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Notice of Public Hearing
_ __._._. __..~ ;. .' CITY OF M:~AMi B-~H - - . ,~ ,~ ~T~GE ~OF PUBLIC ~-#EA1~~h+G ., _ ,~: . ~' ~ NOTICE tS N EBY~given that~a sacofid reading and public hearing wifl be held by the Gdy.Commissiarl of the City of Miami SeaCh, in the o i Commissron~`~rd door, City "Hail, 1700 Conve~tion,,.Oep#@C Drive Miami,Beac1~, FJonda, on 31Vednesday, Decernbsr t0, 2008 at o 10:iS A.M., to=consider An Ordinance Creating Article XI, To Re EntiSed "DaFlgerous lnterseCH~it"Safie~r," X~f Chapter 1tt6; Eri~ttted "Traffic And - Vehicles," Of The Miami Beach City Code, By Creating Sections 10fi:= 480 Through 106 - 494 Prauiding~FQr Intent And Definitions; Establishing ' ~ An Enf!otceruent Program-Within The~ity; Authorizing l'he~rt~'`To~ermt;And~lrrlplement~e`Use-LT#,Unhoanned Cameras/Monitoring Devices m' ; For f_ied light ~olatiows; Providing For ~rrforcerraerrt Proc~dures,guta#~~s, l~cl@C~t,,a~i©ns, Vehicle Dwner~Responsibilifiies, ~ ~ Appeal,Hearings„Penalties, The Imposition Of Ad~iaistrative (urges Fines ~ Lar~..A~rda~,Coti©n Thereof; Providing For Exceptions: :-~, { o - r,_ ; ~ . . ~~ - z _. ~ Inquiries may be birected to the Public Works flepartmerat at ~ 7~D. ~ ~ _ Q ~ se _ ~, F INTERESTED PARTIES. are invited to appear at this meetirig, ~~gpreset~id='bYxtn~ler!#,,,_flrto e~~ess~eir views in writing addoessed to the ~ ! ChY Commission, c/o~the City Cferk,1700 Convention Cerrter Qc~ve, ~stFloor, ~~y-}~aN,'h~G~rn1~B®e~h,torida 33139. Caries of thQSe:ordinances ~ ~ <_- _ „ are available for public inspection during normal b~sines~~hours in"the City Clerk's Office, 1700 Convention~Eerrter Drive, 1st Floor, City Flalh anti ~ o ~ Miami.~Beact'I;~lrarida 33739.i'a<his ar~8eting~L~Ti~nr~et3-Hrr~'ai}aders~ach~ducuc~s additional legal notice would not t>e provided' w j °~ ~ _ _. _ _. ~..n~. 1 pct :~ ~ ~~'~' ~ f=_x:.-;Robert E. Percher, CityX%1erk. .i ~ City of'Miami,Seach - ~ ~ _ _ ~. ~, -~ . ~. ~ 1 Pursuant~o~ection'286~3f05~~~a a~ y ~ , s- : ~ C Comt~rgs+on wdh ,re to an matter consideat~'m~aes f-c i#a person decides to appeal any decision made bythe-~ . ~ dy Speet y rig ortsfrearigg, such person must ensure that a verbatim tecorti of the ,- _ _ . _. ,: .. j - j proceedings is made, which record iracludes,the testtmony_and;.egidenceupori which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not corisYdute consent b theta for the introduciioair=adr~i~sioi.pf.erw-se~iaadmissitslaor;ureleuar~t.evidence, nor dries it authorise challenges or appeals o _ y nY ~- ' not otherwise allowed by law. '' =- '-`~. ~° "x` a"'~ ; .. To request_,this material In 'accessible_ `fgrrna#,_sjgn Jariguagginterpreters, information on .access fot -persons with disabilities, andLor ~. ~~_ ," ~ `~,.n~~~rsers rya ~Pfsa~ca{Ip7 ~ ~l Serv cae t {305) 604-2489 (voice), ,, .. ;. _ .:, • _ N. ~ ~ t - ..., .~+ ~ ' ~~~ ~ ~ , a ~ . a mf "-~. Ycr ~ _ .1 .fir .. _ i~ \ .. jjj. -. r