Dorset House AssociationDORSET HOUSE ASSOC., INC.
2500 NE 135t" Street
North Miami, FL 33181
Phone #:305-945-1379, Fax #:305-945-1028, Email:
January 2, 2009
All Dorset House Unit Owners,
A new Florida law known as House Bill 601 requires every condominium
association in the state of Florida to carry hazard and liability insurance.
The effective date is January 1, 2009 and this new law can be found in
Chapter 718 of the Florida Statutes.
Every unit owner must carry hazard and liability insurance on their Unit(s).
The Unit Owner's policy must name their Condominium Association as an
ad Itional insure an oss payee; In addition, the po icy musfiricluded
"special assessment" coverage of no less than $2,000.00 per occurrence.
You must submit a copy of your policy's declaration page by
February 1, 2009, in care of your Association, to Dorset House at the
above address. Your Association will keep track of the Units who provide
their insurance; and will take corrective action towards those who do not
provide a copy of their insurance policy each year. Remember, there is no
grace period. Compliance for HB-601 goes into affect January 1, 2009.
Sincerely yours,
Dorset House Condominium Association