Agreement with the Florida State University ;~GF.NGt' AGREE~IF.~IT BF,TWEEN '1'l1I' CTTY OF MIAD11131•:ACiT, FLORIDA ANll THE I3UaI2D OM"1'RtiSTEES OP'I'lil: FLORIDA STATE U\I~'ICRSITY POR STUDENT iNTERVSITIP PROGR~~~1 This :lgrecmcnt is made this day of . ~OOfi; by and boh~°een the City ul' \4iami Beach, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Staty' of Florida, by and on behalfof the ~lianti Beach Police f)epanment (hereinafter referred to in this Agrezment as the Agency), and the Bttard of Tntstces of the Florida State Uuiversity, for and on behalf of the Flot'ida State llnivzrsity and its College of Social ~G ork (hcrciuafter referred loin this Arirccmcnt as the l!niversity). RECI'I :ALS The pur}tose of this AgTezment is to guide and direct a work relationship benvzen the Agutcy and the L?niversity in providing learning expcricrtecs fur students during their internship as partial requirzmenl toward a degree iu Social \l'ork. The internship program is a volunteer program in which the sluelents twill assist the Victim Advocates in the Criminal im estigation L}nit in their dail}° htteraclion with detectives, ofticers, the public, and victims of crimes. ht consideration of the matters described above, and of the mutual henelits and oblieations set forth in this A,rcccntent, the patties agrze as follows: SECTION ONE TITF: U~'[VERS11'Y SIiAi:I, DO OR CACSL++ '1U BF; DOME THE FULLUWINC: A. Asstn-e that studcuts will be notified there is an expectation Ihat they twill abide by thz rules of the .Agency and widtdraw• any student from the Agency at the reyuest of the Agency. B. Give notice to the :~~cncy of the numbzr and names of the students it would like to have enter the Agency far the internship program prior to the contmenceutcnt of any semester and arrange for Agency staff to intcrvioty the student(s). C Provide educational ttrorkshops and;or information pertinent to education for the .Agency staff that has leaching responsibilities as part of the internship program. D. Bc rosponsible for establishing guidelines and objectives for thz insu-uction of the studcuts and screen dteru fur preparedness for placement. E. Retluire that all stttdenls be aware of liability insurance rcyuirentents during their assignment to tlu Agency. I'. Provide the Agency Yield instrucurr:`supervisor with a cent ficule of participalicm rzclzemable for college courses al the Uuiversity as may be available under Florida late and applicable talcs. G. Tnfornt students that they are w ntainttin confidentiality of conuuunications and reamis ~m•ith regard to the Agency's clients. SEC'1TON TWU THE AGENCY SH.aLL ll0 OR CAUSF. TO BE llUNF. THE FULLOV\ InC: A. Provide opportunities for students in accordance with cooperative plauuin~ b_y the faculty of the [Adversity and the Agency stall. B. Assist in the orientation of the students to the Agency and provide access to equipment and records, as determined necessary by the Agency, for teaching purposes. C. Provide work space for the students l0 4tc cstent feasible and deterntincd uecessar; by the A~cncy. D. Assist in the evaluation of sritdcnts' learning and perlbrrnance. G. Ketain the right to request a tcrntination from the internship program Ibr any student whose behavior may be ]tazardous to the Agency and,'or its agents. officers, ernployecs, and:`or clients, or unethical or unprofessional. All temtinations shall be coordinated with the Univcrsitv's Uffice of Field lducation. F. b'lake provisions. as deemed necessary and appropriate by the :lecncy, litr orientation of laculty members of the University to rho policies and programs al'thc agency. SI;C'ITOI\ THREli THE UNI1`LRSITI' Ai\ll ACF.NCY AGIZI?F. TO BE ~lU'fi:ALLY ItL•',SPO)\SIBLL•' 1~OR THE PULLOR'ING: A. Program participants utilized by the Agency and the i_htiversity must. he acceptable to the. aecncy and ur the University's Ollice of field Education. 1\otwithstandutgthe preceding sentence or anything in [iris Agreement, Agency will have the opportunity to screen the prospective participants in advance and will have the right of refusal if, iu the Agency's sole reasonable,judgmenlaud discretion, the particip:utt is deemed unsuitable. lt. Assignments for students will be planned by the i~iculty of the Lnivcrsity, in cooperation with the supervisory staff at the agent}', and shall be mutua]ly agreed upon by the parties. C. ag~cttcv and i htivcrsity staff twill use reasonable cflorts and work together w assure an environment which provides quality studcttt learning. D. Representatives of the University and the agency and the student ti ill meal at least once during the term of the placement for a joint review of the placctnent, These representatives of the Uttiversih• and the Agency and student may communicate tuore often. if mutually determined and agreed upon by the L:nivcrsity and the agency. SEC'1'lON FOUR '1'L1Lti'I T~ohvithstandin~ the preceding, the Tenn of a particular internship assignment shall be for a period of lour (4) months. This Agreement shall commence on .lattuary l; 2009, and shall terminate on December 3l; 2009. Tither party utay temtinxic this Agreement without cause by a written notice of such intent submitted lhitty (30) days in advance. if the date of termination occurs during the term of an internship, the sntdcut will he allowed to finish that iutetship. SECTION FI~'F. ,1>•1ENDA9ENTS This :\grecntenl tray he modified al any time provided that any and all modifications will be in writing and signed by both patties. tilX:TION SIX C'ONFTDF.NTIALI'I'Y "1'o the extent that the Agency maintains records regarding the student's educational experience, such as attendance data and field observations and ratings, :lgencv agrees that it shall not release, except to the University or its agents or eutployees, such personal inl'brntation contained therein, evithout the written consort of the sutdent; provided, however, that the requircntcnts of this Section Six shall not apply and, acatrdingly, :~eency shall have no liabiliC_v to thu lniversity andior [o the students, if:lgcncy is required to t'elease any personal or other infornta[iat, if such release attd?or questioning is required pursuant to Florida Public Records Law, as same Wray be amended fran time to tints or pursuant to cout't order. SECTION SN;~'F,N C'Ol\'I PEN S:~"ETON The assigmuent of students to the internship program will be without compeusatian Inttn rho Agency, and at no time shall students in the program he deemed to be entployccs, conu-acturs, and,''or agents of the Cily of ~4iami Reach. SECTION EIGI('T UTSC'RINIINATTON The University and the Agency will not discriminate in the assigtunent of students to the internship program because of race, color. creed, national origin, disability. sex. or sexual oticnlaliott. SLCTIC)N vll\L T:1:u31r,TTv A. Without waiving any defenses to which they cou]d avail thentsclves in case of litigation, the .Agency and the University agree w be liable to the extent provided by law• for the acts:omissiotts of their respective officers, employees, and agents. T3. ~o student. faculty member, andior other entployce, officer, or agent oflJnivcrsity will be considered an employee of the Agency, and will not be entitled la vv orkers' campcnsation under the Agency's coverage; ur health care insurance under the plan provided by the Agency for its ctnployees, or any other benefit programs of Agency offered to Agency` employees. C. The l!uiversity dues hereby acl:nuw`ledge and agree that ii is an independent curttractor. ht discharging its duties and responsibilities pursuant to this .Agreerncnt, tM l!niversity shall exercise due and reasonable care and shall comply with all assurances contained therein. f). The l:nivcrsih` recognizes and restates it liability for cetrtain darnaees, which might arise out of the acts a• omissions of the Universih°, its officers, employees, and agents to the catgut and limit provided in 7(1£1.28, Florida Slauucs (the State of Florida's partial waiver of suverci~~n immunity); provided, however this provision shall not be construed as a waiver of any right ur defense that the Universih' may have against. any claim that the Agency might Ming muter this provision. tiF.CT10V 'I1•:~ ~ro•r1Cl~;s Any notice provided fix a' concerning, this agreement shall be in writing and be dccuted sufficiently ~ vcn when sent by certified or registered mail i f sent to the respective address of each party as set fitrth at the beginning of this agrccutcnt. AS LO ;1genCy° City of \dianti 13each on behalf of \Tiarrti Beach Police Dcparnnenl Attention: Chief Carlos Vorie~a 1100 \Vashinaton Avenue TvTianti Beach, FT: 13139 As to University: College of Social \1'ork Florida State University ,FL SLC'I'10N F.LEVL•'N COY`F:RNING L;1R' AVll lilCi:IJSI~'E VENUF. This :\grecntent shall he governed hy, and consu-ued in accordxnee with, the laws of the State of Florida, both substantive and remedial, without regard to principles of couflicL of laws. The exclusive venue fitr any lineation arising out of this Agreement shall be Nliami-I)adc County, Florida, if in state coutrt, and the iJ.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, if in federal court. BY' ET\TF,RING iN'1'O THIS :1GR1i1~4EKT. AGlNCY AT\D lJ~l1V F.RSITY L.l'PRESSLY W:'11V)r ANY RKil1'LS ETTHF.R P:YRTY' y4.AY H:1VL- "fO.A TR1.~1L 13V".1TIRY' C)F :\NY Cl\'TT. T:IT[(i:1"fIO~T RF.LATLll 1'Ci, OR :~R1SL\G OTJT OF,'1'IIIS AGRGLNIFVT. Board of Trustees of the Florida State City of Miami Bcaclt on behalf ofthe ~.niversity, Put aad nn behslf oPthr L'lorida State ~'Tiuml BCach Police t!niecrsity and itc Collc,c of Social work ', Qyeru;r] [,Sigrurtrere, titlc>s arrd dale gfsigrring] [Si,~rratrrrc, titles and dcue of sigrrirrK~ ~ Prfrrted :\~a»re] [Printed r1'ame] Attest: - Robcrt Pat'cher, Clerl: APPROVED AS TO FORM 8t LANGUAGE ~ FOR EXECUTION :~ ~,~ ~ ` !I v 0~' O• ate _ ~\ ~_