LTC 326-2008.. ~ _; . 2~0%D~'C I & fPi 5.25 m MIAMI BEACH Ali ~ ~L:~.;,~~ :~~r r, ,~ OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. ITC#326-2008 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, Cify Manager DATE: December 17, 2008 SU81ECr: John Corey Board And Committee Application. Attached for your information and review is Mr. John Corey's Board and CommiRee Application. !~~'' JMG Pllb FICLER~yALLLL.ILLI^yTC 2008VohnCorteysBrdBCOmmmtloeAplip.doc