Subpoena re: Bruce PalmerIN THI; C:ll2CTR'C CUL3I21' CiF 1'I.L X7,10 JUV2CIAL t"Ti tCL"I1' IN .41~D FORI'QA141T-D.tiDE CoT1N?'Y, FLORI:UA BIZ[,TCi~?AL1~LiR, General Ja:isciictien Di•~islon CASE A'O.: OGOl OS4 C.4 >;I C) 'Piaint4F~, ~~ Florida Bar IvurnFrr; 393137 YARiV AIIARONY`, FC.ORiDA CUN'fftrlCTURS GIiC7Ui'. hiC., C:. tit'L~N ]1R.Ii SERVICE^, iii C., ICON CUNDObfA'tIUN :4SSOC1~tT1O: !, L'~ C., , J Tf~ CONTINL-:VT.AL GP.OUP; INC., U ICrNT SEC[IItITY S?.R~~CES, IIvC., atxl 'Z'vt fv1URAA`O i.3REE, LTD., ~~ 1?ef'cndants. f~ { _ _ -- -_--_' ~ . ~ 2 tJo . ,.>.,.. ~ 2 ~ ~~ ~.r....,.~r.... I,€rers : Nc~r:.: r ii..[i ~:_. F..P~,SLia'inv ~. ivluitdn option} TFIE STATI? C)F FLUI2IAA: '!'CT; Records Cus.odian t?/tT Ciiy ai lYfiomi Bcach 3 U 1700 Convention Center7)rsve Mi:uni Besclt, Florida :3134 Y(}II ARE CUMYIA.NDED'o appear at the otlice of DAVID t1id1~ IOSEYFI, P.L., ; 00 T $tickell Bny D3ive, Snitt:'1002, Mliami, Florida 331. on NovcLlher 20, zt)US, and iu bare with you at butt time Ior copying and dup!icatlcn :3.c documents tegaested ut E:te attached T4esc items will be cuspeaed :.,:d may be coFied at that tine. 1'ou ~.vill not be requited to surrender 4hc ori~ip31 items. ~ may camnl •,vitti ftis sabpoana by nrevitiiny, !atibEe ::dies oi' ibc j~Qts ?n be nrociucQCi to the attmztrv wlt~,t; name anucs;s. nrf this subpoena _r_! nr before thq srhnduMd dsz, of oroduction. Yeu miry condition the pre,~ar-anon of ue co vies upon tltc , a}'rnent in adrru:ee o! the rensonab!e cosC of prepa;'atiou. You n:ay mr.i: er de)iver the copies :o li;c attoi-ncy whose name appear on'this snbpuena:utd thr.;c:by al;miuuly year appearst:.e ntthe time and place Speci6e3 above. Ycu bavp Il:n right to objce; w Urr. production pursuant to this subpoena at :vey time bpforc producfian by g:vir;g w;ittpa anti.^. to tLo 2itorue}' whose name appears on this subpoena. if you lnil w: (1) sppcar as spscitied; or (') fittnis:, the retards iatend ofappearing av provirleri above; or (3) cbjrct to ;his subpuenty you ntay bo in contempt of court. ; ou aiv subpoenaed by Ih: aaameys tivhnse names appcra en this subpoena and unless escuscd frnn this subl:ue:ra by the anoriteys ut the Coot, y:m shall respond to this subpouta as directed. 17AT~:'tJ nn t)le i U ~Juy D{'.{'ifl~i+i: u'c~ ~rn_n~9'. "'' -. • ' ALLAN A, IOST'PF, i;SQ. itAVID AND 3051:Prr, P.L, 1001 BrickcllBayDrive Suite X002 Miami, FL 33131 'Cela~ahonr,: (78h7 35~7y90 Facsimitc (7Rfi) 36;-7995 FOTt TIC C}'~l ': 11i I b}'~~ . . ALLi~h~~ Jt}SEPH F.3.;T~ 93137 v SUI3POEN a AIICES T}unCTJA4 - St'H'EDU'LE A Rcr;ucsted Documents: 1 • Cauius of all ducuataats shaving tJ:c water consnncd by 1COTi Cundominiunt, 45fJ Alton Road, lvliami 13eaclt, F[, 33139, Unit JZUl, or. ?.ugust ;9, 7.00, Z. Copies of ull docttmenfs sUotvirr t.~e water consumed by>>ie cantmon eltrneuts aF the iCON Condominium, ~5U Alton Road, Miami Asacl:,. I'L. 33:39, on August 19, 2UU~. 3. Copies oFaiJ documents sha\vin~ the avere>Lao tJaily wales ooasumed by 1CON Condominium, .StJ Alton Road, Miami Reach, PL 33J39, Unit 3201, hum August 1, 2UU5 dtruu;hAnb>tut IR, 2UU5. 4. Copies ol'ell doru:nents.hewiug the overage daily \vater consumed by thr. rnmmon ~le~.,a.ntq :Piha 14(VIN f"'~ CdO~lylw rJ~t! d.ltr, :. i''.ai'y 1 iiui,.: licau ~ i L Jr a O ,... ' J., front August 1, 2UU5 thraugit Ausast 18, 2UU5. 5. Cnpics of ail docuatcnts shorvl~g Ltc \valer cencumed b ;ire sprnklers a[ lire .ICCtPJ Cuudon:initr:n. ~~0 Alton 1Zoad,.ldiami 3each,l'C.33? 39, Unit 3201, on August 19, 2UQS_ 6. Copis o£ all documents sliowino thu voter catsumed iry fue sprlnJ:!ers at tt:e 1CC3N Conduminiut;t, 450 Alton Road, Mituni Bcacl:, FL 3_,149, nn August i9, 2CC9, 7. Copies uFall dncvmcrts shorviug !Le amount of iYme the Jire sprinWers »•erc activated at the ICON Con:Jem inium, 4S0 Al*,m: Road, Miami Reach, L 33134, an AuJ;ust 19, ~U45. 3. Copis of all docurrcat; sha\ec~ We ntnnunf of tune tL•e'ftre sprinklers were activates at thu J4gN Cundominiunt, 45U Aaan Road, lYlierui i3each,r"L 3;739, Urit 3201, au Augusi i9, 2005.