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030-2008 Attorney General Opinion Regarding Use of Unmanned Cameras for Traffic Enforcement
t6Q~ N0~ i 4 FH 2~ 47 to MlAMiBEACH - ,~, i:_.~r . ~~~ ~: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTEROFI=fCf MEMORANDUM no.030-2008 TO: Commissioner Ed Tobin FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: November 14, 2008 ~, ~~~/// SuB~FCr ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINION REGARDING USE OF UNMANNED CAMERAS FOR TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Attached please find an Attorney General Opinion dated July 12, 2005 and issued by then Attorney General Charlie Crist. The subject of the Attorney General Opinion is a response to specific questions posed by the City of Pembroke Pines regarding the use of unmanned cameras to provide for enforcement of red light infractions within their community. This Attorney General Opinion was included in the City Commission materials for the November 5, 2008 meeting and per your request is being forwarded again to your attention. Under separate cover, the City Attorney has transmitted to you several cases which are applicable. These cases and the opinion of the Attorney General were the principle guidance used by the City in preparing our City Ordinance to provide for the use of unmanned cameras to enforce red light infractions. As with the City of Pembroke Pines, the City Ordinance creates a civil infraction/violation of Municipal Code rather than to create or issue a traffic citation under Florida Statute which the Attorney General opined was not within our purview. If you have~ather questions, please feel free to call me. ~%~ `" L JM~lR(~vt! sam Fac~mgY.~ALLIBOB1Memo-AtryGeneralOpinionVman nedCamera.tloc ~',., Pale 2 of 7 VVest~avd hla. AGO 2005-41, 2005 WL IG~0;23 (FIa..A.G.) Pale i Fla. Ai;C 207`.-A1, 2GC:~ .:'L 5!:Oa28 ::k'la...... 0-ti cc :•f tire F..rcrr:::y G^:,eral $rgrc c Plo_idG 2005 41 3L: CdV\1Ci'H-:T,TP:e; - UCJ1:+R ~: T3 ~.iCIi: U~: ~'f 6~ -"-- - :,R:i1IJi±\il_.~ - ~:'tt•-0?3P.S - u=v L ic:ar.ned carcras to m:~r,ircr tr~`_flo violations. Ch. .EE, -_r.. 9ca., an•i s. ..•-. ~f :en.~°ekF Pir.es i:c tcroFp On be':,a.f ... rae 'e:rbccke F'_r.es ::iLy CCm^,'.ns'_or, yos have as<2d to c.y op_r.irr, cn ess2r.-ially ~i,a 60- lo~eicg q.ras~.ic:ns: 1. i>lc,y t.r,: City c. 'arc,°oke F_r.es e:,a~' an crdinasca al. I.l^::-ri ~-.ng Lire city tc ro::n iY.or viclat ion, of t-atiic s°gr;.Is :vithi:r t:'ra c-i ty% L. ° :, 1'. ;:der tv QGaS C - OI'. C;CC _ ••,,_.< •• rlt V L.Sa r. a . _i t:r._ _.. ,~.., rcay -.~e .m°arr..7 c..r..~sas to :^.cr`.cor i:rtersec._or. sd •..xc:::ecl. rya-tic ~:iclati:?rrs s. i. the ans:•mrs tc •:aa:'sti.^.ns Or.e e:,d _.vo .',-:> hr,c!-, "yza'," fray c:-::: r.ity tse ti:a ~hecographic e•,:idercc 'rom tt:e r.nrr.a~mcd cameras .a idc:i:>c ~ cGr c:vr.ar c- :, :_- o_atic[:-i 4. - Lo ~,:i:~r._•r•r.s J:,a. dCa T~•:c• ._re yes,~~ "ray -he .._= use _ls r.ndc: if .. ':R :c r.S nc_9 v. - 2n-orcen.e[;l ~.a2cia~ r:a~_strate, :,r.d t:r=o_cacac(. procedures p_o~:~~6eo `n Caap=`- _62, = erica Statu'_as, *.o cr.fo_ca •,:ioi:,tions c= traf=ic :- gr.,-Js? 5. -- the s[a:aar~ cc ~'rati::,s Ore ar:c _xo a_H "yes, •• ... rte „,_y au':hi:rizcd tc• '_r.sta_; L~ia ::r.car.:red cameras at. _n_ersac-'._cr , -cr ..rate ar:dtor ccar.r.y roans ~s I:X:q ,:., ali sulhoriti^s taitir ..,r_ s<'1~:-r.'_or. over s::::~: -cad, cersar.t c.[K9 :rsc< -hc ptctoyra~t:_c es^det;ce in .:-:e :,-rc -,a[:rer e:= rhr: .._ty cor ._~>'..cicr. dc~r.z:ar.l.a<9 at irr.2rsc•cticrs .:r•;^IV`. r.g oaiy city s'.rc•,rs•7 t':cccrdir.g t..^. jo'ar let.er, -he City oL Pemb-ro A:: F_[:es scales ro i:ntance p.G.,_i;: safer.y a~_tt:in the _. cp L atla:ta.`nr. -., rericoa ;iargsrcas .^-_._ar; baha:`.or r;•iat_:::: -o the fai:,rre cc obey rac. iigat indica_icr.s or. -_a_f_;: sigr,a- ~yeviccs, a la~:aabJe ,:at. T:-,c rity ecca.i>..^,io:r des_ras tr. ennet as r, rd-na~:~^:: actnoria_[::; [~'~2 r.ir.y r.c .. LCti~6 'hi:mscr. Rs~_r_.._., ;'i:c:;t. _:~ ClGi~, co Orig. ..c G;:::. iGc_.^_. hrip:C%~~eh2.~restla~~.com,•'pruttiprintstream.aspx?s~~SplitKprfrllTbil.F.&In= top&mt-\dunicipalYrac[4rv... l I:'14i2008 Page ? of 7 FIa.:1G0 200-~1 1, 200 ~VL 16i032R (FIa.A.G.) ra3e ~ ^rac`_t.or traLLir. .._gr.als :eilt_n th^ `t}~. 'l't,e airy :•nr.11d instil: i:r,rcanned came_3a -_ intersE:ctior,s^v:iti,ia chi. •-ity to^s @::c:rd ~o:~ic_es _h.e=ra' 1 t.C• :,.op Lor red Gigs'-s. =:ne Dte;'_?(Jr ptc: e:: iri`.n.?e -ram ti:e [.cm.ar,ned c.ctt.•_sa a'c.11:J ,e r:scd -., ad- vis~ thg /anic~.e'., r,:,•r.er a` -te 'iio_a:-.ar. ~~.restio:~s Oce anc ='a•o ~aapte° 3.e, 9lcriaa ..-:_-rtes, a the "FiosiuG Uni`cr:n Tr.c=fic Cor.lr::1 La;•;." ,-:- Lion -~~16.0;2, Flo°ida St~t.nas, exnresses Lila legis.at:ve inte~,~. far adcptirra _Y:is "T t. is tae .e':{:-.:,r_~„ i:i'_er,: is the sdcotior~ of c',is ;a:aoter •:.o ma k^ ~~r.iforr.~. -ra`f__. lava tr• apj.;Y~-:hro,:gtcs- ti:e stare anc _t~ se•.:27x1 co:rr.t,~.: a:xi :mihr.rn _taific ardir:Gl:r•es -., ap_•1y in a~l rcr:nicica_i::es. T:-n Le_s_a_ut2 reco:nizes t'.:, r. -h.ere 3'2 cor.ciitioas •n h.`t.h r^gaix-2 lr.ur.-, ..r p.i:._ies to pas.^: :-.:main r,'_t:er traL_ic: oniinar:~xs _'~ "''^:rlatio:, r,£ ~:lr _cipal '_ra=_ ~ <? anat. ara not :-e~^,:-. rc•d tc -F^:rlate t}_~. m:v2:rcr.t. c. trap-' .. c:ICSide oL 3.lch, mtc7ici:+i^ii[i~:?. .,ca-ica 31'0.1:0 e:u:cara.es C}:e a.'sa :aithi:i a,:',iCfi ~:rr_cipal_'_ie^> i':,'y ecncrol oec:a.r '_ra=f'..^ ro•:emen. a' :',.:rkiry i:i .fiei° respect_.;e j!.risdict.icas. .:',i3 si:f.-:cr. sh.al_ be a~~.r,:,_:,mer.tal _, c.'r~a c_ter .3.•.s' ,.. crams:ices of Lois caaptec aci rc- i.. ::cnt_ict taece.•r'.-h.. _.. a .::!1:;:•.._ for ar:~ ._..._.. s~+rhoriLy _o o~:.^... o~ ..o '_ ..^.rnt _.. 2:if0 •. ~^ a^y Gx Gi!1da4: _.. GGJ~_: C: kip!` ".+12 H:x JYi lOr.^ f ~..__ The Lecisla'. r:rs alc•ar_y _eco^r•i zee t}:e +u': h:-:ri t_.; cc :::3r._~i.pa '..-`_es to aacot ._..-- -air local Logislatior~ tc coctro_ Lraf'ic a:id pa_''irq vri.-her. tt.c:iic_oa it'.cs. -n ..ecti:::, itr•.~..,., t'1:_id., .,--G7rte=., ::~,~ traf`_`_•~ ec[ar0- Ir.x encr..era~_es seac:ra- areas •har _.,.allactiri-rir.:..> are ecC'~o'"•z.^o. t•t Gctir2_s, '_ne_cdi[::. 'fir; ^:rlatir:y. te:;-r_ct_n:;, .. ^.ac__crirq Cra"-c F•v s2c.,rity n^•r_ces .:r per:>crncl oI: pial_-c stre'_s drd h_gh.',aya, :,•he-her b;• o~_bl'c cr private t:~:rr'.•^s...." [Y`.'-~ A:'s Cnis office :: rJII t:daC iI: F.rOY'~Cy '.,?a2=31'5 opt. P.i GI: ~?-:.1 ,~~, -I'.C t,.3c v. af. ,l I'"AI'.-,Cd :; c.rt.2_3 Ca 'sccrd •.eiiic.es -hay rio r::,t ~•.-nair. sCOgt:e<9 :,rd stardir.y at a st•_ad•~,' _=.1 Iight as =egairea by s~r•~_icn 3: o.C?;31 (a?, F-_ __.._ £t~ -.s, v:cc_rw GJI,Yar co cc11 s:il_ili': 1_he ;cope oL t:', is a+.i-hcriLy. '1'h,[s, it is :n}; opinio:, ~aat t:',2 Cits- c_ L°e:IJ::roka Fices_s aotnar'_zco by lt:e terms of section 3", f . lLZ alai i16.I:~.' i qr . + .,- =tote>, .. 2r,:,^t a7 o-di:Iacc2 :,ctno=ir inc tt:e ...-~• .o mo:litor Jiclc.tira3 of -radio signa_. r:itail: .hs ci-_ a:ic, Lo ~..^:e .rc^,.-sneu^ca^err..^, Y.c• rr:a:iiccr ir.terseG_i:arc; a:d recocrictrat'ic. ::_c1G.:-e:r:;. iuestion 1'ar2e :~s disc.ls:>ec ..~cve -*- ..: ~ oo_:ric:n that tiie City of Fen~.:roke Fir-es ~_ a[.[iio-'~. z::c to ^or`_tos rolacicns of t^3ffia .>_crals .. th-n t}r~ •::il:; ,:nd -o cse .,^rtnrrc as:n- a.ras to s2:^ur^. r.te L~:erg.=.c ta; n[.ctae°.^. r'- •=.a_~s _.r.;;~..^c _:i s.[o:, :'al,:-`_c::~~~. It. is a rc_e c' :-aY.ctory Ccr.st.rcctiw: =Y,:. c. sr. expr2s:: }:e:•!cr daly ccr.tr.rrr:•u rr.ay ir~cLde _h.e 'rp_iad a.,_tor'_t}~ _.: Gte t.no rt.ean~ n2.'•^s=ary lc :1a se -hc exp_2..: pr.:a^r http:;',•'~~~zb2.wcs[law.com printiprintstream.aspx?sv-Split&prft-l lT\dLEKfn-_top&mt=hlunicipalPrac&v... 11 %1 ~3i2UUb Paee 4 of 7 Fla. ACiO 2005-41, ?005 R'L 1650328 (FIa.A.<+.) Paec ~ :.t_e~__•.: °.., :7 _tCcu~:r s.t:::~: ir.~_ced ;a _F: c:r. ry r.ay r~'_ v.ar cart _._ ~ ,~ Of .; .^.un- _'.ar~-i v.: por,er :,aft. ::cr.t„rred. -FTdi1 -1e i:it+: c- F-^tbro::c: Yit:e a' is .a r,:nr.ec t}:e ~~.- thnrity it °eq~.;late and :nc:r,`.tor t_aftic or m!:nici~al s'_ree[:. ~h^ express :r.:•rar -o r~g,t 1::-n and r.[t r._ror :•rt:n_d. aoF:ea" -., c:ico::osys I:ne act.hcrity to oce`s.- -h•ae it: /`_clacio:, c.. -coal crdir.dnces that t}:e_r r.ct'..nns tad bye:r -reccrdcc b~y tra=t_: cam- eras it -a_led ct dece:-r. st:d: ._tl~ti::ns. 1 see r. c: ir;,eciiacr.t _o _he ci.ty tar._:;g :; ~.[~o h. steos~. ir; -, p,:bl`_c ..:-fe'_y at'o~-- to re:1a::'a c~,gerocs dri•: icg cc:narioz re1G'_inq tc t'.ir' ta'_lc_e to ti?e:y '"^d 1_y}a _:ici`a;tioas cn irsf'ic s:gr.:_1 devices. -~ ,~ , 7her~fure, - _.. r..y op_ni-cc -ha. t}:e ,...r at ......:;rc:,e _:.'~s:: m_d nse _}:e F:~ot.c- . .~ =xcm :mr.,ar.xd carr,a-r.,:; -o sd•rise :: '^r o:rcer ih+l. h.'.^: or nnr 1_- yraoFi:': e-:-cen:.~ .... C:eri s'i: tag :ruz[ber hr:.^, bee.-r re :e: rdec ir. a vio-ac~or c•_` _}:e .caffi^. leers. 'v ~~-SCii:n Fnr_r a:u~ Fi :'e _r. a _~S• .•+t-n_rey :decera. :•pt:uo:[ =e,~:ester t•y 2s_a .fie:n:n ..oc:rc~, Liri:; :a'.:.: corp.^,i d,:red art:e l_i~~r :_ ccnr.t}: op.,ld e:,act a:; o~ci'~ar.cc .=ntixt•siz_. o-,: -hi: t;se u` ac- manr.ed tamer:;; at traL_ic '~'-::rsecc_cr.s for t.te o•lrpcs~ o` i:;sn:7q cites:-er:; ter +, ,... ._ola-icr.=, of sec:r`.or. ~:6.0? Florid.: Stac_c.e:?. ~'-tcn-,e+;• 6e:,exal •'.nicn 9?-G6 e:•r.cicded ha.. tR° cse -~ rr.rt.-:reed oat:era.=. to d:aect vehic l2 fiat tic: cc. -•.°'n.sir. :,to{.:oed 4rn. ..taad_a;; at. .n .,ready 'e~:y light a xeci:`-•^.d :, sv: ..or. 3 ~ ~: - i'~ ;ai. Florida :,__c_r[as, :. n:[Ld appear co cor..e r:it:',ir, c`:c. :cope t_ .--:;tnr.cr pru':~_s:i:ats ar:thoriz_n_ loc:a_ ~c•.:ecr.-,erts .*.o rzo:riu:r traf'ic Lv sec~;rit~- dr=+:__es ;'i }':rn_ic sitaetr. ar.d }:_yhv:ay^. .:re E;rc:bl::rc. ide:;_iLiec in the opi[:_or. :e:7~ e:ireti[e_ !:':rc=;n^.::d "elec.=c;r`c t. r:a'i'_ i:i- fracr.ica d~tectc r:;" nay iaci~(:er acct.l_ %e 1.8e:9 ns -tc Lc _':a fear is: uiay cite.". cr:; for :_tlaticns of t}:ese ---'affic la•xs. "'~c c•rccisio.;s ,.- tno tr.-_artn Tres`t'..c 'ode rey,ti°e that __.aricns :,e iss~..ec .:hen an c=t-per b:^ra~s LFe .. r:rcm-s_ior. oL a t_.cffic ir.frac-icr.'.1" IF`: - {e.s.j TP.~^, ir. _c'dr .or cir-eticrs _.-_ cio.ati~•[:r; of traLLi:: ^on_rcl lt, v:3 to be ,issues, -hc stac ~. ~'.9 appn•.cr to re.y.,i°e tact as c_-C2r e~rorciac tt:e. :_ratfic 1G:v per.^.or,aLy c:bserrc cr ha:•e :er.;cn:;_ kaoo-rie-dye of -hc partitalar `_n'ra:aio~, r'~at serves' as the casis Ler ...s:[iry ti,a ci test. or.. _i[e o?_'~- .~r, - .r^,:lodes _k:e !ae e` ~r.: :ar.:red <::;rcras to r~COrd •r_•:1a- -. ^cnc_.[dea that. rc~:irrq F ticas of si-nr..ior. 3.5.0'r`:, -_-.:sues Stara-^s, bct, a phc-cyrap}::c. reccrd of s :; ePiici: cicl~tirg r.rat rr• car ~ro_ lases tu<ey r,-~c- ='' 3='ec ds to - ssi~ `r:r ;.=s:ri.rg a ..c_atio:r fcr such vi::~at.-.o-t,s. '1'hia c:-fist tas sc:.c3a:;t.^d rtes- leyisar`•.:~ ant[:d- :-terts o-:oc_d be '~e^.cssary it al'c:e tte :,k;c;_:;gr:.nt`c rectrd 'rcm arrta[:r.e~:i ::ar.^r._s r.or.i=oricy `~,-ersect;or.:; to be ssec. as to:~ so_e bas-.-. for issc_:c:: .-'.tat.:~r•r--::. Ch..c;,ter 315, Flo=ides Statures, ccucGir:a }:ro-r_sicr.s rags-.;-ink •_rG.Y.:^ co:crcl sr~;- ral ::iE'i'..^...: 33C, a.+nc::;tic4 a ':re t::cr:.:,r s~c~ a'. rcc =i;;ir_. o..criG:i X16 ;~,.'., F_o-_ ides .-'ritntes, ~'ie.^,igr.ates :~re. ^o=.-.r~ tc be r: .^d~=„_ taf~ic ccnt_c1 sign,. iq5=s aeed'ic ::cctro'_ tra.Li:, `nc_~sd_. - :rr..;nici.pal iraf-`c, ...rd recu:-ce: that "tire. ii9"r. :; _.`.a1. ir,cScat•_ a:rd appl r.c dr-i':rer:a of ae:zicles ar~n p••descrians" :;s de- scrii:edcU:ere'n. IH4 '. 'nrs.:ar-C to .,...et. i. o:; ~=6.Jip (tj toil., -c;r'c:; Etta=ores: http:ihaeb3.~~cstla~~'.com;prinU'printstreum.aspti.'sv-Split&prft°I [Ti~`TLF.Sc.fit=_topRmt-~lunicipalprac&v... l l i l ~:`?008 Page 5 of 7 Fla. AGO 2005-a 1, 2005 W L 1650328 (FIa..A.G J Papa ~ "det:_~u: ar -ra_fi:: `acing s .._vad~;, red r._geal sita_1 .>cop be_cre orsC~~•irg -:;•:! .rros:::vaix oc _he nca_- side ofL r. r,e :r.ter~.e :a.ion or, __ :iCif.e, thin b::^fcre ~r.l`r- _n:: _t:e ~.'~-.a°sec._ur. arc C::il z~e::;airy stacdir.q ~.a_i_ .. ,rc:::a ::rd_caliar: i :: h:,.:n.... „ '1'}te .>':; fate recogc`.z2s r.hat ~ur._c-i h:al ar.d ::C,Ir.C Y' <. :: r. r~eri ..es [r.+i~ :a <2 cc•r=air. ..._- r.'.oes tc _e;aiate t.rai=_~. Curr~in~7 r; a ~"~C~~r,'y red slq[:al. ( 1Q::" Tte otatcCe :~e cs:^, a ~:_vla-.icn c'_ secti.:n a 0.075. -:c:r'ca ..cw:ctes, 3 no°~.^°cm_na_ _=nlfic in`rac- - a '"'~afacr 3__ Gs ., mosir~g vio_a:_or. '. T'S ii _hGS, Cior~, ~n:r.,shab-e p::rscan= _ ~ - Ctao~xr :i]5, F_orida ::Cart[-cs, cc:[. airs c:~r"o_~er.:er.C arc p.^nzlt•~; provis~or. t:-•r ai- oia-: is:cs of =_~a:fi.c ^^nc=c•1 _:<7ral .ic:~_s. 1:r Lgtr oT the ~rearri pT.ien c~,: r. a-ned i7 :e~C..o;': _, ".E.~~`~:;?, __cr_~: Sta-'-7c es, ti:aC "~~o focal aGCno-rir.v ~ha_1 ecaer. o° enioz--::.e ary orci:7arce w: a '~:,-ter ,....zed by t:ris .'lapt..^.° cr.l~ss expr...;s1y as.:~ior_xea,•• -t_s c=f.i:::e cenc::~c?s Lu b~ of -tc cp'nicn e.[.'es red in .,t _sr.e; 'erc:r::1 .iui::io: 5':-f5 that lagr-.-aritre chardas fire aeces::;.;ry be`_ore loca'. • ~..=nz[er.CS r°ay is..=.::_• =z~a.L:: cit:,c-ccs a:7d f;2rel',-.:. driv;•rs oa:c 'aiI -.o obey^reci -ir.~~- ~r.d~oa'_i;:rr= ec -r,_=i_o si:_;',f,~ dc~•ices. 3•ir.cerc ly, :'n:;sL' e ;JzisC rt_tcrciey Central f F:il: ...~lior~ -i1~,. 06_._, i~~:;. --a. ..tc.l. 'PN:r.j. See, a. q., !4citJir: 1cvaS.`.•r.r..•7r. ~orpa:!•y :~. 7crner, 157 :iC.. ~:? l5_&. 1:;35;: ..SS::ac .. ..._-iii: _.,5:",. 1~. SC. 2C .522 O"_.d. 199th .^.:. ir3j/e" 'v. 5..7 `R, .'..5~ JCi. 2d 315, F1?^(F_a. 1'aio; :IU: bbs .. Ses ._ie tiotal. 55 e;c. ~2d 3<7 `Ff E. 19'_•2)1 -~`.B::i Far,~s Drainage District .. .^.crta... itind^, 19 _,.. 2d 23:1 (-_a. 19S9j. (F~J- Jt:Lt L:.:.1 31 CI. F'~7'.. -•.' .G! I -:l. :.'ta=• D19 1 Se^ s. :+15.::: ~+t, (- - i , i~ci car.:nq ct:e is-= i cr.s -o ae .G <er~ :.!rrcr. a +.lreec i r- nica-lo[: is gi:cn; s. 31~~~.L.S; ;b~i -.<. ..c.:=., ;,•o~~:'ci:,g diz~ecf.oa :•;~icr. a ready _lov: incc-at_rl icz 7:-...,_rled; any ... 3_0.0-. (1j ,-.j, __a. .;cc-., relatiry lc ,. steady zed is:9ic::-_er.. FNi>J. See i15.0i~,(1;i.::l.a. :,r.n b., h'la. .,-. ,;r.., al_o.•,.c'^ ro:[r.t_as +sci r.r:r.ic_pa1- ___es~ So pronit7it right -'.7res aya_nsf :7 steed; red ..^,igna_ al ar~y '. r. r.crseoC,or, ant '.a nrcnibit + ..eft tu_n oa.c ., one-',:ay s:r<.eh. in_ez-5ec.'.'~• .•.r: tt:er r:;h-:.'r:y ;tree= at s steed: red aicna . _FTi6j. Sea r."~~.`)?i4:, F7: a-at. Fla. ArC 2605_41, "t0:i3 7:1 ln!,C:i28 i. t'iy.......j LtJ~ C`E' _:OCIlA1CN: hrip: 'web2.Y~estlaw.com+'ptvu%printstrcatn.aspx?,v=Split&prft-H'l'~4LL:Rfir_ topKtnt-\9unicipall'rac&v... 11:']4:'2008 Yace 7 of 7 Westlaw pate of I'~inting: NOV 14;3008 KF.YCITF. D7 r. Samuel S. Goren, Pla. AGO 20U5-41, 2008 WL 1650328 (FIa.A.G.) (JuI 12.2005) KeyCitc Histop is trot at~ailxMc fbr this publication. Ci[ing Rel'ercnecs Ko refcrznczs were tiwnd w ithin thz scope of KccCit~ s citing case covcrauc. ~~k ^_Q08 l'homson Reuters. All rights reserved. http::'(t~~eh2.~ istlaw.cotniprint;'pruttstreatn.aspx?sv-Split&.prft-l iTMLEc~:fii-_top&mt=A-IunicipalPrac&v... l 114i2UOR