Subpoena re: Salah Izzedinrn Tom: c luc>>zT ca7tlk'a~ or Tt~iE ~ ~~'~ .rinu7czAL c:uicuiz IN A]°IO NUE2 ~IiAD9 C-USE COU NTY, PLfl12T)iA Sr1LAH 122EDIN, Geue+a! htrisdi~-tiun Division Cr15F :VV.: OG 19066 CA 20 lait,liLf, vs• i•IcriduBar i`Iumher: 8y3137 Y:1Tt,"d P,:IAItUNY, k~LUP.PJt1 CONTkACTORS GxUL'n, I'ivC. , CeIII+fA,~'r;R,E SEttvIC:C, INC.: 1COIv CGNllO&~IIU1ti1 ASSOCLA'''lUN,1NC., l1IH CUNTINI/Tt1'.~r. GROL:I', L'VC., KENT SISCUP.ITY SL1tV.1C7:5, lI~C., and ~'f[JI.rt~IO TIiR,.£, T TD.; ]7eli:ndants. V`TrR•PCixN1 1{d'(`FC 'I'EI'v •~7!4r W'TTAn3^'^rirI`b ~ nV`iT•inV ~~2~" D ' fbSail-[EC f)ptfnnj L TI-TS~. STP,TF_ OF FLORIDA: '1'U: Records Custodian City o: bTiami Bcueh 1700 Conwentlan Center lirivc Miami Beach, rlorida 33139 YOU Ai21~ CONIIvi,4tVL;U to :gnear a! [ham oPicu of DAVIl7 ,~\D JI~SCPI3, p.L,., t00; 13, iclmll Bay Dtnro, Suite 2002, Miau,i, Florida 33; 3: on ]iovemta°t° 26, 2009, and :o hove will you st ;h«t time for cupyi~g and uplic«tion t!7a docu,hcnts requested in the attache[ SCEiEDL`LE "A". 7.hese items will Ue inspected and mny be «Gpicd 2's thal time. You vjll::or he requied r surrender the a,iginal items. '~ may camri~y~'6 th:S srbvocno by provid~••a [^eiblc conies n I e ite a Co be R~,duced !o the rttnrer whx-e :7a,bC :1nr1C3r5 O', ti7t5 Sa17~70^ng 2n or befar_ the scheduled date ufp~•oduc5on. Yeu mny eondi:ion U,c prepa7ation ofthe copies unan the payrr:cm ir, advance nl' the reasonable cosl cF prepar;ctior._ Yuo may mail o: dcirvcr .t_`tc copic> w Ifu atlornay wflusc name appei;rs on ttis cuhpoena ;:,tl r+ercUy clime Tare your . ppecrmrcc ar the time ll'~ Z-"Ua ~ Z=2°~ e~,~t 3G and place Specified above. You nave tAc right to object to dre productor, pursuan. to aiis srbpoeaa nt aay :imo bcibre production by giving written nMicc to ;hu attorney wl:osa rime appoars on this subpoena. !Fyou fail to: (1) appear a•: c7ecified• nr (?) ' garnish tl:n records instezd o.Pappcaring Ss provided above; ar (3) obje<:f to this subpoena, you may be ir. contempt of :Dort, ~r"ou arc subpocrarJ by the aYorrsays whoee nCmes appear on r[tis subpoena and ttnlrss cacused from laic subpacna riy 4:e attorneys or he Cuuri• Yon shat{ respo.^.d to this subpoena az di:ectrd, h:1'!'FI~ yin t6. t .Y.,v nr It.i 1~ni 9nn`l,' i FU3'I'flc CO ,itT, i 1 ~ try: 1 AL V' ~ SIr..H F.S.N.:' 9~'~7 ALLAN a. ]GSrPli, LSQ. ~~ DA V iD AI~B 1GS IPIi, P.L. 111111 t t)!7t $r1CiG:t~ B1y'IJCIVC Suite 26tY2 lL9i:uni, PL :? I31 Tdcpl:onc: (i3h) 354=rv~0 Fecsimilc (°8t) :E 1-7995 S[IBP4El\A DIICL 5 T';cCU7v[- St ;FL[;D'Ui,F, r~ Re~uesfcd I)ocnmcni.: 9. Copies of all docnnenls r;howin!1 the wa:cr consumed by ;CON Condor::inium, 45U A!ton.ttnad, ilSiatni 5e«cL, F~ 33.135, li;tii 3_01, on August !~, 20Uti. ?. Copis of al! docutncnw showing the tva;rr con;wnrd ;,y tfie ce: ~mor elrtnrnts of the TCbN Cwtdorniniuro, .!50 A~;an Rnac. Iviia 1;i Bcaca, I•L 3 ; `3J, o:•. August ! 9, 2005. 3. Cvpie; oFzll documents showing the :overage daily water consumed by ICON Condou:ininm, 450 :11ton Itund, D4iemi Bcactt, F1.33139, U::!t 320.1, from August 1, 'OCS through Aug;,ut 1 ~, 2005. 4• Copies of all docctnettts showing Phe avecige daitw wriscr corswnrd by the cotlvuo,r elements et [he ICON' Cor.domirtium; di0,\Ib.in Rona; Minm4 L~ea~h, Pt, 33139, from August 1, 2005 :iirvugt: Augase 13, 2005. 5. Copies of al] docmrcnts 5}totving the waiar cat:sumed 8y fire sarhilJcrs at the ICON t:ondeminium, 4S0 A:•bn Rcad, R4.iami Beacly FT, 331;9, Licit 3201, vn:4ugust lH, 2005. 6. Copies of a7Ldocttmcuu s!totving LUe water consumed 3y fi:e ::rrinklcrs a: the iCUN Ccttdomininrt, ~c50 ,Tian R.cad,llRiami Aeach, FL ; i 39, oz Au~sxt ! 9, 2005. 7. Copies vPat. documrn~;$v~,vin~ chc amatntt oFt=lue urr ('ire s,7riol;lers were aetivatad :,±the iCgN Coadou:iuiucr., 450 Altvt: Road, lYliur.:i 13carh, F''L.i3139, ua Aurest 19, 20U5. 8. Cop!rs of all dvcurnenl3 sltvtviag tae tmocct vi' Umc Chu #ire spriniaes wrra uci;vatrd +t the iCUN Condor,.in:uu:, 450 illton ltvati, Miami t3s«ch, fC. 33139, Unit 320 i,-on Augt:st 19, 20Ui.