FDOT Agreement Inc. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PATTERNED TEXTURED PAVEMENT ON PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS MAINTENANCE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH This AGREEMENT, e:rtered into this day of __ 2008, by and betv.~e~exr the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, a ccT.ponent ayency of tae S-atr~ of Florida, hcrci_ratter ~_allr.r3 tare DEPARTMENT, and the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a [runicipal corporation of e.r_d exlst.i.nq under ~hc Laws cf t.}te ~tdt~ n= _oLida, hr,rr,i_r<.Lter called the CITY. RECITALS: WHEREAS, t_re DEPARTMENT has ='.rrisdiction cs~er State Road (SR) 112/41" Street from Chase Avenue to Pine Tree Drive, within ti'fe limits of the CITY, as par-. cf -}~:e State of Florida yighway System.; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is insta_liny paU_t_:rit~?u textured pavement. r.roel~walks on SR 112 ir: ac~c°danco. ~.vith DEPARTMENT Cantx'a:a )fT-61u3, the '_imits cf a*h_ch, _r~_i~_i_ra=ter PROJECT LIMITS, are d°:.;cribea in the attached -xhibit 'A', w'nich by re'erence hereto shall become a part hereof; ar-~d WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT ar.d the CITY are both committed to improviny t tre ae& het i c::-; +nrithir_ -he PROJECT LiM1TS; ar_d WHEREAS, the CITY }_a~; r?c:3t:>.::z.ac the DEPARTMENT tc install oatte~_re:.3 Cexturer. ,pavement crosswalks, :.it various intersecticr•_s within the PROJECT LIMITS, and tao DEPARTMENT i5 vrilliny to do so subject T.o the terms and conditio_rr. .. -:n~aired h?rei_r.; and WHEREAS, tae CITY, ~oy ke=solution PIo.2008-26935 dated November 5, 2008 , attached hereto as Exhibit. ~B' , +Naich by ±°eference herar.o shall nccotac a p::rrt. hereof, desires to enter into this AGREEMENT and autl!r~rizes its Off`_oers to do so. NOW, THEREFORE, Lor and in Cor_::;ideration of the mu-ual benefits to flow each to ~t_e otacr, tae: par::es; xwenant. anc3 agree as fcliows: PnuernrJ l esuueJ I'84rI0Cn1 CYu>swalls M11airennn; r. A1:mnrmrAum ul A!•n:rmrm hrarrrn I1nnJa Uepuruurut ul frmrsp,r¢rtiun :m:I Cih ol'Alianti Ikmrh I'a~~e I of 1.1. Assignment ='11e DEPARTMENT and the CITY agree that, bV executing Chis AGREEMENT, all 3ainter:ar.:e resnons_b:iiT._es pertaining to the 1-::---~1-n~d -extured pavement cross'rlalks installed by t.:re DEPARTMENT on kchali c:f the city on var_UU:; int.er:;er.t.ions a:ithiri tae PROJECT LIMITS will he assigned -c the CITY in ~orpe t ~:i t y . 2. CITY'S MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES The CITY shal_ be so=ely respons_b.e fcr maintenance or t:n? dP.COra~1V ` ~i5[Jha_t___ ~lrt~.ce ::.1 all E:a-.terri°d teXtUred pdVetr.eIlt crossir ~xs ir_:- _ _111 _° _3 } e DEPARTMENT on b°.-~al f of the CITY with_r_ at PROJECT LIMITS ,-`id :',31311 2.1 ?cricdically remove a.1 litCer lrocl Che patterned textured paveme~it. c:rosswal:~ sl rf.=.cec. 2.2. P9a_nta_n and m~.ke rf~pairs Lo Lhe paLLerned textured _oavement. e:roi::wal'c surfaces tc prevent. sa-ety hazards for -hose using or ir_-ending to use the 5cdestrian crossizx3s. 2.3 i'crloliica__y sweep tha patte':ned textured paverent. surfaces on pcdes~rian crossings to keep ti_cm Ls~e «L debris. and ..c maintain an ae=:-hetica=_y pieasiny condition. P, liyht pressu~-c '.vush__tg may l;e necessary Lon heavy stain _e!r~•::vat cr clean'_ng- 2.4 E'or any routine repair;; or replacements due to _rc>tic:eaY~l s actor scarring cr surface datr=rioration cf ~Y:c pat!_crr_ed Textured pavement surfaces, the product. ao-horized installer shou_d be ccr_a~aed ;Atlar_~ic Laving Co. , Inc. of A3C.o Ai,! '7C '' SC., hl_acri, F-or`da 3166!Fhone Vo. 3CS 5"3-R53ij- Palrrmrd'rr~mr:a Pm~rmrnt (ro..w:dls \taiukn:nrc;. Mrn,orandnm nr A•RCrmcnl nrNeer:f Florida lk0arlnuul of Tmn»nration !mJ Cily of \I cnni L3: ach W.hc J u f ? 3. AMENDMENTS 'this AGREEMENT may b ..r,c~n•:.3ed_n :•:riting if mutually agreed to i>y both ~rart.i~s;. If, at any nime during tYic tC_rr ~L this AGREEMENT, iT. s=Hall come ~c the attention of lice DEPARTMENT'S DISTRICT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER t_laL :all _;r a_xy par,. Ci '_l.e CITY'S maintcnar_cc responsibilities, as astabl.ismed Herein, arm ncr. being properly accom:nl i s:ned nur.=,uant -o tine terms of t.h' s AGREEMENT, :,aid DISTRICT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER may, aT. h`_s opr.ion, issue a written notie:e, in ::are of -1:e CITY MANAGER, f.o plane the CITY On notice reyarrir:g it. e; maintenance dafici.ar.c:ie=;. T:nereaft.er, the CITY sha=_ have a poriod oL tsrirty (30r caicndar days vr_thin which to correc~. the r.ited deficiency or rie`ii:iencies. I` raid deficiencies cites a_c r_o= x•°'°ectod, cr (if the deficiency cr defi~:iet.c~es are rsu:h that it 1. hey can nc,t. ae ccrrect~d w_thia 30 daysi if the CITY does not c~.n.:r.enc~ tc correct tl-ic ;:itcd deL`ciency c:= der`.cienci_PS ;aith'.n t.":xi; Lime p°riod, tae DEPARTMENT may, at. `ts option, E;rrc:ee•d azo f.ollow;;: 4.1. P+tai:n-gin the patter7ed*.extu-ed pavFT:ent rrosswaiks r.:ec]ared tile-ic'_F_n t. with DEPARTMENT and j or indPpenden- contractor 'S re.ateria_s, e~.luipn;ent and personnel. Tk_c actual cost for such •.rark will be charged t::: Lhe CITY. 5. NOTICES 11.. notices, rccucs*_s, dc:r.ax:ds, coascnts, approvals, ar_d other communica:.ion whi:h are redairer. to bF served or given hereunder, .,hall b= ir_ w-ri=ir_,? and shall t7r sox_t by registered mail or cc°~iiied J.S. mail, re:-urn rer..eipt regae~-ted, postage prepaid, ad(~-~e:^ed tCJ -1ic^. pa"'-y -C' rP_Ce ltie SUCK not 1CES aS =cllows: To the DEPARTMENT: Flt>tida CepartmenC o[ ^ransportaLion lCiiiii Ncr~hvwest L_ Bvenue, Rccn+. 5205 ?~:i8-:ri, L'lcricy 33'172-SRCC Ftttenticn: L%is__ic: P~laix:=et.ance hnginecr To the CITY: City of I/iarei L3aac:h .700 Coxraa_-tticn Cantor _?rive NI`_am: Beacln, Florida 33139 1tt_ent'on: :'ity F~lanager Pnrtmnnl TeswrcA P:nromeel l'r:rs.~calAs Alnintn:m:a \1eworu,Juw ol':1_rc. r.:cut lttlv:ecn flo, id, Depmtmenl of'Tran<p~nterion auJ t1tt of pA:unn ISrad: Naec . of 6. PATTERNED TEXTURED PAVEMENT CROSSWALKS INSTALLATION 6.1. Tt is uuuerstoor bet~n+eer_ the r~arties hereto that the pattcrnea textured pavcnrent crosswalks .^.overed }~y thi:s AGREEMENT may be removed cat. a.ny time 111 the iUturc, as found ~tece=:~:a'=y by tl'_e DEPARTMENT, ir_ order gnat the ud;ar.Pnt Mate _oad l,e :a'. dened, altored or otherwise changed and mair_,ain~d T.o meet with f~.r,ure cr`.tFr:a or planning of the DEPARTMENT. All costs assoc:iater. vritl: such activit_es ;Jill }~ o<~l ely at the cxpenr~e of the DEPARTMENT. 7. TERMINATION 7.1 T'tlis AGREEMENT i-; su,~ject tc tcrr'.inaticr_ for cause after t'ze DEPARTMENT'S cc:rnpletion of cona;truction and installation o` the natterr_ed textu_eu pa~~ement crosswalks contemplated and co~,-erea 1'.c.~r_'.'aJl_.}'. alld further subject. to, anti under the lo_iowirc ccnditicris: .r_ accord~ince .r.'t.h SecT.icn 287.C~8~;1.. tC`,, Florida Statutes, the DEPARTMENT s}:a=._ reserrc thr. right to unilaterally c:ar_cel tsri;; AGREEMENT i= tlrr_ CITY _'efui.;es `o allow public a.^..^.E SS tG 3'l~j' C:I" all dUClAI[ICht33, pa}tee 2'B, letters, OY' Uther materi~i_:: rr::rcie or received k>y tho CITY pertinent to this AGREEMENT '•n+}Mich are subicct to E-%_°oviaions of Chapter i19, of the F~.orica Stu,ut.e,. 7.2 1\otvritsrsti_r;.3i_Ig Secticr_ 7.1 about:, tl:e AGREEMENT may be termir_ar.~d wit:zcut cause c,:rly if mutually ag°'r>c~a tc; k:y ~nc~th parties, :vit.h a :-:ix (6; mono: :.~riCt~n r:o'ice. 8. TERMS 8.1. The tr_rm:3 of this AGREEMENT ::hall on.y commence .rpon execu~icn ~ny all parties ar,~i after the CITY %'•e.:eives the \otice To Frocecd 1-tter`rom the DEPARTMENT. This: AGREEMENT shall ccr_tinue '.n perpetuity -- rrnt'__ terminatior: a:; set forth in Section '7. 8.2. T?Iis writing Fm}>odiFS t_zc ~~~ntir° AGREEMENT and u[.derstanding hetvreer_ ta° harties hcrel_o and tt_ere are _Iat other ~ryreen:erits ar.d unc3Frstanding, oral or writtcr., with rciere-2cr to the s'.rbjec:t n•,atter he-'eot r:?Iat are not mzrced PanerncA'I esnucJ Pau: n1eN t'ruanw:dk. h7uuaeu.mcr h7anemndum .~r A!%rcw+.nt henveen nur.Ja I1ep;vtm: m nt I'ransp+Xlaliuu :m;l f'nv nl Nliami Dca~h Paec d of 8.3. Tili~ AGREEMENT ii; nontransferable ana nOnassig:-rab~_e in ,dio:e cz iu parr. s,:i-thcut t_le prier vwri-tar. consent of the DEPARTMENT. 8.4. Thi=: AGREEMENT, rag~rdless of wYi~°'e •°xecutad, s?-ra11 be i7C"FC Y'.1":.k ~:l"*;' •i 11:3 C'On3tIUC t:_`+.~ lIi d'CC~.`d~37i^e wlth the i:1W.S' of tha Mate. v1 F'_ori d~ . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part.i-e:'; haretc have oaused th?:a oreser~ts to be ;_xec'.rCed tha day a~ld year Li~~&t. at;cve written. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: 19avo° Dis_°ic~ SccretarY ATTEST: ~~'~'~ +I CL~ ,~1;'t-C~- ATTEST: _ _ :'itv ~='_erk Execttt_vo Se:r't~tax'Y APPROVED AS TO LEGAL REVIEW: FORM & LANGUAGE 8~ FOR ELUTION BY: 10 to ! ~ ,- ~( liz_trici ?enar-_1 Cc~.:r_~ ~1 l~/ oY Nlannenaurc A1:numn;inm n(.4=lrcewem hruec:u I'lorida Depai7meni nf'ITUiupurluliou :mtl Cil~~ ul AS.nni Rcn: h Pax > of ? EXHIBIT `A' PROJECT LIMITS Be_ow ar~ =ku_• 7 i mits o* ..ne p~:l Ler~~ed tcxl iirad pa-.~ement surface ~edes~.rian crc:_::ings t:~ be maint_iii_ed ur_o.er lt_~; AGREEMENT. State Road Number: 112 (41" Street) Agreement Limits: From Chase Avenue to Pine Tree Drive County: Miami-Dade Psn.mrJ fe~lurrl V:rvemenl Ctoiuvslk> ~1:uulrn;nicc ble.^.~nrnntlum of r\gus:me^i hri~~~:<n flan ids Uup:ulrtirnl ul Tmiupro7alion mid lib nl'Mi:mii Iicah Page (+ of" EXHIBIT `B' CITY RESOLUTION TC k.•C tTG_°la I1T':O °LKi.''~1C:;d UI!_7!__._,~_"_F.d k?t` ~flr :.1-V U. ~'~1 Lllill ~C c.Ca Board of ('i*.y Corua_~~i.r.:_~s. Pallrm.d 1'z~nvcJ W.rvrwem Guvce:dk, \4ainn:nancc 1lcmarw~Juai ul :lgcwnunt ~xn~ccn Horide Ikpevlmrul ul Trma~ortation and (tib'oi \lixmi eradi RESOLUTION NO. 2008-26935 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MMOA) WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CROSSWALKS ON 41sT STREET FROM CHASE AVENUE TO PINE TREE DRIVE AS PART OF THE FDOT PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. WHEREAS, State Road 112 41~` Street is one of the Federal Classified Principal Urban Arterials, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); and WHEREAS, improvements along 41~' Street are currently listed as Financial Project Number 418238 in the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 2008-12 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP); and WHEREAS, the project work plan consists of constructing pedestrian improvements, including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps and striping, at major intersections along 41~' Street, from Chase Avenue to Pine Tree Drive; and WHEREAS, the City entered into a Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with FDOT on September 11, 2008 for textured stamped asphalt pedestrian crosswalk striping that are consistent Citywide; and WHEREAS: pursuant to Section 2(g) of the JPA: the City is required to enter into a Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement (MMOA) with FDOT; and WHEREAS, the Administration would recommend that the Mayor and City Commission approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement with FDOT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement (MMOA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the construction of crosswalks on 41S' Street from Chase Avenue to Pine Tree Drive as part of the FDOT Pedestrian Corridor Improvement Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Stl' day olNovem~~b8 ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ (' , , - ,y~~D2Z~%~/~/ CITY CLERK MAYOR Robert Parcher Matti Herrera flower 1 ~.~AGENDA'~OCB'~NOaember SlConsennCOnc Pal DaMOA Reso Nov 5 2C~8 d<r: APPROVED AS TO FORM $ LANGUAGE 14 FO CUTION City Attorney--~ Da 'J,