034-Notice of Public Hearings at WI:!) ,- , "'J;: :> '...1) <: >- ;,4.1 ,?" -......; U! ;,. .,~ 1:: :::;: t -, 1'1 " h, :...1.. W ;: ........ 0 Z ~r: '....- -0 <: )- 2";' ,.::;. .~ )- 1-') LU U .... '..<;) I)J l- "':.:::: T~'-'::~~ ,~~~ u' /'( - " lJj N ~ ;;,; :::: 0;',:;:( tl .::' I:;' -..... -.... 0 < S ..~J ,'- ...... -' IJ.. I \.I'~ .-::; u_ :.'t: o 12 " __, On-site registration will begin at 8 a.m. The event is free for all spectators. For, more information, call 954-782-4576, FOUfA9M{~' by, .......,itemy.....'.'.'.. '.'" a'ca:, ..,....~. ..' Tl,~ ~~d;' 'rJuu,,""" .of the ll.I ,ntly he with HI ...... : the Lc OM o ' 0. land ll.I '-0 .. lack- w: "my A' ~ '" lIyne Co r::> .:;,. nder 1.1 <. .atin reLfl x at. .,... U ' <:( !J).D.er W ltion '" lletic yball mtin iyon ~ in on is ages r Inquirles: Il'l8Y be directed to the Parks and RecreatiOn Oivlsion at (305) ff73-n20. at 11:008.m.: TO AFFIRM THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE COlONY THEATER, AND TO WAIVE CERTAIN DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 142-425 (0) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, IN ORDER TO PRESERVE THE COLONY THEATER'S ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRITY AND TO UPGRADE ITS USE AS A FULLY FUNCTIONAL, ADA COMPLAINT, PERFORMANCE ARTS FACIUTY. Inquiries may be directed to the Community/Economic Development Department at (305) 673-7193, ALL, INTERESTED PARTIES areinvjted to appear at this meeting, or be represented ~ an agent, or to exp~ their Views in writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk. 1700 Convention Genter Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall, MUimi Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice would not be provided. Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the public that: if a person decides to appeal any decision ma.de by the City CommisSion with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a veTbatim record ot the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admissiOn of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor d.08S it aUthorize chaflenges or appeals not othe1W\se allowed by \aw. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special acoommodat\on to participate in this proceeding should contact tile City Clerk's office. TelephOne (305) 673-7411 ior assistance; it hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service numbers, (800) 955-Sn1 (TOO) or (800) 955- 8170 (VOICE), for assistance. Ad Number 0034 TO CONSIDER AlEASE AGREEMENT BE1WEEN THE CITY AND THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF THE FLAMINGO PARI( aASEBALL STADIUM BY THE MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL BASEBAU TEAM DURING ITSBASEBAU SEASON (A MAXIMUM OF 118 DA"S) INCWOING ANNUAl RENEWAL INCREASES AND ADDmONAL CHARGES, AS STIPUlJIJCD IN THE AGREEMENT, SAID LEASE AGREEMENT HAVING A TERM OF FOUR (4) YEARS AND.364 DAYS, PURSUANT TO ORDIl~ANCE NO, 92-2763, GOVERNING THE SALEIlEASE OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH IP'\. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS t..W , - NoncE IS HEREBY gNen that public hearings will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach on Wodneodoy, July '., 2001, at the U.... II..... below. In the Commission Chambers, 3rd Roor, City HaU, 1100 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. ' lit 10:30 80m.: ~ .ID REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PARK PROGRAMMING, IMPROVEMENTS AND LIBRARY INFORMATION ACCESS SERVICES COMMUNITY.BASED ORGANIZATIONS The "Cone of Silence" is imposed on this Request for Proposals, Miami-Dade County is requesting proposalS from community.based. incorporated, not-for-profit organizations, with a designated tax-exempt status as lletelTllined bY.lhe IRS, Proposals will be ~pled for lhe following funding categories: 1, Pall< Programming 2, Park Capita/Improvements 3, Library Information Access Services Interested parties may obtain a copy of the Request For Proposals (RFP), available Monday through Friday beginning Monday, July 2, 2001,8:30 a,m, -4:30 p,ni" except County hOIidays,!ax! !li1!lL2LJI-maill!! ~ " . jgMw ii<!lllll' till .!! In for Dick'UD: Park and Recreation Department 275 N,W, 2nd Street.3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33128 305-755-5466; Tel-(305)-755,7949; E.Mail-eraso@co,miami-dade.fl.us Call 305-755-7848 VrrDD to receive this document in accessible formal A Pre-proposal conference, for review of the RFP, will be held on Monday, July 23, 2001, at the Park and Recreation Deparbnent, 275 NW 2nd Street, Training Room - 3rd Floor, at 6:00 p,m, Attendance at the Pre-proposal conference is stronolv recommended, The submission package must be delivered to the Office of the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, located at the Stephen p, Clark Center, 111 N,W, 1st Street, 17th Floor, Suite 202, no later than Monday, August 6,2001, 1:00 p,m, EST, ... o ... c: z g :< '- c: !:;: - !g 51 ~ . :z: ~ ~ I: .. E!:ht :miami meraa. eI Nuevo Herald www.heraJd.com www.e1herald.com PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI, FLORIDA S c';;;l c"o 'rn -- ''J \ rn 0) ,_ -0 ,c::. :-~ rn <,o? 0 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE (J--' C~, -1""; Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: ~~ c:> cO; v> r1'\ Jane Florea who on oath says that she is Account Representative of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the advertisement for City of Miami Beach appeared in said newspaper in the issues of: Miami Beach Neighbors, July 1st, page 15, job # 519981601, #34 Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement. --:t-l,~/')..o-.' H, Daniela Barrios Sworn to and subscribed before me This 2 day ofJ1-^'Uy., 2001 H, DANIELA IlARRIOS MY COMMISSION' CC 978372 EXPl8ES, 0cl0ber29 2004 l)on(f!lrlTh'l!NotaryPubllcU~