Director Legal Department (CITY A TI'ORNEY) Laurence Feingold, City Attorney Liaison Officer, Police/Court Libraries Main Library North Shore Branch South Shore Branch Licease Dhislon (CODE COMPLIANCE) Light Duty Class (PERSONNEL) Lost" Fouad (CONVENTION CENTER) Lost" Found (CITY BALL) Lummus Park (RECREATION/PARKS/CULTURE) r 1991 -1- 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7982 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7990 City Hall, 1st Floor .................. 7560 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7900 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7383 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7526 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7528 City HalI, 3rd Floor .................. 7014 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7806 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7920 City HalI, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7020 1701 N.W. 79th Avenue............. 592-6860 City HalI, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 7522 -J- 1700 Washington Avenue 1100 Washington Avenue 7300 7942 -K- -L- City HalI, 4th Floor 7010 City Hall, 4th Floor 7470 Metro Justice Building. . . . . . . . . . . .. 545-5559 2100 Collins Avenue. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 535-4219 7501 Collins Avenue ............... 864-5392 225 Washington Avenue ............ 535-4223 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7420 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7678 1901 Convention Center Drive .......... 7311 1700 Convention Center Drive .......... 7560 13th Street & Ocean Drive . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7730 7 DEPARTMENT /ORGANIZA TION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. r -M- ,-- Mall Room (CENTRAL SERVICES) City Hall, 1st Floor .................. 7480 Maiateaaace, Air Cond./Refrig./Elec.(PROPERTY MTCE) 1245 Michigan Avenu'630 Relnaldo Horday, Supervisor Malateaaace, Property (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) Maiateaaace, City Hall (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) Steve Cooper, Supervisor Malateaance, Electrical (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) 1245 Michigan Avenu'630 Malnteaaace, Mechanical (CONV. CTR) 1901 Convention Center Drive .......... 7365 James Manganiello Louis Perrero Malntenaace, Mechaaical (GENERAL SERVICES) L. H. (Bob) Wells, Superintendent Maiateaaace, Park (RECREA TION/P ARKS/CULTURE) Dan Keys, Parks Maintenance Sprv. Malateaaace Sectloa, General (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) Da vld Seroussl, Supervisor MANAGEMENT" BUDGET, OFFICE OF Peter Llu, Director Budget ....................................................................... 7515 E.D.P. Audit.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. 7020 Internal Audit ................................................................. 7020 Managemeat Information System (M.I.S.) (See: COMPUTERS/COMMUNICATIONS) Managemeat, Records (CITY CLERK) City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7411 MANAGER, CITY City Hall, 4th Floor .................. 7010 Roger M. Carlton, City Manager Mariaa, (Iateraatioaal Yacht Harbor) 300 Alton Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 673-6000 Marine laspectloa (Code Compllaace/BUILDING SVC) City Hall, 3rd Flooi555 Mariae Patrol (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .......... 7659/7959 Material Mauger (PURCHASING) City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7490 MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE City Hall, 4th Floor Seymour Gelber, Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7030 Sy Eisenberg, Commissioner ..................................................... 7102 Susan F. Gottlieb, Commissioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7105 Nelsen O. Kasdin, Commissioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7106 David T. Pearlson, Commissioner ................................................. 7103 Abe Resnick, Commissioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 7104 Martin Shapiro, Commissioner ................................................... 7107 Mechanical Inspection Division (BUILDING) 555 Hank Meyer Boulevard ........... 7610x5 Mechaaical Malatenaace (GENERAL SERVICES) 140 MacArthur Causeway ............. 7643 L.H. (Bob) Wells, Superintendent Administration and Accounting Garages No.1 140 MacArthur Causeway ............. 7641 No.2 140 MacArthur Causeway ............. 7641 Media laformatlon (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7383 Memorial Fleld-Flamlago Park (PARKS/REC) Alton Road & 11th Street ............. 7749 Memorial Fieldhouse-Flamingo Park (PARKS/REC) 12th Street & Michigan Avenue. . . . . .. .. 7766 Mental Retardatioa Adult (Housiag" Comm. Dn. Div) 8128 Collins A~008 Agnes Fodor-Long, Supervisor Miami Beach Activities Ceater 1245 Michigan Avenu'630 City Hall, 1st Flooi017 140 MacArthur Causeway ............. 7643 2100 Meridian Avenu'720 1245 Michigan A venu8'650 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7510 140 MacArthur Causeway ............. 7643 ,'-' 8128 Collins Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 993-2008 1992 8 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. ,,--. Agnes Fodor-Long, Supervisor -M- (continued) Miami Beach Employees Benet-olent Association 1001 Ocean Drive .................... 7714 Joe Fisher, President Miami Beach Federal Credit U.lon 555 17th Street.. .. ., .. .. .. .. . . . .. 531-8713 Miami Beach Lifeguards, Benevolent Representative 1001 Ocean Drive .................... 7790 Jim Boyd ................................................................. 993-2014 Miami Beach Marl.. 300 Alton Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 673-6000 Mlchnoff Fieldhouse, Flamingo Park (REC/PARKS) 11th Street & Alton Road ............. 7766 MoI.S. (Management Information Systems) (See: COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS) Missing Persons &: JUYenile Unit (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7942 Motorcycle Patrol (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7931 MUSEUM, BASS 2121 Park Avenue.................... 7530 Diane Camber, Director Muss Park (RECREATION/PARKS/CULTURE) Chase Avenue & 44th Street ........... 7765 -N- Narcotics E.forcement (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue ........... 532-9981 Normandy Isle Pool (RECREATION/PARKS/CULTURE) 7030 Trouville Espl~021 North Shore Community Center (RECREATION/PARKS) 73rd Street & Collins A~OOl North Shore Teen/Adult Center (RECREATION/PARKS) 501 - nnd Sl9aet023 North Shore Tennis Center (RECREATION/PARKS) 350 - 73rd Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 993-2022 Nuisance Abatement Board, Clerk of the City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7691 Occupational Llcease (Code CompUaace/BLDG SVC) City Hall, 3rd Floor Janice Pye, Senior License Inspector Ocean Froat Auditorium (PARKS/RECREATION) Off Duty Officers (POLICE) OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT &: BUDGET Peter Liu, Director Operations Ma.ager (CONVENTION CENTER) Jim Schmidt Ownership Records, Utility Billiug (FINANCE) /'""""" ,'-' Paint Shop (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) Vernon Cash, Supervisor Painter (CONVENTION CENTER) Orlando Infante Par 3 Golf Course (PROPERTY MAINTENANCE) PARKING DEPARTMENT Mark Malatak, Assistant Director 1992 -0- .................. 7420 1001 Ocean Drive .................... 7739 1100 Washington Avenue .......... 7823/7824 City Hall, 2nd Floor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7510 1901 Convention Center Drive .......... 7320 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7440 -P- 1245 Michigan Avenue 7630 1901 Convention Center Drive .......... 7365 2795 Prairie Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 674-0305 1837 Bay Road ...................... 7505 9 DEPARTMENT /ORGANIZA TION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. ,--.. -P- (eoatiaaed) Parb/Playgrouads/Teaals Ceaters/Pools (RECREA TION/P ARKS/CULTURE) Crespi Park 7800 Crespi Boulevard ................ 7730 Fairway Park 200 Fairway Drive ................ 993-2011 Flamingo Park 11th to 15th Streets between Meridian & Michigan Avenues. ........ 7766 1435 Michigan Avenue ................ 7748 13th Street & Michigan A venue ...... 672-9225 Jefferson A venue & 12th Street. . . . . . . .. 7750 Jefferson Avenue & 12th Street. . . . . " .. 7761 Flamingo Park ...................... 7730 7250 Collins Avenue ............... 993-2001 Flamingo Park Baseball Field Flamingo Park Handball Courts Flamingo Park Pool Flamingo Tennis Center Friendship Corner No.3 Friendship Corner No.4 Parb/Playgrouads/Teaals Ceaters/Pools Island View Park Lummus Park Muss Park Normandy Isle Park & Playground Normaudy Isle Park Pool North Shore Teen/ Adult Center North Shore Tennis Center Palm Island Park Pine Tree Park Polo Park Sail port South Polnte Park Stillwater Park Tatum Park Washington Park (Lutheran Ministries) Youth Center (Scott Rakow) Patrol Divisloa (POLICE) Major Rocco DeLeo Lieutenants' & Sergeants' Office Payroll (FINANCE) Payroll, Budget" Parehaslag (POLICE) Peasloa System, Geaeral Empl. " Uaclassifled (FIN) Lynn Wenguer, Pension Administrator Peasloa System, Fire" Police Cella Borenstein Locke, Administrator Performaaee Enlaatloas (PERSONNEL) City Hall, 2nd Floor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7524 Permits, Bulldiag (BUILDING) 555 Hank Meyer Blvd. .............. 7610x31 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT City Hall, 2nd Floor.................. 7524 Theophllus Adderly, Director .................................................... 7507 Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7524 Affirmative Action ............................................................. 7524 Employee Records .............................................................. 7522 Examinations & Recruitment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7520 Exit Interviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7522 Insurance, Group ............................................................... 7526 Light Duty Class ............................................................... 7678 Performance Evaluations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7524 Training & Development ......................................................... 7091 ,r- Dade Blvd. & Purdy Ave. .............. 7730 13th Street & Ocean Drive . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7730 44th Street & Chase A venue ........... 7765 1765 - 71st Street ........... . . . . . . . .. 7730 7030 Trouvllle Esplanade ........... 993-2021 501 - 72nd Street ................. 993-2023 350 - 73rd Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 993-2022 159 Palm Avenue .................... 7730 45th Street & Pine Tree Drive .......... 7730 805 - 42nd Street .................... 7730 68th St. & Indian Creek Dr. . . . . . . .. 868-SAIL Blscayne St. to Government Cut ........ 7224 8440 Hawthorne Avenue. . . . . . . . . . .. 993-2000 8050 Byron A venue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7730 201 - 2nd Street .................. 674-8111 2700 Sheridan A venue ................ 7767 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7875 .................................................. 7933 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7431 1100 Washington Avenue .......... 7935/7822 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7437 ,--. 1992 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7039 10 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. Tuition Assistance .............................................................. 7091 Photographer, City (CITY MANAGER) City Hall, 1st Floor .................. 7482 Photo Lab (POLICE) HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7945 -P- (continued) Plaa Review (Piaaaing, Desiga" HP DiY) Shaye Prather, Division Director Piaaaiag, Desiga " Historic Preservatioa Divisloa Shaye Prather, Division Director Plumblag Iaspectloa (BUILDING) Police Athletic League (PAL) Sgt. William Williams, Coordinator Police" Fire Beaeyoleat Associatioa (PFA) Richard Tobin, President POLICE DEPARTMENT Phillip G. Huber, Police Chief Lou Guasto, Assistant Chief of Police (Operations) Accident Investigations (Patrol) HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7888 Accident Records HOO Washington A venue .............. 7990 Administration Bureau HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7952 Division Commander Robert Frame Executive Officer Background Unit (Administration Division) U nit Supervisor Investiga tions Polygraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7988 Budget (Administration Division) HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7935 Building Maintenance (Administration Division) HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7960 Burglary" Homicide HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7945 Business" Accounting Office HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7935 Commanding Officers (Bureau) HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7925 Assistant Chief Lou Guasto, Operations Bureau Complaint Desk HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7900 Communications Bureau Administration - Stan Berllnsky ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7830 Complaint Records" Statistics HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7990 Confiscations HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7815 Court, Dade County H30 Washington Avenue ........... 672-1255 Court Liaison Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 545-5559 Crime Analysis HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7101 Crime Prevention HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7383 Crime Scene Unit (Detective Bureau) HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7982 Crime Statistics (Administration Division) HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7101 Criminal Investigations Division HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7945 Major Ron Forester Lieutenants' Office Division Executive Officer, Capt. Pat Schneider Shift Commanders Criminal Records Firearms Training, Sgt. John Clements Fraud" Forgery Fraternal Order of Police Lynda Veski, President General Investigations Hit " Run Investigations ,.--. ;- r- 1992 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7550 555 17th Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7610x6 999 11th Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 531-5636 HOO Washington Avenue 7934 HOO Washington Avenue 7925 HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7909 HOO Washington Avenue HOO Washington Avenue HOO Washington Avenue HOO Washington Avenue .............. 7990 .............. 7964 .............. 7945 . . . . . . . . . .. 534-2775 HOO Washington Avenue HOO Washington Avenue 7945 7888 ...... ........ .............. H --- DEPARTMENT /ORGANIZA TION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. I.D. Records Identifications Technician Information, General 1100 Washington Avenue 1100 Washington Avenue 1100 Washington Avenue -P- (continued) 7992 7982 7900 --- POLICE DEPARTMENT (contlnned) Information, Public 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7383 IntelJlgence Unit 1100 Washington Avenue ........... 532-9981 Internal Affairs 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7920 Juvenile Unit 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7942 Legal Advisor, Marjorie Sakln 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7385 Liaison Officer, Pollee/Court .................................................. 545-5559 Lieutenant's Office, Uniform Patrol 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7934 Marlel Intelligence (Criminal Investigation Div.) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7948 Marine Patrol 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7659 Media Information 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7383 Missing Persons 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7942 Narcotics Enforcement 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7806 Off-Duty Officers 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7823 Operations Bureau 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7925 Bureau Commander, Assistant Chief Lou Guasto Patrol Division 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7933 Division Commander, Major Rocco DeLeo .......................................... 7875 Lieutenants' & Sergeants' Office ................................................. 7933 Payroll 1100 Washington A venue .............. 7822 Personnel Unit (Files & Schools) 1100 Washington Avenue .......... 7952,7953 Photo Lab 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7945 Police Athletic League, Sgt. William Williams 999 11th Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 531-5636 Police Evidence & Property Unit, Ed Young 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7960 Police Planner, Robert Frame 1100 Washington A venue .............. 7952 Property Management Unit, Ed Young 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7960 Public Information 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7383 Public Safety Communications Division 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7900 Communications Unit Administration Stanton BerJinsky .............................. 7830 Communications Unit Records Inquiries (Channell-C) . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. 7170 Communications Unit Shift Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 7870 Communications Unit Shift Message Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7906 Purchasing/Supplies 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7936 Radio & Patrol Dispatch Supervisor 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7870 Range, Sgt. John Clements 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7964 Records Unit (Administration Bureau) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7100 Unit Commander ........................................................... 7100-01 Report Control Center 1100 Washington Avenue, Lobby ........ 7860 Reserve Officers, Sgt. Richard Tobin 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7934 School Guards, Officer Tevey WooIfe 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7933 Services Bureau 1100 Washington A venue .............. 7952 Shift Commanders (Patrol) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7933 Shift Lieutenants/Sergeants (Patrol Division) 1100 Washington Avenue .......... 7931,7934 Squad Room (Lounge) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7974 Statistics & Records 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7990 Strategic Investigation Unit 1100 Washington Avenue ........... 532-9981 Systems Analyst, Martin Zaworski 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7899 Training Unit (Administration Bureau) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7885 Uniform Patrol Division 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7933 ~. 1992 12 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. Division Commander, Major Rocco DeLeo .......................................... 7875 Executive Officer ............................................................. 7876 Uniforms & Supplies, Ed Young 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7960 -P- (contlnned) POLICE DEPARTMENT (eontlnned) V.I.S.A., Officer Charles Metscher Vice Control Pools (RECREATION/PARKS/CULTURE) Flamingo Park Normandy Isle Scott Rakow Youth Center Print Shop (CENTRAL SERVICES) Property" Evidence Rooa (POLICE) Property Malnte.anee Div. (GENERAL SERVICES) Administration Air Conditioning/Electrical Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7630 Relnaldo Horday Building Maintenance Division 1245 Michigan Avenue ................ 7630 Air Conditioning/Electrical Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7630 Relnaldo Horday, Supervisor Custodial Services ............................................................. 7634 Willie Williams, Supervisor Paint Section ................................................................. 7630 Vernon Cash, Supervisor Maintenance, City Hail ......................................................... 7017 Stephen Cooper, Supervisor Maintenance Section, General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7650 David Seroussl, Supervisor Custodial Services .............................................................. 7634 Willie Williams, Supervisor Maintenance Section, General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7650 Da vld Seroussl, Supervisor Maintenance, City Hall .......................................................... 7017 Stephen Cooper, Supervisor Paint Section .................................................................. 7630 Vernon Cash, Supervisor Property Maintenance Standards (Code Compliance) City Hail, 3rd Floor .................. 7555 Public Information Office (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7383 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE David Reddick, Public Information Coordinator PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Richard A. Gatti, Director Domingo Rodriguez, Asslstan t Director David Cates, Assistant Director Engineering Design Section Arshad Vlqar, Civil Engineer I Engineering Permits City Hall, 4th Floor ....................................... 7645 Public Works Warehouse 451 Dade Boulevard. ....................................... 7680 Paul Jones, Storekeeper Sanitation 140 MacArthur Causeway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7617 Alpha Mashack, Supervisor Sewer & Water Maintenance & Construction Sewer & Water Pumping & Meters /"""" /"""" r-' 1991 1100 Washington Avenue 1100 Washington Avenue 7948 7806 Jefferson Avenue & 12th Street. . . . " . .. 7750 7030 Trouvllle Esplanade ........... 993-2021 2700 Sheridan Avenue ................ 7767 City Hail, 1st Floor .................. 7480 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7960 1245 Michigan Avenue ................ 7630 City Hall, 4th Floor City Hall, 4th Floor City Hall, 4th Floor City Hall, 4th Floor 7620 7645 7620 7623 451 Dade Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7625 451 Dade Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7681 13 DEPARTMENT /ORGANIZA TION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. Dan Shepherd, Water" Sewer Superintendent Street Lighting. 451 Dade Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7625 . Joe Barella, Whiteway Supervisor II Street Maintenance & Construction Division 451 Dade Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7625 Joe Petrillo, Street & Lighting Supervisor -P- (coatiaued) ---- PUBLIC WORKS (coatiaaed) Water & Sewer Maintenance & Construction Water & Sewer Pumping & Meters Dan Shepherd, Water & Sewer Superintendent Purchasiag Dhisioa (GENERAL SERVICES) City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judith M. Ford, Purchasing Agent ................................................ Richard (AI) Sprlgle, Service Contract Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Benson, Buyer .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mary Vlruet, Buyer ............................................................ ---- Radio" Patrol Dispatch (POLICE) Rakow, (Scott) Youth Center (REC/PARKS/CULT.) Records (POLICE) Records, Employee (PERSONNEL) Records Managemeat (CITY CLERK) RECREATION/CULTURE/PARKS Kevin Smith, Director Parks Dhisioa Dan Keys, Parks Division Superintendent Mike Medley, Parks Operations Supervisor Recreatioa Dhlsloa Alan Ricke, Recreation Superintendant Recruitment" Enmlaatioas (PERSONNEL) Redevelopmeat AgeBcy (CITY MANAGER) Refrigeratioa/ Air Coad. Mta./Electrical (P. MGT) Reinaldo Horday, Supervisor Refuse Dhfsloa (See: SANITATION) Reserve Officers (POLICE), Richard Tobin Resort Tax (FINANCE) Renaae (FINANCE) Risk Maaagemeat (CITY MANAGER) 451 Dade Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7625 451 Dade Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 7681 7490 7492 7497 7493 7496 -R- 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7900 2700 Sheridan A venue ................ 7767 1100 Washington Aveuue .............. 7990 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7522 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7411 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7700 2100 Meridian Avenue ................ 7720 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7730 City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7520 City Hall, 4th Floor .................. 7010 1245 Michigan Avenue ................ 7630 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7934 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7447 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7440 City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7014 -S- Sail port Saaltatloa DMsloa (PUBWORKS) Alpha Mashack, Supervisor Savlags Boads, U.S. (FINANCE) City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7431 School Guards (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7933 Scott Rakow Youth Ceater (RECREATION/PARKS/CULT.) 2700 Sheridan Avenu'e767 Secoad Floor Coafereace Room City Hall, 2nd Floo'U25 1992 68th St. & Indian Creek Dr. . . . . . . . .. 868-7245 140 MacArthur Causeway ............. 7183 14 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. ~ Sewer I< Water Malnt. I< Construction (PW) Sewer I< Water Pumping I< Meters (PW) ,Dan Shepherd, Water & Sewer Superintendent Sound Rooms (CONVENTION CENTER) Jackie Gleason Theater of the Performing Arts 1700 Washington Avenue -S- continued .............. 7325 451 Dade Boulevard 451 Dade Boulevard .................. 7681 7681 South Polnte Redenlopment Agency (CITY MGR) City Hall, 4th Floor .................. 7010 South Shore Community Center (RECREATION/PARKS) 833 Sixth Street737 Community Actloo Agency .................................................... 672-1704 Legal Services .............................................................. 672-2004 Special Ennts (COMMUNITY AFFAIRS/PIO) City Hall, 3rd Floor. . . . . . . .. . . . . . " ., 7063 Susan Wlnn, Administrative Assistant II Special Master, Clerk of the Stage Manager (CONVENTION CENTER) Jackie Gleason Theater of the Performing Arts Street Lighting (PUBLIC WORKS) Joe Barella, Whiteway Supervisor II Street Malnten.nce I< Construction (PUB.WORKS) 451 Dade Boulevard .................. 7625 Joe Petrillo, Streets & Lighting Supervisor Systems I< Programming Division (COMP.I<COMM.) City Hall, 3rd Flool181 1700 Washington Avenue .............. 451 Dade Boulevard .................. 7322 7625 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7042 -T- ---- TenDls Facilities (RECREA TION/P ARKS/CULTURE) Bayshore Alton Road & 23rd Street ............. 7730 Fairway Park Fairway Drive & N. Shore Drive ..... 993-2011 Flamingo Park Jefferson Avenue & 12th St. ........... 7766 Muss Park Chase A venue & 44th Street ........... 7765 Normandy Isle Park 1765 71st Street ..................... 7730 Normandy Shores 24th & Biarrltz Drive ................. 7730 North Shore Park 501 - nnd Street ................. 993-2023 Palm Island Park 159 Palm Avenue .................... 7730 Polo Park 805 - 42nd Street .................... 7730 Youth Center (Scott Rakow) 2700 Sheridan Avenu~767 TOPA (Jackie GleasoD) Box Office (CONV. CTR.) 1700 Washington Avenue.............. 7311 Box Office .................................................................... 7300 Training and Developmeat (PERSONNEL) City Hall, 2nd Floor .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7091 Trash ColIectlon (Sanitatloa) 140 MacArthur Causewa'j616 Tuition Asslst.ace (PERSONNEL) City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7091 21st Street Recreatioa Center (RECREATION/PARKS) 2100 Washington Avenu~784 -U- UDifor. Patrol, Operations Dhislon (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7875 Accident Investigation Unit ...................................................... 7888 Commander, Major Rocco DeLeo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7875 Executive Officer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7876 r- Marine Patrol ................................................................. 7959 Marine Patrol (Recorded Message) ................................................. 7659 1992 15 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. ---- Mounted Patrol, Sgt. Terry Bahn .................................................. 7975 Reserve Operations ............................................................. 7934 Shift Commanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7933 Shift Lieutenants/Sergeants .................................................. 7931, 7934 Squad Room (Lounge) ........................................................... 7974 -U- (contInued) Ualforms &: Supplies (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7960 Ualoas, City American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Willie Kirby, President 1370 Washington Avenu'!720 Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lynda Veskl, President 999 Eleventh Street ............... 534-2775 International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Tom Wray, President 1701 N.W. 79th Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . .. 592-6860 Miami Beach Employees Benevolent Association (MBEBA) Joe Fisher, President 1001 Ocean Drive .................... 7714 Police & Fire Benevolent Association (PFA) Richard Tobin, President 1100 Washington Avenu1934 United States Lifeguard Association (USLA--M.B. Chapter) Bill Dorney, President 1001 Ocean Drive ................. 993-2014 Uaited Way Informatloa (PERSONNEL) City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7091 U.s. Sulags Bonds (FINANCE) City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7431 Utility Billlug (FINANCE) City Hall, 3rd Floor .................. 7440 r -V- VIce CODtrnl (POLICE) 1100 Washington Avenue .............. 7806 -W- WarehoDse Division (GENERAL SERVICES) Bernard M. Stein, Supervisor Dave Gorman, Storekeeper Water Billing (FINANCE) 3rd Floor, City Hall Water Meters (PUBLIC WORKS) 451 Dade Boulevard Water &: Sewer MaIDt. &: CODstr. (PUBLIC WORKS) 451 Dade Boulevard Water &: Sewer PumpiDg &: Meters (PUBLIC WORKS) Dan Shepherd, Water & Sewer Superintendent 140 MacArthur Causeway ............. 7670 .................. 7440 .................. 7687 .................. 7625 451 Dade Boulevar'il681 -Y- r- Youth CeDter (Scott Rakow) (RECREATION/PARKS) Ellen Vargas, Supervisor 2700 Sheridan A venu'!767 1992 16 DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. .-- -Z- ZOBIBI (PlaBBIBI. DeIIIR, " Historic PrelenatioB) City Hall, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7550 .-- r 1992 17 NAME TITLE LOCA TION AND DEP ARTMENT EXTN. /"' ~ ABIA, Daniel ABA Y, George ABNER, Valencia M ACKERMAN, Martin ADELMAN, Judith ADDERL Y, Theophilus AGNEW, David AGUA YO, Javier ALAMILLA, Gloria ALAN, Mark ALARCON, Ana ALCANTARO, David ALEJANO, Maria ALEXANDER, Diane ALFONSO, Tony ALLEN, Gloria ALONSO, Luz ANDERSON, Wayne ANDRE, Joy ANTELO, Alina ARNOLD, William ASCUNCE, Sergio AUCH, Mike AVILA, Edward AZAN, Philip BAINS, Bonnie BALDASSARRE, Ted BARBOSA, Eddie BARELLA, Joseph BARGEMAN, Barbara BARINAS, Enilda BARRETO, Richard BAULETH, Eloy BEAUCHAMP, Jim BECERRA, Claudia BENA VIDES, Carlos BENSON, John M, Jr. BERGER, Phylis BERLINSKY, Stanton BEZNER, John ,.- BINSTOCK, Ina BINSTOCK, Isadore BISHOP, Linval 1992 Engineering Inspector Computer Operator Asst. City Attorney Accountant Adm. Assistant I Personnel Director Systems Analyst Retardation Instruc. Clerk Typist Examinations Officer Permit Clerk Engineering Asst. II Account Clerk III Fiscal Budget Officer Account Clerk I Clerk Typist Field Agent Building Inspector Clerk Typist Housing Programs Mgr. Account Clerk I Engineering Asst. I Sergeant Sergean t Asst. to Dept. Head Adm. Secretary II Risk Manager License Inspector Whiteway Supervisor II Adm. Secretary II Account Clerk I Captain Project Manager Safety Officer Publicity Writer Equipment Mechanic Buyer Sr. Legal Secretary PSCB Administrator Adm. Secretary I Clerk Typist Internal Auditor Equipment Mechanic -A- 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x33 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7043 C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 C. Hall, Resort Tax, (FINANCE) 7447 C. Hall, Insurance, (FINANCE) 7014 C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7524 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7595 8128 Collins Ave., (ECON/COMM DEV.)993-2008 C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7440 C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7520 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7646 C. Hall, Cashier, (FINANCE) 7436 C. Hall, (DESIGN, DEV /HP) 7260 C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 C. Hall, (PLANNING/ZONING) 7550 C. Hall, Resort Tax, (FINANCE) 7447 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x33 C. Hall, (PURCHASING) 7490 C. Hall, (Housing & Comm. Dev.) 7260 C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7440 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x8 1100 Wash. A ve., Persons, (POLICE) 7945 1100 Wash. Ave., Motorcycle, (POLICE) 7933 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x8 -B- C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) C. Hall, Insurance, (CITY MGR) C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG. SVC) 451 Dade Blvd., Streetlights. (PW) C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 1100 Wash. Ave., Operations, (POLICE) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) C. Hall, Insurance, (FINANCE) C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) C. Hall, (PURCHASING) 1100 Wash. Ave., (POLICE) 1100 Wash. Ave., Admin., (POLICE) 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 1100 Wash. Ave., Admin., (POLICE) C. Hall, (MANAGEMENT/BUDGET) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) I 7010 7014 7420 7625 7104/06 7590 7931 7594 7014 7030 7643 7493 7385 7830 7120 7100 7020 7643 NAME TITLE ~ BONOE, Kent BORGES, Mercedes BORGES, Teresa BOTHWELL, Mathew BOYD, Jim BROWN, Richard E. BUCK, Pat BUCKLES, Charles BURKHART, Jim BY ARS, Eddie BYNUM, Denise BYRON, Jim Real Estate Economist Clerk Typist Clerk Typist Equipment Attendant Benevolent Rep. City Clerk Community Center Dir. Sr. Plans Designer Clerk Typist Equipment Attendant Chief Accountant Operations Supervisor CABRERA, Pro spero Code Compliance Supv. CAMBER, Diane Division Director CARLSON, Carmen Adm. Secretary CARL TON, Roger M City Manager CARRASQUILLO, Carmen CARRIES, Thedis Clerk CARTER, Paul Equipment Mechanic CASH, Arlene Adm. Aide I CASH, Jr., Vernon Paint Supervisor CASTELLANE, Natalie Adm. Assistant II CATES, David Capital Projects Coor. CA VE, Gail Account Clerk I CHAN, Thomas Equipment Mechanic CHA VEZ, Tomas Equipment Attendant CHERRY, Greta Clerk Typist CHIA V ARRO, Maria Retardation Driver-Aid CLEMENTS, John Sergeant COCHRAC, Arli Adm. Assistant I COHAN, Florence Training Dev. Coord. COHEN, Jerri Data Entry Operator CONWELL, Francis Lieutenant COOLIDGE, Walter Systems Analyst COOPER, Steve Maintenance Supervisor CORAS, Maria Adm. Secretary CORDERO, Hilton Equipment Mechanic CORTES, Socorro Adm. Secretary I COVINGTON, Emma Financial Analyst I COX, Eddie Senior Asst. City Mgr. CRAIG, Charlene Auditor II CRESPIN, Jack Electrical Inspector CRUCET, Frank Account Clerk I ~ CRUZ, Jose Budget Analyst --- 1992 LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. C. Hall, (Economic Development) 7193 2121 Park Ave., (BASS) 7530 C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 7555 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 1001 Ocean Dr., (BEACH PATROL) 7714 C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) 7411 1001 Ocean Dr., (REC/PARKS/CULTURE) 7739 C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 7550 C. Hall, Pension, (FINANCE) 7437 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 1837 Bay Rd., (PARKING) 7506 -c- C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 7550 2121 Park Ave., (BASS) 7530 C. Hall, (Housing & Comm. Dev.) 7260 C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 Adm. Aide I 1837 Bay Rd., (PARKING1508 C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7524 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 2300 Pine Tree Dr., Prev., (FIRE) 7123 1245 Michigan Ave., Bldg. Mtce. (PMTCE) 7630 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (VCA) 7050 C. Hall, 4th Fir., (PUBLIC WORKS) 7620 C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 C. Hall, Cashier, (FINANCE) 7436 M.B. Activities Center (Housing & CD) 993-2008 1100 Wash. Ave., Firearms, (POLICE) 7964 C. Hall, Payroll, (FINANCE) 7431 C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7091 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x7 1100 Wash. Ave., Services, (POLICE) 7952 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7595 C. Hall, 1st Fir., Bldg. Mtce., (PMTCE) 7017 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 7120 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 C. Hall. (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 7105/07 C. Hall, Payroll, (FINANCE) 7431 C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 C. Hall, (MANAGEMENT/BUDGET) 7020 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x41 C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7440 C. Hall, (MANAGEMENT/BUDGET) 7510 2 NAME TITLE LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. ,,-. DADDONA, Judy Adm. Aide I DAMIEN, Joe Redevelopment Spec. DA VIS, Melody Account Clerk I DE LA FUENTE, Manuel Equipment Mechanic DE LA FUENTE, Roberto Equipment Mechanic DE LEO, Rocco Major DELLA GLORIA, John C. Chief Deputy City Atty. DEMEILLER, John Clerk DIAZ-BUTT ACA VOLI, Mayra DIXON, Lisa Adm. Secretary II DOLIKHANI, Hamid Engineering Inspector DORRIS, Braniard Fire Chief DUENAS, Ramon Financial Analyst II EGALTON, Audrey EISENBERG, Sy EJENBAUM, Maritza EL-AMIR, Nancy ELLEDGE, Paul ERICKSON, Walter ESTRADA, Alba r-. FARALDO, Fausto F ARIAS, Sheila C. FEINGOLD, Laurence FELDMAN, Evelyn FERNANDEZ, Luisa FERRO, Grecia FIELDS, Diane FINKLE, Mike FIR TEL, Esther FLORES, Elaine FLUELLEN, Bill FOLEY, Malcolm FOPPIANO, Douglas FORD, Judith M FORESTER, Ron FRAME, Robert FRANCIS, Leo FRANCIS, Ron 1992 Personnel Tech. III Commissioner Retard. Caseworker Account Clerk I PI urn bing Inspector Adm. Assistant I Computer Operator Duplicating Equip. Opr. Sr. Legal Secretary City Attorney Adm. Secretary Clerk Typist Adm. Asst. I Clerk Typist Volunteer Recreation Sup. I Clerk Typist Engineering Asst. I Planner Equipment Mechanic Purchasing Agent Major Commander Engineering Asst. I City Photographer -D- C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG. SVC) 7420 C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 Off-Duty, (POLICE) 7823 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 1100 Wash. Ave., Operations, (POLICE) 7875 C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 2100 Meridian Ave., (REC/PARKS/CULT.) 7720 Asst. CIryl&ti"~Floor, (CITY MANAGER1010 C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x8 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 7120 C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 -E- C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 8128 Collins Ave., (Housing & CD) C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) C. Hall, (REC/P ARKS/CULTURE) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7524 7102 933-2008 7440 7610 x81 7733 7043 -F- C. Hall, (CENTRAL SERVICES) 7480 C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 C. Hall, (FIRE/POLICE PENSION) 7039 1100 Wash. Ave., Int.Aff., (POLICE) 7920 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x22 2121 Park Ave., (BASS) 7530 C. Hall, (CITIZEN SERVICES) 7560 501 - 72 St., (REC/PARKS/CULTURE) 993-2023 1837 Bay Rd. (PARKING) 7505 C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7622 C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 7550 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 C. Hall, (PURCHASING) 7495 1100 Wash. Ave., Detec. Bur., (POLICE) 7945 1100 Wash. Ave., Services, (POLICE) 7952 C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7622 C. Hall, 1st Fir., (PUBLIC INFORMATION) 7010 3 NAME TITLE LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. .r' -G- GARCIA, Eduardo Rescue Captain 2300 Pine Tree Dr., Rescue, (FIRE) 7130 GARCIA, Mercy Adm. Aide I 1001 Ocean Dr., (BEACH PATROL) 7714 GARCIA, Nilda A. Clerk Typist 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x22 GARVEY, John Analyst 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7600 GASALLA, Yolanda Asst. City Attorney II C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 GA TTI, Richard A. Director C. Hall, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7620 GA V ALDA, Robert Clerk Typist C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 GELBER, Seymour Mayor C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 7030 GERALD, Beverly Legal Secretary C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 GIBSON, Elizabeth Adm. Aide I C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) 7411 GIL, Maria Personnel Tech. III C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7522 GIOIA, Paul A. Director/Bldg. Official 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 xII GOLDMAN, Zelda Secretary C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 GOMEZ, Jennifer Clerk Typist C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7440 GOMEZ, Jorge Senior Planner C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 7550 GONZALEZ, Gonzalo Telecomm. Analyst 1I00 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7185 GONZALEZ, William Financial Analyst I C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7440 GOOCH, Charles La borer II C. Hall, (CENTRAL SERVICES) 7480 GORCHIK, Cheryl Comp/Comm Dir. 1I00 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7040 GORMAN, David Storekeeper 140 MacArthur Cswy., (WAREHOUSE) 7676 GOTTLIEB, Susan Commissioner C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 7105 .-- GRANDIN, Dean Deputy Director C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 7550 GRANT, Gerri Adm. Assistant I 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANITATION) 7618 GRANT, Melissa Adm. Aide I C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG. SVC) 7420 GREENBERG, Marc Equipment Attendant 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 GREENE, Steven Account Clerk I C. Hall, Resort Tax, (FINANCE) 7447 GROFF, Linda Adm. Secretary II C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 GROSS, Adam Sr. Examinations Offc. C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7520 GUASTO, Lucian Asst. Chief 1100 Wash. Ave., Chief Of c., (POLICE) 7925 -H- HAINES, Diane Adm. Aide I C. Hall, (REC/P ARKS/CULTURE) 7730 HALLMON, Althea Adm. Secretary C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 HARRINGTON, Cindy Account Clerk I C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7440 HARRIS, James Recreation Director 2700 Sheridan Ave., (REC/P ARKS/CULT.) 7767 HERNANDES, Carmen Permit Clerk 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x31 HERNANDEZ, Kerry Code Violation Clerk C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) 7691 HERRANZ, Henry Anal yst 1I00 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7600 HINES, Jane Adm. Secretary II C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 HIRSCH, April Adm. Aide I C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 7550 HOOK, Betty Clerk 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANITATION) 7617 HORDA Y, Reinaldo AC/Refrig/Elect. Sup. 1245 Michigan Ave., Bldg. Mtce., (P.MGT) 7630 ~ HOTTENROTT, Joyce Adm. Aide II C. Hall, (DESIGN/DEV /HP SVCS.) 7193 HOUCK, Ron Fire Suppr. Div. Chief 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 7118 HOWARD, Scott Computer Operator 1I00 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7043 1992 4 NAME TITLE LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. HUBER, Phillip Chief HUNTER-JACKSON, Karen H'fMAN, Isabel Clerk Typist ;- IBANEZ, Emily INNUSA, Cathy IRELAND, Donnavan JONES, Brinsfield (Buck) JONES, Gloria JONES, James JONES, Paul JOSE, Raquel ;- KAL VER, Susan KASDIN, Neisen KERYLUK, Laura KESSER, Ana KEYS, Dan KING, Bob KLEINMAN, Laura KOKORIAN, V. Gary KRANICK, John KRISTIN, Elizabeth LACY, Ruth LAMAZARES, Mercy LASSETER, John LA WRENCE, Jim LAWRENCE, Patrice LEMA Y, Bonnie LEWIS, Jacob LEWIS, Joycelyn LIMPIOSO, Carlos 1992 Adm. Secretary Data Control Tech. Laborer II Code Enf. Officer Telecomm. Srv. Rep. Sanitation Inspector Storekeeper Cler k (Elevator) Analyst Commissioner Analyst Cler k Typist Parks Mtce. Superint. Utility Billing Supr. Adm. Secretary Civil Engineer I Engineering Asst. I Adm. Aide I Asst. Registrar Adm. Secretary Captain Bldg. Supervisor Retardation Driver/Aide Recreation Supervisor I Sanitation Inspector Sr. Legal Secretary Account Clerk 1100 Wash. Ave., (POLICE) 7925 Affirmative Action OadIall, (PERSONNEL7524 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 xO -1- 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) C. Hall, (CENTRAL SER VICES) -J- C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANITATION) 451 Dade Blvd., (PUBLIC WORKS) 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) -K- 7610 xII 7043 7480 7555 7042 7617 7680 7610 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7595 C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 7106 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7600 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 7130 2100 Meridian Ave., (REC/PARKS/CULT.) 7720 C. Hall, (FINANCE) 7452 8128 Collins Ave., (Housing & Comm) 993-2008 C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7646 C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7645 Building Maintenance, (PROPERTY MTCE.)7630 -L- 2121 Park Ave., (BASS) C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 1001 Ocean Dr., (BEACH PATROL) 2121 Park Ave., (BASS) 8128 Collins Ave., (Housing & Comm) C. Hall, (REC/PARKS/CULTURE) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANITATION) C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 5 7530 7550 7711 7530 993-2008 7730 7617 7470 7643 NAME TITLE LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. r- UNDBLADE, Larry LITZ, Norman LIU, Peter LLUY, Nick LOCKE, Celia B. LOGlS, Bob LONDON, Joseph LONG, Agnes Fodor- LONGMAN, John LOUGHNER, Lisette LOWRY, Margaret LUKACS, Mary Anne LUTZE, Amy /""- MACK, George MALATAK, Mark MANNING, William MANSFIELD, Max MARINO, Cassandra MARKS, Randy MARMER, Syd MARTINEZ, Dee MAR TINEZ, Lisa MARTINEZ, Roberto MASHACK, Alpha Jr. MASSING, Ted MA VROGENES, Harry MAZER, James MC CONACHIE, Richard MC GOWAN, Laila MC PHERSON, Larry MEDLEY, Michael MERANTE, Dorothy MICHOLS, Linda MIELKE, Dean MILINSKI, Janine MILLER, William MILONE, James MIRE, Nancy MOHAMED, Kaslyn MONDSHEIN, Scott MONTES, Jorge MOORE, Diann MORALES, Yamilex MOSKOWITZ, Alfred /"""' 1992 -L- (continued) Sewer Field Oper. Supr. Conv. Ctr. Administ. Management/Budget Dir. Captain Administra tor Chief Plumbing Insp. Telecomm. Supervisor Retard. Program Super. Account Clerk I Adm. Secretary I Adm. Assistant Asst. City Attorney II Community Ctr. Dir. Equipment Mechanic Asst. Director Sr. Code Enf. Officer Volunteer Legal Secretary Pu blic Info Coord. Volunteer Employee Benefits Tech. Code Violation Clerk Account Clerk I Acting Superintendent Code Enforcement Ofc. Director Lieutenant Chief Bldg. Inspector Sr. Legal Secretary Shop Supervisor Park Operation Supv. Commission Reporter I Compo Operations Mgr. Exec. Asst/Labor ReI. Adm. Secretary Fire Suppression Div. Equipment Mechanic Adm. Aide II Sr. Budget Analyst Equipment Mechanic Revenue Supervisor Account Clerk I Sr. Paralegal Equipment Mechanic 451 Dade Blvd., (PUBLIC WORKS) 1901 Conv. Ctr. Dr., (CONV. CTR.) C. Hall, (MANAGEMENT/BUDGET) 1100 Wash. Ave., Operations, (POLICE) C. Hall, (FIRE/POLICE PENSION) 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 1100 Wash. Ave., PI02, (COMPUTERS) 8128 Collins Ave., (Housing & Comm) C. Hall, Revenue (FINANCE) C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 2100 Wash. Ave., (BASS DEV.) 1100 Wash. Ave., (POLICE) N. Shore Comm. Ctr., (REC/PARKS) -M- 7625 7311 7510 7933 7039 7610 x61 7586 993-2008 7440 7030 7530 7385 993-200 I 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 1837 Bay Rd., (PARKING) 7505 C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG. SVC) 7555 C. Hall, (CITIZEN SERVICES) 7560 C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 C. Hall, (Housing/Comm. Dev) 7260 C. Hall, (CITIZEN SERVICES) 7560 C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7526 C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) 7181 C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANITATION) 7183 C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 7555 C. Hall, (DEV. DESIGN & HP SERVICES) 7193 1100 Wash. Ave., Operations, (POLICE) 7933 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x33 C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 2100 Meridian Ave., (REC/PARKS/CULT.) 7722 C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) 7411 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7043 C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 7550 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 7118 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 C. Hall, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7646 C. Hall, (MANAGEMENT/BUDGET) 7515 140 MacArthur Cswy.. (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7452 C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7440 C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 6 NAME TITLE LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. r- NACHLINGER, Robert NICHOLS, James NICHOLS, Jeny NOVICK, Gilbert NW AHIRI, Evans O'HARRA, Casey OLIN, Jean K. OLIVEIRA, Nestor OLIVERA, Joyce OLIVIER, Antoine OMAN, Marjorie ORTEGA, Gary ORTIZ, Sandra r Director Community Ctr. Dir. Adm. Aide I Shop Supervisor Auditor I Adm. Aide I 1st Asst. C. Atty. Code Enf. Officer Registrar Equipment Attendant Clerk Typist Chief Electrical Insp. Clerk Typist -N- C. Hall, (FINANCE) 21st St. Rec. Ctr., (REC/PARKS/CULT.) 2700 Sheridan Ave., (REC/PARKS/CULT.) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) C. Hall, (MANAGEMENT/BUDGET) 7466 7784 7767 7643 7418 -0- 2100 Meridian Ave. (REC/PARKS/CULT.) C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 2100 Wash. Ave., (BASS ART) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) C. Hall, (Housing & Comm Dev) 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7720 7470 7555 538-8787 7643 7260 7610 x41 7010 -P- PALOUMBIS, Angelo Code Enforcement Ofc. C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 7555 PAPY, Donald M. Spec. Cnsl. Labor/Civic C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 PAREDES, Gustavo Equipment Mechanic 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 PARKER, Robert Code Enforcement Ofc. C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 7555 PASKIEWICZ, Gloria Adm. Aide II 1100 Wash. Ave., Purchasing, (POLICE) 7935 PATTERSON, Carmen Personnel Tech. III C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7520 PEARSE, Prince Equipment Attendant 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 PENA, Estrella Adm. Assistant I C. Hall, (PURCHASING) 7490 PEARLSON, David Commissioner C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 7103 PEREZ, Julian Pump Operations Supv. 451 Dade Blvd., (PUBLIC WORKS) 7681 PEREZ, Nancy Sr. Paralegal C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7470 PETERS, Magda Clerk 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 PETRILLO, Joseph Streets/Lighting Supv. 451 Dade Blvd., Streets, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7625 PHILLIPS, Pauline Adm. Secretary I C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 PINDER, Amy Executive Secretary C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 7010 PINON, Joseph R. Executive Assistant C. Hall, (CrrY MANAGER) 7010 PITTS, Clarence Sanitation Inspector 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANITATION) 7617 PIZZI, Larry Operations Supervisor 1001 Ocean Dr., (BEACH PATROL) 7714 POE-LIU, Gail Exam. Supervisor C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7520 POGGIO, Eduardo Equipment Mechanic 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 POLLOCK, Edward Sanitation Inspector 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANITATION) 7617 PRAKELT, Shirley Taylor- Division Director C~ r- (Housing & Comm. Dev.) 7260 PRATHER, Shaye Division Director C. Hall, (Planning, Design & HP) 7550 PRINGLE, Joseph Metered Srv. Supv. 451 Dade Blvd., (PUBLIC WORKS) 7687 1992 7 NAME TITLE LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. ,~- PYE, Janice QUARLES, Nathan RABINOWITZ, Ann RABINOWITZ, David RA YMOND, Paul READ, Walter REBOSO, Rohert REDDICK, David REDDING, Theresa REED, John REED, Leslie REIZ, Steve RESNICK, Abe REILL Y, Joseph REYES, Gary RICKE, Alan RIDGELY, Patricia RIVERO, Carmen RIVERO,Octavio ROBBINS, Steve ROBERTS, James RODRIGUEZ, Domingo RODRIGUEZ, Fernando ROSONOW, David ROTH, Judy RUBIN, Rhoda RUSSELL, Clinton /"- SACLARIDES, Michael SAKIN, Marjorie Y. SALLIBY, Karen SAMET, Barbara SAN PEDRO, Alicia SANCHES, Evelyn H. SANTIESTEBAN, Oscar SARMIENTO, Jorge SARMIENTO, Maribel C. SAUNDERS, Michael SCHNEIDER, Sandra W. SCOTT, Howard SERNA,Octavio SEROUSSI, David SEROUSSI, Dian 1992 Sr. License Inspector C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) -Q-R- Eleva tor Inspector Adm. Secretary Volunteer /Co-Admin. Mechanical Inspector Clerk Assistant to C. Mgr. Public Info Coord. Retard. Educ. Coord. Asst. Chief Employment Spec. Recreation Director Commissioner EDP Auditor Equipment Attendant Recreation Superint. Commission Reporter I Account Clerk I Admin. Asst. I Lieutenant Equipment Attendant Asst. Director Asst. to Dept. Head Field Supervisor Adm. Assistant II Adm. Aide II Water Field Supv. Code Compliance Supt. Sr. Asst.City Attorney Paralegal/Off. Mgr. Adm. Secretary Fin./Compliance Analyst Permit Clerk Analyst Equipment Attendant Adm. Aide Code Enforcement Ofc. 1st. Asst. City Atty. Computer Operator Management Intern II Maintenance Supervisor Commission Reporter II 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7555 7610 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7040 C. Hall, (CITIZEN SERVICES) 7560 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x51 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 C. Hall, (PUBLIC INFORMATION) 7010 C. Hall, (PUBLIC INFORMATION) 7010 8128 Collins Ave., (Housing/Comm) 993-2008 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 7120 8128 Collins Ave., (Housing/Comm) 993-2008 2700 Sheridan Ave., (REC/PARKS/CULT.) 7767 C. Hall, (MA YOR/COMMISSION) 7104 C. Hall, (MANAGEMENT/BUDGET) 7020 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 C. Hall, (REC/PARKS/CULTURE) 7730 C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) 7411 C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 C. Hall, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7620 1100 Wash. Ave., Operations, (POLICE) 7933 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 7643 C. Hall, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7645 C. Hall, (GENERAL SERVICES) 7010 1837 Bay Rd., (PARKING) 7506 C. Hall, (PERSONNEL) 7522 Bldg. Mtce., (PROPERTY MANAGEMENT) 7630 451 Dade Blvd., (PUBLIC WORKS) 7625 -s- C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 1100 Wash. Ave., (POLICE) C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) C. Hall, (PUBLIC WORKS) C. Hall, (Housing/Comm Dev) 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) C. Hall (FIRE/POLICE PENSION) C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 1245 Michigan Ave., Bldg. Mtce., (PMGT) C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) 8 7555 7385 7470 7620 7260 7610 7595 7643 7039 7555 7470 7043 7043 7650 7411 NAME TITLE LOCA nON AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. ~ SHAPiRO, Martin ~ SHAPIRO, Richard SHA W, Anthony SHELTON, Randy SHEPHERD, Dan SHEPP ARD, Richard SHERRY, Judi SHERRY, Judy SHORE, Frank A. SIAS, Clarence SLATTERY, Mark SMITH, Kevin SMITH, Susan SOLOMICH, Pola SPINNEY, Robert SPITZ, Jay SPRIGLE, Richard (AI) STEIN, Bernard M STEIN, Edward STEVENS, Victoria SUERSKY, Catherine SULLIV AN, Thomas SUNLEAF, Penelope TAFT, Charles (Chuck) TAMBOR, Elizabeth (Liz) TANNER, Lourdes TELLEZ, Elena TEXON, Wanda THOMAS, Robert THOMPSON, Anita THOMPSON, Thomas TOBIN, Richard TOLLEFSEN, Gerard TOLLIVER, Camil1a TOOKS, Natalie L. TURNER, Debora J. r 1992 Commissioner C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) -S- (continued) License Inspector Dup. Equip. Operator Fire Safety Specialist Water/Sewer Suprnt. Fire Prevo Captain Adm. Aide II Code Enforcement Ofc. Code Enforcement Ofc. Asst. Director Account Clerk II Director Adm. Aide I Adm. Aide I Asst. Director Code Enforcement Spec. Contract Adm. Warehouse Supervisor Chief Mechanical Insp. Account Clerk I Adm. Aide I Asst. Chief Adm. Aide I Clerk Typist Adm. Aide II Account Clerk II Adm. Aide I Cura tor /Ed uca tion Division Director Financial Analyst II Training Captain Pol/Fire Bene. Pres. Captain Clerk Typist Asst. City Clerk First Asst. City Atty. 7107 C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 7420 C. Hall, (CENTRAL SERVICES) 7480 1901 Conv. Ctr. Dr., (FIRE) 535-0242 451 Dade Blvd., (PUBLIC WORKS) 7681 2300 Pine Tree Dr., Prev., (FIRE) 7123 1100 Wash. Ave., Chief's Of c., (POLICE) 7925 C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 7555 C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 7555 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANIT A nON) 7617 C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7405 C. Hall, 3rd Floor (REC. CULTURE, PARK~700 C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) 7411 140 MacArthur Cswy. 7670 C. Hall, Accounting, (FINANCE) 7451 C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 7555 C. Hall, (PURCHASING) 7497 140 MacArthur Cswy., (WAREHOUSE) 7670 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) 7610 x51 C. Hall, Revenue, (FINANCE) 7590 451 Dade Blvd., Water, (PUBLIC WORKS) 7687 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 7120 451 Dade Blvd., Warehouse, (PUB. WORKS) 7680 -T- C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) C. Hall, (PUBLIC WORKS) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 2121 Park Ave., (BASS) C. Hall, (CENTRAL SERVICES) C. Hall, Resort Tax, (FINANCE) 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 1100 Wash. Ave., (POLICE) 1\00 Wash. Ave., Operations, (POLICE) 1837 Bay Rd., (PARKING) C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 7420 7660 7643 7555 7530 7480 7447 7140 7934 7933 7505 7411 7470 9 NAME TITLE LOCATION AND DEPARTMENT EXTN. r- V ALDES, Armando V ARGAS, Ellen V ARGAS, Jose VELEZ, Maria VESKI, Lynda VICKERS, Milton VILLAR, Guillermo VIQAR, Arshad VIRUET, Mary VISSER, John - WEBER, MaryLou WEINBERG, Beth WEINER, Norman WEINSTEIN, Judith L. WELLS, Elizabeth WELLS, L.H. (Bob) WELSH, Steve WENGUER, Lynn WHEELER, John WIELAND, Walter WILLIAMS, Bann WILLIAMS, Billy WILLIAMS, Elsa WILLIAMS, Jerry WILLIAMS, Mercedia WILLIAMS, Sarah A. WILLIAMS, Willie WILSON, Thomas WINN, Susan WISHMAN, Robert WOLFF, Lois WOODSON, Demar WRA Y, Thomas - YERO, Pedro YOUNG, Brian YOUNG, Ed ZA WORSKI, Martin 1992 Senior Planner Recreation Supervisor City Surveyor Clerk Typist FOP President Asst. to C. Mgr/Cons. Analyst Civil Engineer I Buyer Technical Support Mgr. Adm. Secretary Cler k Typist I Sr. Bldg. Inspector First Asst. City A tty. Adm. Aide I Superintendent Engineering Asst. I Pension Administrator Equipment Attendant Security Guard Registrar PAL. Coord/Sgt. Clerk Equipment Attendant Adm. Aide I La borer I La borer II Sergeant Adm. Assistant II Code Enforcement Ofc. Recreation Director Engineering Asst. I Pres., Firefighters -x, Y, z- Equipment Attendant Marine Inspector Property Room Supv. Tech. Srv. Commander -U, V- C. Hall, (Planning/Design & HP) 2700 Sheridan Ave., (REC/PARKS/CULT.) C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 999 Eleventh Street C. Hall, (CITY MANAGER) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) C. Hall, (PURCHASING) 1100 Wash. Ave., (COMPUTERS) 7550 7767 7646 7555 534-2775 7010 7600 7646 7496 7585 -W- C. Hall, (REC/PARKS/CULTURE) C. Hall, (MAYOR/COMMISSION) 555 Hank Meyer Blvd., (BUILDING) C. Hall, (CITY ATTORNEY) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (SANITATION) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) C. Hall, Pension, (FINANCE) 140 MacArthur Cswy., (MECH. MTCE.) 2121 Park Ave., (BASS MUSEUM) 2121 Park Ave., (BASS) 999 Eleventh St., Chief Off, (POL) 451 Dade Blvd., (PUBLIC WORKS) 140 MacArthur Causeway, (MECH. MTCE.) C. Hall, (CITY CLERK) C. Hall, (CENTRAL SERVICES) 1834 Bay Dr. (PARKING) 1100 Wash. Ave., Court, (POLICE) C. Hall, (PUBLIC INFORMA nON) c. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) C. Hall, (PARKS/REC) C. Hall, Engineering, (PUBLIC WORKS) 2300 Pine Tree Dr., (FIRE) 7730 7030 7610 x33 7470 7616 7636 7646 7437 7643 7530 7530 531-5636 7625 7643 7411 7480 7505 545-5559 7063 7555 7730 7645 7120 140 MacArthur Causeway, (MECH. MTCE.) C. Hall, Code Compliance (BLDG SVC) 1100 Wash. Ave., Admin., (POLICE) 7643 7555 7960 1100 Washington Ave., PSCU, (POLICE) 7899 10