034-2008 Minority Reporting Information On The City Boards And Committeesm MIAMIBEACH D_PAa1nnFNr rn~~~~o~ MEMORANDUM Vo. 034-200A TO: Commissioner Diaz FROM. Jorge M. Gonzalez ~ ~{ DATE: December 18, 2008 /~- 1 SuB~ECT Minority Reporting ln$ormation On The City Boards And Committees. Pursuant to your request for minority reporting information on the City's Boards and Committees, attached for your perusal is the report. Also, listed on the report there are re-appointments made by the Mayor and Commissioners as of December 17, 2008. If there are any questions, please contact the City Clerk. c~ JMG/RP/Ib C: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission ~~ N H o 1 m (`: 0 ~ ~) r. lD ~ i. U~ "L1 L' ~ ~ 'T1 N :"i ~ .., V~ Boar"CI C1)i'.ll~ Corrrr~trttees C'rrr"r"errtMeatber"s Afforl3able~ ~A'dvlsory Commlttee "= ~~ ' _____ see z 1s~ __ Composition: The committee shall consist of eleven (11) voting members with two (2) year terms appointed at large by a majority vote of the Mayor and City Commission: One citizen: 1) actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing 2) actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable housing; 3) representative of those areas of labor actively engaged in home building in oonnection with affordable housing; 4) actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing; 5) actively engaged as afor-profit provider of affordable housing; 6) actively engaged as anot-far-profit provider of affordable housing (Housing Authority member); 7) actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection with affordable housing; B) actively serving on the local planning agency pursuant to Florida Statute § 1633174 (Planning Board member); 9) who resides within the jurisdiction of the local governing body making the appointments; 10) who represents employers within the jurisdiction; 11) who represents essential services personnel as defined in the local housing assistance plan. Members of the Loan Review Committee, members of the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC), Planning Board and Miami Beach Housing Authority may be appointed to fill any of the eleven (11) categories and serve as ex-officio voting members on this committee. If due to conflict of interest by prospective appointees, or other reasonable factor, the City is unable to appoint a citizen actively engaged in these activities in connection with affordable housing, a citizen engaged in the activity without regard to affordable housing may be appointed. City Liaison: Anna Parekh Ethnic Name -- Last Namc Position/Title - Term F.ntls: Appointed by: Terns Limit: ---- Sex Origin Ada Llerandi (4)Low-Income Advoc. 12/31+2009 City Commission 72/31!13 F Hispanic Brian Ehrlich (1)Res.HomeBldg 12'31;2008 City Commission 12731?73 M 1~'hite Clark Reyndds (9) Res. Juris. Local Gvt 1273112009 City Commission 12!31!13 M White David Smith (2)BankinglMortgage 1213172008 City Commission 12!31!13 M T,fii~te Dr. Barry Ragone (10) Rep. Employee wiryrisdi 12,9172009 City Commission 12!31713 ?1 ldhite Jonathan Fryd (B)LocalPlanningBoartl 12,91,2008 City Commission 1Z'31713 M hRtite Lianne Pastonza (11)Rep. Essential Services 12.91!2009 City Commission 12731713 F Hispanic Michael Bumstine (7) Real Estate Prof 12!31!2009 Clty Commission 12731!13 "'I lJhite Robed Saland (5)For Profit 12+31?2008 City Commission 12731713 M f;ative elute Roborto Da7orre (6)NotForPr~l 12!31!2008 City Commission 12,91713 *I Hispanic Stephanie Berman (3) Rop. Labor Home Bklg 12;3112008 Cily Commission 12!31?13 F Whit e Applicants 1+OSIflOn7'rlftC .-~pplIC811t5 t~OSttlOn/'riflC David Gorson Mario Cogrell Prakash Kumar Friday. UcccmAer 14, 2p71N Page 1 ojfb' ~O[!1'lI [l)1[I COfllffllttL'L'S CILi"3"C'11t;j1L'it1IJ L'1"S Art in Public Places = _ . _. _ .. - _ - _ = s6~ es-set ___ Composition: Two (2}year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) members to be appointed by a majority of the entire City Commission, and who shall possess a high degree of competence in evaluation of art history and architectural history, art, architecture, sculpture, painting, artistic structure design and other appropriate art media for display or integration in public places. Cily Liaison : Dennis Leyva ~cs[tcvs~- To replace Heather 12/31/2009 Clty Commission Urban Ethnic name last Name Position/Title Terln Ends: Appointed Uy: Term Limit: Se x Origin Claire Breukel 12.'31;2009 City Commission 12'31!13 P' SJhite-Afric Elizabeth Resnick 12.'31;2008 City Commission 12+31!12 F WhiCe James Weingarton 12131!2008 Cily Commission 12'31!10 M White Jererny Chestler 12.91;2008 City Commission 12'31+10 PI White Mariangela Capuzzo 12.9112008 City Commission 12+31+10 F Blank - Rhonda Mltranl-Buchrnan 12!31;2009 City Commission 12'31112 F Hispanic Applicants Positiat!'1'itle Applicants PositionlT'itlc Ana Cordero Chae DuPont Claire Warren Dena Stewart Flavla Lowenstein-Elorlegui Francis Trullenque Isadore Havenick Jeanie Hernandez Jce Hidalgo- Galo Judith Wurtmen Laura Bruney Lisa Ware Lisette Olembert Goldstein Matthew Maffai Mern A4ann Michael McManus Nelida Barrios 2oila Dalorce F'ridr{t•, DeceneGer !9, ?008 ~~ ~~ -~~~~-~- --- !'axr 2 rr/lR Board a~~id Co»z~j~nittees Current Mefnhers Bt;a~~~rimmittt;~ =Y= - , -_ `-~ ,- :s ,~Q,~a Comiwsition: The committee shall consist of: seven (7) voting members, one appointed by the Mayor and each Commissioner, and three (3) non- voting ex-officio members to be comprised as follows: 1) Seven (7} citizens having an interest in the preservation of the city's beaches and the purposes of the committee, 2) The city's environmental specialist as an ex-officio member, 3) An individual appointed by the Miami Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), Natural Resources Division who holds the position of Special Projects Administrator II as an ex-officio member and, 4) A member of the city's Beach Patrol. City Liaison: Lisa Botero To replace Matthew 12/31/2008 Commissioner Victor M. Diaz, Jr. Krieger To replace Diego 12/31/2009 Commissioner]onah M. Wolfson Oramas E h i t n c Name Last Name Position/Title Term Entls : Appointed by: Term Limrt: Se x Origin Ana Cordero 12,31;2010 Commissioner Deede Weithom 12131!10 F Hispanic Barbara Herskarritz 12.3112008 CommisslmerJerry LIDbIn 12131/14 F t~Rlite Chrlstlan Folland TL 12131!08 72131/2009 Mayor Mattl Herrera Bower 72.31/08 M hRlite Mortis Sunshine 1273112009 Commissioner Saul Gross 7231115 M White Paul (Cork) Friedman 72!31!2010 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/14 M White Brlan Flynn ex-officlp, Mlaml-Dade Co. Dept of Env. Res. Mgmt. )oe Fisher ex-officio, Ciry's Beach Patrot Lifegtktrd R Lisa Botero ex-officio, Ciry's Emnronmental Speaalist Applicants Positinn,+Title Applicants PositionPfitle Brian Torres Dana Turken Harold Foster Jason Keltz Lily Furst Micnacl Marti rena Nathaniel Korn Robert Kraft F'rida)~, Decrnrher 19, 1III1H f'aRe 3 oj48 Board a,r~d Co~ninittees Curre~zl Mef~zbefs ,emu oafon Gorniutte~'.~.. _-. ~ ~ ~-.-•>,. ~.^'-~- fse~ as ~„ Composition: Eight (8) members, seven (7) of whom shall be direct appointees by the Mayor and City Commissioners. The chairperson of the Mayor's Ad Hoc Garden Center and Conservatory Advisory Committee or designee who shall serve as anon-voting ex-officio member. City Liaison: John Oldenburg Ethnic Name Last Name Positionjl'itle Tcrm lands: Appointed by: Term Limit: Sex Origin Clairo Warren 12+31!2009 Commissioner Ed TObin 72•"31115 F White. Daniel Nixon 12+31;2009 Commissioner [!cede Weithorn t2f3vi5 !1 White Jason Morginstin 12/3112008 Commissioner JerryLibbin 12!31114 Pt LRtite Judith Berson-Levinson 12+31;2009 Commissioner Richard L. 72.21!14 F lJhite SleinberrJ Maria Koller 12.31;2010 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12!31!15 F Wktite Norma Weinstein 12/3112009 Commissioner Saul Gross 72!31!09 F White Silvia Rotbart 12/31;2008 Mayor Malti Herrera Bower t2.+31H4 F Hispanic Ex-officio Chair of Mayor Ad-Hot Garden Center Applicrnts PositionlTitlc AppGcanls --- PositionITitle Terry Manya Blechman Ana Cordero Christopher Todd Jay Parker Kay Coulter Laura 6runey Lily Furst Rheta Lastinger Scott DiHontlo rfer Tiva Leser h'ridgp, Desenrher t 9, 2008 PgGr 4 ojJS Board and Committees Crarrerrt Members - ~ sea` Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a 5/7th vote. Seven (7) voting members composed of two members appointed as citizens at-large and five members shall be appointed from each of the following categories (no more than one per category), namely: Law, Architecture, Engineering, Real Estate Development, Certified Public Accountant, Financial Consultation, and General Business. The members representing the professions of law, architecture, engineering and public accounting shall be duly licensed by the State of Florida; the member representing general business shall be of responsible standing in the community, and each member shall be bound by the requirements of the ConFlict of Interest Ordinance of the city and shall be subject to removal from office for the violation of the terms thereof. No member shall have any financial or other interest in any matter coming before the board. Members shall be apppointed for a term of one year by afive-seventh vote of the city commission. Members of the Board of Adjustment must be either residents of or have their principal place of business in Miami Beach; provided, however, that this amendment shall not affect the term of existing members of the Board of Adjustment. City Liaison: Antonieta Stohl Name Last Name PositionlTiUe Term Ends: Appointed by Alexander Annunziato ANarge 1 213 112 0 0 9 City Commission David Lancz law 12/31/2008 City Commission Herbert Gopman Engineor t2131;200A Clty Commission Laurence Henup Certified Public Accountant 12.91!2009 City Commission Lior Leser Financial Consultation 12!31;2009 City Commission Seth Frohlirh Al-large 12!3112008 City Commission Sherry Roberts General Business 1Z'3112009 City Commission fern limit: Sex Ethnic Origin 12'31+13 M Hispanic t23vto pt Hispanic 1231109 M White t 2.31!09 I.1 Wkiite 12.91713 M White 12!31110 M tfiite 12!31!13 F 1~'hite Applicants Yosiliott."Cille Applicants Position/Title Brian Ehrlich David Patlak FranK Kruszewski JefTrey Graff Jorge Kupennan Matthew Kreger Richard (Rick) Kendle Rorer Houle Ruth Remington Scow N~e:!elman Fridap, Llerember 19, ?008 YaRc 5 oj48 Board and Committees Current Mejrzhers .~ .r. _ - - -'•"' Sri Composition: Nine (9) members. Seven (7) direct appointments with Mayor and each Commissioner making one (1) appointment. Two (2) at-large appointments: one (1) certified public aaounWnt and one (1) for a financial advisor. City Liaison: Jose Cruz \ame Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed U}': Ternr Lilxit: Sex $'thnic - _ - origin Alan Lips CPA 72131/2008 City Commission 12+31112 M Kative Ame. Dushan Koller t2,"31l2009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12+37!15 M iJt7ite Jack Benveniste 12f3112009 Mayor Mal6 Nerrora Bower t2l31115 M lJhite Leonard Wien, Jr. 12!3112009 Commissioner Richard L. 12."31113 M White SteinbercJ Marc Gidney 12!31!2010 Commissloner Deede Weifhom 72!31!14 M White Mike Burke 1 213 1 12 01 0 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/16 M White Robert Newman 12`31.'2008 Commissioner Jerry Llbbin 12/31!14 PI White Susan Kirkland 12/3b2009 Commissioner Saul Gross 12131!15 F White Tony Rotlriguez Financial Advisor 12!31,2009 Cily Commission 12131!10 N, AispaniC Applicanh PnsitionfTitle Applinanfs Position`Titlc Dwight Kraai Frank IWszewski Frank Schwartz Jared PIiU Jenifer Cuplan Jonathan Fryd Judith Berson•Levinson Lior Leser Mario Coryell Steven Gonzalez Theodore Berman Willis "Chip" Arndt Jr. F'ridgp. Drcrmher !%. 2IlOR -. _..._.. ---_-' Pagr 4 ujJR Board aizd COiTZi72lt~BGS Curreltt MGiiZb6rS ~ap~Tmprc~vemen~s~roject~ Q~eisight.~'-fret:.„ ~~-~ - Q~±~~oo ~` Composition: The Capital improvement projects oversight committee shall consist of nine (9) voting members, eight (8) of whom shall be appointed by the city commission as a whole (at-large-appointees). The membership of the committee shall further be comprised as follows: 1. The mayor orhis/her designee, who shall sit as a voting member of the committee, and shall also serve as chair person of the committee; 2. At least two (2) members shall be selected with experience in one of the following technical fields a. engineering; b. architecture and/or landscape architecture; or historic preservation; 3. At least two (2) members shall be selected with experience in one of the following technical fields a. construction/general contractor; or b. developer; 4. Two (2) members shall be selected with experience in the following technical field and/or the following category: a. capital budgeting and/or finance; or b. dozen-at-large; and 5. The remaining two (2) members shall be selected from any of the technical experience categories set forth in subsections (2) or (3) above. City Liaison: Jorge Chartrand Frhnic Name Last Name Posifion/Title _ _ __ Term Ends : Appointed by: Ter m Limirr Se x Ori in ~ Christina Cuervo (CS) Developer 12131!2009 City Commission 12/31113 F Hispanic Coco. Weithorn (1J Mayadesignee 0411&2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower F Nhite Dwight Kraai (C2) Enginoer 12."31/2008 City Commission 12!31113 Pi White Elizabefh Camargo (C2)Archited 12,9112009 City Commission 12131113 F kfiite Erik Agazim (C4)Cap.BudglFinance 12.9112008 City Commission 12+31113 M S~'hite Fred Karlton (C3)Developer 12131!2009 Clry Commission 12+21!13 M S~fiite Ismel Magrisso (C4)At-Large 12/3112009 City Commission 12+3tl13 M Hispanic Richard (Rick) Kendle (C5)Engineer 12/3112008 City Commission 12!31113 M Athite Slaty Kilroy (C3)ConsVGenContractor 12+31!2008 Ciry Commission 12,91/13 F l4hite Applicants Positi~n"Fille Applicants Positionl'1'i[Ic Mark Hunter hYiQryr. Uccclnber 19, 2008 Boaj~d arzd Coni!fnittees Cus~f~E~tzt Mesnbers ;Co n ffee`~oiQ1a11 ~.ducabon,-r~MB `. ._ .._=_ =~~,~= semis-~s¢St C6mpoSiliott: The committee shall consist of fifteen (15) voting members and three non-voting ex-officio members to be comprised as follows. A representative from each of the following eight schools, selected by the Parent Teacher Association: North Beach Elementary, Biscayne Elementary, Feinberg-Fisher Elementary, South Pointe Elementary, Nautilus Middle School, Miami Beach High School, Ruth K. Broad Elementary School, Treasure Island Elementary School, and seven (7) members of the public with knowledge or expertise with regard to education issues who shall be direct appointments by the mayor and city commissioner with no more than three who can be employed or contracted by Miami-Dade County public shhools. The City Commission shall designate two (2) of its members to serve as City Commission liaisons who shall report to the City Commission actions of the Committee for Quality Education; the City Manager shall further designate a member of city staff to serve as a liaison who shall report the Committee's actions to the City Manager. City Liaison: Leslie Rosenfeld Name Last Name P6sitinnji'itle Term Ends : rlppointcd by: Terra Limit: Sex ethnic - - - - Urigi¢ Bessie Santlago 12/3112009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12.31115 I' White Gail Harris 12/31/2009 Commissioner Richard L. 12131115 F White Steinberg Karen Rivo 1213112009 CommissionerDeadcWolthorn 12f31l15 }' kfiite Kay Coulter 12131Y0009 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12!31113 F S~4rlte Keren Bajaro(i 12131@008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/15 F Tdhite Lon Gdd 1231/2008 Mayor Matti Horrera Bower 12/31/14 F TJhitc Merd tdann 12/31/2008 Commissioner Saul Gross 12'31!10 F Wltite Cynthia Roman Rep. of the PTA of Treasure Isl. Elem Sch: 6/30/69 F Hispanic Evelyn Lampner Rep. for Ruth K. Broad Elernenlary - 6130/09 F kispanic ]anon vedwan Rep.of South Poin[e Elementary - G/30,rp9 M White Kathy Bass Rep. of the MB Sr. High School PTA - 06,+30109 F TJh i.te Leslie Rosenfeld ACM/Gty Manager designee F Matti Herrere Bo wer Gty Commission designee F Polity Glynn Rep. of the PTA for Nautilus Middle Srfiool 6(30/09 F White Sandra Gonzalez Rep. of the PTA of Biscayne Elementary 06/30!09 F Hispanic Vacant Ciry Commission desiynee Waldy Blanco Rep. of the PTA of Feinberg Esher Clem. 6/30/009 I' Hispanic Yvette Borrello Rep. of the PTA North Beach Elern. Scholl-6/30/U9 F Hisp2¢ic Fridge. Decrcmber 19, 2008 YnRe S oj68 (C:o+hi+rur<d .. . Board a~zd Committees Catrrefzt Members :lpplicauts 1'osition.~Titic Applicants Position,`Titlc Barbara tvlontero Beverly Heller Brian Torres Jacqueline Greenberg Judith Berson-Levinson Laura Levey Rhela LaSlinger FrirlaJ•, Derrmhrr 19, 2008 Pagr 9 ojBB Bour•d and Committees Current Merrrhers -- ---- -~-.. _ ~: sec zts1 ~ammi~te,~on~t1ie=H a ~.s~~--:-~~ __~ ._ _- . - __`___ - ~,:_ --- Composition: The committee shall consist of nine (9) members, three {3) to be appointed by the Mayor and each Commissioner to appoint one (1). The chairperson of the Committee on the Homeless or his/her designee shall serve as anon-voting ex- officio member of the Community Relations Board. Each n]ember of the committee shall be selected from membership in an organization such as, but not limited to the following: Service Providers: Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health, Salvation Army, Better Way, Miami Dade County Homeless Trust; (Civic Representation: North Beach (North Beach Development Corp), 41st Street (Middle Beach Partnership), Lincoln Rd (Marketing Council), Washington Ave (Miami Beach Dev. Corp. and /or Washington Ave Task Force), Ocean Dr (Ocean Drive Improvement Association), Collins Ave (Hotel Association), South Pointe (South Pointe Advisory Board to the Red. Agency); member of the general public with personal experience with homeless issues CDBG Project Coordinator (ESG Emergency Shelter Grant Provider), city offidals, representative from the Police Department and the City Attorney's Office as ex-officio members. City Liaison: Ingrid Usaga To replace Rabbi 12131/2008 Commissioner Ed Tobin Y. Kliel To replace Roben 12/3]/2006 Commissioner Victor M. Diaz, )r. Stark To replace Raul 12/31/2006 Commissioner Jerry Libbin ~+~~y 1~ •~ Gorfinkel L $ llp . Name Lost Nome Position/'t'itle I'crm Ends : :1ppointcd t1y: lernr Limit: Sex Ethnic Origin Beth Gopman 12131;2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12+'31;15 F Rhlte Dale Gratz 12/3v2009 Maya Matti Herrera Bower 1213tl14 F White Jeffrey Rynor 12/3112009 Commissioner Dendc Weithorn 12+31115 M White Juan Rojas 12131/2009 Commissioner Saul Gross 1213V09 N Hispanic Kenneth C:arsto 12!3112009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12+31110 M 4lhite Lisa Ware 1 213 112 01 0 Commissloner Jonah M. Wolfson 12131!13 1' AY rican-Ame Applicants PositionlTitlc Applicants PosiliontTille Ann Thomas Dc Eda Valero~Figueira Erlk Goldman Francis TrullenQue Kumar Prakash Pafli Hernandez Paul Sogolman Prakash Kumar Stephanie Berman Frirla]'• December !9, ?008 - - ~ ~Pagc 10 njJR Boas°d and Committees Current Membet~s ~ommurur~i rD mentl~~vxsoryGom ttee -~- Cotnpositiun: Committee shall be composed of fourteen (14) members. The Mayor and City Commissioners shall each make two {Z) direct appointments. The fourteen (]4) direct appointees shall fulfill the city affiliation requirement in either of the following ways: 1) An individual has been a resident of a locally designated community development target area for a minimum of six (6) months 2) An individual can demonstrate ownership interest for a minimum of six (6) months in a business established in a locally designated community development target area for a minimum of six (6) months. City Liaison: Mercedes Rovirosa .. ~~ ~~~,~~..~~ 3Ne11_1_oCCiiti~,}: To replace Dr. Michael Baum 12/31/20D8 Commissioner Jerry Libbin Vamc last came Position/Title 't'erm Ends: Appointed by: "!'erm Lirnit: Sex Ethnic - --- -- Origin David Smith 1 273 112 0 0 9 CommissionerJevy Libbin 12131113 h White David Gerson 12131/2008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12131!15 M White Enc Lawrence 12131/2009 Commissioner Saul Gross /2731115 PI White Harvey Burste,n 12!31!2009 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/14 P1 White Kamn Frytl 12."31!2009 Commissioner Richard L. 12,91113 F White Steinberg Laura Morilla 12.91;2008 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12I31N5 F Hispanic Lws Salem 12.91!2010 Commissioner Deede Wellhorn 12!31115 M Hispanic Mark Hayes 12131;2009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/15 M Blank Marta MaNnez-Aleman 12131;2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/13113 F Hispatic Matthew Sarelson 12731;2009 Commissioner Richard L. 12/31/14 Al tJhite Steinberg Rachel Umlas 12/3112008 Commissioner Saul Gross 12!31!12 F White Robes Fairless 12'31;2010 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12+31!15 M White Steven Gonzalez 12l31I2010 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12r'31l15 M Hispanic Applicanh Position/TiNc Applicrnts 1'ositioul"title Beth Grxnnan Danlel Marinberg Daniel Marinberg Davitl Crystal Elsa Urquiza Frank Schwart z Jetton; Globs Kay Coulter hna~7~7ic ^odraza Marto Darringt on h~saliu Pincus Fridap, December l9. 2008 Prtge !1 ojJB Board atzd Cosrtfnittees Curj°ent Mefszbets ~btf~mtuu~t -~eZaiiQnsBc~ardf, _ " ,..:~~.:----~-~_-'~-:.a>~ ~~-r9aL., - - - - -~-_ , . t Composition: The board shall consist of seventeen (17) members. Eleven (11) members shall! be voting members to be appointed in the following manner: Seven (7) direct appointments, with the Mayor and each City Commissioner appointing a member. Three (3) members shall be appointed by the City Manager and one (1) exrofficio member shall be appointed by the Miami-Dade Community Relations Board from its membership. Four (4) non-voting, ex-officio members shall be the chairpersons or designees of the following: Commission on the Status of Women Committee on the Homeless, Hispanic Affairs Committee, and Police/Citizen Relations Committee. Two (2) non-Voting ex-officio,: the police chief or his or her designee and the director of the Bureau of Children's Affairs. The composition of the board shall be reviewed every two (2) years. Gty Liaison: Barbara Hawayek To replace Eliot 12/31/2008 Commissioner Jerry Libbin Pearlson Name Last 1\ame Yosition/'I'itlc Tertn Ends: Appointed by: Terne Lirnit: Sex Ethnic - -- -- - - - _ --... - Origin Barbara Montero 12!3V2008 Commissioner Saul Gross 12,91!15 F 41t11te Bmtl Flee! 12!312009 CommissionerDecdeWeithom 12!31!13 Pt k'hite Debra Schwartz 1 2131 12 0 0 8 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12!31!15 F hfiite Elizabeth Schwartz 12.9112009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12!31!14 F White Jacobo Epelbaum 12?312010 Jorgo M. Gonzalez, Ciry Manager 12!31!13 M Blank Jeffery Gibbs 12!312009 Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager 1L/31?14 Pf White Laurie Davis 12/312010 Jorge M. Gonzalez. City Manager 1291!13 F White Rabbi Solomon Schiff 12/312009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/15 M SJhite Tiffany Zienlz 12!312009 CommissionerRichaniL. 12131!14 F Whlte Steinberg ex-offioo of Polioe Citizen Relahons Commdlee ex-offiao of the Committee on the Homeless Bonnie Geier exofficio Police Gnef Designee Carolyn Boyce exrofficio of MDCRB Jeannette Egozi ex-officio of Hispanic Affairs Committee Maria Ruiz ex-officio DireROr of fhe Bureau Childrens Aff air Marjorie York ex~oftlcio of MB Commission for Women Applicants Position/Title Appficfln[s Posilion+'fille Antwon Tomas Dale Gmh Daniel Madnberg Daniel Marinb org David Alschuler Laslle Rosenf eld Marjorie York Marjone York h}irfat, Decrmhcr f9, 2008 - Pngc f2 oj48 (Conrinrred... Board and Coinnaittees Current Menrhers Michael McManus Patt: Hernandez Regina Berman Sheil2 Dutty-Lehrman Stawart Stevrarl . _ .._----- --... .. .r__.. .._ ..- Fridnrl UecenrAer !Q, lllllg Page 13 nJ'48 Boui•cl aizd Committees CuYi•eizt Meiizbei-s ~bx~,e~ war:4~tecA~~so."~oarar. v -__ ~. __ s~-~ns -'~ x.. (:omposition: The board shall consist of seven (7) voting members. The Mayor and each Commissioner shall make one (1) direct appointment. The chairperson of the board of directors of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce or his/her designee shall serve as a non voting ex-officio member. The Chairperson of the board of directors of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau or his designee shall serve as a non voting ex-officio member. Administrative representatives from the management group, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the city manager's office shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members. City Liaison: Luckrisha Anderson II Name Last Name Position/Title Tenn F.nds: Appointed Uy: Term Limit: Sex Ethnic - - Origin Carle Taran TL 12'3112008 12131/2008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12131!08 F White Debra Scholl 12/31/2008 Commissioner Saul Gross 12131?75 1' White Iva Rose 1231!2009 CommissionerJOnah M. Wdison 1Z'31?10 r( Native Ame Jack HaNey 12'3112009 Commissioner Deede Weithom 1231/15 M White Leon t~Aanne 123112009 Commissloner Jerry Llbdn 1231113 M White Stephen Hertz 1231,2008 Commissioner Richard L. 12131!15 pf White Steinberg Stuart Blumberg 12+31+2009 Mayor Matti Hertera Baser 12/31/15 M S~'hite Eva Barreto ex-offido, chairperson of the Bd of Dir. MBCC F Hispanic Hilda Fernandez ex-offido member of fhe Ciry Manager' s Office Lta Moriarty ex-oftido, GMCVB Adm Rep P Rhonda Hasan ex-ofTlao, GMCVB Adm Rep Bl ank Tom Mobley ex-off. Global Spectrum Adm Rep. f' M Runk Applicant` Pnsitinn;Title Applicants Position/Tiflc Barbara Gillman Barbara (Bunny) Patchen Eric Lawrence Gregory Cook Henry Stolar Liliam Lopez MiGrael Bemstem Omar El-Dada Robert Newman Royer Abramson Rosalie Pincus Stanley Shapiro Stewart Stewart Theodore Berman Valentine Eriksor ~iday. Occembnr 19. 200,Y r~a~c 1 a of s8 Board urzd Co~nsnittees Current Members ulfu~al'~AFs_~arho c~=:,(~v- _`e~~-~t~ID(3:~.~-r~~_ s~~~.._~.__« C'ompnsitinn: The ad hoc committee shall consist of seven (7) members for a one (1) year term, directly appointed by the Mayor, with at least one member (each) to represent, inform, and lead the Committee (going orward) on Che following issues/matters i. Marketing, promotion, and branding; 2. Grants writing; 3. Coordination on general Committee matters with a designated City Administration liaison; 4. Project Specific Coordinator; 5. Arts and artist-related issues; business and educational outreach; and affordable housing for cultural workers. City Liaison: A.C. Weinstein Vacancy: To replace Nancy Liobman ~~ \ame Lnst Namc PositionlTitlc Laura Jamieson MacDara Bohan Ray Breslin Robert Wennetl Ron Bloomberg Valerie Nahmad D2)13i2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Sex lr,thnic Origin OZ'1312009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 02/13!09 F White 02,'13!2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 02113+09 PI While 02+13!2009 Mayor Math Herrera Bowor 02+13109 M 4l11ite 02!13/2009 Mayor Matt: Herrera Bawer 02+13!09 Pf T~'hi to 02!1312009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bawer 02+13!05 M idtlite 02!1312009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 02113/09 Blank Applicants PositionfTitle Applicants Poxiiion/Title Jutlith Wurtmen Ro:>«~n Carman; Fridgr. Drceneher 19. 1008 Ange 1 S of 48 Bogard and Committees Crcrrent Mej~rbers D'~Commif~eae.'~a--=-~=-=~==r , ._..._ ., . _ _ --=- 'sue ~-~~a;~za~> - _. - Composition: The committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members to be individually appointed by the Mayor and Commissioners. The committee's purpose is to evaluate and, if warranted, to impose debarment as provided in Sections 2-397 through 2-406 of the City Code to exclude a contractor (and, in limited instances, a bidder or proposer) from city contracting and city approved subwntrading. City Liaison: Gus Lopez Name Last \ame Posilion?'1'itle 1'crm Cnds : :~ppninted by: Term Linrit: Sex Ethnic - - Origin Mtonio Hernandez 12!3112008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12131?15 Pl Hispanic. Davitl Wieder 12;3112009 Commissioner JerryLibbin 12!31?09 Pt Blank Jonathan Groff 12l3t.2009 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12?31?75 M While Joseph Hagen 12/31/2009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12!31?15 Pt White Melvyn Schlesscr 12?3112008 Commissioner Saul Gross 1Z'31l11 M White Richard Orenstein 12'31l20D8 Commissioner Richard L. tZ'31?t3 M H'hite Steinberg Stephen Zack 12'3tl2008 Mayor Matti Flerrem Bower 1Z'37+12 K Hispanic Applicants Position/Title .Applicants Position!fille Michael Perlm utter Michael Perlm utter Rene Fernandez F7idat•, UccemLrr 1 %, ?nod' Board and Cofnmittees Cur-~ej~it Mej~nbers .~f~-.~ ...~ Dgsi _-~e~ewL oaTCi ~ -~' __ - . `t~L _.. -""` seg. „s.T, Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) regular members and two (2) ex-officio members. The seven (7) regular members shall consist of: two (2) registered architects, one (1) registered architect or a member of the faculty of a school of architecture, urban planning or urban design in the state, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional architectural designer or professional urban planner one (1) registered landsrape architect, one (1) registered architect, professional designer or professional urban planner, and two (2) citizens at-large. One person appointed by the City Manager from an eligibility list provided by the Disability Access Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity with no voting authority. The Planning Director, or designee and the City Attorney or designee shall serve in an advisory capacity. Residency and place of business in the county. The two (2) citizen-at-large members and one of the registered landscape architects, registered architects, professional designer or professional urban planners shall be residents of the city. City Liaison: Thomas Mooney ~'ir-' Fame Last -~'amc Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by Terns Limit: Sex ~z i~ n Alex David Urban Planner 121312009 City Commission 12131!10 M T~fiiiie Clotiltle Luce AWarge 12/312006 City Commission 12!31110 F Wltite Gabrielle Redfern Al-large 12/31/2009 City Commission 12+31!11 h lJhite Michael F. Steffens Registered Architect 12r312009 City Commission 12131!09 M Isfii.te. Peter Chavelicr Urban Land PlannerTL12/08 ,2+312008 City Commission 12/31/08 M Hfiite Seraj Saba LandsppeArchitect 1 213 112 0 0 9 Clty Commission 1231/13 M lsfiite Thomas fJeLUCa Registered Architect 12+31/2008 City Commission 12!31!11 M IJhite Janet Grant-Hyman ex-officio /Disability Access Committee F A7 ank Jorge Gomez adwtsory/ Planniny Director .4pplicrnls I'osition'1'itle Applicants Position/ Title Alan Lips Alexander M nunziato Brlan Ehdlch David Windnr Dona 2omo Elsa Urquiza Gail Thompson Jay Parker Jorge Kuperman Leonor Herna ndez Liselle Olembert Goltlstein Okver Weirich Scott Diffentlerter Todd Glaser .____~~__.~.~_ __.. ____._~ .. ^ f .._-~_ Fridav. Orccarbcr 19, 2!108 Pa •r 1: o J8 Board and Committees Current Members ~~ '~'"~'~,----^^..-- .~„~...~h~" ~OYi! 2006-3500. '- The Committee shall be composed of: A board quorum of three (3) members and requiring at least three (3) votes for board action. Seven (7) voting members who shall be direct appointees by the Mayor and City Commissioners. 1) persons having mobility impairments; 2) deaf and/or hard-of-hearing persons in the community; blind andJor vision impaired persons in the community; 3) mental, cognitive or developmental disabilities; 4) the industries of tourism and convention, retail, hospitality (restaurent or hotel), and health care (or rehabilitation). City Liaison: Robert Halfhill \ame i.ast Name Position/Title Tcrm Inds: Appointed by: Trrn+Li+nil: Sex Ethnic - Origin Ann Thomas 12!31!2008 Commissioner Saul Gross 1297!12 F lJhite Davitl New Physical ly Disabled 72.91!2010 Commissioner Deetle Welthom 12+31115 hl lJhite Janet Grant Physically Disabled 72!31!2009 Commissioner Richartl t. 1213!177 P IJhite Steinberg John Bennett physically Disabled 12.91/2009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12131!13 pl ldhite Lawrence Fuller 12!31!2009 Commissioner Jerry Llbbin 12113+13 At 4lhite Lee Weiss physically Disabled 12!31/2008 Maya Matti Herrera Bower 12131115 Pt Tr't7ite Mlke Lantz Physically Disabled 12!31!2008 Commissioner EdTObin 1291109 Pl h'hite Applicants Position/Title Applicants position/Title Beth Gopman Dc Barucn Jacobs M.D. Rabbi Solomon Schiff Fridge, Dacenehrr 19, 2008 Poge 18 oJQB Board afid Committees Curretzt Members Composition: Fourteen (14) members with Mayor and City Commissioners appointing two (2) members each. The Miami Beach Fine Arts Board promotes the work of contemporary visual and cultural artists, enhances the appreciation for the arts in the community at large, and provides economic stimulation to under served neighborhoods. City Liaison: Gary Farmer Yiicanc f~: To replace Allison Krongold-Sokol 12/31/2008 Comnussioner Jerry Libbin Namc Last Name Yosition7Title 1'crm F.nds: Appointed bp: Tors! Limir: Se x Ethnic Origin [3elkis Alamo 12!31!2008 Mayor Matti Hertera Bower 12/3 V15 F Hispanic Calviln Kohli 12!31/2008 Commissioner Saul Gross 12/31/14 ;w[ ,.\ative-Amer Carol Housen 12/31!2009 Commissioner DeedeWeithorn 12731!15 F Wllite Carne Wiesenfeld 1 2131/2 009 Mayor Matti Hertora bower 12.91!15 F White Daniel Veitla 123172009 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12!31!13 M Hispani c Elaine Roden 12'31.7009 Commissioner Saul Gross 12731!13 g White Jeanie Hernandez 123172009 Commissioner Richard L. 12!31!14 F Hispanic Steinberg Jenny Johnson-Sardella 12'3112008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12731!15 F African-Ame Melissa Broad 123112009 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12!31715 F White Nathaniel Korn 123112008 CommissionerJOnahM. Wolfson 1231!15 Al T~rhite Robert Glick 12'3112008 Commissioner Richard L. 12131/11 ~ White Steinberg Tamra Shettman 12/3112010 Commissioner Deede Weithom 1231115 g ynlite Tva Leser 123112009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 1231115 F White ApplicaMS hOtiltlonlTiL1C ApplloantS Positi~n;"Citlc Allan Hall Ana Kasdin Ann Thomas 6evedy Heller Carle Taran Daniel Madnbery Daniel Madnberg David Crystal Isadore Havenlc k Jenifer Cuplan John Dutlley Josephine Pampanas Liliam Lopez Michael Bernstein Michaol McManu s Nelida Barrios Rheta Lastingor Robert Dundas Frrdap, Uecrmber 79, 2008 Yngr 19 oj~18 Board u~zd Committees Current Members ~_. IISlnes~Opmeii~~ ~tt~E _~~ ~~ ' Y ~ -..-'^r=~ . Campnsifioee: The ad hoc committee shall consist of (17) members appointed by the Mayor for 1 year term. The mission of the committee will be to bring recommendations Co the Mayor and City Commission on how to enhance the gay identity of Miami Beach, and how to make it more atrtadive and supportive of gay businesses, residents and tourists. City Liaison: Michael Aller game Last Name PosiLion/Title Term F.nr)s: f p A 1 ointcd bp: Terror Limil: Sex lithttic Origin Babak Movahedi 03+15.7009 Mayor Math Herrera Bower 03!15!09 PI lJhite Billy Kemp 03+15.2009 Mayor Math Herrera bower 03115!09 Pt White Carl Zabbtny G3+152009 Nayor h1atU Herrera Bower 03:15!09 M White Chad Richter Oa+15!2009 Mayor Math Herrera Bower 03!15!09 M White CJ Ortuno G3+152009 Mayor Math Herrera Bower 03!15!05 Al White Daniel Spring Oa+15Y1009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 03115!09 M Tv9lite George Neary Oa+15.2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 03!15!09 M White Heddy Pena 03+152009 Mayor MaM Herrera Bower 03115!09 F Hispanic Laura Veitia 03+152009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 03!15109 F Hispanic Michael Guss 03,'152009 Mayor Maffi Herrera Bower 03115+09 ~t IJhite Nellie Banios Oa+152009 Mayor Math Horrera Bower 03!15109 F Hispanic Robin Schwartz 03,'15.2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 03!15109 F While Soott Diefenderfer 07115.2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 03115!09 M White Steven Adkins 03+152009 Mayor Matti Herrere Bower 03!15109 N, White Thomas Barker Oa+152009 Mayor Maffi Horrera Bower 03!15109 M White Valentino Edksen 03115.2009 Mayor h1atti Herten Bower 03!15109 ;N. White Willis "Chip" Amdt 03H 52009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 03!15!09 ?1 Ss'hite Applicants Position/Title Applicanlx Position/1'i0e Anabel Evora Mitch Becker PriJaJq December /%, 2008 _ ~ ~~~~-~- PaBc 111 of 48 ----~~- Board and Committees Current MenrGers Composition: The committee shall be composed of twelve (12) members. Consisting of eleven (il) voting members, seven (7) by direct appointment by the mayor and city commissioners,and four who shall be the presidents of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Men's and Women's Golf Association. The city manager or his designee shall serve as a non voting ex-officio member. The chairperson of the Golf Advisory Committee or his designee shall serve as anon-voting, ex-officio member of the Recreational Centers and Parks Facilities Board, to be renamed the Parks and Recreational Facilities Board. City Liaison: Kevin Smith Ethnic Name i.ast Name PositionlTitlc Term Inds : Appointed by: Ter m Lrmit: Se x Origin Eugene Howard 12+3112008 Commissioner Richard L. 1291/09 M tJhite Steinberg George Castillo 12!31!2009 Mayor Mael Herrora ©ower 12!31+13 M Hispanic Ian Hendry 12131;2008 Commissioner Jonah M. Wdfson 12+31x15 M White Jeff Blumenthal 12/31!2070 Commissioner Deede Welthom 12.91!10 TI White John Barker 12131x1008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12.91115 M h'hite Lee Teichner TL12131l2008 12+31!2009 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12731!08 M TJhite Rolando Rodriguez 12!31!2009 Commissioner Saul Gross 12'31+14 M Hi.spanlc President for Women's Golf Assoc. MB Golf Assoc. President of dte MB Golf dub Members ASSOC. Presdent, Normandy Shore's Men'S Golf Assoc. President, Normandy Strore's Women's Golf Assoc. Kevin Smith ex-officio, desiynee of the City Manager Applicants Yositioa+Title Applicants Position?Title Androw Friedman Jay Parker Jenifer Cuplan Roberl Fairless Todd Glaser Willis"Chip" Arntlt Jr. Frida,~•, UecemDPr Board and Committees Current 1Vlembers dv~sory-Committee-= _" ~: ~ -c a~~ Composition: Eleven (11) voting members. Appointed by the City Commission at-large, upon recommendations of the City Manager: Two (2) members shall be the chief executive officers (CEO's) or their designated administrators from each of the following local hospitals: 1) Mount Sinai Medical Center, 2) South Shore Hospital, One (1) member shall be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from Stanley C. Myers Community Health Center or his/her designee administrator; Two (2) member shall be an administrator from an Adult Gongre9ate Living Facility (ACLF). And/or an Assisted Living Facility (ACLF); One (1) member shall be a representative from the nursing profession; One (1) member shall be a health benefits provider; Two (2) members shall be physicians.; Two (2) members shall be consumers consisting of: 1) one (1) individual from the wrporate level and ; 2) one (1) private individual. There shall be one (i) non-voting ex-officio representative from each of the following: The Miami Dade County Health Department and the Fire Rescue Department. The director of the Office of the Children's Affairs shall be added as anon-voting ex-officio member of the board. Ciiy Liaison: Cliff Leonard 'tnheCS~ To replace ACLF Abraham Galbut ]2,•'3112008 City CommicAOn Lthnic Name Last Name Position/'Citle Term F.nds: .4ppointcd by: Term himil: Sex Origin * Dr. Rasciciel Socarraz Health Provider (rL 12!09) 17131!2009 City Commission 12131f09 Bla nk Dr. Ronald Shane Private lntlustry (TL12109) 12'3112009 City Commission 1213v09 M 1\ative/Am Eda Valero-Figuelra Private Industry 12'3112009 City Commission 12731!13 F Hispanic Jorge Perez Physician TL12131l2008 17131!2008 City Commission 12!31!06 M Hispanic Joyce Galbut Atlm. Adult Cong Livn. 12rd1l2008 City Commission 12+31109 F White Kathryn Abbate CEO, Stanley Myers fNTL) 12!31!2008 City Commission F White Kimberly Galbut Dentist 1 2 3 112008 City Commission 12!31112 F White Laura Leyva Nursing Profession 1'L'3112D09 City Commission 12731112 F Hispanic Sleven Sonenreich CEO1Mt. SinailMH (NTL) 12131!2008 City Commission M Blank William ZubkoH C.E.O.. So. Shore (NTL) 1 213 112 0 0 8 City Commission M idhite Maria Ruiz ez-officio, Direcc[orofChildren'sAffairs I' Hi.epanic Sonia AIDury rep. Frorn the Health Council of South Fla F Blank Applicrnls ros;tfan,°I'iUe Ann(ioant+ T'ositionfl;tte Emilio Suster Michael Mani rena Rolando Rodrlyuez Suzanne Slon boty Fridge, DeremAer 1 %, 2008 Prtgr 22 of 48 * H:3S Re.Ve r Come in CO SWOrn. Bo~[,a~rd~ _aszd Comjnittees Current Members ~1'+~131,~'4:Y'~t1 ~-~~~ t'~B(li~'t~~- ~'«`~'ar~"-~~.~',~.~~i ~Sgo.~~2-'fi Composition: Four (4) year terms. Five (5) members shall consist of; two (2) health providers, one (1) individual in the field of general business who possesses good standing in the community; one (i) accountant and; one (1) attorney. The chairperson of the Health Advisory Board shall serve as anon-voting advisor to the Authority. Members shall be residents of the City. Florida Statute 154.207 No term Limits. City Liaison: Patricia Walker xrcemocrse~ Ethnic Namc Last Name Position/Title 'Perm Ends: Appointed h}~: '!'erm Lineit: Sex Origin Allison Stone Atlomey 0&r19."Z009 Clly Commission F5154.207 F Blank Arthur Unger Accountant 0612/2012 City Commission FS 154-207 M White Emilio Sus[er General Business 0619/2010 City Commission FS 154-207 M Blank Marc Umlas Health Provider 06719.++2010 Cily Commission FS-154.207 '-1 idhite Mark Sinnreich Health Providor 06719.'2011 City Commission FS 154-207 PI Wllite Kathryn Abbate Chairperson, Health Advisory Board F White Applicants Position/'title Applicants Positionfl'itle Jorge Perez Rolando Rodr iguez Suzanne StonUely fridar'. December !9, 21108 Page 23 of 48 Board and Committees Curf~ent Membefs `-.~ 'a~u~,-',airs-G~~ommt,~teE;~ ~^•-----~._ ___~ ~._.__.__ --~~-.- Composition: The committee shall consist of seven (7) members, with the Mayor and each Commissioner making one (1) appointment. The chairperson of the Hispanic Affairs Committee or hislher designee shall serve as anon-voting ex- officio member of the Community Relations Board. City Liaison: Nannette Rodriguez Name Last!~ame Position?Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Alfredo Rey 12/3112006 tdayor MaM Herrera Bayer 12/31115 Antonio Jr. Hernandez 1 213112 01 0 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12131!16 Frands Tndlenque 1213112009 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12!31!15 Jeannette Egozi 12.81Y2009 Commissioner Richard L. 12/21!09 Steinberg John Gardiner 12!3112008 Commissioner Jerry Llbbin 12/31/15 Lucero Lery 1231;2010 Commissioner Saul Gross 1281J1d Paltl Hernandez 12+3112009 Commissioner Deetle Weithom 12.81115 Applicants PositioroTitle Applicants L'ositiat?TiUc Bienvenido Diaz Dharma Mirabent Emmie Vazquez George Hoover Ida Perwl Is2ei Magrisso Juan Martinez Marta Martinez-Aleman Raul Gorfinkel Regina Berman Yamile Jimenez- Soto Ethnic Sex Origin M Hispanic M Hispanic M Hispanic F Hispanic M Hispanic F Hispanic F Hispanic Frirlnp. DccemArr J 9, 20/18 Pn w 2J o 'JN Board afad Committees Ca>trrent Members --~ti~ ~- -t----~..~ - !saw ~i"sfon~:~rese;tvah~n. ` _ uat~~- =~ ~ ~ _: Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) members. There shall be a member from each of the following categories: 1) A representative from the Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL); Selected from three names nominated by the League. 2) A representative from Dade Heritage Trust (DHT); Selected from three names nominated by the Trust. 3) One at-large member laho owns or manages a property or properties located in one of the city's historic districts; 4) One at-large member who resides in one of the city's historic districts; 5) An architect registered in the State of Florida with practical experience in the rehabilitation of historic structures; 6) A registered architect, registered landscape architect, professional designer or professional urban planner with practical experience in the rehabilitation of historic structures; or an attorney, or a licensed engineer who has professional experience and demonstrated interest in historic preservation.; 7) A member of the faculty of a school of architecture in the State of Florida, with academic expertise in the field of design and historic preservation or the history of architecture, with a preference for an individual with practical experience in architecture and the preservation of historic structures. City Liaison: Thomas Mooney er, ._ Name Last Vame YositionlTitle Term Ends : Appointed by: Term Limir: Sex Ethnic Origin Allan Hall Attorney 12l3V2009 City Commission 12131!09 M Mite Diane Downs At-Large 1Z'37r2008 City Commission 12!31109 F White Erika Brigham Dade Heritage 1213L'2008 City Commission 12+31x12 F White Henry Lares Faculty Member 12+31Y1009 City Commission 72'31!13 pl kli9panic James (Jeff) Donnelly MDPL 12+3112008 City Commission 12+31!12 M White Norberto Rosenstein Registered Arcnilect 72"J1i2009 City Commission 12!31111 M Hispanic Simon Nemni ANarge 1231/2008 Ciry Commission 12/31H2 M White .applICA11t5 pOtiihnOrTitle AppliCAntS I'OSIt10O/Title David Wieder Henry Stdar Jack Johnson Jay Parker Josephine Man ning Mallhew Maff al Richard (Rick) Kondle Valentlno Erik son Yair Lapduc ___.___. .. __-__-..__... - __.v..__-_. _...___~ ___.f -._ Fridap, Drcemher 19, 2NI1R Pa ~e 25 o JR Board urzd Conifriittees Carrrerlt Members -'.r~•..~"'~""~-•'= ~r _~-'~-', ~F ~'w'~a~.~~..:. .w~"'r.w.~.~_. i'+- _~+-3G i2{SIS^ ~Iousui;~~t~int3!.`~-_--___~'r.,,..:M""_=~-- --~:-.~ --~ - _~. M. Cbmposifion: Four year appointment. Five (5) members, appointed by the Mayor. Appointments must be confirmed by the City Commission. At least one (7.) member who shall be a resident who is current in rent in a housing project or a person of low or very low income who resides within the housing authority's jurisdiction and is receiving rent subsidy through a program administered by the authority or public housing agency that has jurisdiction for the same locality served by the housing authority, which member shall be appointed at the time a vacancy exists. City Liaison: Anna Parekh B' - ~ `. f '~ om inerttSE ~ Yamil~ Jimenez-Soto Tenant Commissioner 10'1112008 Mayor Matti Herrera Bawer 1011 1;13 F Hispanic To replace Steven HA Commissioner 10/11/2009 Mayor Mattl Herrera Bower Chaykin ~ ~~'~ - Ethnic Namc Last Name PositioWTitle Term Ends: Appointer) ruy^ Term linlitr Sex Urigin Ada Llerandi HA Commissioner 10111!2009 Mayor David Dermer 10!11!14 F Hispanic Leonard Turkel HA Commissioner 1 011 1 2 01 1 MayorDa+rid Dermer 10!11!11 M S~Rtite Milli Membiela Lending Director 10/11;2010 Mayor Davitl Dermer 10111;10 P Hispanic Applicants PosilionfTirle Applicants Positionil'itle Allan Hall Carol Houser. Elsa Urquiza Hans Bos Jackson Holmes Maggie Pedraza Mayra Buttaravoli Prakash Kumar Robert Rabinovrttz Friday, DeremAer 19, 2p08 Page 26 of JX Board and Committees Current Nle~nbers fioi~e v ~-v mmttee ,~.=1..~=,.~._`=._... ~~~~ sr::~:;w Composition: The committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members whom shall be direct appointments by the Mayor and City Commissioners. The finance director or his/her designee and the city manager or his/her designee shall serve as non- voting ex-officio members A member of the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) shall be designated to serve as anon-voting ex-officio member of the LRC in order to facilita[e communications between the LRC and CDAC. City Liaison: Annette Ayala tiame Last Namc YositionlTide Damn Swimmer Bany Ragone Deslre Kane Jay Parker Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Lifnit: 12131!2010 Commissioner Saul Gross 1281!16 12,"3112009 Commissloner Jonah M. Wo lfson 12731110 12!31;2009 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31715 1273112008 Commissioner Richartl L. 1213111 1 Steinberg Ethnic Sex Origin M White Al White F Hispanic M White M 1tRlite M Hispanic P1 White Juan Torres 12131/2009 Mayor 4Aa111 Herten Bower 12131115 Michael Rotbart 12'31/2009 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12.81!13 Steve Zuckemtan 12131/2008 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12731!14 ex-officio member of the CDAC Patriaa Walker ex-officio Finance director or his/her designee Applicants YosiGou/Title Applicants Position/Title M. Ronald Krongold Robert Newman Stephanie Berman ~Pridgp, December 19, 2/108 ~ _--~-~ ~ ~~ ~-- Page' 27 ol~f8 Board urtd Contiuittees Ctct^t•efrt Met~tbet•s .4r!~L-_.~~.-'. ti ~--'- - .~ :C mow.- ~.:~:~ Composition: The marine authority shall consist of seven (7) voting members, who shall be direct appointments by the mayor and city commissioners, and one non voting, ex-officio member of the authority, who shall be a representative of the city marine patrol. Appointments to the authority shall consist of individuals who have had previous experience in the operation of or inspection of either marine vessels or marine facilities including experience in various types of boat activities, including fishing in the waterways of the city. The members of the marine authority shall have the right and duty to consult with any member of the city administration for technical or other information pertaining to the matters before them. City Liaison: Jose Alberto E h ic n t Name Last Name Position/Title Term Lnds: Appointed by: Ternr Limit: Se x Origin Christopher Todd 12+352009 Commissioner Saul Gross 12.91,'1< Pt tJhite Donald Blechman 12'31!2009 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12137/15 PS White Eric Goldman 1'L'31M010 CommrsslonerDeedeWelthom 72131!15 M lS'hite Ira Nusbaum 12131!2008 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12'31!15 M White Jcel Aberbach 12,91/2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12!31171 Pt White Krishna Nexander 12/31/2009 Commissioner Jonah M. WoHSOn 12'31115 F hhite Robert Everhard 12131;2008 Commissioner Richard L. 12131!13 pl IJhite Steinberg Sgt. Dale Twin[ exroffldo MB Marine Patrol Applicants PosiliorJ'1'itle Applicants PositionlTitle Daniel Kipnis David PaEak 6unght Kraai Felipe Pauos Jark Benvonisle __.-~. __ _ -__.....__._._ v..._..._.._ _-.____..___.. ...~ Frirlgc, Deeeneher 19, 200N PnRe 23 oj18 Board and Committees Czzrrerzt Members ~'~H~G mi`s~~ -Eot~a~meti-_ =~ ~-N-- ,-~:.~- ,,:. Composition: Twenty-one (21) members. Each of the seven (7) members of the commission shall appoint three (3) members. The chairperson of the Commission on the Status of Women or its designee shall serve as a non- voting ex-officio member of the Community Relations Board. Ciry Liaison: Ana Cecilia Velasm To replace Elsa 12J31/2008 Mayor Malll Herrera Bower Orlandlni To rglace Debra 12/31/2010 Commissioner Saul Gmss Leibowis \'ame Last Vame Position,Titlc Terry Manya Blechman Ana Kasdin Beverly Heller Dona Zemo Elsa Odandini Gertrude AAa Ida Percal TL12/31~2008 Jane Hayos Karen Edelstein Karen Levin Laura Brunoy Laura Veitla Realty Leslio Coller Marisue Beloff Marjorie York Monica Harvey Nikki Welsburd Roberta Gould Robyn Ragone Ethnic Term F.nds : Appointed hr: 7ern+Lnnitr Sex Urigin 12!3112009 Commissioner Deede Weithom 12.91!15 F White 72!3112009 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12131!13 F HispsniC 1291;2009 Commissioner Richard L. 12131?15 F k7tite Steinberg 12'312009 Commissioner Saul Gross 12'37709 F White 1213112D09 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/13 F Hispanic 12131/2010 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12!31!14 F White 12!31!2008 Mayor Math Henera Bawer 72!31106 F Hispanic 72.9112009 Commissioner Jerry Llbbin 12131!13 F White 12/3112008 Commissloner Jerry Llbbin 12'31?15 F White 12/3112006 Commissioner Richard L. 12/31?73 P ldltite Stoinberg 12131!2010 Commissioner Saul Gross 12131!13 lr White 1231/2009 Commissioner Jeny Libhin 12,91/13 F Hispanic 12131/2009 Commissioner Deede Weithom 12/31115 F White 12/3112008 Commissioner Richard L. 1291173 F Wltite Steinberg 12r'31~2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12+31113 F i~Rtite 12l31~2010 Cnmmissionor Jonah M. Wolfson 12+31113 F Hispanic 12131!2010 Commissioner Ed TObin 12131115 P White 12131!2009 Commissioner Deedo Wci7iom 72,91!15 F White 12!31?2010 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12131!15 F Wltite Applicants Position!'['ille :1pp6cants Position,"1'itlc Barbara Monlero Carrie Wiesenfeld Dale Gratz Dena Stewart Dr. Eda Valero-Figueira Elissa Hagone Rarjorie York Reglna Berman Sheila Dutty-Lehrman Fridar. Deccneher 19, 20/78 Page 29 gfJ8 Boaz•d arzd Committees Cuj•r•ent Merrzhers , ~~ Composition: Three (3) years term. Vacancies submitted by slate of candidates provided by the council. Eleven (11) members to be appointed at-large by a majority vote of the Mayor and City Commission. Effective December 31, 2001, concurrent with the expiration of the terms of six (6) members of the council, and the resulting vacandes thereon, three (3) members shall be appointed for three (3) year terms each, provided that one of those appointments shall be to fill the vacanLy of the one (i) year term expiring on December 31, 2001, and three (3) members shall be appointed for two (2) year terms each. Additionally, effective December 31, 2002, no council member may serve more than six (6) consecutive years. City Liaison: Gary Farmer To Replace Llliam 12/31/2008 City Commission Lopez L` >* Lthnic Namc Last Name I'osition;'I'itle Term Inds: Appointed by: Term /.imit• Se x Orrin Anthony Japour 12131!2009 City Commission 17J31H2 M rn9'tite Chae Dupont 12'31!2008 City Commission '2131H2 M White Ileana Bravo-Gordon 1 213 112 0 0 9 City Commission 12!31111 F Hispanic Isadore Havenick 12l31i2010 City Commission 12731/13 M CJhite Israel Santls 12!31;2010 Clty Commission 12'31111 M Hispanic Lidia Resnick 12i3V2009 Ci[y Commission 12+31109 F Hispanic Merle Weiss 12/3112009 Gity Commission 12731109 F Wttite Michael McManus TL 12131!2008 12'3112008 City Commission 12131108 M White Nina Duval 17/31/2010 Clty Commission 12/31113 F White Solomon Genet 12131!2010 City Commission 12/31?12 M White Applicants posilionl'fille Applicants l'osltiouffitle Hnabet Evora Anlvron Tomas Calviin Kohli Carole Taran Dc Eda Valero-Figueira Eduardo Ponder Emmie Vazquez Emmle Vazquez George Neary Gilbert Squires Jeanie Hernandez Jce Hidalgo - Gato John Dudley Jonathan Parker Judith Wurlmen Kumar Prakash Laura Cravon Lisa Cole LisotGe Olembert Goldstein Lori Gold Mado Davington Matthew Krieger Merri Mann Mitch Recker Nathaniel Korn Robert Dundas Scott Tlmm Steven Adkins 2oila Datorre F'ridav, tlece+nber 19.2008 ~ ~ Page3ll gf4S Board and Committees Current Members conlpnsifiml: The Coordinating Council is the governing body of the overall Sister Cities Program. The council shall consist of; one (1) representatives per Sister City affiliation and , nine (9) other members. All of these members are appointed by the mayor. The members of the coordinating council shall be persons who are interested in furthering the purpose of the program. Any person interested in furthering the purpose of the program may become a member of an individual sister city committee upon approval by the coordinating council. To qualify, the person shall present a resume and a letter of interest to the committee chairperson. These members are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Miami Beach for two (2) years. City Liaison: Michael Aller ~canc~ To replace Amparo other Vargas Alfredo Rey other (TL12731109) To replace Nucdo other Nobel To replace Roberto Altmonte Spain DaTonee To replace Bernice other Martinez To replace other Solomon Yuken To Replace Diana other (TL12131l14) Susi To replace Virginia Fortaleza, Brazil Gomez 12/31/2008 Mayor Mattl Herrera Bower 12/31/2009 Maya Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2008 Mayor Matti Herren Bower 12/31/2009 Mayor Mattl Herrera Bower 12/31/2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2008 Mayor Mattl Herrera Bower 12/3]/21709 Maya Matti Herrera Bower 12J31J2D08 Maya Matti Herrera Buwer ""- - Ethnic Name Last Vamc YositioN'I'itle Term F.nds: Appoinl:ed b}': Ter ~x Lfmif: Se x Origin Annantlo Hernandez Cozumel, Mexiw (TL12108) 1Z'31,"1009 Mayor Mattl Herrera bower 72,91108 M Hispanic Bruce Reich Naharlya, Israel 12'31,'2008 Mayor Math Herrera Bower 12131/13 Di SJhite Claudia Dunln Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 12+3112008 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31HD F Hispanic Daniels Linden~Retkova Krumlov, Czeck Rep. 1 213 112 0 0 9 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/14 F White Dr. David Lehrman other 12!31!2009 Maya Matti Herrera Bawer 12!31!10 tf White George Safirstein Santa Marta, Colombia 12.91!2008 Mayor David Uerrner 12'31!70 Df Witite Ismael LaRosa Ica. Peru 12/31/2008 Mayor David Dermer 12'31114 p1 Hispanic John Gale Pescara. Italy (TL12108) 12!3112009 Mayor Matti Horrero Bower 12,9V08 M S~fii to Michael McNarnee Fujlsavra, Japan 1Z'31,2009 Mayor A1atti Herren Bower 12!31711 ?I White Slephanle Trlnitlatl other (TL12/08) 12/3172008 Mayor Uamd Dermer 12/31/08 f Bunk Zoivon 6eilchman other 12731/2008 Maya David Dermer 12/31714 M tJhite Applicants Positinn7Title Applicants 1'ositiumTitle Ana Kasdin Antwon Tomas David Crystal Dena Stmvart Josophlno Pam panas Leslie Collet Frirlgr, December l9, 2f10R Yagr 3/ of 1S (Continue:/ Board a~zd Committees Current Members Liliam Lopez Marla Salles karjorie York Marjorie York Mario Darrington Marta Martinez-Aleman Rosalie Pincus Stewart SteHarl Thierry Savineav 1•'riday, December 79, ?008 ~~_ ~ _ -~~ Page 32 nl'48 -~_---- Board un.d Cofnmittees Curretzt Members ~, composition: The Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Board of Directors (City Commission) and composed of three members of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowner Association. On behalf of Che Board of Directors, the City Clerk shall solicit from the Executive Committee the eligibity list of its members for appointment consideration. The Advisory Council shall be composed of the three members of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association as per Resolution No. 97-22449 adopted July 2, 1997. ` ...~_ To replace Jcel ]2/31/2008 Gty Commission Rodriguez ~rvlemtE~-c .= thnic P . Name Last Name Position(I'itle Term F.nds: - - Appointed by: Term Limit: - Sex Origin Erik SUrlein 12!31!2008 City Commission 12'21111 M White Ronald Loring 12131;2008 City Commission 12'2V11 M i~rhite Fridar~, Dec~anber 19, ?OnR Bard and Cvntniittees Curf~ent Mefnhej~s ~~~~atoial*Fa~ "ems So ~',`y.~`~ '~ ~- ,. .~-~.~ Composition: The board shall be comprised of ten (SO) members. Seven (7) direct appointments made by the mayor and each commissioner. The chairperson of the following boards/committees or their designees shall serve as nonvoting ex- officio members of the Parks and Recreational Facilities Board: 1) Beautification Committee, 2) Golf Advisory Committee, and 3) Youth Center Advisory Board {See Beach Preservation, ex-officio member.) Members of the board shall demonstrate interest in the City's Parks and Recreational Facilities and programs through their own participation or the participation of a member of their immediate family. City Liaison: Kevin Smith Ex-Offiuo member Youth Center Atlvisory of the £thni.c Namr: Last Name PnsitionlTitle Term Ends: appointed by: Term Linrit: Se x Origin Amy Rabin 12!31!2008 Mayor Matti Horrera Bawer 1231;13 F Ffiite Cesar Garcla-Pons 1Z'31 Y1009 Commissioner Richard L 1Z'31113 M Hispanic Steinberg Harriet Halpryn 12+31Y2010 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12!31!15 F White Jonathan BeloH 12+31?2010 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12131?15 M White Leslie Graff 12131/2010 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12!31!15 F White Lizetfe Lopez 12+31;2009 Commissioner Jerry Llbbin 12/31?12 F Hispanic Meryl Wolfson 12131;2009 Commissioner Saul Gross 1Z'31i13 F White Daniel Nixon ExofOtl0 member Beautification Committee Kevin Smith Ex-offido member GoH Advisory Committee Applicants R+sitionlTille Applicants Pnsilion?'Pille BroWc Dannemil ler Dana Turken Francisco Ruiz George Castil lo Jack Hartley Jonathan Par ker Jorge Perez Monl Cohen -----_._,. ~----.__..._.... ....--_..Y_.~_..~._- _._.-._ __...----~ Frllt!!V, Dceember 79, 211/!8 Pogr 3A o~a8 Board atzgd~~Co~trusiittees Current Members ll~C~~ 'Q;^.--a'.;, ~~~.v..a'.-rte - ~~990:EIfii~^'°~~ (rOB1I)OS1t10i1: Ten (10) members appointed by a 5/7 vote. Six (6) of which shall! be citizens of Miami Beach not in the employment of the city, each having a different vocation; and three (3) regular employees of the City of Miami Beach, to be elected by the probationary and regular employees of the city and who shall be elected from the employees of regular status in the respective groups: Group I shall consist of the employees of the Police Department, Fire Departrnent and Beach Patrol Department, Group II shall consist of employees who are in clerical and executive positions, Group I[i shall consist of all other employees, The Personnel Director is anon-voting member. City Liaison: Ramiro Inguanzo To replace James 12/31/2009 Gty Commission Kirkland III ;rv~eanl0erg :Y. Ethnic Name Last \ame 1'osilion/Title Tcrm Ends: Appvintetl by: Term l.inrft: Sex Origin 9arhara Patchen 12/31;2009 Ciry Commission 12'31N2 F Native-Ame', David Alschuler 12/3112008 Cily Commission 12131!12 Tf Ffiite Elsa Urquiza 12+3172008 City Commission 12131!12 F Hispanic Michael Perlmutter 12'3172009 City Commission 12!31!12 M [Jhite Zalman Bacheikov (TU 2131108) 1231/2008 City Commission 12131!08 M White Evette Phillips eleded 09101107. exp. 7131/09 Group III Paco Basantes eleded 07/26!07 - exp 7/31110 Group II Ramiro Inguanzo Human Resources Dlredor Renato ;zjas elected G/27/08 -exp. 7/31!11-Group t ApplicanL+ YosifioulTitlc Applicants I'ositionlTitle fridnv, Drsrernber 19. 2008 ___ _-_..` Board and Committees Current Members D ~ ~ 's'~3tt~a- ~- Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) regular voting members. The voting members shall have considerable experience in general business, land development, land development practices or land use issues. The board shall at a minimum be comprised of: one registered architect or a member of the faculty of a school of architecture in the state, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional architectural designer or professional urban planner, one developer, one attorney who has considerable experience in land use and zoning issues, and one person who has education and/or experience in historic preservation issues. For purposes of this section, the term "education and/or experience in historic preservation issues' shall be a person who meets one or more of the following criteria: (1). Has earned a college degree in historic preservation (2). Is responsible for the preservation, revitalization or adaptive reuse of historic buildings; or (3). Is recognized by the city commission for contributions to historic preservation, education or planning. No person except a resident of the city, or an individual having their main business interest in the city shall be eligible for appointment to the Planning Board. City Liaison: Mercedes Lamazares. xvctw"""'t' Ethnic Name Last \ame PositionlTitle 1'crm Ends: Appointed b~: Ternt I,itnil: Sex Origin Fronk Kruszewski General Business 12r'3u2009 City Commission 12131113 M White Gary Appel Historic Preservation 1 213112 0 0 9 City Commission 72731!13 M ldhite H¢nry Stolar General Business 12'31 "L009 Clly Commission 12131!13 M White Jonathan Fryd Developer 12!3112009 City Commission 12/31113 At White Jorge Kuperman Architect 12YJ1/2008 City Commission 12/31710 M Hispanic Randy Weisburd General Business 1231!2008 City Conmission 12+31113 M Whitc Richard Kuper Anomey 1 213 112 0 0 8 CIry Commission 12131112 M Hispanic Applicauls Position/Title Applicants Positimtil'itlc Michael Gongora Alan Lips Alexander Annunziato BeUr Gopman Frank Uel Vecchio Gabdello Redfern Gilbert Squires Hans Bos Jack Johnson Jay Parker Jonathan Beloff Maggio Podraza Mario Coryell Matthew Krieger Oliver Weirich RichaN (Rick) Kendle RobP.rt Rabinowitz Friday. December !9, ?008 Pnge 36 oJ'JR Board and Contn:ittees CuYYent Members ~'g~~~ ~ s ffe`lalion~,Co`mmttf -~ .~--~"'~" ~s$~~+s"o_3, Conglositinn: The committee shall consist of seventeen (17) members, fourteen (14) of whom shall be voting members. The members shall be direct appointments with the Mayor and City Commissioners, each making two (2) individual appointments. One (1) non-voting ex-officio member shall be from the non-administrative personnel of the police department selected by a majority vote of the non administrative personnel. Two (2) additional non-voting ex-officio members shall be the police chief (or a designee) and the city attorney (or a designee). The chairperson of the committee or his/her designee shall serve as anon-voting ex-officio member of the Community Relations Board. The Police/Citizen Relations Committee shall be assigned to the Police Department. Recommendations for appointment to all voting and non-voting membership selected by the Mayor and Commission shall be obtained from; the Spanish American League Against Discrimination (S.A.L.A.D.); the League of United Latin American Citizens (L.U.L.A.,C.]; The Anti-Defamation League, (A.D.L.); The Dade Action Pac; the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACPA); the League of Women's Voters, and any other organizations deemed appropriate. The voting members of the committee shall have knowledge of and interest in Police Community Relations and [heir impact on the City of Miami Beach. City Liaison: Chief Carlos Noriega .. To replace Julian 12/31/2009 Commisswner Jerry Libbin Linares to replace 12/37/2008 Commissoner Victor M. Diaz, )r. Jonathan Bebff Name Last Name PnsitiantTitle Beverly Aberbach Carl Zablotny Dina Dissen Faye Goldin Glenda Krongold Jared Plill Kathy Wolfarth TL 12!31x2'108 Leonor Hernandez Nelson Gonzalez Paul Begelman Regina Suarez Rosalie Pincus Non-adm. Personnei of the PD FriJu,F', DrcnrrLer 19, 7pOX ~~ -~ - --~ _ ~_ ._ __ T- Ethnic Tcrm Ends : Ap{7oinl.ed by: TeF•nr Limia: Se x Origin 12r3L2010 Commissioner Saul Gross 12131!13 F White 12/3112009 Mayor MaW Herrom Bower 1Z'31l09 M Strhite 12131!2008 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12131/14 F 1Jhite 17/31/2009 Mayor Mafti Herten Bower 12'31110 F White. 12131/2008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12131+15 F White 12131!2009 CommissionerDeedeWeithorn 12!31115 M Tdhite 12!3112008 Commissioner Richard L. 12x31/08 M White Steinberg 1Z'3b2009 CommissiaiurJOnahM.WOlfson lZ'31?1.5 F Hispanir. 12'31?2009 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12'31!15 PI Hispanic 12+31!2010 fommissioncr Jonah M. Wolfson 12+31115 M Ttfiite 12131/2008 Commissioner Saul Gross 12."31!09 F Hispanic 12!3112005) CommissionerDeedeWeithorn 12!31?15 F White Pngn ?' of lR /C'onrinrreA.,. Bvard acid Cvmrrzittees Current Metnbes^s Carlos Noriega Police Chief Steve Rothstein Gty Attamey Designee Applicants Position:'Title Applicants Nosi[ion/9'itle Barbara (Bunny) Paschen Dr. Baruch Jacobs M.U. Eliot Pearlswi Erik Goldman Jack Benvenis[e Jaqueline Hertz Jonathan Parker Kumar Prakash Laura Morilla Lee Teichner Marra Buttacavoli Michael Bornstein Omar E!-Dada Robert Fairless Steven Atlkins Fridav, Deceneher 19, 200A - - ~-~ -~~~~~_-~ ~--- _ Pnge 3H ajJK - _ Board and Commi=ttee~sC.~urj°ent Members ~,._-_ tiff=Tl1 y=_D7111C1,,1 ..,:^m-~ __ r'.--`_'~'~-~ ac^' a„~`~= Composition: The council shall consist of seven (7) voting members, the Mayor and each Commissioner shall make one direct appointment. All regular members shall have knowledge of the fashion, film, new media, production, television and or recording industries of the city. Each of the six (6) industries shall be represented by at least one member, but no more than three (3) members, who are directly involved with that industry. City Liaison: Graham Winick ::\ume T.ast dame 1'ositionfl'ille Allee NewhoH-Mendoza Fashion Bruce Orosz Fashion Christina LaBuzetta Production Harold Foster Recording Industry Lisa Cole Public Relations TL12l08 Nidc Manning Production Sheila Dully-Lehrman TV/Film Etlvtic Term Ends : Appointed b}•: Terra lfrnft: Se x Origin 12131!2008 Commissioner Richard L. 12!31/13 P white Steinberg 12/31/2008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12'31!15 M Ffii to 12/3x2006 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12!31!11 F white 12'3172009 Commissioner Jeny Libbin 1213x15 M 1Jhite 12+31!2008 Commissioner Saul Gross 1291+08 F wi1lte 12+31!2009 Commissioner Deede Weithom 12131!15 M Native-A[oi 12/3112009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/09 F F'hite Applicants Positiom?itle Applicauts Position/Title Barbara Gillman General BusinesslArt Galley Barbara Montero Jell Gordon Jce Hidalgo - Gato John Dutlley Lisa ware -- _ - _ - .._--- --_ ~_ ---~- 1-- Prirlnr, xec~nrbrr t 9.2008 Pa ~ 39 o JF Board u/zd CU//r/n/ttees Cu/•re/zt Me//rbe/-s Composition: The Committee shall be constituted for a period of one (1) year with the Commission opting to extend this period at the conclusion of the one (1) year in which the Committee has met. The committee shall composed of; seven (7) members who shall be direct appointees by the Mayor and City Commissioners. Each member shall be a resident or a representative or member of the business community. The Committee will act as policy advisers in the area of community and public safety for both the City Commission and the Administration. City Liaisons: Chief Noriega ~':scanew W Francine Leibman 12,131/2008 Commissioner Deede Weithom {TL12+31/12) Ethnic Name Last. Name Position/I'itlc Term Ends: Appointed bcc Tenn Limit: Se x Urigin Dr. Baruch Jacobs M.D. 17131/2008 Commissioner Ed TObin 12131!11 At White Frank Schwartz 12+31!2008 Commissioner Richard L. 12+31110 M kispanic Steinberg Jesse Hanger 12!31;2008 Adayor Matti Herrera Bower 12+31+15 M i~fiite Joseph Conway 1273112008 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12+31!15 M Ffiite Scott Robins 12131,2008 Commissioner Saul Gross 12731/12 M hRtite Yair Lapciuc 12!3172008 Commissionor JCrry Libbin 12731713 M Hispanic Applicants PositiotlCl'itic 4pplicants Position/'t'itle Elsa Orlantlini Francisco Ruiz Ida PerCal Jason Kellz Mike Lantz Oren Liabor Paul Begelman Raul Gortinkel Suzanne Stonbefy Tiva Leser Friday, Uecemher t 9, 1008 _ -- - Page JO of 48 Bard and Conzfnittees Cuj"f"ent Mejfahers ~'w.ri-- _ z ~-~c _ ~'~~'. x.~ Ste, c.~~7 Compusitinn: Committee consists of fourteen (14) members who shall be direct appointments, hvo (2) appointments shall be made by the Mayor and each Commissioner. The members shall have knowledge of and interest in the safety of the citizens of the city. City Liaison: Clifford Leonard Name Last Namc Yositiolt+'TiQe Abo LaverWer Antonio Punlnos (TL 12!31.'2008) Barbare Gillman Barry Brodsky Becky Herrup Jerry Marsch Marizza Contreras MiCUelle Cohen Mitchell Korus Oren Lieber Rachael Joyce Ovadia Rheta Lastinger Rlcky Ardola Samantha Brauer Applicants PosifioniTitle Franc~soo Ruiz Ida Percal Michael MarSre na Robert Blument hal Slevrdn Stevran Lihnic 'Germ Ends : Appointed b~•: Term Limit: Sex Urigin 7291/2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bovrer 12!31!71 M White 12!31!2009 Cornmissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12!31108 TI Hispanic 12/31/2008 Coinmissioner Jonah M. Wdfson 12/31113 F White 12/3112008 Commissioner EdTObin 12+31!15 1•f WhiCe 17!3112010 Commissioner Ueede Weithom 12+31:15 F White 12'312008 Mayor Matti lierrera Bower 12!31!13 M tifi i t e 1?J312008 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12,91114 F Hispanic 127312009 Commissioner Richard L. 72131!15 F White Steinberg 12!312009 Commissioner Saul Gross 12+31109 P1 WhiCe 12131!2008 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12+31714 P1 White 12!31;2009 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12731N5 F White 12,'31,2010 Commissioner Saul Gross 12,91115 F \ative-Amt 12!312009 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 72!31114 M Hispanic 121312009 Commissioner Richard L. 12/31!11 F WhiCe Steinberg Applicants PositionlTitlc Genrude Arfa Manuel Diaz, Jr. Raul Gorfinkel Silvia Rotbarl Fridac. Derrorbrr l7, ?fIOK ~~-~-- -~~---~ Pn);c 11 of18~ ,. __.~ Bouj•d ajtd Committees Cur~°efit Members ~;~ ~e FatKril~ _ `~53 ~t ' ~ ~3 Composition: The panel shall be composed of three (3) members, two of whom shall be architects an/or other registered design professionals, and one shall be a resident of the City, each to serve for a term of one (1) year. Panel members shall not deliberate in more than four (4) meetings per calendar year unless required due to inability to satisfy the quorum requirement. Panel members shall be chosen by the City Manager or designee on a rotating basis or as available from a list of not more than 20 architects and/or other registered design professionals, as well as a list of residents of the City. In developing the list of registered professionals, names should be submitted from the following associations: (1) American Institute of Architects, local chapter (2) American Sodety of Landsope Architects, local chapter (3) American Planning Association, local section (4) The Miami Design Preservation League (5) Dade Heritage Trust - Liaison: Thomas Mooney To replace Daniol Rogis[eretl Design Profe 12/31/2007 Jorge M. Gonzalez, Clty Manager Vio6a Jorge Gutierrez Registered Design Profe 12/31/2007 ]orge M. Gonzalez, Crty Manager (TL12+31/14) Rafael Sixto Registered Design profs 1Z'31/2007 Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager (TL12f31!14) Vame fast \ame Pnsitionl'I'itic Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Linrit: new member 12!31!2008 Jorge M. Gonzalez. City Manager lrirGgS Dect<mbrr 19, ?008 Page J? oJdN Board afid Cvmnrittees Current Members Composition: The Committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members, one each to be directly appointed by the Mayor and each City Commissioner. A Commissioner, appointed by the Mayor, shall serve as a non- voting member and shall serve as the chairperson of the Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide guidance and advice with regard to the City's efforts to provide and promote general environmental improvement trends, or "Green Initiatives," and "Sustainable Development", which is herein defined as a pattern of resource use that aims to meet community needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met, not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. The Committee shall make advisory recommedations to the City Commission and the City Manager to promote Citywide Green Initiatives and to promote and provide plans for Sustainable Development in the City of Miami Beach. City Liaison: Robert Middiaugh ~nc~, Name Debra Lily Luiz Mitch Nicholas (Nick] Patxi Vacant 12/31/200a Commissioner Victor M. Diaz, ]r. Vacant Non-voting member 12?31/2009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Ethnic Last \ame PositionfTille Term F,nds: Appointed bc: Term Linut: Sex Origin Leibowitr Furst Rodrigues Novick Gunia Csribbean-Islander Pastor /2731/2009 CommissionerDeedeWelthom 1231;15 F White 12'3112009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wdfson 12'31n6 F Hispanic 1273V2009 Commissioner EdTObin 12+31+15 TI Afro-Braz'. 12/3172009 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12!31716 P1 Blank 12'3112006 Commissioner Saul Gross 12131:15 M T~fite 12!31,2009 CommissionerJenyLibbin 12.91716 M i~fii[e Eduardo Ponder I'ositionlTitlc Applicants Position/I'ille Page J-? o f 48 _--_ _._. Board acrd Com~rrittees Cicrf°eiit 11~etr:bens Cornposifion: One (1) year term. Seven (7) members; one (1) appointment per Commission member with a city commission being the representative as anon-voting member. The Ad-Hoc CommittEe was appointed by Mayor Bower to review the City's systems of internal controls and recommend to the Mayor and Commission measures to enhance transparency, reliability and accountability in the City's governance. The Transparency, Reliability and Accountability Committee (TRAC) has been established to examine the city's current policies and procedures in terms of transparency, accountability and the ease of the public's access to information. City Liaisons: Robert Parcher / Patricia Walker 1\ame Last \ame PositionlTitlc "term Ends : Appointed by: Term Limit: David Lantz 05!0612009 Commissioner Ritltard L. Steinberg Dr. Robert Henry Frank Del Vexhio Mark Huntnr Mike Burke Sam Rabin Steven Chaneles Deede Weithom ex-officio member 05!0612009 Commissioner Etl Tobin 0 510 612 0 0 9 Commissioner Jonah M. Willson 0570&+2009 Commissioner Jony Libbin 06!06!2009 Maya Math Herrera Bower 05/06,'2009 Commissioner Deede Weithom 05/06,2D09 Commissioner Saul Gross Applicants Position/Title Slaty Kilroy lpplicants Position/Title titem~art Stewart );thnic Se x Urifiin M Blank M White H Tsfiite M White M Native-AIIlE M k'h:ce M ilrlil.t' F White fridac. De<wurGer 19, 20tl8 Yn~e dJ aJ 16 Board and Cofnmittees Cus•fent Memhef•s Composition: Committee shall consist of fourteen (14) members. The Mayor and Gry Commissioners shall each make one (1) appointment, with the other members of the committee to be composed of members from the following community organizations, each of which must designate a permanent coordinating representative: 1) Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce's Transportation and Parking Committee, 2) Miami Beach Community Development Corporation, 3) Ocean Dr. Association, 4) Miami Design Preservation League, S) North Beach Development Corporation, 6) Mid-Beach Community Association, 7) Lincoln Rd Marketing, Inc., On an annual basis, the membeis of the committee shall elect a chairman and such other officers as may be deemed necessary or desirable, who shall serve at the will of the committee. Seven members of the committee shall consist of a quorum of the committee and shall be necessary in order to take any action. The members of the voting committee shall have knowledge of and interest in Transportation and Parking and their impact on the City of Miami Beach. The members of the board shalt be officially designated by their respective organization, and letters certifying that designation shall be forwarded to the Miami Beach City Clerk. City Liaison: Saul Frances LilnIFC {racauu~uxC Ethnic Name Last Name Fosition/'1'iUe Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Sex Origiu Alan Fishman 17J3112009 Commissioner Richard L. 12!31!10 tq [r'hite Steinberg Gonna Feig 12131!2009 Commissioner Ed Tobin 17!31?15 P White J.P. Morgan 12131+2010 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12131+14 M White Joseph (Josh) Flsher 12+31"1009 Commissioner Saul Gross 12131/13 PI White Josephine Pampanas 1Z'3112008 Mayor Matti Hertera Bower 12131/14 F Hispanic Robert Arkvi 1213172008 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12131!14 M t.Rlite Scott DiBonderfer 12131;2009 CommissionerJOnah M. Wdfson 12'31115 M tJ}lite Rep. for MBCC 17/31/09 M i~rhite. N Feria Rep. For the Ocean Dr. Imp. Assoc. 12/31/08 M White Delvin Frult Rep. for Mid-Bericn Community Assoc. - 12/31/09 F White b Asmundsson ReD~ for MBCDC 12/31/08 Bl ank to Manning Rep. MDPL- 12/31/06 M White Mark Weithom Rep. For NBDC 12;'31/09 Pi White Marvln Silverman Rep for Lincoln Road Marketing Applicants Positiont'fifle Applicants 1'ositionl'fitlc Fritlot•, Decerrtber 1 9, 7llllk - - ~_ _. _~ Page Ji of.fR CC;onrisaed.. Board and Committees Cuf•reitt Metnhers Ada Llerandi Alez DeGaspen Brook Dannemiller David Alschuler Gabrielle Retlfern Israel Ma3rlsso Jason Keltz Jeffrey Bradley Kumar Prakash Leslie Colter Matthew tutaffai Michael PerlmWler Michaol Perlmutter Paula Turk Robert Newman Royrnl fdemhiela Silvia R:;mar Tamra Sheffman Theodo,e YF,~,~an Pridap, L¢ce»rbcr 19, 1008 -~ ~~~ ~~ ~! Pngr. d6 oJSS .8vurd and Committees Current Men:bees Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) member who shall be permanent residents of Miami-Dade County. The seven (7) members of the authority shall be representative of the community as follows: i} Not less than two (2) nor more than three (3) members shall be representative of the hotel industry; 2) and the remaining members none of whom shall be representative of the hotel industry, shall represent the community at-large. Any member of the authority or employee therefore violating or failing to comply with provisions of this article shall be deem to have vacated his office or position. City Liaisons Grisette Roque. "!~"'"~°'~-` Ethnic Vame Last Name Position/title 'I'crm Ends: :~ppointcti b~ : Term Limit: Sea Origin Deborah Castillo Hotcl Industry 12'3112009 City Commission 12!31!13 F White Elsie SteAing Howard At-large 12!3112008 Ciry Commission 12/31/10 F H91ite Jaquoline Hertz At-large 12131?2009 Ciry Commission 1Z'31113 F SJhite Jolt Lehman At-large 12131?2009 Clty Commission 12.91113 M White Mark Tamis Hotel Industry 12+31+2009 City Commission 12~91f13 F1 White Sidney Goldin At-large 12+31"2008 Ciry Commission 12!31110 PS White Sloven Haas General Manager TL 12+08 12.91/2008 Ciry Commission 12'31!08 M White Applicants 1'ositionlTitle .Applicants Poxitioni'1'itlc Ada Llerandi Calviln Kohli Carole Taran Christopher Todd Dona Zemo Eduardo Ponder Edward Levinso n EAC Law*ence Gail Harris George Castillo GeNUde Arta Harold Foster Isabel Chaltas Jay Parker Keith Menin Lisa Cda Melanie Muss Merlc Weiss Mitch Becker Omar EI-Dada Steven Adkins Stewart Stewart Valentino Erikson Willis "Chip" Arndt Jr. YamilB Jimenez -Soto h'ridat5 December 19, 2008 Page B % of Z.4 Board and Conirnittees Current 1Ylejnbers Composition: The board shall consist of ten (10) members, seven (7) of whom shall be voting members affiliated with the Scott Rakow Youth Center. Two (2) student resident users of the facility shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members; one (1) of these student users must attend a middle school, and the other must attend a high school. The director of the office of children's affairs shall serve as anon-voting ex-officio member. The chairperson of the Youth Center Advisory Board or his designee shall serve as anon-voting, ex-officio member of the Recreational Centers and Parks Facilities Board, to be renamed the Parks and Recreational Facilities Board. City Liaison: Ellen Vargas To replace Leslie Graff Name Last Namc Position/Tifle Dana Turken Ellen Peterson TL 12x312008 Jaff Gordon Mojdeh Khaghan Moni Cohen TL 12131"2008 Stephanie Rosen 1 Z?31/2006 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Ethnic Term F,ntls: Appointed t,y: Term l.imrt: Sex Origin 12f31i2005 Commissioner Saul Gross 1'L'31115 p TJhite 1 213112 0 0 8 Commissioner Richard L. 1213V08 F k9tite Steinberg 12+31"1009 Commissioner Jonah M. Wdfson 12131!11 M White 12/3172008 Commissioner EdTObin 12+31+14 F h9lite 12/3112009 Commissioner Jerry Llbbin 12/31/08 F White 1 Z'312D09 Commissioner Deede Weil horn 12/31/15 F White ex-officio student rep. of a Middle School ex-ofido student rep. of a High School Maria Ruiz exbfficio Dir. of Children's Affairs Applicants Positiotyl'itlc Applicants Position/_fitlc Eliana Povetla-Stone Jared Plitt Jay Parker Leslie Rosenfeld !lriJap, Ucccnrbcr I9. ?1108 ~_~ ~ -~ ..~... ~~~ ~ I'agc 48 of J8 ~ ~~~