Subpoena re: Denmark Properties LLC & Carmen WongS.V TS.E CR2C:U1'i' CO[T?zT Cli TS1E Ti"' J'LIDICIAT~ CAL2CU17,'
W APIll TOR 11'11.n'tIl-D,+.Dl C;OU\'TY, PLORIDs?.
DEJiMA.RK PTCOPETLTL=S, LLl"", and Getrrai 7urisd;aicn Division
Ci#IiN1EN HONG, CASENO. a~-ZA>/a CA IQ'1s, C?arida Bar Nuu,E,er: !79313'1
Cr11141.4;~' FIRE S;;RVSCL; INC.,
ICi~:`7'C SGCU[tCl'X SGIt'VIL'L:S, NC., and ~~
Nt'~%Rr1N0 TH3LEL. LTD., ~ V
Defendants. S
---- j 6
SUBPOEYADiif');STECUN_WTI'HOLI'I'DP~'I)ti;'t'[C)1V ~',r~-
(Mw7-In Option} ~ Q
2~ t
'1'I~IY: 57:4TE.Oc FLO1tIDA: oti
TO: Records C~astadiau U ~f ~" k~ ;
Ctty of Mism; BeacL t{ 1 ~
1700 Convention CwterDrnn
I41iam1$eNad, T~'lorida 33134
YGU AP.E CONL~'lANDDD to appar at dle oRTce ofT).hVID AND .TOSF.P.H, P:L., 1"v01
Ltrickell Dny Drive, Sui14 iU02, N4iami, i~le:ida 33li1 cu iVovcmber 2G, 2008, and tn, Lava with
yna ct tt:ut time For :opying and duplica@on the dccumens requested iu Lle attached
'Chcsc items vri11 be inspected and may be ccpied at Glat 3me. Yon t3•il7 not'ae rcyoircd to
surrender the nri <innl items. You may camply with ti.i su}nrenz fiv prn~,!ici•"•C 1^-E';Ih1r, entree ~F
file 1te IP.? CC CS CY~7 [11JCCf1 l4 111C :::IUff;'LV tCQ703_ I]Etf]IC EIVOtLLIa Ofl :~i1 9111't)~~Brla DIt Vf 1}ctUrc C{7C
schrduiot dnle_of aroduction. You may condition ii,e prraaration of !::C coyics upon floe paymc:d
in ndvttncc of Ple r.nsnnahle coal of prcprauiimo. You nx,)' n,uii or deliver the copies to the
rttnn~ey whose Warne appea.-~ ot; this subpuac:a and thereby Li::ninatu your a?pcu~anre at t4a time
and placz specified ^bovr., You ituVC iJ:e :ieht to ubjnct to Hte prudacGou puruanc to rJris
subpan;.n at ;ury ;ime beiorz nrcducdon Sy gioial; ivt-itbn notice to rite zYcrrey cehcse ntunn
appears mt this suboo~ta.
If yru faii io:
(1) appzaras;i,ec:l'tui;or
(2) "Lruish the records iuSetid ofappzariug zs r:rovtced above; Er
(-') object to [his subpoena,
ynu nay b^ in rontompt of court. "oc ar? cubpaen>ud Uy the a:iornuyc a~hoce Homer app::r on
this subpoena and ucnss excused iron this subpoena by Hte attorneys or um Cnttrt, you shall
rwjmid w uu> $ub~'iiei~a a; L1rZl'ied.
DATED on Stn ~(7 dny of Cva m ~ 2UU K.
D.~Vii2;>.ND JUS>rPH, P.L.
1001 $riclcel(t3a}~TJriee
Suitt 2Q0?
Nli:tmi, F(,1a137
Telephone: (7S6) 3G4-7~9R
Pei simile (786) 364-i9J5
C+OF. T[~'r C i. T
ALLA `' OS>~I-i
'~ ~'~
T'.Iis':~~ t:;;~
IZCL]UCSSCd I>ac'a nl Cllt5:
I. Copies of al! documents sltowi*tg tare walar cansumed by ICON ConJamiaiuct, =SSU
Altus Rnad, iVfiami $each, F[: 3 ~ 139, TJnit i20'_, anAugutit I9, 1005.
2. Copies of a?1 dncuments showu:g rite water consumed by !hc coL:::ncu elements o;~
thc lCOb Condnuwlium, 450 Altar. Road, biiu:ni P,caaY., FL 3?? 39, on :\t:gust 19,
3. Copies of na documents s'ow>ng tBe averste daily Hater consumed Vg TCO~I
Cando inium, ~i50 Alton koad, Miami Bcach,. L 37135`, [Jnit :201, from AugLUt I,
~CCi iii a~J',y~I :Li~LCi': iii,. r::Jv S_
4, Copies ofall documents s`uo,vinZ du average dar.y water consumed by the common
e!ernenu of thc ICON Condcm'inium, 49'0 Aaou Ito;:d, biiami BeacL, FL, 33 ! 3'),
from Augusi 1, 2UUS duuw,l: August 1 &, 2005.
5. L'apirs of all documents showing thc sinicr arzsu:ncrl by :Grc tprinSaer, at thc 1CUN
Candaminimr., dS0 Akcn.ROad, Miami I3eac::, FT, 33 i39;'tJ:ut32Ul, nn August I9,
6. Copies of all documents sho:virg trio waL2r consume:i by frc sprinklers at thc ICON
Condon;irium, 45U Aeon Road, Atiami °eacli, FL' 33I39, oa Aupu;l 19, ^OOS.
7. Copies ofull documerts sltowutl; Il:e amount oftime Hie fire sprinklers were
activated at dae 1CQN Cnndomuff•.im, =L50 A Itnn Raad, Ivlia:ni Beach, FL 33139, un
AuB, 19, 2005.
8. Ccpirs of all daeuu±enls Slll`WIS;F' :I1C an:Ovnt U llJna !IIC tlrC apri0iC!P.rS lYelti'
activated at L:e ICON Ccnd~,:liaium, 450 A:!ou Road, N.iami 13eaci~, PL ~.~ t34, Unit
3201, olt August l?, 2005,