Certificate of Election - Personnel Board Group 2~_ MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Bcach, ~crf• ~.-cr :~~ .. ati_rni Ra:, -f~, Flc~-d ~.~ i_ _,7, ~:r.; n , h,.o~r y~_~ Cliff CICRCS OPtICE 'cl: 3`•-Ci3-/41 I , o.. 305 h73-72.51 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION PERSONNEL BOARD -GROUP 2 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEES STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: We, the undersigned Clerk and Inspector. do hereby certify, that a qualifying period of thirteen (13) working days, from Monday, December 22, 2008 through Friday, January 9: 2009, to file for Representative of Group 2 for the Personnel Board, was noticed to all City employees via City wide email and also emailed to the Department Directors, Division Directors and the Management Team distribution lists, with instructions to post and distribute the notice among their employees. Ms. Glassome Wint, Administrative Aide II, from the Police Chief Office, was the only employee who filed to fill the vacancy in Group 2; therefore, Ms. Glassome Wint was elected without opposition as Representative of Group 2 for the Personnel Board to fill the remainder of the three-year term ending on July 31, 2010. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals at Miami Beach, Florida, on this 12th day of January, 2009. ~'~ ~ (SEAL) ~. ~~~,'~~~~~ ~ ~~1 C~'~~'~ Robert Parcher; Ci~ Clerk /, • ~, ~ Kerry Hey andez, Witness7ln~p'ector Group 1: Consists of Police Department. Fire Department and Beach Patrol Department employees Group 2: Consists of employees in clerical and executive positions Group 3: Consists of all other employees F:CLER'•S.SLL'•apERSONNEI BCARU ELECTIONS•~009 Group 2 - re~eleclion+c Cer.ficale cf E!eGion Group 2 2009.doc •