Board and Committees Current MembersBoard rn~td Cntnsnittees Ccrrrent Members
~.. _ - ~ ... Cn~ 7-10.]
The committee shall consist of eleven (11) voting members with two (2) year terms appointed at
large by a majority vote of the Mayor and City Commission:
One citizen:
1) actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing;
2) actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable
3) representative of those areas of labor actively engaged in home building in connection with
affordable housing;
4) actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing;
5) actively engaged as afor-profit provider of affordable housing;
6) actively engaged as snot-for-profit provider of affordable housing (Housing Authority member);
7) actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection with affordable housing;
8) actively serving on the local planning agency pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3174 (Planning
Board member);
9) who resides within the jurisdiction of the local governing body making the appointments;
10) who represents employers within the jurisdiction;
11) who represents essential services personnel as defined in the local housing assistance plan.
Members of the Loan Review Committee, members of the Community Development Advisory
Committee (CDAC), Planning Board and Miami Beach Housing Authority may be appointed to fill any
of the eleven (11) categories and serve as ex-officio voting members on this committee. [f due to
conflict of interest by prospective appointees, or other reasonable factor, the City is unable to appoint
a citizen actively engaged in these activities in connection with affordable housing, a citizen engaged
in the activity without regard to affordable housing may be appointed.
City Liaison: Anna Parekh
To replace Brian 11) Res. Home Bldg. l7; 31;2010 Gty Commission
Name Last Van1c Position/Title '1'crm Ends: Appointed b~: Tenx Limit:
Ada Llerandi {a}Low-Income Atlvoc. 72i3V2P05 Crty Commission 72131;13
Clark Reynolds (9} Res. Juris. Local Gvt 12.+3712009 City Commissicn 72131!13
David Smth '2}BankmglMoAgage 12+3!12J70 City Commssion 12+31x13
Dc Barry Ragone (1C) Rep. Employee vr.'judsdi 12+3112009 City Commissior. 12137113
Jonathan Fytl I6? Local Planning Board 12x3112070 City Commission 12137:13
Lianne Pastoriza {11) Rep. Essentia'. Services 12:3112009 Cdy Commission 12+37113
Michael Burnstine (71 Real Estate Prof 72:31;2009 Ciry Commission 12131/13
Robert Saland {6) Fcr Profit 12:'37!2010 City Commission 12:'31;73
Roberto Da7orre {6; Not For Prctit 12131:2010 Cdy Commission 12131!?3
Stephanie Berman i3} Rep. Labor Home Bldg 12;31x2010 CAy Commission 12/31/13
Applicants PusitionlTitlc Apprcanl, PositinnlTitlr
Tyrunrlnr. Janenn• 23. 2po9 Pore 7 q/SO ff tv Nirxxrrax
Bvurd and Coinjnittees Current IYlefnbers
David Gorson Maria Cogell
Prakash Kumar
Thurs~n~~. Jnnunrp 2?. 2llOY ~'a~e ~ °f 50
Bnurcl anti Committees Current Members
Art in Public Places seg. a2-sa+
Tavo (2) year term.
Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes.
Seven (7) members to be appointed by a majority of the entire City Commission, and who shall
possess a high degree of competence in evaluation of art history and architectural history, art,
architecture, sculpture, painting, artistic structure design and other appropriate art media for display
or integration in public places.
City Liaison : Dennis Leyva
Appointments To Be D1ade
Jeremy Chestier 72131+2068 City Commission 12?31+10
James Weincarten 72i3V20G8 C3y Commission 12.+37110
Mariangela Cap~zzc 12i3u2009 Cdy Commission 12+37110
Ehzabelh Resnick 12i37r2008 City Commissicn
V 12,31112
To replace Heather 12,+3];7009 Ory Commission
~amc Last Namc Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Ienrt Linril:
Clare Breuicel 12;3712009 City Commission 12?31113
Rhontla Mitrani-Buchman 12+3'.:7009 Cay Commasbe 12+3U72
,applicants 1'ositiunr'I-lilt Applicants Position;Titlc
Ara Cordero Claire Warren
DaviC Alschuler Dena Stewart
Flama Lovrenstein-Elortegui Francis Tmllenoue
Isadore Haven:ck James Lloyd
Jeanie Hernandez Jce Hidalgo-Gato
JuCith Wurtmen Laura Bruney
Lisa Cole Lisa LVare
Lisena Olembert Gcldslein Matthew Maffai
Merri Mann Michael McManus
Ne6da Barons 2cila Datorre
Thundm•, Jmumn• '-'. '009 Pngr 3 of ib
Board crud Com~nrittees Current Me~rtbers
_ ~ Car 11N 71
Two (2) year term.
Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes.
Seven (7) regular members and two (2) ex-officio members.
The seven (7) regular members shall wnsist of:
two (2) registered architects,
one (1) registered architect or a member of the faculty of a school of architecture, urban planning or
urban design in the state, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic
preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional architectural designer or professional
urban planner
one (1) registered landscape architect,
one (1) registered architect, professional designer or professional urban planner,
and two (2) citizens at-large.
One person appointed by the City Manager from an eligibility list provided by the Disability Access
Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity with no voting authority. The Planning Director, or
designee and the City Attorney or designee shall serve in an advisory capacity.
Residency and place of business in the county. The two (2) citizen-at-large members and one of the
registered landscape architects, registered architects, professional designer or professional urban
planners shall be residentr of the city.
City Liaison: Thomas Mooney
Tc replace Peter Urban Land Planner 12 31; 2010 City Contrnission
Name last Name Yositiun/Title Term F;nds: Appointed b~': Tirrm Linrit:
A:ex David Urban Planner 12+3t:'2009 City Commission t2+3V10
Cloti;de Luce At-large 12+31:'2010 City Commission 12+31110
Gabrielle Reo(ern At-large 12+31!2009 City Commission 12+3'.711
Michael F. Steffens Reg Arch. TL?2:'31!2009 12+31!2009 City Commisson 12+31/09
Seraj Saba Landscape Architect 12:31!2009 Gty Commission 12+31/13
Thomas DeLuca Registered Archded 12i3V2010 City Commission 12:31l1t
Gary Held advisory,•'Gty Attorney Designee
Janet Gran[-Hym an exrofficio,•'Disablla Access Comrnltee
]orge Gomez advisory? Plaening Director
.applicanU Positiun,fl'itle ;applicants PositionlTitle
Alan Lips Alexander Annunzi ato
Brian Ehnich Dawd Wztler
Dona 2emo Esa Urquiza
Gail Thompson Jariel Bortnick
Jason Hagopian Jay Parker
Jorge Kuperman Leonor Hernandez
7Xa/vln{•, .lantatn' 7., 2009 Pnge 7K of ill 47v!Hiur
Board crud Coin`nittees Current Members
Usetle Olember, Goldstein Oliver Wein;h
Scott Drf`enderter Todd Glaser
Tlx.ndav. lonunn• ?I, ?0119 Page l9 nj tll
Board and Committees Current MemBers
Health Advisory Committee sosR2-a, zooz-
Eleven (11) voting members. Appointed by the City Commission at-large, upon recommendations of
the City Manager:
Two (2) members shall be the chief executive officers (CEO's) or their designated administrators from
each of the following local hospitals:
1) Mount Sinai Medical Center,
2) South Shore Hospital,
One (1) member shall be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from Stanley C. Myers Community Health
Center or his/her designee administrator;
Two (2) member shall be an administrator from an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF). And/or an
Assisted Living Facility (ACLF);
One (1) member shall be a representative from the nursing profession;
One (1) member shall be a health benefits provider;
Two (2) members shall be physicians.;
Two (2) members shall be consumers consisting of:
1) one (1) individual from the corporate level and ;
2) one (1) private individual.
There shall be one (1) non-voting ex-officio representative from each of the following: The Miami
Dade County Health Department and the Fire Rescue Department. The director of the Office of the
Children's Affairs shall be added as anon-voting ex-officio member of the board.
City Liaison: Cliff Leonard
Appointments To Bc ~4adc
Kimberly Galbu! Dentist 12;31!2008 Ciry Commission 72i31;t2
Joyce Galbut Adm. Adult Cong Liv. TL72+09 12131;2008 City Commission 12131+09
To replace Etla Private Industry 12,•'31; 2009 Ciry Commis4on
To replace ACLF 12?3]12010 City C0n11711CS10n
Abraham Galbut
Name Last Name Position/Title Tcrm Ends: Appointed h}: Tenn /.inrir:
Dr. Andrew NWlman Physician 12;31;7010 Cily Commission 12;31:14
Dr. Rasaciel Socarraz Health Provitler TL 12iD9) 12+3112009 City Commssion 12;31+05
Dc Ronaltl Shane Private Industry ;7Lt2i091 12t31i2009 City Commission 12+3ti09
Kathryn Abbato GEO Stanley Myers 4NTL) 12:31+2010 City Commission
Laura Leyva Nursing Profession 72131;2005 City Commission 12t31i12
Steven Sonerr. each CEOrMt. SinairMH (NTL) 12?31+2010 City Commission
William ZubKON C.E O So. Shore (NTLI 12+3ti2010 City Commission
Maria Ruiz ex-oficio, Director of Chddr2n's Affai^s
Sunia Alor,ry rep. From Ute Healtlt Council of SoutP. Fla
Appscants Pusitionll'iUc .Applicants Nositinn;Title
Emilio Suster Michael Martirena
Rolando Rodriguez Suzanne Stonbety
%'hursdgr, Jmararv 22. ?009 Page 24 of .SO
Board and Committees Cccrrent Members
Normandy Shores Local Gov. Neighborhood Impv. sec ~.-rs
The Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Board of Directors (City Commission) and composed of
three members of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowner Association. On
behalf of the Board of Directors, the City Clerk shall solicit from the Executive Committee the eligibity
list of its members for appointment consideration. The Advisory Council shall be composed of the
three members of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association as per
Resolution No. 97-22449 adopted July 2, 1997.
Appointments To Be Male
Ronald Loring 72:31;7008 City Commission 12+21/11
Erik Schlein 12x31?2008 City Commission 12;21itt
To replace Joel 12j31/2010 City Commission
Name Last Name 1'ositiontTiUc Term Ends: Appointed hy: Term I unit:
New Member t2:'31l20Gg City Commission
7har.rlnr, Jnnunrv ??. 2u09 p°g`" ;~ nJ cp
Board and Co»z~nittees Cicj~rent Memfiers
Personnel Board g°`' s-190'66
Ten (10) members appointed by a 517 vote.
Six (6) of which shall) be citizens of Miami Beach not in the employment of the city, each having a
different vocation;
and three (3) regular employees of the City of Miami Beach, to be elected by the probationary and
regular employees of the city and who shall be elected from the employees of regular status in the
respective groups:
Group I shall consist of the employees of the Police Department, Fire Department
and Beach Patrol Department,
Group Il shall consist of empbyees who are in clerical and executive positions,
Group III shall consist of all other employees,
The Personnel Director is anon-voting member.
City Liaison: Ramiro Inguanzo
To replace Jamas
12 3112009
Clty Comrission
Kirklantl III
To replace 2alman .2;'31; 20L0 City Commission
b Bacheikov
Name Last Name Position/Title Perm F.nds : .appointed by': Ternr /,imir:
Barbara Patchen 12!3172009 Cfty Commission 12/31112
David Alscnuler 12'31:2010 City Commissicn 12?31+12
Elsa Urquiza 12731:'2010 City Commission 12+31:12
Michael PerlmuGer 12:31?2009 City Commission 12:31112
Evettc Phillips elerted 09;03,107 exp. 7+31; 09 Group 111
Glassane Krint elected OL113,•'09 exp 7,/31/10 Group P
Ramiro Inguanz o Human Resources DtreCtor
Renato Seas ciccte.: 06x27,708 exa. 7;'31; ll-Group I
Applicants Position?Title Applicants Positiuro' '1'itlc
Elsa Onantlml Ray Breslin
ThursrGn•. Jamrnrr• 22, 2p/)9 Pale 9' nj CO