DRB Appeal - 1100 West AveP ~ (~~•~ ~ Ll ~ `~ Newel & Greenfield, P.A. Z; 3j 6741 ()rang[: Drive 2.a,~p ~~`'~ GO ~~ Davie, Florida 33314 i, ~ Tel: (954) 321-7701 Fax: (954) 7~~ - -- ---- ',1i1 ..~ 'November 26.2008 The City of (vliami Beach _ _ _ _ _ _ _. c:'o The Cih Clerk 1700 Convention Center llrive. First Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RG: 1100 Rest Avenue :lppcal of Design Review Board Amended Consolidated Order. rendered on ivovembcr 6, 3008 Dear \ir. Parcher We represent 1100 LVest Properties, LLC ("1100 West"), the owner of the pro}x;rty (the '<Property") having art address of 1100 Rest .avenue, Miami Beach, Florida. R'e hereby appeal to the i/4ayor and City Cotmnission the Amended Consolidated Urder of the City of Miami Beach (the "City") Dcsigu Review Board (the "DRB"), rendered on November 6, 2008, regarding the Property. Copies of the Amended Consolidated Order and the Consolidated Order (collectively, the ''Orders") arc attached hereto and incorporated herein. 1100 West filed an application (the ":'\pplication") with the DRB lirr design review approval rcgardutg unpmvements to the Propcm. "1•he Plamtit)c Department of the City indicated that it would not issue a positive recommendation for the Application unless 1100 West agreed to construct a Ba}walk adjacent to the Property and. if penuits could not he obtained for a Baywalk, that 1100 \\~est pay for rigln-oC-way improvements, such as a new park (collectively, the "Public improvements"), at the western terntinus of 10`" Street on public properly. 1100 West estimates that the cost of the Public hnprovements will be hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Lnprovements arc not a part of the Property and were never put of the Application to the DRB. 1100 \\ est hereby appeals the provisions of the Orders that require l 10(1 L4'est to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in public improvements as a condition of lx;ing able to make improvements to its own pm ate Property[. Pursuant to Section 118-362 of the City Code, a DRB decision Hurst be reversed if the DRB did not observe the essential requirements of law. The powers of the DRB, as set forth in the City Code. do not include the right to force private property o~~ners to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in public improvements as a condition r 1100 Nest has ao objection to the Orders' provisions requiring the construction of the t1a}u~alk, since the Baywalk is part of the Property ti•hich is the subject of the .Application. of receiving design review approval and beutg able to renovate their ova°n private property. See. e.g., Code Sections 118-251 and 118-254 ("design review encompasses the examina[ion of architectural drawings..."). Supply put, the DRB is a design board. whose jurisdiction is limited to reviewing the design aspects of the applicant`s property. In reviewing an application, the DRR must confine its review to the design review criteria stated in the Codc. Based on the Ibregoing. the provisions of thz Orders requiring the expenditure of hinds b~ 11U0 ~~%est for unrelated public improvements are illegal and must he stricken from the Orders. Vcr~ tnily yours. David vevel cc: Nor. Jorge Gomez, Planning Director Mr. Jose Smith, City.4ttomey qtr. 'l homas ~4ooney, Dzsign and Preservation Nlanagcr '~9r. Ciary Held. First Assistant City attorney ~evcl c4c Greenfield, P.:1. 6741 Orange Drive Davic, I'lorida 333j3-- Tcjepfionc: 954-32 ] -7701 /dacsunilc:954-?91-3024.. ~_ 13v: ~ DAVTD 1'lorida Isar ~Io. 201537