031-Budget Forum THE BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ci ' . OFTHE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WILL HOLD THE ACTUAL CITIZENS' _'1'"' BUDGET FORUM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2001/02 BUDGET CYCLE The Cha*"e;soi .mbe; Of t"e ..dg;t . v,so ~ (BAC) wouldlike to invite you to attend the annual Citizens' Budget ~ Forumto be .held on Thursdav. June 28. 2001. from 6:00 P.M. until ~ 8:00 P~M: in the Commission Chambers. located on the third floor Of Citv Hail. 170060nventionCenterDrive:tT i. ! ~'rhepUrp6se !of the meeting Wili be tO obtain · ,r and civic organizations regarding need: which the City of Miami BeaCh provides :/i received during the meeting will be ~ ~ ~ ~he Mayor and the City de betalionS for F sca year 2001/02. t.< ~ ' The B,C urges you to participate and become involved in your >i .government. . :: 'X - ~": 4 ~' .~;; ' '~ !}InqUirieS concerning th s itO~n Should be directed {o the Offi~ ~/Manage/~en( and Budget at (305) 673'751 O: This meeting may be:~ '~pened and ContinUed ah'd, under such circumstances;'a~ditiOnal' by an agent, or to express their :views .in Writing Comm ssion c/o the City Clerk ~1700 C6nVent on';Center Drive 1 ~ Floor, ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~i~ !pursuant the public that: I :the Cit,j ':~eetin p'~ri Which'the a ;notice does not constitute consent by the Cit~ or admission of otherwise inadmissible oi' ;Irrelevant evidenc~ nor d~es it authorize challenges or appeals nOt othenNise aliowed ! {:: +:.;!X:, i ;:c:ordanCe! With:: th~ ~/kn~eri~an~ ~Vith~)i~ai)iiities Act oi 1 petsons needing special a~cdmmOdat on to participate in this proceeding should Contact the City Clerk'S'off ce no ater than four: days prior to the ;proCiied ~d:,~eleph'~ne= (3d5) 673-7411 for '! : :assistance; if i~8Hr~ ir~'pair~, t~ii~phon~ the' Flodda Relay Service ~: · Numbers, (800) ~955-8771 (TDD) Or~800)-~955,8770 (Voice), i::